Sonic The Hedgehog #75

Release Dec 18, 2024
Writer Evan Stanley
Lineart Min Ho Kim
Evan Stanley
Cover Art

Official Solicitation

The higher they fly…the harder they fall.

It’s time for a double-sized arc finale! If Clutch can’t win, he’ll take everyone down with him… trapped in a flying battleship set to explode, on a collision course with Central City! Can Sonic find a way to thwart Clutch’s maniacal vengeance? Identities are revealed, plans are in motion, and there’s no going back now.

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Vector trying to escape

Vector tries to open the engine room door.

In the engine room of the Restoration shuttle, with twenty-five minutes remaining before it self-destructs, Amy, Tails, and Belle attempt to open the door through different means. The former swings at it with her hammer while the latter two try to hack the door console open, but neither method yields any success. Belle is surprised that the engine room has a self-destruct system, which only Jewel has the codes for, with Tails commenting that the system overloading itself is why the room is getting so hot, and that the entire door console has been fried. Amy continues attacking the door, only to be hit in the arm by a burst of hot steam. Don laments his fate, remarking how he always hated saunas, while Vector, refusing to give up, tries to shove the door open but to no avail.

Duo is Mimic reveal

Mimic's cover is blown.

Outside, the Babylon Rogues overlook the burning shuttle as it descends toward Central City, with Storm and Wave commenting on the direness of the situation. After a moment of thought, Jet orders his team to follow him, having come up with a better idea than following Sonic to the shuttle. Nearby, Duo reconvenes with the rest of the Diamond Cutters, apologizing for his brief absence. Lanolin tells him to stay close, as this is no time to wander off. Just then, Clutch calls Duo via the walkie-talkie hidden in his scarf, which alerts the others as he is addressed by his real name and ordered to provide backup on the main deck. He awkwardly attempts to dismiss it as a "wrong number", but both Tangle and Whisper yell at him and give chase. With his identity exposed, Mimic returns to his original form, throwing his walkie-talkie at Whisper and fleeing the scene while Lanolin remains behind, staring in disbelief at what has unfolded.

Sonic confronts Clutch

Sonic confronts Clutch.

Meanwhile, aboard the deck of the shuttle, Jewel, Charmy, two Restoration members, and Nite have been tied up by members of the Clean Sweepstakes Security. Clutch attempts to leave in his limo but is grabbed and thrown to the floor by Sonic, who calls him out for hijacking the Restoration and causing the whole "mess", as well as the way he runs his business. As he starts firing his Gun Cane, Clutch, having finally met Sonic in the flesh, tells the hedgehog he has caused him a lot of trouble, a remark Sonic is used to hearing. Surge and Kit then join the fight, with the former reminding Clutch that they quit. While they charge at each other, Sonic begins freeing Charmy and Jewel, asking the latter to fill him in on the situation. She explains that Clutch took over the ship and she tried to stop him by initiating the self-destruct sequence, with Charmy adding that due to Clutch sabotaging the controls, the ship is going to crash into the city. Clutch yells at his guards to fight, only for them to quit as well, leaving the opossum to fend for himself.

Eggman takes Clutch away

Eggman takes Clutch away.

Back in the engine room, Espio reminds Tumble that he promised Vanilla he would turn over a new leaf, and asks why he has not done so. Tumble explains that he and Rough did, as they were originally only told to wear the mascot costumes, only for Clutch to continue asking them to do more and more. Don asks why they did not quit if they did not like it, but the skunk brothers are unfamiliar with the concept as they have always been fired before getting the chance to quit. This time, however, they decide to quit on their own and ask to be released from the cell, promising to help out. Espio tells them that the door was never locked and that the only prison was in their minds, allowing them to realize they can leave. The skunk brothers walk up to the door and begin pushing it together, causing it to actually move. Vector and Nite then start pushing with them, allowing them to eventually break out of the room.

On the main deck, Sonic tells Jewel and Charmy to free the rest of the prisoners and find a way off the ship while he deals with Clutch. The opossum gets on top of a nearby cannon, causing Surge to taunt him over the lack of controls available. Clutch is able to open fire via a remote controller hidden in his pocket, although Surge and Kit are pulled away from the blast by Sonic aboard his Eggstreme Gear. Despite sharing the same enemy, Surge refuses Sonic's help, claiming that it is her and Kit's fight. Their arguing is interrupted by a blast from Clutch's cannon that knocks the three of them to the floor. While Clutch gloats and plans to escape using the Eggstreme Gear, it suddenly transforms into a battle robot with a monitor that has Dr. Eggman's face on it. Now in full control of the Eggstreme Gear, he charges at Clutch and grabs him, introducing himself to the opossum and admonishing him for his mockery and use of the Eggman Empire's property for his own gain. Eggman throws Clutch into the air and attempts to blow him up with missiles, only for Sonic to tackle the opossum out of the way, remarking that this was not part of the deal. As they continue fighting, Sonic demands that Clutch apologize and fix his mess, knocking him to the floor while Eggman grabs Sonic. Surge then charges up and releases a massive blast of electricity on the three of them, which manages to knock Clutch out cold but also wear Surge herself out. However, Eggman reveals he built the Eggstreme Gear to be resistant to Surge's powers and picks up the unconscious Clutch. Sonic, still recovering from the blast, asks what Eggman is planning, to which he answers that it is just business and nothing for Sonic to worry about before flying away with Clutch. Before she and Kit depart on their Extreme Gear, Surge reminds Sonic that they still are not friends and urges him to survive so she can finish him off in a fair fight.

The Babylon Rouges directing the citizens direction

The Babylon Rouges directing the citizens.

Tails' group arrives at the main bridge, from which all of the Clean Sweep guards have fled. Despite Amy suggesting that they leave as well, Tails attempts to hack into the shuttle's system, only for the hardware to melt in front of him. Before the shuttle can get any closer to the city, it is suddenly pulled upwards by numerous hover cars using tethers to connect to the shuttle while the Babylon Rogues guide them, much to Amy's shock and Nite's delight. Belle questions whether this will actually work, but Tails states that it is their only option now. Sonic suddenly crashes into the shuttle's glass window and tells the others to get onto the deck. Using her hammer, Amy shatters the window and gleefully hugs Sonic, who inadvertently surprises the Chaotix when he mentions Eggman's involvement. Jet boasts to Sonic about his team's efforts as they continue to pull the shuttle away from the city. A local news anchor is reporting on the situation, explaining that they have been unable to get in contact with the ship due to it possibly being abandoned or sabotaged, but the cameraman stops filming and decides they need to leave. Jewel decides that instead of stopping the ship, they will have to change its course to the Emeraldville Ruins, where Restoration HQ is. Sonic informs the Babylon Rogues of the change in plans, and Jet begrudgingly cooperates after being reminded by Wave that they do not have time to argue. Amy asks Jewel if Restoration HQ is empty, to which the beetle tearfully responds that it would be a better crash site than the city. Sonic comes back into the main bridge, asking why everyone looks upset. Amy tells him that the ship is going to crash into and explode on top of a building full of people, but Sonic notes that they still have time before that happens. As Jet informs him that they have turned the ship, Sonic challenges the hawk to a friendly competition: whoever can evacuate the most people from Restoration HQ first wins. Jet accepts, and he, Sonic, Tails, Amy, Belle, and the Chaotix head the the HQ while Nite, Don, Jewel, Rough, and Tumble remain behind.

Diamond Cutters' reconciliation

Tangle and Whisper forgiving Lanolin (at least temporarily) to save everyone.

Meanwhile, at the Sweepstakes Amphitheater, Tangle and Whisper continue to chase down Mimic, who attempts to fend them off with a rapid-fire pistol. However, both it and Mimic's Extreme Gear are destroyed by a laser blast from Whisper's Variable Wispon. Tangle prepares to catch Mimic by using her tail as a lasso, but an explosion allows him to escape their line of sight long enough to hide within the crowd below. Whisper furiously begins asking the spectators where Mimic is, but none of them know who she is talking about. The course continues falling apart, with a mine falling dangerously close to the crowd. Lanolin then uses her Golden Bell to get everyone's attention, introducing herself as a member of the Restoration's Diamond Cutters and assuring the civilians that they will guide the ship to a safe landing. She expresses her remorse to Tangle and Whisper, acknowledging the way she has acted and the mistakes she has made. She tells them she understands if they do not trust her or do not want to continue working with her, but Tangle tells her to save it, as they are all on the same side and have people to save. Whisper agrees with the statement, admitting that she has also made her share of mistakes. Tangle adds that she is still irritated, but they will talk about it later, which Lanolin thanks her for. While the Diamond Cutters set out to save the city, Mimic, now disguised as a dog, continues to hide anxiously within the crowd.

Heroes jumping off the shutlle

The heroes jumping off the shuttle to evacuate Restoration HQ.

Sonic's group arrives at Restoration HQ, warning the people there about the imminent disaster. While Sonic and Jet begin competing, Tails follows Belle into the machine shop, which is too far away from the main hall for anyone in there to hear any warnings. Once the shop is clear, Belle plans on saving the incomplete Motobud, who she had been struggling to repair for weeks before the Clean Sweepstakes. Since moving his exposed circuitry could risk causing him to lose his memory, Belle decides to finish repairing him first. Despite her wanting them to leave, Tails and the Chief Mechanic volunteer to help her out while they can. Meanwhile, Sonic and Jet continue evacuating people, constantly trading the lead until they manage to save a total of ninety-two lives, forty-six each. The timer for the self-destruct sequence finally reaches zero as the shuttle crash-lands into the HQ, exploding and completely demolishing it. After dropping off the rescuees outside, Sonic decides to go back to take one more look despite Amy's protests. He tries to invite Jet to join him, but the hawk refuses, unwilling to risk his life by going back when the place is already in ruins.

Sonic and Tails getting ready

Sonic and Tails prepare to save Belle, Motobud, and the Chief Mechanic.

Returning to the now-destroyed Restoration HQ, Sonic calls out for any survivors. Tails shouts back as he walks forward from the nearby rubble, pointing to where Belle, Motobud, and the Chief Mechanic are trapped under some debris. Sonic instructs Belle to kick the beam above her on his mark, and for Tails to follow his lead. After he counts down to zero, Belle does as she is told, allowing Sonic to dash in and grab them. When Sonic is knocked back by a piece of rubble, Motobud suddenly takes flight, allowing them all to safely escape. Amy once again embraces Sonic, happy to see that he and the others are okay. Charmy is impressed by Motobud's ability to fly, to which Belle responds by explaining that although she borrowed some leftover Extreme Gear parts, it was Tails who got it working. The Chief Mechanic praises Tails for living up to his reputation as a genius, wondering if he can still convince the fox to work for him. Nite, Don, Jewel, Rough, and Tumble then arrive at the scene aboard The Bad Investment, with Nite bragging to Don about the RV being a good idea.

Everyone helping out to rebuild

Sonic and the others head down to rebuild Restoration HQ.

At the sight of the destroyed HQ, Jewel drops to her knees and begins sobbing. While Amy tries to comfort her, Jet approaches Sonic and tells him that he is willing to concede to a tie on one condition: a rematch between the two with no distractions or conditions of any kind. Sonic accepts the challenge, eager to have some fun against his rival. The Diamond Cutters then arrive as well, with Tangle running over to check on Jewel. Distraught by the loss of Restoration HQ, Jewel believes that she has failed and that the Restoration is over, but Tangle points her attention to all the members who are alive and well, helping Jewel as well as Lanolin realize that the people are what truly define the Restoration rather than a building. The heroes prepare to go clean up the mess and rebuild, with even Rough and Tumble being forced to help as payment for the ride down.

Later on, Sonic and Tails head to Tails' Lab to get some rest after a long and exhausting day. However, they notice the door is already cracked open, leading Sonic to wonder if someone broke in. His suspicions are confirmed when Tails notices the missing generator core, where the yellow Chaos Emerald once was. The Chaos Emerald is seen hovering over a small stand in a strange, dark room, serving as the only source of light within it.



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