June 7, 1999

BUNCH of questions

Okay, I have a BUNCH of questions for your Question and Answer page. But this seemed like the most efficient way to get them answered all at once (I tried asking on various Sonic message boards but no-one was really sure) so here goes...
First I have a bunch of questions about various Chaotix-related stuff. (I'm gonna write a bunch of short fanfic stories starring each character seperately so it behooves me to know this stuff before I start writing.)
Such as:
1. The ring-tether thingie from the game. I've heard all KINDS of names for it. The Chaotix Ring, the Chaos Ring, the Tether-Ring or Ring-Tether, the "Bungee Ring", etc. Which if any of these is OFFICIALLY correct? Oh, and about how far, approximately, can it stretch before it snaps and sends one or both characters flying?
2. What exactly is the Combi Confiner that Espio was trapped in? I mean, what did it do to him? (Or what was it supposed to do to him but Knuckles rescued him in time or whatever?)
3. In the profiles section, you said that Espio lived in a place on the Floating Island called "Rainbow Valley". I have never heard of this place before. Is it in any of the games at all, even the obscure Japanese-only import ones, or is it ONLY in the comic books? Either way, what's it like? In general. Just a short description?
4. Onto Charmy now...I know he's small but in general how big IS he? I don't mean in terms of feet and inches (or inches ONLY, in his case, perhaps?) I mean, like, how tall does he seem to be compared to the other characters. Does he come up to, for example, Knuckles' knee, his waist...? or smaller than that?
And what's up with his size-changing? When he does that, does he get bigger or smaller and by how much? (Hey, I need to know this stuff if I'm gonna write a story from his point of view!) And does he do that in the game or in the comic books only?
5. Speaking of those profiles, I do LIKE the new page, but is there any chance you could put each character on their OWN page and then the site visitor could click to select who they want to read about, specifically? The way they are now, they take FOREVER to load on my Webtv, most of the pictures won't show up, and after a certain point I just CAN'T scroll down anymore no matter HOW long I wait. :(
6. Getting away from profiles and Chaotix members for the moment...does Mobius have any moons, and if so how many, and do they/does it have any name(s)?
7. And last but not least, is there anywhere you know of, or any kind souls who'd be willing to do this for me, where I could get a VIDEO TAPE copy of the SatAM cartoons? YES I know your site has the episodes to download or will soon, but I DON'T WANT THAT. I asked about this earlier on the Mobius Forum and I was told to just go download them. Well, (a) you CAN'T download on a Webtv, period, (b) I wouldn't be able to KEEP them that way since they would take up a hideous amount of space, and (c) I want to be able to watch these sitting on the couch, in the living room, comfortable, instead of in a cramped chair staring at a dinky computer screen in my bedroom! So do you know of anywhere that I could get VIDEO TAPE copies of the cartoon? Surely SOMEONE out there must have taped it! I mean, where are YOU guys getting the copies you're making your computer-download versions from, eh? There must be a video tape in there SOMEWHERE along the line!
Sorry this took so long...
Chaos Theory T. Echidna

There are just two rules for ultimate success in life:
1. Never tell everything you know.

1. There's no special name for them, they're just referred to as rings. Perhaps they're ordinary rings that have been linked somehow so that they attract each other. When 2 characters stretch them apart, it's called charging the ring power or charging the link between the rings. Go to the Gameplay page to see a pic of how far apart you can get. You can actually get further apart than that, but not too much further. When you reach the limit of the stretching range, the running character will run in place. What happens next depends on which of them releases first - the holding character may stop holding, or the runner may switch directions.
2. It seemed to be basically something like a prison egg - just a holding cell.
3. In the Archie comics, Espio lives in an invisible house in Rainbow Valley, which is on the Floating Island. We have no idea where he lives in the games. Sonic and Tails (and probably Mighty and Ray) live on South Island, and Knuckles lives on the Floating Island, but that's all that is known.
4. He's approximately waist-high, about 1/3 to 1/2 of Knuckles' height. The size-changing is possible for everyone. In Chaotix, there are item monitors that can increase or decrease a character's size. There are 3 sizes: normal, double-height, and half-height.
5. Sorry, It'll stay like it is at least until after the info page redesigns, unless we get a lot of notes from people with similar problems. We're all very busy, and such a redesign would be a big project.
6. The only moon shown in the games is the Little Planet, but that's not exactly a moon, I guess, since it only appears once in a while. The comics Mobius has 3 moons, 1 called Muckery.
7. They can be rented at some Blockbusters, and can occasionally be found at Wal-Mart, but not very often.

S&K Metal Sonic

Say I've been wondering about this for awhile...In Sonic and Knuckles at the very end of the Sky Sanctuary Zone...does Mecha Sonic actually kill Doctor Robotnik forever when he slices him away or does he just like destroy Robotnik's Vehicle...

He destroys an EggRobo, not Robotnik himself. However, one odd trick in the game is to use the Debug Mode zone menu to play Knuckles' Sky Sanctuary Zone as Sonic or Tails. If you do so, then Metal Sonic will mysteriously turn on the real Robotnik.

Background MIDI

yer comic page is great ^^ question: when i went to the knuckles villians profiles i wanna know, the BG music playing there... did that came from the Duck Tales game for nintendo (i coulda sworn that wus it cuz i used to play it a lot of times!)?


Thanks! You got the MIDI right - it's the Moon Base level.

Sonic RPG

Hi, I've got two more questions about the Sonic RPG:
1. What are the game graphics?(2D or 3D?)
2. What characters do you assume the identities of?(I mean, in most RPGs you play as more than one character)

Thanks. :)

The graphics are 2D, and most characters will be playable at some point. The demo version includes Sonic, Ray, Mighty, and Drago as playable characters.

June 6, 1999


Dear Sonic HQ,

This question has been bugging me for the longest time. Do you and the Sonic Foundation have connections to Archie Comics? It seems that you two websites know more info. than Service Games, Inc. Also, my website has very little people that go to it. This isn't a Sonic question at all, but I need some advice. How can I make my Sonic website at http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/7308/sonic.html. I've tried my main trump card, the Pokémon Express, to pick up people. I've tried my Mario page, and I've tried my Sailor Moon page, but it doesn't work. I've joined LinkExchange, several webrings of Sonic, and I've submitted my site to search engines (which a lot of them have deleted my URL), but I just can't be that popular. Can you please give me some advice? Thanks.

Destroyer X

I don't think Sonic HQ and tSf have any REAL connections except with Ken Penders over the net. On the other hand, we (or Vector and me for news and Lien for comics) contact Manny Galan, Harvo, and Ben Hurst a lot. As for your page, stick to one thing. And have a swift ad campaign. Go tell every Sonic page out there to put up your link. But the trick to this is, add a lot of stuff before you go advertise, because people come once and the first time impression is the most important.


To the brilliant Sonic HQ, and to Zifei in particular,

Help help help! Whenever I try to enter the Sonic HQ Chat page, thepage comes out all distorted and it's next to impossible to enter my usernameand password. The first time I tried, the computer said my browser wasn't Java-enabled, and then led me to its setup/downloading program. I downloaded and thenit let me in, with terrible results. I hope you sort this out or can giveme some helpful advice. I think Sonic HQ is absolutely brilliant, but where exactly are youbased?

Thanx and loadsa luv
Ketishia N. Vaughan, age 14.

1) The chat room is hmm...messed up sometimes. The best advise I can give you is to get AOL Instant Messenger. Most of the HQ staff will be on there on Friday and Sunday nights. Check the Directory page to get their usernames.
2) Sonic HQ is made up if a lot of people in a lot of places. Most of the staffers are in the West Coast, with 2 in Central US and 1 in Eastern. The others live around the world (UK, Finland, Malaysia).


My question is when is Playstation 2 coming out? Everyone's talkingabout it and I'm afraid it's gonna ruin Dreamcast! AUGH!!!


Let's just say this, in a recent poll in Japan, more than 50% of the developers doesn't believe the PSY will come out in early 2000 in Japan, more like 2001. And that's in Japan. So the DC will probably have a 1 and 1/2 year start here...for those people who wish to wait, well, it'll be a LONG wait.


Hi, I have more questions:

1. How is Archie going to accomidate Amy Rose's new look in Sonic Adventure? (obviously she's going to have to be older so I'm guessingthat they'd probably have to skip a few yrs. ahead to do so.)
2. In the games (Sonic CD and SA), aren't Sonic and Amy around thesame age (a yr. off at the most)?


1) They'll probably say she changed her hair style. We'll know when the Sonic Adventure crossover comes in 2 issues.
2) No, Amy was younger in Sonic CD and Sonic Adventure.


don't u think there should be sonic adventure toys,and stuffed animals


In Yoda's voice: "There will be...there will be..."


What is the current year in the Sonic universe?


The year is 3236, give or take a year.


May I suggest a few things? 1. Could you put some more things on your Features page? Like info and storylines on the death egg? Or a section on what fans have to say, or Sonic's Biography or something. Q's! #1. Why is Sega and Sonic so hated? Compred to Mario and Crash, I don't see the competition, no offence to those who like them, I'm trying not to sound like that Nintendo fan that said we where all losers. I do like Pokémon,so you know now that I don't hate Nintendo....but why is Sega so hated? 17% of the people who read Electronic gaming monthly are waiting impatiantly for the Dreamcast while 50 or so % are waiting fo Nintendo 2000 and 43% waiting for Playstation2!!!! Why is it so hated? Tell me now! Why? #2Just because of peoples encounter withsucky-Saturn, do you think Dreamcast'll make it? I hope so. Till next time,


Oh, a few things are coming up for that page. You'll have to wait and see...

1) Sega isn't hated, oh no. Ever gone to an arcade? See people playing The House of the Dead or Lost World? And see them say: "Wow, this game kicks @$$!" The only reason people want N2K and PSY right now is because the Saturn is dead. People don't even know if Sega is still there. Every knows what a Playstation is right now, that's why they want the next PSY. But when DC ads start rolling, thing will change. I took a anti-Sega friend to a local arcade yesterday to show him Crazy Taxi, he spend $15 on it and pre-ordered a DC right away just for that game...things will change...

2) The DC will be one and half year ahead of everything, just like the Genesis. It has great 3rd party support, just like the Genesis. It will be cheap...just like the Genesis. It will have Sonic in full force, just like the Genesis. Later on in life, a better system will come out, just like what the Genesis faced (SNES). I see a repeat of history here...

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All Sonic and related characters are trademarks of Service and Games Enterprise. All questions are answered by Sonic HQ...duh...