Mega Man HQ | Multimedia | RockMan Manga Scans


This manga, pencilled by Hitoshi Ariga, has several volumes. Pictured here are some samples from the Chinese versions of Rockman MegaMix 1 and 2.

Rockman MegaMix 1
Rockman MegaMix 1 features Dr. Cossack, Calinca (this is how it was spelt in the manga =P), the Robot Masters from RockMan 4, the Robot Masters from RM 5, and Forte and Gospel.

Cover (Front & Back)
This scan features Forte attacking the carnival

Rockman MegaMix 2
Rockman MegaMix 2 features Copy Rock Man, Mr. X (though we all know it's really Dr. Wily), Purumu/Plum (in the manga she was known as "Pram"), Repot and Chesst from the game Rock Man Battle and Chase, and the Robot Masters from RockMan 6.

Cover (Front & Back)
First scan is a wonderful 2 page of Blues vs. Copy Rock Man (yes copy, he's not the real one =P)

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