Sonic The Hedgehog #2

Release Sep 3, 1993
Writer Mike Gallagher
Lineart Dave Manak

Official Solicitation

Summary: When Robotnik sends his newest badnik, Coconuts, after Sonic and Tails, they send Coconuts’ parts back COD! Robotnik then retaliates by sending two more badniks – Scratch and Grounder!

Title: "Vertigo A Go-Go"
Writer: Mike Gallagher – Rewrite
Pencils: Dave Manak

Summary: A cluster of power rings sends Sonic to The Unknown Zone – where he discovers Horizontal and Vertical, two lunatic guardians of the zone!

Title: "All the Mail’s about Tails!"
Writer: Mike Gallagher
Pencils: Dave Manak

Summary: In a story obviously aimed at the kiddies, Sonic and Tails read letters from fans who express their opinions about how Tails got his two tails!

1st Appearances: Horizontal and Vertical, Scratch, Grounder, And Coconuts