Sonic The Hedgehog #107

Release Feb 20, 2002
Writer Karl Bollers
Lineart Ron Lim

Official Solicitation

Inkers: Pam Eklund and Andrew Pepoy

Things are heating up as Sonic continues defending the Hidden City of the Ancients from the dragon that besieged it in the last issue. Meanwhile, the rest of the Freedom Fighters do their best to keep damage to a minimum – both to the building and the citizenry, whose alliance the Freedom Fighters are counting on. It’s not easy – someone or something is intent on keeping them from accomplishing their mission. Who could it be?

"Reunification, Part Two"

Writer and Inker: Ken Penders
Penciler: Dawn Best

It’s the moment Knuckles fans have been waiting for: the embattled hero has finally restored his family and friends back to their home of the Floating Island – but with the Dark Legion now part of the equation, can confrontation be far behind?

Cover: Patrick Spaziante & Nelson Ribeiro