Wizards part 2 The freedom fighters find themselves in the zone of silence with no visible way out. "Well, Chaos, what do we do now?" Sally asked. "Well the only thing I can think of is to find Ixis and force the truth out of him." "Last time one of us came up against Ixis he almost killed him," she said pointing at Sonic who was still knocked out. "Okay, so we didn't know Ixis was so powerful last time. Now we're ready for him." "Alright, if you say so. Let's go." "But, Aunt Sally, we can't leave Sonic here." "I'll take him, sugar." "Thanks, Bunnie. Okay, lets get moving, guys." With that, all the Freedom Fighters went off in search of Ixis. Almost instantly they found him. "Well, well, I see you have found me, but you won't have to again because I'm about to leave this miserable place. So without any more interruptions, goodbye, you rotten little furballs." "In your dreams, Ixis." "Oh, and what can you do to stop me?" "Is pounding the living crap out of you good enough?" "You fools! Do you possibly think you can defeat me in my own domain?" "Maybe not, but we can try." While the two wizards insulted each other, the other Freedom Fighters snuck by Ixis and towards the open portal that would get them out of there. Most of them got out before Naugus noticed what was going on and closed the portal. At the other end of the portal, Sally and the others were out of the portal just before it closed on them. "Okay. At least we got all got out." "Umm...Aunt Sally, where's Antoine?" "What, Tails? He was right behind me -oh no! Where's Bunnie and Sonic? "I think they were back in the void with Chaos and Ixis when the portal closed." "Ah, man! I hope they're okay." Back in the void, Chaos had just realized Antoine and Bunnie were still there with him in the void. "Get out of here!" he yelled to them. Antoine, being the coward he was, ran off as fast as he could to hide, but Bunnie wouldn't move. "Get Sonic out of here. I can handle this." Bunnie nodded and ran off to find a hiding spot. "Okay, Ixis. This is it. I am going to rid you of this planet once and for all." "In your dreams, Hedgehog. You can't even bring back the dead; you're too weak." And with that, he punched Chaos so hard he flew backwards 30 feet. "Now to finish you off!" "Don't touch him, Naugus," said a voice from behind him. Naugus turned around to see a large squirrel in knight's armor. "So, King Acorn, you think you can do better than this pathetic excuse for a wizard?" The king's sudden appearance gave Chaos enough time to get up and belt Ixis with a series of lightning quick punches and kicks sending Ixis down for the count. "Good work, Chaos." "What? How do you know my name?" "Boy, I've been in this zone for 10 years and have seen every thing that has happened in the last week." "Well, let's get out of here. I know someone who will be very happy to see you." "Yes, I can't wait to see Sally too." They walked over to the place where Bunnie and Antoine were. As soon as he saw the king, Antoine took a deep bow while Bunnie just looked confused. "Bunnie, Antoine, I'd like you to meet King Acorn." "W...what happened?" asked Sonic finally regaining consciousness. Then he noticed the king. "Is that King Acorn or am I going crazy?" "It's King Acorn, Sonic." "Your highness." He tried to bow but stopped in pain because his leg was broken. "Take it easy, Sonic. I'll fix you up." And Chaos got right away fixing up his broken bones. The others just watched him in wonder (they had never seen Chaos use his magic before) as he worked away. In one minute, Sonic was fully healed and everyone was ready to get the heck out of there. Chaos easily opened up a portal to Mobius and led them through. Sally was starting to get worried for her friends when the portal opened up and Chaos walked though, followed by Sonic, Antoine, Bunnie, and ... "Daddy?" she asked in disbelief. "Yes, Sally, it's me." "Oh, Daddy," she said as she ran into his arms, "I've missed you so much!" "And I've missed you too, Sally. But now we better get back to Knothole before Ixis gets out of there." "Okay, let's go." At Knothole, Sonic was getting ready to go to his hut when Sally pulled him aside. "Hey, Sal, what's up?" "I just wanted to say that I'm glad you're okay." "Come on, Sal, nothing can get rid of me." "I'm serious, Sonic, I don't want you to get hurt." "Moi, hurt? The thought is laughable." "Just promise me you'll be careful." Sonic pulled Sally closer to him and kissed her. "I promise," he said as he let go of her. Then he walked off to his hut. At the portal, three figures walked out. "Well, Ixis, I hope you know what defeat is like." "Shut up, Robotnik, or I'll send you back to the rock you crawled out from." "Oh no. I think I'll do the sending. Now, Snively." Immediately 50 Swatbots ran into the room and opened fire on Ixis, causing him to back up into the portal. "Close the portal." The portal slowly closed with Ixis still in it. "You'll pay for this, Robotnik, you'll pay!!!!!" Then he disappeared with the portal. "Snively, start repairs on the city immediately." "Yes, sir." And Snively walked out the door to gather the worker bots needed to repair the city. "Snively, do this, Snively do that! Someday you will slip up and then I will rise triumphant, you fat ugly blob!" The next day in the Knothole briefing room, Sally was explaining how they would retake the city now that Ixis was defeated and Robotnik trapped in the void. "Okay, a small team of us will go to Robotropolis and make sure everything is ready. Then report back here. The team will consist of Sonic, Chaos, Bunnie, Tails and I. We will leave in two hours, so go get ready." After everyone left, Sally walked out to get Nicole for the mission and almost immediately ran into Sonic. "Hey, Sonic, watch where you're going." "Sorry, Sal. Hey you really think we will be able to get Mobotropolis back to the way it was?" "I hope so, Sonic. Now that Daddy is back we have a bigger chance of getting Mobius back to the way it was before." "Ya, well, I can't get this nagging feeling that something is wrong." "I bet it's the fact that without anyone to fight you can't do anything." "Maybe you're right. Well, see ya." "Bye, Sonic." "Sir, sir!" "What is it, Snively?" "I have found Knothole, sir!" "You found Knothole. Well, where is it, you little pipsqueak?" "Just go to this area of the Great Forest." He handed Robotnik a chart. "Finally, I will have my revenge on those meddling Freedom Fighters. Snively, get 1000 combots ready to go." "Okay, team, let's go." They made their way towards Robotropolis. "Hey, Sal, if Robotnik's gone, why are his factories still going?" "Beats me. Maybe they run on an independent power source." When they reached the city they saw nothing in sight so they started to walk towards Robotnik's headquarters. Suddenly they were pulled into an alleyway. "What are you trying to do, get roboticized?" said an old roboticized hedgehog. "Relax, Unc, we're just coming to restore Mobotropolis." "Not with Robotnik still in control!" "What, he was trapped in the void!" "Well, he was until Ixis brought him back." "If Robuttnik's still in control, where's Naugus?" "Robotnik betrayed him and sent him back into the void." "This can't possibly get any worse." "But it does, Princess. Robotnik's found the location of Knothole and is sending 1000 combots to attack!" "We got to get back and warn them! Come on!" Sonic carried Sally and Tails while Chaos picked Bunnie up. Since Chaos had magic he zoomed past Sonic and reached Knothole ten minutes before Sonic did. "Man, you have to teach me that!" "It's easy when you have magic." "Whatever. We have to get every one out of here who can't fight." "Already done." "Okay, now we wait." In 20 minutes Knothole was overrun by combots and hover units. Robotnik was high above in his hover unit enjoying the sight of freedom fighters trying to fight the bots. Robotnik only saw two threats to his plans; Sonic was able to avoid laser fire and take out many robots but he was nothing compared to the new hedgehog that was destroying his robots left and right. Finally it seemed that the new Freedom Fighter was tiring and there were too many bots moving in on him. The bots finally caught him and took him to Robotnik. "What's your name, hedgehog?" "It's Chaos and you'll hear it again." "Well, Chaos, I have two options for you. You can either fight in my army or get disintegrated." "I'll never fight for you, Robuttnik." "Too bad. Okay, kill him." The combots opened fire on him and when the dust settled there was no sign of Chaos. "Good shot, guys, but you missed." "What?" Robotnik turned around and saw Chaos leaning against a tree and the combots opened fire on him. Chaos started to get mad. At Knothole Sonic and the others had won their battle because most of the combots had ran off into the woods. "Hey, Sal, you see where Chaos went?" "Sorry, Sonic, I didn't." As if cue Chaos walked out of the forest. "Hey, guys, you'll never guess what I got." "What is it?" "Well, you see, I found him in the woods and I thought I should show you first." Then he pulled a large form from the bushes. "Robotnik?" "You cursed freedom fighters, you can't win!" "Ah shut up," Chaos said and knocked him out cold. "So should we let him scamper off?" "No, put him in the best jail cell we have. I'll think of his punishment tomorrow. I'm going to bed." After Sally walked off, Sonic told Chaos, "Uh, ya, I think I'll go to bed too." Chaos just smiled as Sonic ran off. He dragged Robotnik to the cell they had set up for him. When he passed Bunnie and Antoine they just stared, surprised at what they were seeing. "Hey, guys, I could use a little help. This guy is much heavier than you think." They just smiled and walked up. The three of them took him to the cell when they sat him down on the hard floor. "Man, he sure is a heavy fella." "Oui. I thoeght my back was breakez." "Well what did you expect? Look at the size of him." "Well it ez best we rest and in ze morning ze Princezz will tell us what to duze with zat fuel." "Hey, Bunnie, what did he just say?" "Give it awhile. You'll get used to it." "Okay, well, good night, Bunnie, Antoine." "Night, sugar." "You know, he iz ze firzt person not to call me aftor an insect." "Ya, I know. See ya, Ant." The next morning Sally was wakened by someone sounding the alarm. She got up, dressed quickly, and ran out to the crowd. "What's going on?" "There's a huge hole in the wall and Robotnik's gone!" Sonic told Sally. "What?!" "It's true, and Chaos is missing too!" "Oh no!" "Ya, but the thing that puzzles us the most is the hole is cut too good to be blown up." "What do you mean?" "Come on I'll show you." He took her to the prison and showed her the hole. It was a perfect circle in the wall. "You're right, Sonic. It's too smooth to be laser cuts." "But how could Robotnik manage that?" "He can't." "What do you mean?" "The cell was broke into." "But if Swatbots didn't do it, who did?" The answer came to both of them at the same time. "Naugus!" "But didn't he get trapped in the void?" "He must of got out somehow and has revenge on his mind." "But that means Chaos is in grave danger!" "We have to go immediately!" "Okay, just let me round up the others." At the power ring pool, Sonic tapped his foot impatiently. "Okay, how much longer is this going to take?" "About another two seconds." "About time." "Look, Sonic, a power ring is coming." Tails flew up above the pool and grabbed the ring then put it in Sonic's backpack. "Thanks, little bro. Juice time." He revved up his legs and zoomed off to Sally and the others. "Well, we're all here. Let's go." When they reached the city they were given orders by Sally. "Okay, guys. Bunnie, you, Antoine, and Rotor go that way, and Sonic, Dulcy and I will go this way." "Uh, my Princezz, do you think of it wize to split up as you say?" "Yes, Antoine, we will cover more ground that way and if anyone gets in trouble, radio the other team. We will meet here." She pointed to an area located on the map Nicole projected. "Remember, look for any signs that may show where Ixis is hiding out." The two teams went there different ways in search of Chaos, neither knowing that far above in Robotnik's headquarters, Ixis was looking down on them. He turned around. "Well, hedgehog, it looks as if your friends are on their way. Good, I can dispose of all of you at the same time," he said to Chaos hanging by his arms on the wall. "I'll give you one last chance tell me where your Chaos emeralds are and you and your friends can go scott free." "I'll never tell you, Ixis, you fat ugly jerk." "I grow tired of this, hedgehog. I'll try this one more time." "You're wasting your breath, Naugus. I'll never talk, you poor excuse for a wizard." With that, Ixis became enraged and sliced Chaos' head clean off his shoulders. "That will teach you to backtalk to me." Down in the streets, Sonic was trying to avoid laser blasts. While the Swatbots were focusing on Sonic, Dulcy flew above them and froze them solid. Without their engines, the Swatbots fell out of the sky and crashed into a millions pieces on the sidewalk. "Thanks, Dulce, I owe you one." "No prob, Sonic. Now let's just get outta here before more come." When they reached the meeting place, Bunnie, Antoine, and Rotor were already there. "What took you so long?" "We ran into some Swatbots on they way." "Did you find anything?" "Sorry, nothing." "Well, let's check his headquarters." When the reached the top floor they saw Ixis torturing Robonik. "Even though I hate to interrupt a good job, I do want to know one thing." Ixis looked at Sonic and dropped Robotnik. Once he was free, Robotnik scrambled away and screamed into his comlink. "Attention all Combots! Destroy Ixis and the Freedom Fighters!" "Where's Chaos, you vile creature?" "Oh please. Compliments are unneeded. As for your question, look to your right." The Freedom Fighters look to the wall and gasped in horror at what they saw. Antoine fainted. "I am going to kill you!" "No, let me do it." The animals watched as the body of Chaos broke out of the chains that held him and walked towards his head. Antoine who was just waking up saw what was happening and fainted again. Chaos' body picked up his head and twisted it onto his neck. "Oh, I have the mother of all headaches. That hurts." "How the heck?" "Ah, Ixis, you idiot. You forgot you can't kill me, I'm immortal." "Blast you, hedgehog." At that moment, the room filled with Combots and they fired at all of the people in the room. The Freedom Fighters tried to get behind an overturned table but Sonic was shot in the leg before he could get out of the way. "Sonic!!" "I'll get him!" Chaos ran to Sonic and dragged Sonic behind the table. "My leg!" "Take it easy, Sonic. I have a score to settle." Chaos walked over to Ixis, unaffected by the blasts. "Okay, Ixis, the score is 1 to 1. I say let's get this over with." "I'm ready, hedgehog." "I'm going to kick your butt off this planet for good." "Insults will get you nowhere, so just shut up and fight." They fought. They fought the mother of all battles, neither one gaining really harming the other. Once the combots figured out their laser rifles weren't doing any damage to the battling wizards, they went after the other vulnerable Freedom Fighters. "Sal, look out!" "What?" Sonic pusHed her out of the way before she was shot by a laser but he caught the laser in the other leg." "Owww!! Ah man, that's the second one!" "Sonic, are you okay?" "Oh I'm just fine, Sal. I enjoy getting shot in the legs." "This is no time for sarcasm, Sonic. Can you walk?" "Of course I can't. My legs are broken." "I'm sorry, Sonic." The Freedom Fighters ran from the combots when suddenly they started to explode. They look around to see that Chaos had kicked Ixis against a wall and was destroying the combots. "Wow, thanks, guy." "Don't thank me, just get out of here NOW!!!" He said it so forcefully they had to go. As they left, Chaos looked back to Ixis who was just starting to get up. He walked over to him and picked him up by his collar. "Listen, you spineless worm! All you have done to me is make me and my friends miserable. You killed my aunt, you caused my brother to break his legs and you have had me on the run for 10 years. I think it's time to pay you back." Outside the city, Sally looked back to see if Chaos was coming. What she saw made her stare. The city was being ripped up by some magical force and was being thrown all over the place. "Hey, Sal, what's going on?" Then Sonic saw what was happening and stared just like Sally. The last building standing was Dr. Robotnik's headquarters, but that was blown apart into a million pieces. "Where's Chaos?" "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Chaos had been blown out of the building and was thrown towards them at 100 miles per hour. Then he hit a tree. "Chaos, are you all right?" "I'm okay, Ma." Then he fell unconsciousness. "Oh great. Now Dulcy has to carry two." The next day, Chaos was in the Knothole hospital in a complete body cast about to die of too much boredom. "Hey, Chaos," Sonic came in with a cast on each leg pushed by Sally. "Oh, hi, Sonic. Hi, Sal." "So how do you feel?" "Bored." "Thought so. Hey, Chaos, are you really immortal?" "No, that wasn't me." "What?" "Well I heard something coming towards me at night, I jumped out the window and casted a spell to make a clone in the bed. When Ixis arrived he took the clone and ran off. I followed him to Robotropolis and when the Combots arrived, it proved as a diversion while I switched with the other Chaos." "Cool. Hey think you can speed heal my legs? I'm going insane not being able to run." "Oh sure, Sonic. I'll just get up, walk over to you, and heal you when I can't move a bone in my body." "Fine if you don't want to do it, just say so. Come on, Sal." "Okay. Bye, Chaos." "See ya." "I'm sure glad Robotnik's gone." In an old pile of rubble formerly known as Robotropolis, a metalic hand reached up from the garbage. "My, my those meddling Freedom Fighters sure did their share of damage," Robotnik said. "I wonder if anything survived the blast." "Sir?" "Snively?" "Yes, sir, I managed to save a few robots." "Really? Maybe you're not so stupid as I thought. How many?" "About 100 combots, 50 Swatbots and 300 Workerbots." "You call that a few? Oh never mind. Get them to work as fast as you can. I want this city rebuilt as fast as it can." "Yes, sir." And he ran off. "Well, hedgehog, I must congratulate you on destroying Ixis but you will not win this war." The sound of his laughter filled the sky. The End Author's note: Well thank you for reading my story. This was my first Sonic Fan Fiction so I would like it if you would write to me. I don't care if it's stuff I should change, just write to me. My e-mail adress is alwardn@nbnet.nb.ca Thanks from Ryan Alward.