Sonic The Hedgehog #164

Release Jul 12, 2006
Writer Ian Flynn
Lineart James Fry

Official Solicitation

Inker: Jim Amash

The cataclysmic conclusion of this epic tale finds a fallen hero and a hidden villain revealed! Can Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles stand up to the combined forces of mystical Ixis Naugus, megalomaniac Mammath Mogol, and the world’s most evil science geek, Robotnik? The most shocking story development since Sonic’s #50’s death of Princess Sally!

"Sonic Riders, Part 2"

Writer: Ian Flynn
Penciler: Tracy Yardley!
Inker: Jim Amash

Sonic gets help from Tails and Knuckles against the Babylon Rogues.

Cover by Patrick "Spaz" Spaziante