Official Solicitation
With everyone trying to discover the Phantom Rider’s identity, will Sonic, Tails and Amy be able to fly under the radar and find the info they need to topple Clean Sweep Inc.? Some secrets should stay buried, so if they fail, they will be trapped forever! Is this really it, or will our heroes find a way out of Clutch’s, well, clutches? Sonic and his friends are racing to the finish of the Phantom Riders arc, which concludes with the double-sized issue #75, and things are about to get dire… Hang on tight!
Featured stories[]

Tails, Amy, Belle, Don and Team Chaotix preparing to fight Clutch and his forces
On the Battleship in the engine Clutch, Rough, Tumble, and his security surround our heroes: Amy, Belle, Tails, Don and Team Chaotix are prepared to fight when Clutch speaks on having to enjoy these moments and orders his group to attack. When Rough and Tumble approach him, Vector asks if they're here for seconds and uses his Vector Breath to blow back to security men, with Tumble mentioning how he and Rough won't be beaten again, with Rough doing a rhyme while attacking the crocodile with Espio dodging Tumble by sliding and Charmy hitting the other security men. Meanwhile Amy with her Piko Piko Hammer and Don with his hammer are surrounded when Amy mentions how they match, and Don responds saying to be sure not to try him into any go-go boots saying that he doesn't have the calves for them. During that Tails and Belle hurry over to try and open the door when Clutch uses his Gun Cane to hit them and barley misses Tails, with Clutch saying how he's only getting warmed up and further calling him a "kid". They soon rush up to safety and Team Chaotix manages to take down Rough and soon confronts Clutch, with Vector threating them to beat them up and Charmy calling Clutch old, causing him to nearly get shot by Clutch and is then caught by Rough.
Clutch responds saying how children should be seen and not heard saying how he's already pushing both. The others in worry look as Clutch then says how their cell is over there and that they can make the cage work, despite it being small, with him further asking to give him the USB. As Vector and Espio give a look, Vector seemingly surrenders saying he'll give him the USB but don't hurt Charmy. To which Espio sneak attacks and distracts Rough, while Charmy escapes Vector passes him the USB and tells him to give to Nite further saying he knows what to do with it. Just in time Tails and Belle open the door and Charmy rushes away with Rough and Tumble asking to go with Clutch, but he responds saying how he does not need dead weight holding him back. Clutch shoots the monitor causing the skunks and the rest of the heroes to be stuck in the room. Meanwhile, Nite is telling someone to chill saying how they won't be help to anyone if they're panicking, when suddenly Charmy busts in the room telling Nite he has the proof when Clutch attempting to shoot him orders his forces to stop him, but they miss with Clutch saying how it's impossible to find good help. Clutch than falls over after being tripped by someone when Charmy gives Nite the USB and tells him he did great work with Clutch demanding him to stop and Nite responds saying how he doesn't work for him and slams the USB drive into the database. Clutch than runs over but is stopped by a Hover Wispon with Jewel saying that she had time to think and is terminating their business partnership. Meanwhile everyone starts holding Clutch back while Nite hives Charmy the mic to drop the news, outside where the final Clean Sweepstakes event left off a citizen ask Omochao what's going on and says that he knows nothing.

Nite further explaining the crimes of Clean Sweep Inc.
Suddenly Charmy comes on the monitor and tells everyone that were experiencing some technical difficulties but there being sorted out as he speaks when Nite takes it and presents the crimes of Clean Sweep Inc.. He starts by saying Clean Sweep has been exploiting its privileged position further saying the Restoration has been relying on them to do the right thing but instead it's being burned and buried away causing the ground and water to be poisoned. He counties saying that he has evidence proving that falsified records, participated in extortion and violently silenced and how they sell weapons to the highest bidder and lastly, he announces the CEO Clutch the Opossum, when Clutch pushes him out of his chair when he hears the crowed booing him when he says how it's a good business plan and gloats about how much money he makes off of it.

Surge preparing to take on Clutch
He is soon embarrassed when he crushes the control and shuts of the broadcast and begins to override the shuttle when Jewel stops him by self-destructing the shuttle that will occur in thirty minutes when Clutch shuts down the shuttle and sets it on a collision course to Central City. Meanwhile Tangle notices that the shuttle is falling when Wave grabs a nearby Omochao and ask what the broadcast was about and what's going on when Surge responds saying that Clutch got called out so he's taking the ship down with him with her further saying that he's being dramatic but if he wants to burn and crash, she won't stop him. Tangle even than mentions the stadium and the people further saying they have to do something when in the distance Mimic (still disguise as Duo) hides behind a pillar and says how he should make his move when suddenly he is grabbed by Kit's Hydro Pack water tails and Lanolin ask where he was at when Duo reveals to her that Tangle and Whisper knew that Sonic was the Phantom Rider but did not tell them, which causes Lanolin to snap at them saying how they covered up a criminal and lied to her, further saying they're supposed to be a team. Lanolin says Sonic needs to face justice, and Tangle says how Sonic has a good reason to when Surge interrupts and informs them that Sonic left and Lanolin rushes towards him, Sonic responds saying they can do whatever they want with him later, but right now, there's people on there that need help when Tangle begs her with Lanolin agreeing and concluding that they will deal with this later. The Babylon Rogues watch them from below when Storm ask if the race is over and Wave response saying they should just go home but Jet declines saying that they want a race, and Sonic owes them answer and they too head off. Suddenly, Surge asks Mimic what he's going to do, and he decides to stay undercover, and help the Diamond Cutters when Kit says how they could've taken care of him there and now when Surge reminds him that they're following his plan which Surge says the next step is Clutch.
- Amy Rose
- Babylon Rogues
- Belle the Tinkerer
- Chaotix
- Clean Sweepstakes Security
- Clutch the Opossum
- Diamond Cutters
- Don the Rooster
- Jewel the Beetle
- Kitsunami the Fennec
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Nite the Owl
- Omochao
- Rough the Skunk
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Phantom Rider (mentioned)
- Surge the Tenrec
- Tumble the Skunk
- Concealer
- Extreme Gear
- Hydro Pack
- Golden Bell
- Gun Cane
- Piko Piko Hammer
- Shuriken Star
- Sonic's shoes
- Wispon