Sonic The Hedgehog #152

Release Aug 10, 2005
Writer Ken Penders
Lineart James Fry
Cover Art Patrick Spaziante

Official Solicitation


Writer: Ken Penders
Penciler: James Fry
Inker: Al Milgrom

Eggman frets about his inability to defeat Sonic, while A.D.A.M. decides to take matters into its own hands.

"Sonic’s Angels"

Writer: Ken Penders
Pencilers: Jon Gray & Al Bigley
Inker: Al Milgrom

After all the trouble Sonic has had the last few issues, things just got worse! All the girls on the Freedom Fighters team are furious at the blue blunder head… just when their teamwork is needed the most! With all their squabbling, they barely have time to notice that The Eggman Empire is expanding and destroying all in its path. Can they curb the dissent long enough to prevent Dr. Robotnik’s Nanites from taking over the planet?

Cover by Patrick "Spaz" Spaziante