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Avatar: The Legend of Korra Mini-series.

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I know this was discussed to some length in the Last Airbender movie topic, but since this has came up, I figure it would be best to start a new topic. Really short version of it is that the new series starts 70 years aftar the first one. It's about Korra, a female waterbending avatar, who has mastered all but air and is learning it from Aang's son. The really good news is that the original creative team is working on this so I'm sure it will be as awesome as the first. Thoughts?

Posts: 252
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Thoughts? Here's one: "OMFG YESSS"

Link to interview with Mike and Bryan (creators) about the new show. Watch how they sidestep talking about the movie. XD

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Since missing the original series...i'm watching this if it's the last thing I do. Mark my words!

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Built Ford tough!

So... a steampunk city at the center of the world, Friends of Humanity-esque anti-bender sentiments ("NO MORE BENDIES!"), and a female Avatar looking to become the next Batman?

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Medieval China to steampunk in 70 years?

Guess the Machinist and Sokka were like Da Vinci.

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Dude! My friend, Tom is gonna freak when he hears about this.

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I don’t want to give anything away, but rest assured there’s a definite link between the old series and this one.

YES! I like the way these two guys think and the direction they're heading. I'm excited for the new series.

What did you guys think of the live-action version of “The Last Airbender”?

Konietzko: We’re just really focused on this new show right now, and kind of taking this off in its own direction and not concerning ourselves with that right now.

LMAO I wholeheartedly support this response!

I wonder what personality will Tenzin have and if Katara will be like her grams. Also, Tenzin is an airbender... can he water bend as well? Poor Katara, I hope they had more than one son. I wonder if Toph ended up training Korra since she's very muscular and her silhouette sorta reminds me of Toph.

Still, even if it makes sense, I can't believe Aang died so young lol

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Medieval China to steampunk in 70 years?

Guess the Machinist and Sokka were like Da Vinci.

Well, when you think about it the Fire Nation was already steampunkish and then there was the blimps Ozai made based on the Machinist's designs; so, it's not really that farfetched to think big advancements happened within 70 years. I know it may be farfetched, but I'm somewhat thinking Korra could be Suki and Sokka's (grand)daughter; if not, I wonder if there will be any romantic tensions between Korra and Tenzin.

Posts: 5772
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I wonder if there will be any romantic tensions between Korra and Tenzin.

I wonder how Aang would feel about that.

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I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time an Avatar dated, or even married, a descendant of a former Avatar.

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I wonder if there will be any romantic tensions between Korra and Tenzin.

I wonder how Aang would feel about that.

Wouldn't he be dead? In order for the next Avatar to appear, the previous one has to die. Hate to be the spoil sport, but chances are, Aang bit the big one. Also, 70 years took place. Unless Aang had his child late, Tenzin may be far too old for Korra and I really doubt Nickelodeon would let them get away with such a huge age gap between the two for romance.

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Yeah, I have a feeling Tenzin is fairly old, but if he's not, I can see a possible pairing there maybe. Also, even if Aang is dead, he still can probably see what Korra is going through since he is, y'know, technically Korra.

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Wouldn't he be dead?

Yes. Yes he would. Didn't seem to stop Avatar Roku from pulling an Obi-Wan every once in a while.

Posts: 1195
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Yes. Yes he would. Didn't seem to stop Avatar Roku from pulling an Obi-Wan every once in a while.

Ahhh yes, the spirit forms. Completely forgot about that. I wonder, will Aang choose his 12-year-old form or an older age? Would be hilarious to see him walk around with a Gyatso-ish mustache.

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I'm hoping that Aang will show up in adult form; if not in spirit form, than in flashbacks.

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Would be hilarious to see him walk around with a Gyatso-ish mustache.

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(That thing he posted.)


Posts: 1055
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Oh hells yeah.

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Posts: 917
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I like this because it is relevant to my interests.

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goofy side-kick confirmed?

Posts: 608
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LMAO TTG, that was awesome and I can imagine adult/old Aang being exactly like that

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Just looks like Ang with a glasgow smile.

Posts: 252
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Meelo, you mean?

Posts: 917
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No, Meelo looks like Meelo makes no sense. Meelo looks like Ang with a glasgow smile.

Posts: 252
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I meant, as opposed to what Hidoi was talking about.

Meanwhile, Why Aang Died So Early.

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Well, got some kinda bad news. The Legend of Korra will just be a mini-series not a whole series!

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Eh, whatever washes the taste of that movie by the Ember Island Players out of my brain.

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Nothing bad about that. Most people prefer a more focused storyline as opposed to randomly inserting filler to pad the episode length.

... I assume.

EDIT: I stumbled upon this quote whilst going through an article on the show's announcement that was linked to in the interview:

Will Tenzin and Korra (and Aang, come on, he has to make guest appearance, right?) be able to save the day?

And can you believe it: Aang totally had sex. That justifies all your slash-fiction!

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Well, that's why I say kinda bad. I know it's not really bad, but I said that cuz it won't have 3 "books" which while not necessarily a bad thing mean we won't be able to enjoy it as long as the first one.

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Considering it's going to be focusing seemingly more on politics than than a war, it's probably better that they're not planning on making this last several seasons. If it takes off, they'll find a way to extend it or create something new. 😉

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Yeah, of that I'm sure! Y'know, I think it would be kinda neat, that, if they can make great stories, they keep skip years showing different Avatars.

Posts: 5772
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"I am the bender the Four Nations deserve."


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I'm sorry, but hot! (No pun originally intended.) And aw, no hair loopies! 🙁

Posts: 5772
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Cast list revealed.

Hm. Bud Bundy in MY Avatar? Also... why do they keep calling it The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra instead of Avatar: Legend of Korra? Is Cameron being a little **@%+ again?

EDIT: Oh yeah, figure I should go ahead and post this too. It's a line test that was leaked months ago. I knew about it for a while but didn't see the need to bump up an old thread just to post it, so... there you go. As for the line test itself, as I remember it it's not indicative of anything regarding plot. It's just a practice animatic for a fight scene by one of the Korean animators.

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Wow, that line test is so cool in motion! ^_^

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Bryan/Mike Interview

-pushed back to mid-2012

-originally 12 episode mini-series, now a full season of 26

-first 12 will be the original story-arc planned, no fillers

-Korra is the opposite in personality Aang was

Read it all. Very illuminating.

Posts: 520
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Having her being the complete opposite of Anng would be very interesting. Shame it was pushed back a bit.
