Sonic The Hedgehog #65

Release Oct 11, 2023
Writer Evan Stanley
Ian Flynn
Lineart Adam Bryce Thomas
Mauro Fonseca
Cover Art

Official Solicitation

The misadventures continue! It’s Knuckles vs. the Babylon Rogues! They have stolen a relic from Angel Island, so Knuckles enlists the Chaotix to track them down. But the Chaotix have a super important date to keep: dinner with Vanilla and Cream! The pair are busy preparing when they get two very unexpected and stinky visitors

Featured stories[]

Relic Robbing Rumble, Part 1[]


Knuckles finds the Babylon Rouges stealing some statues in Marble Garden. He flies in to take them out and Jet orders Storm to fight him. Knuckles manages to land a big punch on him, but Storm recovers and throws Knuckles into a wall. Knuckles gets back up and follows them, but the Rogues on their Extreme Gear manage to get away. Later, Knuckles went to Seaside City and told what happened to the Chaotix Detective Agency. The echidna wonders how they even knew about the relics. Vector states they are professional thieves who specialize in stealing artifacts, so it's not a surprise they stole from him. Knuckles asks why they didn't steal something more valuable. Espio thinks they thought those relics wouldn't be guarded or they have a buyer looking for them. Charmy goes to call Amy to ask her for help, but Knuckles slams the phone down saying they can't call her. Espio asks if maintaining his "warrior's pride" really that important, and the echidna says yes. Vector tells them to stop chit-chatting and that they need to close this case in record time so they can go to Vanilla's later in the week.

Knuckles and the Chatoix then go to attack Egg Base Delta to get Eggman's attention. After destroying some Badniks, Eggman does show up via the Egg Monitor. He asks why he is destroying his robots when they already ruined one of his recent schemes. Knuckles demands his relics from him, but Eggman doesn't know what he is talking about. Knuckles says he can't trick him and Vector "figured out" he hired the Rogues to steal the relics back. Eggman goes to Vector, saying he should of been smarter than that. Vector admits they are on a deadline and Eggman usually does these kind of things. Eggman explains he leaves his robots to keep track of all the spoils he's captured. Knuckles says he knows the relic was in Eggperial City, and Eggman admits he took it then, but he would never hire someone to get it when his robots can do it. He then asks if the relic had any powers, which Knuckles says no. Eggman groans and says he doesn't care about it and tells them to get out. The Chaotix hangs their heads as Knuckles admits they made a mistake, but he's strong enough to admit it.

They return to Seaside City where Vector and Knuckles talk about suspects over drinks. Vector says Clutch may have been looking to buy them and Knuckles asks who Clutch is. Vector explains the opossum's history and how they stopped his last scheme, but they lost his trail and don't know where he is now. Knuckles complains about things being complicated and slams his fist on the table. Charmy rushes in, saying they have a lead. Espio appears out of his invisibility, causing Knuckles to fall out of his chair and Vector to spit his cappuccino out in surprise. He says they learned where the Babylon Rogues will be handing off the goods. Vector, angry, tells Espio to his face to stop surprising him like that. Espio responds by saying he told him to turn down his headphones and mind his surroundings. Charmy says he found the lead and Espio confirms it, saying it was suspiciously convenient. Knuckles doesn't care and marches off to follow the lead.

Later that evening, the Babylon Rogues wait for the "guy" at a pier. Jet is getting impatient about him showing up, but Wave isn't having his bad mood. Storm plays with the relics, which Jet tells him to knock off. Wave asks if it is because of respecting cultural sensitivity, but Jet tells her it's because he doesn't want Storm to damage them, much to her disappointment. Jet says he would have shown more respect if they came from the Babylonians. In an alley nearby, Knuckles and the Chaotix wait for the echidna's signal to take them on.



Race and species:





Dinner at Cream's, Part 1[]


Cream, alongside her mother Vanilla, Gemerl, Cheese and Chocola, are at home cooking for a dinner they are having with Team Chaotix. Cream and her Chao are excited for it, however, Vanilla discovers they don't have any more butter. Gemerl offers to get it, but Vanilla insists she can get it herself and leaves, leaving Cream in charge of cooking. Outside, Rough and Tumble watch Vanilla leave her home and assumes nobody is home now. They recall after a foiled attempt in smuggling weapons, Clutch fired them and now they are in Floral Forest Village to steal and intimidate the town, starting by stealing from Vanilla's home. In the house, Cream is watching the stove, telling Cheese her mom trusted her with this job and they have to keep things from burning or anything going wrong. Gemerl tells her she's got this and pats her head, and Cream asks him to set the table in the dining room.

Gemerl leaves with some plates, but sees Rough and Tumble in the house. The skunks spot Gemerl and assume it's a butler robot. Gemerl lunges at them and they start to fight. Cream hears the commotion, but doesn't want to leave the stove unattended. She asks Chocola to check on Gemerl and the Chao sees the fight going on. It flies back to Cream and Rough and Tumble hear its whines. They go to the kitchen, with Rough having the idea to take a hostage to get Gemerl off of them. Gemerl notices and tries to stop them, however, Rough is able to enter the kitchen, scaring Cream, causing a pan to fall over and start a fire, much to Cream's horror.





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