Sonic Super Special #5: Sonic Kids

Release Apr 1, 1998
Writer Mike Gallagher
Lineart Manny Galan
Cover Art Patrick Spaziante

Official Solicitation

Witness the Freedom Fighters at the youngest stages of their illustrious careers. Miss it at your own risk!

"Stop… Sonic Time!"

Writers: Tom Rolston & Karl Bollers
Penciler: Art Mawhinney
Inker: Jim Amash

Witness the story of how Tails got his first sneakers and how Sonic saved the day for the first time in his illustrious career as a hero against Robotnik.

"Total Re-Genesis"
Writer: Karl Bollers
Pencilers: Nelson Rebeiro, Art Mawhinney, Sam Maxwell, & John Hebert
Inker: Jim Amash

Also check out the bonus story about witnessing the same events from three very different points of view as Sonic, Sally, and Antoine take down a rogue combot.

Cover by Patrick Spaziante & Harvey Mercadoocasio