Sonic The Hedgehog #58

Release Feb 2, 1998
Writer Ken Penders
Clayton Emery
Lineart Art Mawhinney

Official Solicitation

Inker: Ken Penders

Sonic and Tails Locked In Chains?!? No, you didn’t miss an issue or a story, that’s how this issue starts off! But, of course, that’s not the only question to be asked. Here are some more: A mysterious figure who roams the forest? An evil villain with a tragic secret? What could we possibly be talking about? The answer is in the saga "Friendly Rogues and Foul Villains!" This story also features everybody’s favorite echidna, Knuckles, in a storyline that picks up from Knuckles the Echidna #11 and concludes in Knuckles the Echidna #12.

"Tales Of The Freedom Fighters – The Living Crown"

Writer: Ken Penders
Penciler: Manny Galan
Inker: Jim Amash

How did the Sword of Acorns come to be? Where’d the Crown of Acorns come from? What’s "The Source of All"? King Acorn explains all of this in this tale of how all these things came to be…

Cover by Patrick Spaziante & Harvo Mercadoocasio