Sonic The Comic #23

Release Apr 17, 1994
Writer Nigel Kitching
Lineart Richard Elson

Official Solicitation

"Pirates of the Mystic Cave"
Writer: Nigel Kitching
Artist: Richard Elson

Viva la stereotyping! Amy`s only been with the group for less than one issue and she`s already gone and got herself kidnapped. But it turns out that she only did it to save Tails from getting kidnapped instead; so that must make it alright, then.

The trail of the kidnapper leads readers to their first glimpse of that scourge of StC (am I talking literally or metaphorically? You decide ;p), Captain Plunder and his crew, who give some hint of future roles. And Amy begins to redeem herself from her damsel status by showing a capacity for reasoning and a willingness to stand up to Sonic`s all-consuming ego that the group badly needs.

Cover: Ed Hillyer