Sonic Q&A Logo
Welcome to Sonic HQ's Q&A Page! Here, we'll answer all your questions about Sonic related stuff. Be it game, comics, cartoons, or anything else, we'll dig up the answers for you. Of course, don't ask stupid or rated R questions like "Why is Sonic naked?" or "How come Sally always walks around with her clothes open?" Also, don't type in CAPS when you write us, they'll be tossed to the trash right away. And as a final note, any flames will be laughed at, mocked, and thrown happily into my computers recycle bin. ^_^ Now finally, this page will be updated every week. Email your questions to here, and here only! Real Tails will be answering your questions. That is all....

Before submitting a question, please read our Sonic FAQ to see if it can provide you with an answer instead.

Page News: August 14, 2001

Real Tails is now running this page, so be sure to send in your questions at!

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All Sonic and related characters are trademarks of Service and Games Enterprise. All questions are answered by Sonic HQ...duh...