Sonic Adventure Zone Challenge

Introduction and Updates:

Have you played Sonic Adventure yet? If so, please send me your scores!

Just 1 zone is here now, but others will be added once someome sends scores for them.


1. The Time and Rings you have at the end of any act you want to enter.
2. The character you were playing as.
3. The name you want to use.
4. A color for your name. It can be a word (blue) or a hexadecimal code (0000FF).
5. If you want, an e-mail address or website that your name will link to.
6. Your total bonus (ring bonus + time bonus) for the zone, if you have it. This is optional.


1. Don't send any scores that you got while using a code.
2. Of course, you shouldn't send any scores that you made up.
3. The 'Overall 1-3' rankings on each act are determined by your Total Bonus at the end of the act, which takes both Time and Rings into account. I can figure out the bonus you got from your time and rings, but it is easier if you include this info. It's not required, though.

Emerald Coast Most Rings Best Time Overall #1 Overall #2 Overall #3
Sonic 2' 17'' 08
437 Rings
Total 6280
216 Rings
Chaos Theory

Red Mountain Most Rings Best Time Overall #1 Overall #2 Overall #3
Knuckles 5' 55'' 29
30 Rings
Total 1770