Official Solicitation
This is it—the final event of the Clean Sweepstakes. Clutch closes the trap he’s placed around the Restoration by using the Phantom Rider, a mysterious figure who’s been disrupting the other racers, as an excuse to seize power. But with Surge and Kit about to spring a trap of their own, maybe Clutch shouldn’t celebrate just yet! Meanwhile, Amy, Tails, and Belle find some friends who might hold the key to toppling Clean Sweep Inc.’s empire…if they can survive!
Featured stories[]
Story one[]

Jewel walking over to confront Clutch
Jewel walks into the main bridge and yells to Clutch that they need to talk, to which he asks what she's doing here. Upon her mention of the Phantom Rider, Clutch assures her that he is managing the situation. Jewel questions him on why he and the Clean Sweepstakes Security has flooded the ship and reactivated the shuttle's arsenal without asking permission. Clutch continues saying that he did not want to bother her and the ship's weapons are merely precautionary, but Jewels says that's not good enough of an answer and revokes his administrative rights effective immediately. Jewel than says they will continue their discussion later and she will take care of it, Clutch than ask if this is necessary and Jewel responds saying if she has to make him leave than she will, and orders the security to escort Clutch out of here until Clutch reminds her that all the security works under Clean Sweep Inc. all for the good of the sweepstakes.

The race starting and the Babylon Rouges taking the lead
Clutch than reassures her that the situation is under control and Jewel nervously agrees saying she can do his job, and she will do hers. Later on, Jewel informs Tangle and Whisper about the situation so far and says that they are the only people she can trust for right now until Tangle reveals to Jewel that Sonic is the Phantom Rider and Jewel agrees seeing how he has not been seen since the first race and says that they have to get in contact with Sonic to stand a chance against Clean Sweep, they end the conversation with Tangle hugging Jewel. Soon Nite starts by announcing the final event in Clean Sweepstakes and they save the best for last until Nite says that they have an announcement from Clean Sweep Inc. reading that they are handling the situation and tells the audience not to worry or panic but meanwhile before the race begins Tangle and Whisper quietly discuses about telling Lanolin and Duo but Whisper reassures her that she will handle that, meanwhile the Babylon Rouges talk about how to approach the Phantom Rider and Wave reminds him to not be aggressive and Jet annoyingly agrees with Storm saying they brought no tracks. Meanwhile Sonic is waiting for the race to start and says that this is his last chance and that whatever Tails and Amy are up to it better be wrapped up and soon after the race begins with Nite announcing it is a free fall Central City.

The Phantom Rider kicking Surge
Suddenly the Phantom Rider appears, and Jet immediately goes after him while Wave crashes trying to remind him to be gentle when Surge and Kit blast through the crowd when Surge tries to run into him, but he does it when suddenly Surge jumps from her Hang-On and knocks him off the Eggstreme Gear after trying to taunt her while Kit grabs her using his Hydro Pack tails. Soon the Diamond Cutters surround him with Lanolin telling him that he is done and it's enough and Lanolin counties saying that he would not like her kick on her wispon. Sonic disagrees when suddenly the Babylon Rogues surround him when Nite announces a halt in the race, saying that everyone is going after the Phantom Rider with him dogging attacks from Lanolin, Surge and Kit who Surge manages to grab on to his Eggstreme Gear while Whisper uses her Variable Wispon to fire. Jet than orders the rouges to attack but are stopped by Kit's tails when Tangle uses her to grab Surge until she zaps her and tells her to not get in her way while the Phantom Rider continues to taunt her saying their fights aren't it. The Phantom Rider launches at her while Surges also blast towards him and Surges gets knocked by the collision when after she laughs at him saying she got the device turning the Phantom Rider back to Sonic while Kit ask Surge is she's okay and she replies saying she's fine and did not ask any stupid questions. Sonic then asks her what the game and Surge replies is saying that she is following orders and ask her boss if he is happy, exposing Clean Sweep as a criminal organization. Clutch, who witnessed this, realizes what was happening and discovers Surge and Kit's betrayal.

Amy, Tails, and Belle asking Don a lot of questions
Meanwhile on the Battleship Tails, Amy and Belle and running from Rough and Tumble who tells the trio to keep running when Amy spots another hallway and realizes it's a dead end when they hide around the corner until they hear someone and Rough ask if they had seen anyone run by and they respond saying they went the opposite way. Soon Tails, Amy and Belle are greeted by Don who tells them they are bad hiders which ends up spooking them causing Amy to pull out her Piko Piko Hammer while Tails and Belle hold her back, Don ask to confirm if there Sonic's friends with Amy then asking if he's seen Sonic when she adds if he okay while Tails ask about sweepstakes and if it's still ongoing when Belle ask who he is and soon tells them to address him one at a time. Don introduces himself saying he is a friend of the Chaotix and that they're missing, and he thinks there on the airship somewhere. Tails adds on saying that makes sense that they're investigating as well, when Amy asks where they are and why haven't they seen them across the ship somewhere, when Belle leads them to the engine room when Amy says that she hates it down there when suddenly they come to the door that leads to the main engine and Tails says he can use his Miles Electric to get it unlocked when Belle reminds Tails she works here and that she can open it. Once they're inside, Don and the others find the Chaotix in a cage sleeping when Vector jumps up excited to see them, and Don caringly tells them to get it together. Charmy then says that they almost got out when Espio asks what Don is doing here and Don responds saying that he's come to save them, and that Nite wouldn't let him hear the end of it otherwise, when Amy explains that they are also investigating Clean Sweep.

Team Chaotix, Tails, Amy, Belle and Don getting caught
Amy further says that Sonic is outside keeping their security busy with Vector revealing that he has a USB drive with a every bit of dirty dealings and information he managed to get about Clean Sweep Inc. that would make them history once it gets out. Soon Tails and Belle unlock the cage and Charmy bursts out happy to be free when suddenly Rough, Tumble and Clutch appear along with his security. With Clutch saying that he did not expect this many guests further saying if you want something done do it yourself.
- Amy Rose
- Babylon Rogues
- Belle the Tinkerer
- Chaotix
- Clean Sweepstakes Security
- Clutch the Opossum
- Diamond Cutters
- Don the Rooster
- Jewel the Beetle
- Kitsunami the Fennec
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Nite the Owl
- Rough the Skunk
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Surge the Tenrec
- Tumble the Skunk
- Sonic shouting out "Teria", a Japanese battle cry, while giving a diving kick at Surge the Tenrec is a reference to Sonic Adventure 2, where Sonic shouts it when attacking the Egg Golem.
- There are several original characters featured in page 4, their appearances were allowed by their creators.