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Sonic the Hedgehog #26-50
Sonic The Hedgehog #26 - June, 1995

"Way, Way Past Cool"
Writer(s): Angelo DeCesare
Penciler(s): Dave Manak
Inker(s): Jon D'Agostino

Sonic, Tails, Sally, Rotor and Antoine find themselves in a snowstorm in the middle of summer! Of course it's a plot by Dr. Robotnik! After lowering the temperature on Mobius, his plans will involve using infrared heat sensors to locate the warm-blooded Freedom Fighters. Sonic and the gang take shelter in a cave, where they encounter a group of Polar Mobians that were trapped down south when Robotnik took over and have lived in hiding ever since! But after initially attacking the Weather Annihilator with a snowball-loaded catapult, the Knothole gang is then captured by Snively! Can the Polar Mobians come to their aid help destroy the Annihilator?

Writer(s): Angelo DeCesare
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Rich Koslowski

The Knothole gang are in the mountains, trying to keep one step ahead of Doc Robotnik--not easy, since Sonic has a sprained ankle! Bunnie however discovers an old fort, complete with an old muzzle-loading cannon and a blacksmith's forge... Robotnik's "bus" crashes into the fort, only to confront Bunnie, suited up in improvised body armour!

Cover: Dave Manak & Jon D'Agostino

Sonic The Hedgehog #27 - July, 1995

"A Scrambled Hedgehog"
Writer(s): Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Rich Koslowski

Sonic teams up with Robotnik? While retrieving a message from Slueth Doggy Dog and Sir Kicks-A-Lot (Members of the Spy Network) in Robotropolis, Sonic collides into a Swatbot with sufficient force to knock himself out! Coming to in Robotnik's headquarters, Sonic displays all the symptoms of amnesia! And Robotnik to his advantage passes himself off as Sonic mentor and advisor! After destroying some of the Freedom Fighter Auto-Automatons left over from the Princess Sally Miniseries, Sonic unknowingly has a microtransmitter planted on his person, as he is sent to Knothole to "observe the underground terrorist group"...Sonic then enters the secret tunnel entrance to Knothole Underground. But Rotor's security system detects the bug as Rotor tries everything he can to stop Sonic before he can get out of the tunnel! Sonic spins his way out to the surface and enters Knothole... apparently under the impression that his orders are to combat rather than observe... And in the meantime Robotnik sqeals with glee as he finally pinpoints the location of Knothole Village as our story is continued...

Cover: Ken Penders & Jon D'Agostino

Sonic The Hedgehog #28 - August, 1995

"Saturday Night's Alright for a Fight!"
Writer(s): Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Rich Koslowski

In the conclusion of last issue's story, having penetrated into the Knothole control center, Sonic basically begins beating up on everyone in sight! This includes the ladies as he puts Sally in a headlock, and escapes from a leg scissors by Bunnie! But eventually he gets knocked out again by Dylan The Porcupine (Princess Sally Miniseries) So when he wakes up, mind recovered, the bug implanted on him discovered! But that doesn't mean it's over as Robotnik is getting dangerously closer to the Great Forest...

"Growing Pains - Part One"
Writer(s): Mike Gallagher
Penciler(s): Dave Manak
Inker(s): Harvey Mercadoocasio

Tails, still upset at Sonic for having "slapped him around" in the previous story, and resentful of Sally for keeping the Sea Fox in dry dock as a "floating crib" sets out on his own! - with little notice to the camera watching him...Thanks to the oil he got from the sea gull in "Submersible Rehearsal" (Triple Trouble Special), he comes upon an uncharted island, and comes to the rescue of Fiona, a captive female fox, as he instantly falls in love with her. But Fiona has a secret - She's actually an Auto-Automaton set up as bait by Dr. Robotnik! And now Tails is trapped as he comes to realize that the island is not an island at all but a giant roboticizer with Fiona at the switch!

Cover: Dave Manak & Jon D'Agostino

Sonic The Hedgehog #29 - September, 1995

"Steel Belted Sally"
Writer(s): Angelo DeCesare
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Rich Koslowski

This Issue - Meet Dulcy the Dragon (Sonic The Hedgehog, SatAM Cartoon)! Happy days are in Knothole as Sonic finds a "portable deroboticizer" in a crashed hover unit. It is then that Sally gets an idea in which she allows herself to be captured by Robotnik and roboticized, trusting in a Rotor's "Nuero-Overrider", a small disc that's supposed to prevent her mind from coming under Robotnik's influence after problem though - the "neuro-overrider" falls off and Sally is totally transformed! And by stories end all the Freedom Fighters stand at the verge of Total Roboticization!

"Growing Pains - Part Two"
Writer(s): Mike Gallagher
Penciler(s): Dave Manak
Inker(s): Harvey Mercadoocasio

When we last left Tails, he had been betrayed by Fiona, who turned out to be one of Robotnik's Auto-Automatons (Princess Sally Miniseries)! But as Tails escapes the roboticizer because of a clog of fur from his own twin tails, Fiona attacks, almost crushing him boa-style and attempting to drown him in the sea - However, there is one hitch - before she can finish the job she grinds to a halt, rusting solid, in a matter of seconds. Later as Tails begins to clean up the mess left by Doc Robotnik he discovers "absolute proof" of a "satellite operation functioning on the other side of Mobius." And having been handed the premise of his miniseries Tails is off on his solo adventure to the land Downunda as he takes off in the Sea Fox to prove to the Freedom fighters his usefulness, as it all continues in the Tails The Fox Mini-series!

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #30 - October, 1995

"The Return of Uncle Chuck"
Writer(s): Angelo DeCesare
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Jon D'Agostino

While Sonic's reminiscing about Uncle Chuck at the ruins of his old chili dog stand (Sonic 0), Doc Robotnik and Snively are preparing to test the Transdimensional Transporter" and are about to use Uncle Chuck as a test subject! But something goes wrong as the fat man ends up trapped in the Void! And as Snively, taking advantage of the moment, decides to go off to show Robotnik how to properly crush a rebellion, neither of them notice the one flaw in the explosion - Uncle Chuck has regained his consciousness and free will! So who else pops up just where Sonic is but Uncle Chuck!! But before there can be a tearful reunion, he warns the Freedom Fighters about the threat of Snively, who has plans of mounting a mini-transporter on the nose of a Robotnik Hovercraft and suck whole sections of The Great Forest into the Void until he finds Knothole!! Sonic and Uncle Chuck go after the plane, but Sonic ends up sucked into The Void!!! With Sonic held captive can Uncle Chuck save the Forest, Sonic, and Knothole! And what about Doctor Robotnik?

"Who Keeps Stealing my Chaos Emeralds?!"
Writer(s): Paul Castiglia
Penciler(s): Patrick Spaziante
Inker(s): Brian Thomas

In order to further safeguard some Chaos Emeralds from a thieving "anteater", Robotnik sends Coconuts to set some traps on an island base.

Cover: Art Mawhinney & Jon D'Agostino

Sonic The Hedgehog #31 - November, 1995

"A Robot Rides the Rails"
Writer(s): Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Ken Penders
Inker(s): Jon D'Agostino

Sally and Nicole have jumped a moving train carrying The Dynamac 3000, Robotnik's latest creation! But once on board, who should she run into but Geoffrey St. John (Princess Sally Miniseries), who is also trying to intercept the Dynamac! Their attempt to stop the train, however, only awakens the robot as Sonic is airlifted to the train in time to witness Dynamac begin morphing!

"Lost... and Found! - Part One"
Writer(s): Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Ken Penders
Inker(s): Jon D'Agostino

Knuckles must get his head together to figure out the secret of Archimedes and the Grand Conservatory...

"Tundra Road - Part One"
Writer(s): Mike Gallagher
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Rich Koslowski

Responding to a call for help from his mother, Rotor pilots his bathysphere (Sonic 1 - Miniseries) to the Frozen North Sea as he arrives home to find his Mom and little brother Skeeter acting like zombies! They and every other walrus on the ice floe proceed into an ice cave to watch Dr. Robotnik on a big screen TV. It seems that The Big Guy has abandoned his plan to melt the polar caps, opting instead for a plan to freeze all life on Mobius! Rotor, not having been affected by a "neuron bomb" that made the walrus herd susceptible to Robotnik's broadcasts, tries to escape but is hit with a club by a Icebot as he falls into the sea...

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #32 - December, 1995

"Blast from the Past"
Writer(s): Angelo DeCesare
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Rich Koslowski

The Return Of Muttski! The Freedom Fighters are somewhere in the Mobian Mountains when they're attacked by Swatbots! One of them gets off a laser shot that severs the rope that Sally has been climbing as she plummets to what may have been her doom, until Tails catches her on the fly as the Freedom Fighters barely make their escape! However, they run into other Swatbots with a robodog this time... which just happens to be Sonic's old pet, Muttski (Sonic Miniseries 3)! But after some help from Uncle Chuck, Antoine displays his ineptitude by tumbling into a gorge where he discovers encased in ice...Mobie The Mobian Cave Bear as Rotor suggests that they take him back to Knothole to revive him. And as Sonic accidentally causes a speedup in the thawing process and Mobie promptly begins running amok and runs away from Knothole in hysteria to look for his family! But as Sonic gives reluctantly gives chase he is confronted by his old robotic dog who doesn't want a doggy treat...

"Prisoners! - Part Two"
Writer(s): Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Ken Penders
Inker(s): Jon D'Agostino

Espio, Charmy, Mighty and Vector are trapped somewhere and encounter a shadowy figure wearing the same digger-style hat as Nack the Weasel!...or maybe not...

"Tundra Road - Part Two"
Writer(s): Mike Gallagher
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Rich Koslowski

Last issue we left Rotor sinking to his doom in the waters of the Frozen North Sea!! But Rotor ends up saved by two of the Polar Mobians from "Way Way Past Cool" (Sonic #26): Sealia The Seal and Augustus The Polar Bear! Using a literal Trojan horse gambit, Rotor and the two polar Mobians invade the ice cave where the walrus herd is still gathered, as Robotnik orders the brainwashed herd to destroy Rotor! The polar Mobians then separate Rotor from the herd by setting the herd adrift on an ice floe! Rotor vows to return to release the herd from Robotnik's influence... if the zombified herd doesn't die of starvation in the meantime...

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #33 - January, 1996

"Let's Get Small"
Writer(s): Mike Gallagher
Penciler(s): Dave Manak
Inker(s): Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic returns to Knothole from a patrol to find the place almost deserted... it turns out that everybody is laid up with a microbionic infection introduced into their food supply by Robotnik! Since he apparently placed the bugs in an order of take-out fries, everyone has contacted "The French Frirus". Rotor hangs in to give Sonic a few details before passing out... using the shrink ray left over from "Lizard of Odd" (Sonic #4), Sonic gives himself the treatment as he travels down Rotor's gullet until he meets... Rotor's "Auntie Body" who tells Sonic she's given up fighting against the French Frirus. Not willing to take this lying down, Sonic continues on only to find The French Foreign Lesions. But after Sonic spins past them, he encounters the beret-wearing, "Paris-site" and Fever The Animate Flame...

"The Big Picture"
Writer(s): Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Ken Penders
Inker(s): Harvey Mercadoocasio

A mysterious figure watches over Archimedes, Knuckles, and the Floating Island... who could it be?...

"Sonic Shot"
Writer(s): Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Ken Penders
Inker(s): Jon D'Agostino

The Mobian Freedom Fighters are engaged in a game of ice hockey when Snively shows up with some Swatbots to take on Sonic's team! Snively intends it to be a friendly game, and insists he's there without Robotnik's knowledge. But somehow, Robotnik discovers this and uses it to his advantage, issuing a winner-take-all challenge!

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Brian Thomas

Sonic The Hedgehog #34 - February, 1996

"To 'Bot or Not to 'Bot"
Writer(s): Angelo Decesare
Penciler(s): Brian Thomas
Inker(s): Brian Thomas

It seems you can't deroboticise a roboticised robot as Sonic and Rotor find out when they begin the task of trying to deroboticise Uncle Chuck and Muttski. Meanwhile, Robotnik has unleashed his newest invention - The Combot Army - a new line of bots with a single purpose: eradicate the freedom fighters. So after a quick spying by Dulcy a plan is set to go into Robotropolis and destroy the Combot Armada. But Robotnik gets a hold of Uncle Chuck and Muttski, realigns their minds, and captures Sonic, while getting precariously closer to The Great Forest...

"A Sense Of History - Part One"
Writer(s): Ken Penders & Mike Kanterovich
Penciler(s): Ken Penders
Inker(s): Jon D'Agostino

Continued from the Knuckles Chaotix special, Knuckles has descended upon Mount Fate with a missing in action Chaotix and the mysterious Archimedes fellow still on the loose. And in an attempt to piece things together, Knuckles thinks back on his past - namely The Lost City Of Echidnaopolis and Great White Comet that is hurtling towards it...

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #35 - March, 1996

"Ring Of Truth"
Writer(s): Mike Gallagher
Penciler(s): Dave Manak
Inker(s): Rich Koslowski

The Return Of The Ancient Walkers! In a continuation of "The Origin Of Chaos Emeralds" storyline, first started in the Tails miniseries, the story starts out in game mode setting, with Sonic being chased by Robotnik and losing his accumulated power rings along the way! While dodging Robotnik's maceball he grabs at a ring that causes him to disappear!! Robotnik's onboard computer has been keeping count of the number of rings Sonic has grabbed in the course of a lifetime and it turns out that was the 1,000,000,000th Power Ring - A bauble that will continue to be helpful in Sonic future. Sonic finds himself transported into another dimension, where dwell The Ancient Walkers... as he is the first to attain such a feat and that his reward will be... knowledge! As our hero finds himself falling toward a green sea, it turns out it's green because it's made up, not of water, but of Chaos Emeralds! Then comes the Second Walker, who challenges Sonic to solve the Riddle of the Rings as Sonic guesses the answer and is buried by coiled chains of power rings for his trouble....their accumulated weight drags him down under the sea of emeralds where he confronts the Third and final Walker...

"A Sense Of History - Part Two"
Writer(s): Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Ken Penders
Inker(s): Jon D'Agostino

As Knuckles continues to flash back, it is now about four generations after Echidnapolis went airborne thanks to the installation of a dozen chaos emeralds...Two echidna brothers, Edmund and Dmitri, survey the Chaos Chamber where the emeralds continue to radiate. Their proposal to the Science Council... to return The Floating Island to the ground by means of a "Chaos Syphon" that would gradually leach power from the stones! But when it is sharply denied by the scientific establishment who aren't in a mood to tamper with the forces of nature, Dimitri, enraged by such narrowmindedness, uses the prototype of the syphon on the emeralds!! It succeeds in reducing eleven of the twelve stones to charred shards and transforms Dimitri into a being with "the energies of eleven shattered chaos emeralds howling within him"! Dimitri then calls forth his base Mount Fate as our story is to be continued...

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Brian Thomas

Sonic The Hedgehog #36 - April, 1996

"Heart Of Darkness"
Writer(s): Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Harvey Mercadoocasio

Featuring the LONG AWAITED Return Of King Acorn!...Sort of... Rotor has concocted a "live" remote from the dread "Zone of Silence." But in a more important complication, there are serious power reading coming from Robotropolis! Sonic goes to investigate, and arrives to find Snively at the controls of some kind of beam generator which he promptly takes out of commission. BAD MOVE as Robotnik congratulates him on endangering all of Mobius! It seems that when Robotnik took over eleven years ago, he wanted to use the Zone of Silence, developed by his "mentor", Warlord Kodos , as a sort of interdimensional concentration camp... Unfortunately, once he sent King Acorn there he realized that it was unstable and would soon absorb Mobius as well! Subjecting the zone to a steady stream from a photon cannon managed to keep it in check, but with the cannon destroyed by Sonic there may be no hope!! Robotnik gives Sonic an "energy inhibitor" as he convinces Sonic to detonate it within the Zone, but despite serious reservations, Sonic, Sally, Tails, and Antoine all enter when they confront a dark rider flanked by some weird Toad-like characters... Sonic dispatches the toads easily, but before the Knight can draw a bead on him, Sally intervenes... and in the struggle, she knocks off his helmet and reveals him to be King Acorn!... who promptly gives Sally a quick jolt with his lance for her troubles as The Return Of King Acorn storyline is promised to be continued in a future issue...

"A Sense Of History - Part Three"
Writer(s): Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Ken Penders
Inker(s): Jon D'Agostino

Dimitri has just used the "chaos siphon" to trash eleven of the 12 Chaos Emeralds that hold up the Floating Island! Taking his brother and some of the leaders of echidna society prisoner, Dimitri has already directed the resident "Mecha-Nauts" to enslave the populace with plans to conquer the planet once the island is equipped with sails! In the midst of this raving, however, he fails to notice that his fortress, Mt. Fate, has been subverted from within: the foundation has been eroded by fire ants and the place starts collapsing! The imprisoned echidnas escape and Dmitri is buried beneath the rubble... In the aftermath the echidnas destroyed their city and appointed a guardian over the last remaining emerald... Knuckles suddenly starts putting it together: he remembers the words "Grand Conserve" (Sonic 31) and realizes that it refers to The Grand Conservatory, an underground warehouse where artifacts of echidna society were stored as he comes to the conclusion that this is area where Archimedes is hiding out and where the missing Chaotix are being held! And it is here that Knuckles begins his descent into his miniseries and ultimately his own comic...

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #37 - May, 1996

"The Day Robotropolis Fell"
Writer(s): Angelo DeCesare
Penciler(s): Brian Thomas
Inker(s): Brian Thomas

Sonic and Sally rendezvous with Uncle Chuck in Robotropolis, who breaks the news to them that Robotnik has predicted that an earthquake is going to hit the city. Robotnik's plan is to hover over the city in a giant saucer-like craft loaded with his Swatbots until the quake ends. And he doesn't particularly care what happens to the roboticised Mobians in the process! Uncle Chuck's plan: while Robotnik is hovering, they enter his HQ, reactivate the main deroboticizer and treat as many worker bots as possible before the quake hits! This assumes what Uncle Chuck doesn't: that Robotnik left a comfortable margin between takeoff and the quake. Unable to deroboticize the Mobians one at a time, he plans to blow up the roboticizer by overloading it, counting on the diffusion to deroboticize the Mobians in bulk, as it were! the plan works but the plane Rotor arrives in proves to be too small! And as the rest leave, Sally tries to find out from Nicole what's the best way out of Robotropolis during an earthquake... as a sizable chunk of masonry lands on top of her!!! Can Sonic get them both out in time?

"Bunnie's Worst Nightmare"
Writer(s): Rich Koslowski
Penciler(s): Rich Koslowski
Inker(s): Rich Koslowski

Bunnie's first solo effort starts out with quite a premise: What starts out as an annoying itch turns out to be a spreading case of roboticization!! Thanks to a convenient hologram of Robotnik to describe the plot, it turns out that Bunnie may have been partially roboticized at one time, but a "microscopic device" implant has started to finish the job!! And it is on the verge of total roboticization, she leaves Knothole. After traveling all night she falls asleep and wakes up to...the dream ending! But this arises questions? Could it really happen...Who knows? For now.

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #38 - June, 1996

"The Rise of Robotropolis - The Fall of Sonic"
Writer(s): Kent Taylor
Penciler(s) Manny Galan
Inker(s): Phil Sheehy

Tails, Antoine and Sonic are reconning Robotropolis after the earthquake, but the city looks as menacing and run-down as ever as the gang come upon some Combots left over from "To Bot Or Not To Bot" (Sonic 34)! But as one of the ComBots is struck by lightning; the resulting explosion, however, knocks Sonic out cold!! Fearing the worst a fearful, tearful Tails flies off to get help and returns with the rest of the gang; the storm is over and Sonic is coming to... unfortunately, he's lost his speed in the explosion! -With the only cure as Multiple rings! But on the way back home the group is ambushed by cloaked Combots as everyone is captured except for Sonic, who manages to avoid yet another exploding ComBot by jumping into the Lake of Rings! However he's rescued by Penelope Platypus (Princess Sally Miniseries) as Sonic and the rest of the trainee group, along with Slueth Doggy Dogg and Fly Fly Freddy, as they head to Robotropolis to attempt a rescue...

"Bedtime Tails"
Writer(s): Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Ken Penders
Inker(s): Jon D'Agonstino

With Sonic sick in bed Tails holds him as a captive audience as he prepares to read him his newest works.

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #39 - July, 1996

"Rage Against the Machine"
Writer(s): Mike Gallagher
Penciler(s): Patrick Spaziante
Inker(s): Brian Thomas

Sonic has just proposed that he allow himself to be roboticized with a Neuro-Overrider (Sonic 29) to counteract the effect on his mind so he can trash Robotnik! Rotor's objections are seconded by Bunnie, who literally puts her foot down on the subject! And as Sonic walks out abominably frustrated, Antoine questions his loyalty...Something that Sally DON'T like!!! To work off his frustration, Sonic heads for a "new training facility" in the Great Forest, conveniently located next door to the "Knothole Jail". Sonic no sooner walks in the door as Nack the Weasel drops a barbell on Sonic's head as he continues on with the plot from Triple Trouble to deliver Sonic to Robotnik for prompt Roboticisation! Upon arriving at Robotnik's, Nack informes the big guy that he won't turn Sonic over until he's been paid. Robotnik's counteroffer is that Nack gets to leave Robotropolis alive, and he brings in a giant Crabmeat bot as the dealmaker!! Nack sees the fairness in this arrangement and goes off into the sunset to be seen in Sonic 40! Without further ado, Sonic is then transformed into Mecha-Sonic! His assignment: level Knothole Village! But Mecha-Sonic's initial attack is blunted when he's confronted with multiple holographic images of the Freedom Fighters to shoot at when who should arrive on the scene but a Bunnie Rabbot as her and the roboticised Sonic go one on one! Sally puts in a call for help, which Tails relays from Knothole to...The Floating Island! Robotnik meanwhile has been monitoring the fight and promptly sends a electric current through Mecha-Sonic and into Bunnie and in the end bunnie is a shriveled unconcious heap, next to Sally! Now there seems to be nothing standing between Mecha-Sonic and a soon-to-be flattened Knothole! Tails, meanwhile, has been briefing Knuckles, who's glad to take on Sonic because of previous grudges, but this goes nowhere as Knuckles is out of commision from the start! So Sally orders, with much regret, "Operation Last Resort" -- as our story is to be continued in The Mecha Madness Special!

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #40 - August, 1996

"Court Martial"
Writer(s): Mike Gallagher
Penciler(s): Dave Manak
Inker(s): Rich Koslowski

In the conclusion of the Mecha Madness storyline, the gang prepares the court martial of Sonic the Hedgehog, everybody else is supposed to be busy rebuilding Knothole after the village was trashed last issue! Left to his own devices, Antoine, the one in charge at the moment, can think of nothing better to do is than bring charges against Sonic! Which is why the blue blur is cooling his heels in jail with Amy Rose, carrying on a one-kid protest of Sonic's incarceration. Sally, after a brief interlude to let us know that despite the recent turn of events she still has a good head on her shoulders and a heart that belongs to Sonic, sends Amy packing... The "court martial" goes on with Antoine as prosecutor - jealous as he is trying desperately to get Sonic put away! But despite the fact that Sonic is convicted Sally elects to delay sentencing by 24 hours to enable Sonic to exonerate himself! With the clock running, Sonic heads for the Mobian Badlands where after tangling with Caterkiller, Moto-Bug, Bat Brain, Flaps and The Original Badniks (Sonic 0) in The Robo-Hobo Jungle, he heads for the Bottom of the Barrel Bar and Grill where he confronts Nack The Weasel who once more gets the drop on Sonic as Nack tries yet again to extract some cash from Robotnik! Time meanwhile is slowly ticking away...

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #41 - September, 1996

"...And One Shall Save Him!"
Writer(s): Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Kyle Hunter
Inker(s): Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic has just done a raid on Robotropolis only to return home to Geoffrey St. John! Sonic #32But bigger interests are at hand that verbal abuse - Sally's ready to undertake the mission to rescue her father by herself with the help of Rotor's "Neutralizer". And taking Sonic and Geoffrey along for the ride, together they descend into - "The Zone Of Silence". Meanwhile the King, still without memory is seeing strange hallucinations of Sally, Sonic and Geoffrey in an apparition that then disappears, as Sally, Sonic and Geoffrey bear witness to the same fight that they had with King Acorn in Sonic 36! Time has gone wacky in The Zone of Silence as Robotnik's tampering with the zone has caused a temporal rift to form as our heroes witness past events as well as the future unfold before their eyes... sucked into some kind of vortex!

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #42 - October, 1996

"In Every Kingdom There Must Exist A Little Chaos"
Writer(s): Kent Taylor
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Phil Sheehy

The beginning of The Sword Of Acorns Storyline! In the aftermath of the Death Egg Saga we find Sonic and Knuckles steadily trying to beat the snot out of each other over the Knuckles' spare emerald (Super Sonic VS Hyper Knuckles)! The power rings having failed to revive the king, and when Knuckles turns them down flat Sally decides to search for the one thing that may be the key to his revival - The Crown Of Acorns... An ancient scroll is trotted out, which indicates that the true crown may be located in the Hall of Limbo. Next step: get enough power rings to fire up Sonic's brain cells so he can get to the Hall! But early next morning Sonic, Sally and Tails rendezvous with Sleuth Doggy Dogg (Sonic 27), only to realize he's a spy for Robotnik! As he brings in a welcoming committee of Swatbots, with a roboticized Fly Fly Freddy providing air cover as it leads to a free for all with everyone including Knuckles!! But after all this has passed there are stranger things to come, as it's up to Sonic to use the power ring to boost his brain and travel to the Hall of Limbo. And upon his return he declares that the Sword Of Acorns has something to with his coming back...

"Knuckles' Quest - Part One"
Writer(s): Ken Penders & Kent Taylor
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Brian Thomas

In a continuation of the above story, Sally has asked Knuckeles to find The Sword Of Acorns! Knuckles is perched uneasily on an open seat attached to the side of the Sea Fox, with Tails at the helm they head to thier first destination... Athair's crater in Downunda (Tails The Fox Miniseries)! And when they meet him that's when things get weird... The Ancient Walkers (Sonic #35) have reappeared and they've got some strange musings for Knuckles... A black cat sorceress, A raven wizard, a goat alchemist, a fox charlatan (a mysterious Tails lookalike BTW), a rabbit enchantress and a Paladin horse in Shining Armor all hold the key to the whereabouts of The Sword Of Acorns... "With patience and fortitude a blade of steel thou may embrace." And soon begins Knuckles' Quest for the Sword Of Acorns and many more plot twists along the way...

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #43 - November, 1996

"The Dream Zone"
Writer(s): Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Manny Galan & Patrick Spaziante
Inker(s): Harvey Mercadoocasio

Meet Dr. Quack! Is the King aware of what's going on around him? That's the question as, in the Knothole Infirmary the gang holds vigil over the crystallized body of King Acorn. And in a small adaption of Blast To the Past (Sonic the Hedgehog - SatAM) we go into the kings mind as we see Sonic and Sally as children... Julian of the War Ministry was supposed to be overseeing the dismantling of that department; he, however,had other ideas - And changing his name to Ivo Robotnik, he staged a coup that would have devastating effects. And as King Acorn has been banished to the Zone Of Silence, he lets out a horrible cry... Sally has come to the conclusion that something's bothering her father but she can't say what. And thus we are first introduced to the Dream Watcher, a device that will have great ramifications in the upcoming Endgame story arc as Sonic has been assigned to begin a journey into the King's head... Sonic and the King encounter each other in a space-like void, only now the King has no trouble recognizing Sonic as Sir Charles' nephew. But before they can say thier hello's enter - Warlord Kodos (Sonic #36) and Feist; One the former Warlord of Acorn and the other an evil being with a strange look! But is this all real or is there more to these strange attacks...

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #44 - December, 1996

"Black and Blue and Red All Over"
Writer(s): Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Manny Galan
Inker(s): Andrew Pepoy

The return of Evil Sonic. And who's that by side side? It looks like Knuckles. It smella like Knuckles. But can it be Knuckles when I see Knuckles right next to him! Huh? You'll see.

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #45 - January, 1997

"Guerilla Thriller"
Writer(s): Angelo Decesare
Penciler(s): Dave Manak
Inker(s): Jay Oliveras

Because you the fans demanded it, the return of everybody's favorite cave-bear, Mobie! The Freedom Fighters find out Dr. Robotnik's plan to build an installation in the Mobian Jungle. It is there that Mobie makes his home. But before they can warn him, the FF are ambushed by... Guerillas or Gorillas? What do they have to do with this story?

"Knuckles' Quest - Part Three: A Land of Dark, a Knight Of Virtue"
Writer(s): Ken Penders & Kent Taylor
Penciler(s): Ken Penders
Inker(s): Ken Penders & Jay Oliveras

Also, KnucklesQuest continues...

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Brian Thomas

Sonic The Hedgehog #46 - February, 1997

"Countdown To Armageddon"
Writer(s): Ken Penders & Kent Taylor
Penciler(s): Nelson Ortega
Inker(s): Brian Thomas

Princess Sally takes The Freedom Fighter team out camping to reflect on recent events. What was to be some time for rest and relaxation quickly turns into heated confrontations concerning each other's loyalty! Geoffrey St. John along with the Lupe and The Wolfpack (from the animated series) make a special appearance. Don't miss this one as it sets us up for the awesome roller-coaster ride of "END GAME!" the four-part story that will lead us into Sonic's 50th anniversary issue!

"Knuckles' Quest - Part Four: A Goat, a Raven, and a Swan Song"
Writer(s): Ken Penders & Kent Taylor
Penciler(s): Manny Galan
Inker(s): Brian Thomas

In the conclusion to Knuckles' Quest, Knuckles journey's into the depths of the caves of The Floating Island wher he confronts Mathias Poe and Damocles the Elder! All is not what it looks to be with duo and things get worse when Knux is attacked by a giant Golem! Could this be the End Of The Sword Of Acorns saga? It's only just beginning...

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #47 - March, 1997

"Taking The Fall"
Writer(s): Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Art Mawhinney
Inker(s): Pam Eklund

Whatever you do, do not miss SONIC #47! "End Game," the four-part series within a series, begins the roller-coaster ride into SONIC'S 50th anniversary issue. The King of Acorns is healthy once more and wants to finish off the war against Robotnik once and for all. He will stop at nothing to regain the kingdom! The stakes are higher than they've ever been before. Before this issue is over, nothing will ever be the same again!

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #48 - April, 1997

"Sonic The Fugitive"
Writer(s): Ken Penders & Kent Taylor
Penciler(s): Manny Galan
Inker(s): Pam Eklund

Because of it, life in Knothole will never be the same! With our hero being framed for the loss of his greatest love, Sonic must brave against all odds; battle against friend and enemy alike to clear his good name and to find the one responsible! How will he do it?

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #49 - May, 1997

"Escape To The Floating Island"
Writer(s): Mike Gallagher & Ken Penders
Penciler(s): Sam Maxwell
Inker(s): Pam Eklund

ROBOTNIK IN KNOTHOLE! Say it ain't so, Joe. Well, it is! What will happen next is anybody's guess! The stakes between Robotnik and the Freedom Fighters reaches a fever-pitch. The now-healthy King Acorn loses his daughter in an attack on Robotropolis, and Sonic is arrested as the culprit responsible. Sonic escapes to clear his name. The King orders none other than Geoffrey St. John to track him down. That's when things get nasty.

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

Sonic The Hedgehog #50 - June, 1997

"The Big Goodbye"
Writer(s): Ken Penders, Mike Gallagher, Karl Bollers, & Kent Taylor
Penciler(s): Patrick Spaziante, Manny Galan, Nelson Ortega, Sam Maxwell, Dave Manak, Ken Penders, Art Mawhinney, Scott Shaw (pin-up), Rich Koslowski, Ken Penders

This is a definite Collector's Item! Which is why it's fitting that it should be called "The Big Goodbye!" The ultimate conclusion to the ultimate storyline in Sonic mythos. Who will Knuckles help: Sonic or St. John? Will Knothole Village be enslaved forever? How will the rest of The Freedom Fighters deal with current events? What is Robotnik's next move? Expect all this and more. This special issue sports a gold ink, computer-rendered, computer-enhanced cover and hosts/features almost every single Sonic creator- writers, artists, you name it- who EVER worked on Sonic- in one jam- packed issue. Also, learn the beginnings of Dr. Robotnik. Plus: Witness the coolest fight scene showdown you've been waiting for ever in the history of Sonic... Sonic Vs. Robotnik, once and for all the marbles. Last, but not least, there's a special surprise at the end that will leave you breathless!

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125