Reflections of the Past Part 2 Sonic struggled to get up. "You don't understand! Let me explain!" he shouted. "You can explain yourself when ze trial has begun!" Antoine said. Two guards handcuffed Sonic and took him away. They put him in a cell in Robotnik's old prison. "The trial of Sonic the Hedgehog will be held tomorrow. The location of the trial will be announced soon," Sally said and walked off in tears. I too had to admit that I felt sorry for Sonic, but what he did was wrong. The next morning, I was awakened by loud beeps and swearing. I looked up from my sleeping bag and saw Rotor at Alisha's control panel. He turned around and said he was sorry for waking me up. "I'm trying to see what I can do about this roboticization problem we have," he said. Sally's computer, Nichole, sat by Rotor. She was connected to Alisha by some wires. I looked at a clock on the wall. It was 7:00 in the morning. I rubbed my eyes. "Why are you in here so early?" I asked Rotor. "So that way I can work on this in more time," he said. "Did you hear that Sonic's trial will be on the South side of Mobotropolis, in one of Dr. Robotnik's old factories?" Rotor asked. I shook my head. "No. When did they say that?" "This morning at breakfast. A bunch of us cleaned up the place. It looks real nice," Rotor said. "What time is the trial?" "Today at 3:00." I got up and rolled up my sleeping bag. "I'm going to go get breakfast. I'll be back later," I said to Rotor as I walked out. I walked down to the old palace kitchen. I sniffed the air and I could smell sizzling eggs and bacon. I licked my lips. The Chaotix Team sat at one table, with Selena and Knuckles. They were arguing if they should stay for the trial, or go home. Knuckles pounded a fist onto the table. "I'd like to stick around to see that hedgehog get what he deserves, but we also need to protect the Island," he said. "Heh! The trial of the century and we have to go off and keep an eye on a floating piece of rock? What is this world coming to?" Mighty said. Espio sat quiet, poking at his scrambled eggs. Vector had his head phones on and was tapping the table to the beat. "Why don't we just sit for half of it and then leave?" Charmy asked. "We could, but then we'd miss to see if Sonic was quilty, or not," Mighty said. Selena sat stirring her orange juice with a straw. "I just say we forget the whole thing and go home. I need some action," she said. I sat down next to them with my plate full of bacon and eggs and a glass of orange juice. They looked up at me as I sat down. "You could just go and wait for the paper to come out and tell you what happened," I said. Espio gave me a puzzled look. "Paper? Tails, we don't get the Mobotropolis Times on the Floating Island," he said. Vector pounded harder on the table. Mighty leaned over and kicked him in his shin. Vector jumped. "Yo, dude! What's with the 'tude?" he asked. "Do you mind keeping your claws from pounding on the table? We're trying to eat, not have you give us a roller coaster ride!" Mighty said. Selena giggled. I ate my breakfast as they argued on. I had to admit, it was funny to see them like this. Knuckles turned to me. "So how are you taking this? Upset that your hero turned out to be just another creep on Mobius?" "No. I do feel sorry for him, though. Everything is changing so fast. We don't even know if Sonic will be found guilty, or not. It all depends on how good the evidence is and if Sonic is able to defend himself." Espio looked up. "Does anybody even know who Sonic's lawyer is?" he asked. We looked at each other. "Does he even have one?" Charmy asked. We all shrugged. "Maybe the Princess knows. Isn't she the one that set this whole thing up?" Mighty asked. I nodded. "What time is it?" I asked. Selena looked at her watch. "7:45 am," she said. The door to the palace kitchen flew open and Rotor ran in. "Tails! Alisha is doing some weird stuff!! You better come take a look!" he said. I jumped up. "Guess I'll have no time for seconds," I said. I ran out of the kitchen with Rotor. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Don't know. One minute everything was fine, then the next thing I knew, the computer was doing crazy thing!" I ran into the lab and Alisha sat there. Her screen was screwy. Colors flashed and she beeped. Numbers flew by as I sat at the controls. "Heh! Looks like we have a hacker!" I said. Rotor looked at me. "I...I knew that!" he said, half stuttering. I typed in a couple of codes to see if I could throw him off. I sat back in the chair. "And a pretty good one too," I said. I got back at the controls and did my best to shut him out. Finally, after five minutes, the hacker left. I looked trough Alisha's files. "Hmm... He wasn't after anything big." I looked back at Rotor. "The hacker was after your files you were doing on deroboticization," I said to him. "Why would they be after my files?" he asked, scratching his head. I shrugged. "Maybe they're doing the same thing you are and thought you were on to something. They didn't take anything, just copied it. It's strange that he didn't go after anything else, though." I got up from the controls. "Well, he's gone now. If this happens again, come get me. Well see if we can catch him," I said as I left the lab. I took a walk around the palace for a while and found myself in front of Sonic's cell. He was sitting on a bench and looked up at me. "Why are you doing this to me?" he asked. I didn't answer. "How did you find out?" he asked again. "I was there when you made the deal, Sonic. I was there," I said. "Why'd you do it anyway?" I asked him. "Because I was saving us all!" he said, "Saving us? You got Knothole destroyed and Robotnik the emeralds he needed for the Death Egg! You didn't save us. You condemned us to death!" "Hey! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be standing here!" Sonic said. "What about Bunnie and Dulcy? You got them roboticized! And what about Uncle Chuck! You got him dismantled!" "It wasn't my fault!" A tear ran down from Sonic's eye. "I was doing what I thought was right! I didn't know any of that would happen!" I turned away. "I used to look up to you, Sonic. I used to trust you and now I don't know what to do. I guess the only way this will be solved will be at the trial. I.....I'll see ya later," I said and walked off. A few hours later, I left Mobotropolis with the Choatix Team to the Floating Island. We had lunch at the Go-Go Club. As usual, Vector was teaching Selena more dance techniques. I sighed. "Is there any dance that Vector doesn't know?" I asked. Espio smirked. "Nope! He knows 'em all!" he said. We sat at a table. I held a root beer in my paws and a chili dog sat in front of me. Julie and Amy had joined us. They sat down next to us and both grinned like heck. Knuckles looked over at them. "Okay! What are you two up to now?" he asked them. Amy giggled and Julie tried to hide her smile. "We... We just got back!" Amy said laughing. "From what?" Mighty asked. Julie held up a red short shirt and a pair of blue shorts. "From the mall!!" she said. Knuckles rolled his eyes. "So what's the big deal?" Espio asked. "You should have seen the outfit Amy had on earlier!" Julie said. "This guy walked by and couldn't keep his eyes off her!" Amy laughed even harder. "And he was the cutest Echidna I've ever seen!!" "Oh, brother!" I said. Julie and Amy looked over to where Selena and Vector were dancing. "They're dancing awfully close," Amy said. "That's how the dance goes. You're supposed to dance close!" Espio said. Amy nudged Julie in the arm and whispered something in her ear. Julie got up from the table and walked up behind Knuckles. He looked up as she tapped on his shoulder. Julie cleared her throat and opened her mouth, but then quickly shut it. "Go on!" Amy said, trying to keep at a whisper. "Would... Would you like to dance?" Julie quickly asked Knuckles. Knuckles raised an eyebrow. "Sure!" he said as he got up. The two walked out to the dance floor as a slow song started to play and they traded spots with Vector and Selana. "Looks like love is in the air!" Vector said as Selena and him walked over. "Aww! They make such a cute couple!" Selena said. "I'm surprised she did that!" Amy said. "Why? You were the one that told her to do it," I said. "I didn't tell her to do it! It was a dare!" said Amy. "Yeah, right! Did you see the look in her eyes as Knuckles and her came out there?" Vector asked. "She had hearts for eyes! I think she's got a crush on him!" I snickered. Selena looked over at me. "How come you're not out there with a hot girl?" she asked me. "Because I don't have a hot girl to go out with and I don't like to dance!" I said. "Oh, come on! What happened to that girl that met you in Knothole when we came out of Limbo?" I looked down at my drink. "She and I broke up a few weeks later..." I said. Selena's mouth dropped open. "You guys looked like you had it going there. What happened?" "We did, but she got upset that I was never around and was always gone. She complained that I never went to meet her pack, or anything," I said. "Cheer up, Tails! There's others out there for yas!" Mighty said. I sighed. "Yeah, but where?" Vector jumped up at looked at his watch. "Yikes! Look at the time! Sonic's trial's gonna start in an hour! We better get back to Mobotropolis!" "Aww! Do we have to go and spoil Julie and Knux' time together?" Amy asked. "Sorry, but if we wanna see the trial, we gotta get there so we can get good seats!" Charmy said. Amy sighed. I jumped out of my seat and flew over to Knuckles and Julie. "Yo! Time to go! Sonic's trial is gonna start soon!" I said to Knuckles. We all left the Go-Go Club and took off to Mobotropolis. I walked to the south side of Mobotropolis to an old factory. I noticed that the windows of the building were cleaned off and you could see inside. I stood in front of the doorway, admiring what they had done to the place. I reached for the door handle and it flew open. An opossum ran out and knocked into me. "Hey!! Watch where you're going, kid! I've got some expensive stuff here!" he said. The opossum was holding a lime green laptop as he ran off. Knuckles walked up behind me and I turned to face him. "Who was that guy?" I asked him. "You don't know? That's Rob Opossum. One of the best computer geeks around here. He used to work as a security guard on the other side of South Island." "What's he doing here?" Knuckles shrugged. "Nobody knows what he does now. He quit his job and started working for himself. I just see him every now and then." I scratched my head. "Oh, well. Any seats left?" "Sure is! We saved ya one." I walked in with Knuckles and sat down next to the rest of the gang. I looked up front at Sonic, who was sitting at a table on the left side. Next to him was his lawyer, Quincy Rat. To the right was Francine Ferret. She was against Sonic in this trial. The jury, which was made of five people, were Bunnie, Dulcy, Polly Parrot, Grumpy Hedgehog, and Lilly Skunk. Everyone got quiet as Antoine closed the doors and walked up to the front of the court room. "All rise for ze honorable judge, Howard Penguin," he said as a short, black penguin, dressed in a black robe came out. We all stood up. He took his place at the stand and rapped the gavel. "Please be seated," he said. We all sat as he looked over at Sonic. "Do you know why you are here?" he asked him. Sonic nodded. "Good. Mrs. Ferret, you will be the first to start. Please call your first witness," the judge said. Mrs. Ferret stood up and walked over to the stand. "My first witness I call upon is Mr. Miles Prower, or "Tails" as he is called." Sonic growled and put his head in his paws. I walked up to the stand and Antoine walked over with a bible. "Do you swear to tell ze truth, ze whole truth, and nothing but ze truth?" he asked. I put my right paw on the book and said, "I do." I sat down and Mrs. Ferret walked over. "Tails, you claimed to have been at the scene when Sonic made the deal with Dr. Ivo Robotnik. Can you tell me all that you saw and heard?" I nodded. "It was late in the afternoon. About 6:00. I was out in the Great Forest playing around. I saw Sonic run by. I tried calling to him, but he didn't stop. I decided to follow him and see where he was going. I followed him to Robotropolis and saw him run into Robotnik's throne room. I jumped into an air vent that led into that same room. Down below I could see Sonic standing in front of Robotnik and Snively was standing beside him. Robotnik asked something about a deal and Sonic asked that him and four of his friends will be saved for the price of five Chaos Emeralds. Robotnik agreed and Sonic handed him five Chaos Emeralds. The thing is, I thought we locked up the Chaos Emeralds we had. Sonic also handed Robotnik a piece of paper. Robotnik unfolded the paper and it turned out to be a map. A map to the location of Knothole. After the deal was sealed, Sonic ran out and Robotnik gave Snively the Emeralds and told him to prepare the Death Egg. That's all I remember," I said. Mrs. Ferret smiled. "Thank you, Tails. You may go." I jumped down and ran back to my seat. "Your honor, I now call on Knuckles Echidna," Mrs. Ferret said. Knuckles got up and Antoine did the same thing to him as he did to me. I could tell Knuckles was about to slap him silly, but he held back. "Knuckles, it was heard that Robotnik had said something to you about Sonic the time before he was banished to the Zone of Silence by Snively. Can you tell us?" Mrs. Ferret asked him. "Yeah! It was when he had Selena. Not before he fell through the gateway. Mighty, Charmy and I had caught him and we told him to let Selena go. He said I was dumber then that Hedgehog, Sonic. Then he mentioned that Sonic had made him who he was. I didn't really get it. He didn't tell us much, just that," Knuckles said. "Is that all? He didn't say any more?" Mrs. Ferret asked. "Yeah! That's it! No more!" Knuckles said. "Very well. Thank you, Knuckles," Mrs. Ferret said as Knuckles left. Mrs. Ferret turned to the judge. "I have no more questions at this time," she said. "Very good, Mrs. Ferret. Mr. Rat, I believe it's your turn to defend your client," Judge Howard said. Quincy Rat stood up and smiled. "Your honor, I would like to call my client up to tell his story," he said. Judge Howard looked at Sonic. "Mr. Sonic Hedgehog, please take the stand." Sonic mumbled something and got up. Antoine met his at the stand with the bible. Sonic swore in and took his seat. Quincy walked over. "Sonic, I'm sure everyone would like to hear our side of the story. Please tell." Sonic cleared his throat. "It was actually 5:54 when I left Knothole. I saw Tails sitting in the forest. He called my name, but I couldn't stop. Robotnik had called me and said he wanted to talk. We agreed that there would be a bargain. I wanted all the Freedom Fighters saved, but Robotnik only wanted a limited number. I tried for ten, but he just wouldn't go for it. We had finally decided on five. I said that he could take a part of Mobius, but he had to let the Great Forest and Knothole be. In exchange, he wanted five Chaos Emeralds and the location of Knothole. He said it was so he wouldn't mistake it as part of his territory. I didn't want to, but he threatened he'd take down the whole forest until he found it. I knew it was stupid, but I didn't have much of a choice! I met Robobutt in his throne room in Robotropolis. I had the five Chaos Emeralds, that I got out of the Knothole treasury, and the map to Knothole itself. I made the deal with Robotnik and left, hoping he'd finally get lost. But the next day, he attacked with the Death Egg. It wasn't my fault that he double crossed me!! And that's all I have to say!" "Thank you, Sonic! Now, I'd like to call on Princess Sally Acorn!" Quincy said. Aunt Sally took the stand. "Now, Miss Acorn, when you and the others left Mobius, leaving the rest of us behind, you had a thing for Sonic. Is there anything you could tell us?" "Well, I did have an attraction to him and I still do a little. I noticed, though, that every time I mentioned Knothole, or Robotnik, he'd jump a little. He never wanted to talk about what happened that seven years ago. He tried to forget it. I thought it was because he was shocked as much as I was that it ended so quickly. I also noticed that he had a hunger for the Emeralds. He always had to be by them. We used to live in a hut by ourselves and every time we moved them to a better spot, he'd throw a fit! A couple of times he tried to merge with them, like he did when he became Super Sonic. I stopped him, but he wouldn't give up. I finally had to knock some sense into him. That was when we had that fight over the Emeralds!" A tear ran down Aunt Sally's face. "Thank you, Miss. Acorn," Quincy said. Person after person was called to the stand. Some questions were about Sonic and their feelings towards him, others were about what happened in the past. We sat there for four hours. Judge Howard looked at his watch and banged on his stand with the gavel. "I think we have heard enough for now. Since it is now going on 7:00 and I know a lot of us are hungry, I will call a recess, so we all my have dinner. That is all." We all left the court room. The jury went into a private room, while the rest of us left for the Palace Kitchen. I got a couple of slices of pizza and sat down at a table. The Chaotix Team had left Mobotropolis a few hours ago. I was left alone, except for Amy, who wanted to see how it would end up. She sat across from me and sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "It's just... Well... This is so depressing! I don't really think there's enough evidence to say Sonic is guilty, but lots of people have the same story of what happened. I don't think this trial will end," she said. I looked down at my pizza and poked at it. "I have some very hard evidence, but I don't think I should tell anyone..." I said at a whisper. "Say what?" Amy asked. I looked up and nodded. "I found a note written by Robotnik himself telling his whole plan to destroy Knothole and the deal with Sonic," I said. "WHAT!? Tails! Don't show that! That will definitely prove Sonic guilty!" "Well what do you want? For Sonic to go free, or be found guilty!?" Amy didn't answer. "See!? Nobody knows! We all have mixed feelings!!" I said. "Look, we have to be back in the court room in 15 minutes. Let's just forget this and see what they come up with," Amy nodded. Time came and we all hurried back to the court room. Sonic was munching on a chili dog like mad. He probably thought it was the last one he'd ever get. Howard Penguin rapped the gavel three times and we got quiet. He looked down at Quincy Rat and then at Mrs. Ferret. "The two of you can have one more witness to call before the jury comes to a verdict," he said. Quincy stood up. "I have no more, your honor. I think my client is well taken care of!" he said, grinning. "Your Honor, I have one!" Mrs. Ferret said. "And who is that?" Judge Howard asked. Just then, the doors to the court room blew open and smoke filled the room. Everybody jumped up and the smoke from the blast cleared. Two EggBots hovered in. Close behind them was none other than Snively himself. Next to him was Mecha Sonic. "Your Honor, I call Snively to the stand!" Mrs. Ferret said. Everyone gasped. "What!? You can't do that!!" Sonic yelled. "Quiet! Mrs. Ferret has a right to call who she wishes as a witness, even if it's Snively!" the judge yelled. Snively's EggBots and Mecha Sonic stood behind me. I got shivers down my back as I felt their cold, lifeless faces watch me. Snively snickered as the approached the stand. Antoine met him with that book again. "Do you swear to tell ze truth, ze whole truth, and nothing but ze truth!?" Antoine asked. "Well, usually I wouldn't, but because this trial involves Sonic, I do," Snively said and sat down. Mrs. Ferret walked over. "Snively, many people claimed that you were there the day Sonic and Robotnik made a deal. Tell us your story." "Yes, I was there! I stood by that hated uncle of mine when Sonic came running in with a backpack on his back. He held his gold ring, just in case we made a move. Robotnik and Sonic agreed on the trade for five Chaos Emeralds and the location of Knothole for the lives of Sonic and four of his friends! Sonic had fear in his eyes and I could tell he wasn't sure if this was the right thing, or not. After the deal was done, Uncle Julian gave me the Emeralds and told me to power up the Death Egg. I did just that and you know how the rest of the story goes. If that doesn't satisfy you, Tails has a note telling you Robotnik's look at this!" I gasped. The judge looked at me. "Tails, is this true? You have a note by Robotnik about this?" "Y...Yes. I do," I said. "Do you have it with you now?" the judge asked. "Y...yes." Before we returned to the court room, I had gotten a copy of the note and I had a tight grip on it. "Will you bring to the jury?" Mrs. Ferret asked. I brought it up and the jury looked it over. "Your honor, I think that about wraps it up here," Mrs. Ferret said. Judge Howard turned to the jury. "From this note and what the witnesses have said, I hope that you have reached a verdict and decided a punishment." Lilly Skunk stood up. "We have, your honor!" she said. Everyone held their breaths. "We find Sonic guilty of the charges and is to be sent to prison for three years!" Snively snickered as he got up. The two Eggbots and Mecha Sonic followed him closely as they left. Two officers hand cuffed Sonic and took him away. People watched as he walked out. Some of them happy, others were sad. I didn't know what I felt. I was happy that Sonic didn't get off with that deal and sad that he was found guilty. I guess most of this was my fault. If I hadn't told anyone what happened, Sonic wouldn't be in this mess. I felt as if I deserved Sonic's punishment more than he did. I looked up as a heard yelling. "Help! Sonic broke free!!" someone yelled. Everyone raced outside. The two officers that had taken Sonic were lying on the floor and one was knocked out. Handcuffs were laying on the ground and were broken. "He...He knocked out Gunthor and broke free from the cuffs!" said the officer that was still conscious. He pointed off to a direction. "And he took off that way!" "Great!" I said. "From a trial, to a man hunt!" Sally walked up next to me. "We have to send a group after him! There's nothing out there but the Zones," she said. "And he could be in any Zone. Mobius is full of them," I said. "I'll try to get a hold of Knuckles. I bet he'd be more than happy to go after Sonic." I took off to the Floating Island. "If it's one thing I hate, it's chasing after a hero gone bad!" I said to myself. The End