Sonic The Hedgehog #26

Release Aug 1, 1995
Writer Angelo DeCesare
Lineart Dave Manak

Official Solicitation

Inker: Jon D’Agostino

Sonic, Tails, Sally, Rotor and Antoine find themselves in a snowstorm in the middle of summer! Of course it’s a plot by Dr. Robotnik! After lowering the temperature on Mobius, his plans will involve using infrared heat sensors to locate the warm-blooded Freedom Fighters. Sonic and the gang take shelter in a cave, where they encounter a group of Polar Mobians that were trapped down south when Robotnik took over and have lived in hiding ever since! But after initially attacking the Weather Annihilator with a snowball-loaded catapult, the Knothole gang is then captured by Snively! Can the Polar Mobians come to their aid help destroy the Annihilator?


Writer: Angelo DeCesare
Penciler: Art Mawhinney
Inker: Rich Koslowski

The Knothole gang are in the mountains, trying to keep one step ahead of Doc Robotnik–not easy, since Sonic has a sprained ankle! Bunnie however discovers an old fort, complete with an old muzzle-loading cannon and a blacksmith’s forge… Robotnik’s "bus" crashes into the fort, only to confront Bunnie, suited up in improvised body armour!

Cover by Dave Manak & Jon D’Agostino