Welcome to the Replay Zone! Here, you can post your best scores & times, and, eventually, get new challenges to add a twist to a game you've already played a few hundred times. There's only 1 challenge in here now, but that will change when I get enough time to write some myself (could be a while) or somebody sends some in.

NEWS 7/16/2000: Sorry to everyone who's sent in scores, times, and challenges. I'm currently swamped, so it could be a while before I can update. I just wanted to let you know, so you aren't wondering what's going on. Sorry, and a big thanks for your support. I WILL get them all up, and I'm still accepting them through e-mail.


Sonic 3 & Knuckles ()

Top Scores

Sonic 1 Zone Scores ()
Sonic 2 Zone Scores ()
Sonic 3 & Knuckles Zone Scores ()
Sonic Adventure Zone Scores ()

Sonic CD Time Attack ()
Sonic 3 Time Attack ()