Official Solicitation
“Scattered Pieces,” Part One! Sonic and his friends are forced to deal with the aftermath of Clutch’s grand scheme! While some set out to seek justice, some stay behind to pick up the pieces. What unlikely pairs will join forces? Which bonds will be broken? Who can be trusted? A new chapter in the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog series begins here!
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Vector shows Sonic the board with everything they know so far.
Many days after the destruction of Restoration HQ, Sonic arrives at the Chaotix Detective Agency. As he enters the place, the Chaotix immediately stop what they're doing and make Sonic sit down, close the window's curtain and put the table lamp on his face, Vector then starts interrogating him for his actions as the Phantom Rider. But Sonic, not worried about it at all, only responds it was his only option at the time, and smugly remarks about how people "say" the Rider is "pretty good looking". Espio then asks if it's true that he became the "Phantom Rider" while in "cahoots" with Eggman, but Sonic only claims it was only a convenient set of circumstances after commenting on Espio's choice of using the word "cahoots". Sonic explains that Eggman wanted to know who was running Clean Sweep Inc., and that Sonic, Tails and Amy thought something was suspicious in the Clean Sweepstakes race after their Extreme Gears got hijacked. So Sonic agreed to use Eggman's Eggstreme Gear to distract the Clean Sweepstakes Security as the Phantom Rider while Tails and Amy sneaked into into the Restoration shuttle to investigate. Charmy loudly claims he should've have come to them first, but the hedgehog responds that they already were on the case, adding how Tails and Amy saved them and claiming everything worked out fine, only for Vector and Espio to remind him that not only Sonic interrupted the race, but Restoration HQ was destroyed and Clean Sweep Inc.'s CEO, Clutch, is still at large. Sonic, turning on the lights, claims his point is that no one got injured, but admits that he is worried about Clutch still on the loose, and claims this is the reason he came to the Chaotix in the first place, to find Clutch. While Vector is surprised that Sonic wants in on the investigation, Espio asks if this is another deal with Eggman, reminding Sonic that he is a notorious manipulator, only for Sonic to remind him how the Chaotix took a case from him once, although the former still stands by his point. Sonic says he knows it's not very surprising that Eggman double-crossed him, but he wants to know what the former did with Clutch and if the two will cause harm to others in the future, so he wants the Chaotix's help, which Charmy excitedly agrees to. Upon learning Sonic was there when the shuttle went down, Vector decides to adds his testimony to the board, where he is gathering is all the information they know so far about Clutch and the Clean Sweepstakes.

A view of the destroyed shuttle on top of Restoration HQ.
Meanwhile in Emeraldville Ruins, Silver and Blaze are checking the Victory Garden, which is still standing after the HQ's destruction, but all the flowers and vegetables were destroyed. Although Silver is upset, claiming how it seems like his efforts to stop the peril in the past always lead to another disaster to clean up, he decides to make a new garden. Blaze compliments Silver on how his first thoughts in the face of adversity are of how to resume and make things better, which she finds commendable. Silver, flattered, responds that it's only over when they give up. He then decides to turn the Victory Garden into an orchard with many apple trees, which Blaze approves. Tails and Amy arrive and welcome the duo back, with Blaze relieved their friends are okay. Amy laments to Silver for his garden, but he shares with her his plans for an apple tree orchard, which she excitedly approves. Silver comments on how he and Blaze have enjoyed their world tour; having met wonderful people, viewed amazing sights, and tried delicious foods. Blaze adds they also had numerous distractions; She feels bad that their friends were in peril while the two were across the globe. Tails tries to comfort her, saying she was on vacation, but she claims that a princess must protect her people. When Tails objects that they are not from her world, she responds she considers her friends her people as well and claims she will do everything she can to protect them and their homes. Amy warmly hugs Blaze for her sweetness, but quickly lets her go out of embarrassment, remembering Blaze is not a hugger. Blaze volunteers to help rebuild and asks what their next steps are. Tails responds they were going to head to other regional offices for rebuilding efforts, as Restoration HQ was originally the center of it. Viewing the destroyed shuttle on top of the destroyed HQ, Amy, a little depressed, claims they need to check if everyone is okay and if the entire network has collapsed. Tails also hopes that, during their travel, they can discover what happened to the yellow Chaos Emerald he had kept. Amy invites Silver to join them on their travel, but he kindly declines the offer, because he just realized the Diamond Cutters might also be going through a hard time. Even though he was kicked out of the group during his first experience with them, he decides to help them.
Silver flies to a clean area in Emeraldville Ruins where he finds Jewel, Tangle, Whisper, Lanolin, and Belle, who is petting Motobud, sitting down with sad and worried expressions. After a moment of awkward silence, Silver speaks first and claims nothing will get fixed if they keep moping like this, and asks Jewel if she has a plan. Jewel, with a serious look, responds she will quit the Restoration. Before Lanolin can object, Jewel claims it needs to happen. She tells her friends that when she offered to take Amy's position she thought she could be helpful. She knew administrating the Restoration would be more difficult than managing the Mineral Museum, but she wanted a challenge, to get out of her comfort zone, which seemed fun at first. But she claims it was too much and she believes she wasn't the right person for the job. When Clutch offered the Clean Sweep Inc.'s help, Jewel was excited, as she had so little experience managing a large organization and Clutch promised to help the Restoration reach milestones she couldn't manage on her own. But then Clutch turned out to be a criminal, and when the ship was crashing, Jewel was the one who decided to steer the ship on top of the HQ to protect the city, while not knowing if the people were all evacuated. When Lanolin claims Jewel made the right choice, the latter cries in frustration that it was a terrible choice and now everything is in ruins. Tangle uses her tail to pick up Jewel and put her on her lap and explains how her best friend always liked to help people, including all the times she saved Tangle from trouble; while others would have frozen in the face of adversity and given up, Jewel stood up and did the best she could. Even though Clutch played with her, Jewel had always told Tangle to learn from your mistakes, Tangle assures Jewel that Clutch was the villain in all this and she doesn't to beat herself up because of his actions. Jewel tearfully thanks her as the best friends hug.

Silver gathering everyone together for a group hug.
Lanolin speaks next, after rethinking strategically on how to say it, she simply says she is sorry. Lanolin says she had wanted so bad to make things better and make them sense for such a long time, and now she sees that she was so fixated on her goal that she lost sight of the process and the people in it, which was the reason she joined the Restoration in the first place. Because of her blindness, she was easily manipulated by Mimic, she lost her teammates' trust, especially when they found out Sonic was the Phantom Rider and she became a liability. Lanolin genuinely apologizes to her friends, and apologizes the most to Silver and Whisper for not believing their suspicions of Duo being Mimic. Silver forgives her and thanks her. Lanolin also claims she can't let things end like this and needs to make it better. She knows she can't and shouldn't be the one to restart the Restoration and decides to start small, with her first plan being to restore Emeraldville to make it a safe and clean space for people to live again, to which she asks nervously if it's reasonable. While Tangle whispers it seems like a large thing to do, Jewel asks Lanolin if she has prior experience with such a task, to which the latter awkwardly responds she doesn't. But Jewel claims she didn't have any either, but has learned a lot while managing things. She offers for her and Lanolin to work together on restoring Emeraldville slowly, which the latter tearfully accepts and thanks. Happy to see his friends getting along, Silver sits down and asks Whisper if she has a plan as well. She replies "Find Mimic. End Mimic." But Tangle tells her not to do it, recalling on how they first captured Mimic, claiming they will stop Mimic when they find him. Whisper flatly placates this sentiment, but then offers Silver to join her and Tangle on their mission of finding Mimic, and implies with quotations that she and him would permanently "stop" him, which he Silver agrees to absolutely. Tangle then asks Belle if she will stay with Jewel and Lanolin, thinking she doesn't want to look for a fight. Belle says she was scared about what to do with herself when she lost her father "Mister Tinker." But after meeting her friends and surviving everything they've been through, she is not scared of the world anymore, Belle decides to travel the world with Motobud, to help other people and take some time for herself, also claiming that although she truly loves her friends, they are disaster magnets, which Silver jovially agrees with. Tangle awkwardly comments on how this is it for the Diamond Cutters, disbanding so quickly after forming, and apologizes to Whisper for the comment. But the latter responds it is okay, as they are better on their own terms, but she prefers to say "see you later" than "goodbye." Lanolin thanks her friends for letting her be a part of this and Jewel thanks Silver for his help. Silver claims that the Diamond Cutters are not done yet, and he uses his psychokinesis to gather everyone together for a group hug (which Tangle is the most excited for) and yells: "Diamond Cutters, together forever!"

With everything set, the heroes part ways on their missions, journeys and goals.
Back at the Chaotix Detective Agency, Vector has updated the board with the new info given by Sonic. Having gathered everything, Sonic learns that Clean Sweep Inc. seems to be still operating, but with no knowledge of who is running it. Espio claims it can't be Clutch, because of his revelation during Clean Sweepstakes; and Vector claims it can't be Eggman either, as he hated the operation. Sonic decides to start investigating and wakes up a sleeping Charmy. Sonic also hopes this will help them discover who took the yellow Chaos Emerald, with Vector responding to take one case at a time. With this, Sonic and the Chaotix, driving the Beat Monster, head to White Park Chateau. Meanwhile, Tails, Amy and Blaze fly on the Tornado to look for rebuilding efforts for the Restoration, Belle rides on a carriage, being pulled by a repainted Motobud, to start her journey and Jewel and Lanolin are planning together their first steps on restoring Emeraldville. With everything set, the heroes part their own ways to complete their missions and goals.
- Amy Rose
- Badnik
- Aero-Chaser (drawing) (first appearance)
- Buzz Bomber or Buzzer (drawing)
- Chopper (drawing)
- Cop Speeder (drawing) (first appearance)
- Egg Fighter (drawing)
- Egg Pawn (drawing)
- Interceptor (drawing) (first appearance)
- Jawz (drawing)
- Little Fighter (drawing) (first appearance)
- Mole (drawing)
- Moto Bug (drawing)
- Spinner (drawing)
- Spiny (drawing) (first appearance)
- Sprinkler (drawing) (first appearance)
- Blaze the Cat
- Chaotix
- Clean Sweep Inc. (mentioned)
- Clutch the Opossum (picture)
- Diamond Cutters
- Doctor Eggman (flashback)
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Mimic the Octopus (picture)
- Rough the Skunk (picture)
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Phantom Rider (flashback)
- Tumble the Skunk (picture)
Races and species:
- Human (flashback)
- Sonic's universe
- Silver's future (mentioned)
- Sonic's world
- Clean Sweep Inc. (mentioned)
- Emeraldville Ruins
- Holoska (flashback)
- Seaside City
- Chaotix Detective Agency office
- Shamar (flashback)
- Soleanna (flashback)
- Apple (first appearance)
- Chaos Emerald (mentioned)
- Concealers
- Eggstreme Gear (flashback)
- Sonic's shoes
- Variable Wispon
- Chaotix Detective Agency
- Clean Sweep Inc. (picture)
- Clean Sweepstakes
- Propeller Flying
- Psychokinesis
- The events of Sonic Heroes are mentioned.
- The events of Clean Sweepstakes are mentioned.
- Silver, before taking off to meet with the Diamond Cutters, acknowledges how he was kicked out by them in Sonic the Hedgehog #64.
- As soon as Whisper is dead-set on tracking down Mimic and ending him, Tangle has to remind her of their previous talk about ending his life in the Tangle & Whisper mini-series.
- Vector still has the Beat Monster from the events of Team Sonic Racing.
- On page 7, Blaze says "Hello. I'm glad so see you're unhurt." with "so" likely being a typo.