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bow to the awsome wonder woman!

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she looks so gorgeous XD <drools>, i'm a huge wonder woman fan, and i like this new costume sooooo much. waaaaaaaaaaa i want those boots!!! 

Posts: 2234
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Yeah, does look like an interesting costume but considering the actual description they've got for the show I don't have much high hopes for it.

Speaking of superhero television shows, we really really do need more based on the comics. I would kill for a well done Spider-man or X-Men live action show. Although saying that I do believe I heard something about them making a Cloak and Dagger tv show?

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The review I read of the pilot doesn't fill me with confidence (too much cookie cutter "girl power" - or "Amazon McBeal" as a friend of mine is calling it) - and that was before I read that that totemic atress of our age Liz Hurley was in it.

Not too keen on the costume, either. With the budget at their disposal, couldn't they have come up with something less plastic? I know that making it look slightly kinky is a nod to the character's origins, but hat's so PVC and tacky it almost looks as though it's been Photoshopped on.

I'd have been happier with another straight to DVD animated movie.

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i really care about the main character and outfit first of all and i love how she looks its a bit cartoony @ PVC the colors just look great to me.
i'll have to watch it before i judge the show... to be honest i was surprised at the yahoo article saying how the costume is too out of the comic and wont work in real life 0__0  superman looked fine and he was wearing an odd suit.

0___0  "amazing mcbeal" for a hater of the mcbeal show that's getting me worried now.

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I'll be honest.

I'm more interested in the model than the costume. n_n

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Fox News should know that she's an Amazon - it's spelled somewhat like "American" not also differently enough that surely they could tell the difference if they weren't so interested in stirring up controversy.  I may be wrong, but wasn't the reason she incorporated the United States flag into her outfit was as a sign of respect for the one nation that the Amazons sent her to as a diplomatic envoy?  The one nation who crash-landed a pilot on their island in the first place, so it was really the only nation they had any contact with?  So as someone who is representing her own nation, who wasn't born in the US and has entirely different ideals in many senses than the US (especially nowadays), it's entirely reasonable to choose something else.


Yeah I have to admit though, the shiny is too shiny.  Imagine if Batwoman wore something like that, or Power Girl, or-

...I can see your eyes glazing, fellow male forumers >:O don't think I can't!

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Power Girl mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Posts: 1191
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GUYS, GUYS! It's NBC. Of COURSE the expectations are low!

But seriously, even if the show is actually good, do you think it would have staying power on a network such as NBC. Who probably had more failed new shows within the last couple of years. How's "The Cape" doing, btw?

Either way. I agree with Sam and rather have another Wonder Woman Animated DVD movie.

Posts: 1827
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I thought that it was a halloween/kinky late night activites costume. Not something for a tv show. Trouble is the plastic is clearly plastic and the PVC is kinky.

Why for does DC seem to screw up Wonder Woman?

Second to the Power Girl mmmm... though. Actually that would be a good little comedy/light drama thing if its anything like the semi(?) recent comic thing.

X-Men Live Action tv series would pretty awesome actually, as a way to slowly build up the universe as opposed to the movies.

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I also would rather another Wonder Woman animated film... But that's just because Fillion did the male lead's voice

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If this costume has any redeeming qualities, it's that the leggings/pants and boots combo is better than the swimsuit look.

Note: I don't follow WW, so I don't know if this has been used before.

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I may be wrong, but wasn't the reason she incorporated the United States flag into her outfit was as a sign of respect for the one nation that the Amazons sent her to as a diplomatic envoy? 

yeah but if i remember correctly didnt wonder woman come at the same aera as captian america? it was popular trend to have superheroes patriotically symbolized.
though i'm feeling that excitment i had when i saw the warrior princess it was really fun seeing a powerful beautiful woman hero. XD waaaaaaaaaaa i want to be wonder woman <steals outfit and practices using the lasso>

Posts: 2116
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In terms of the in-character justification, Terg's right.

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the black pants and boots look hot on her but make her look evil, i like her just as she is.

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Dear Terg and everyone else who is going D: D: D: @ them dropping the American Flag motif...

If you look hard at the side of her pants inside the lasso... you will notice stars there 😯

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Man, if you came to the opposite conclusion of what I was writing about, then I must need to rewrite it or something. 

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lol, sorry about that. Saw your name quoted sonicfan1991's post and just threw it in there as it was the first I saw associated with the issue.

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S'allright, no harm done.  No blood no foul, right? XP

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lol, sorry about that. Saw your name quoted sonicfan1991's post and just threw it in there as it was the first I saw associated with the issue.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hiro you're on my side... you like me???  you'd turst my opinions blindly?! 

 i'm so happppppppppppppppppy


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you're gonna be sorry when you find out how cute i am.

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>_> I was gonna contribute to the convo, then I saw that Pony Image. I refuse to post now. u_u

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: (  
but this is about the awsome perfect wonderful beautiful ..... oh fine i'll post a pic of her here too:
wonder woman amaze them with your beatuy:   from the old and new comic

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That is still god damn ugly.

Good lord.

Posts: 1381
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Ah, much better!

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Yes, it looks a lot better now.  I'm sure they received some input from the first costume.

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Better, but...holy crud, I don't expect her chest to defy gravity, but it looks like that top piece is an uncomfortable vice in some of those pics.

Posts: 1100
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Stunt Woman's tattoo looks horrid.

On a different not, Another new image, another costume change

Posts: 1191
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So nobody mentioned that NBC isn't picking this series up next season yet? Oh...well there you go,

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Rob from Topless Robot got his hands on a copy of the pilot... And the next day came down with the flu 😯 😯 😯

Apparently it was REALLY bad and the plot made no sense =|. His only plus was the actress playing WW did a fantastic job.

Posts: 520
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I don't know why but whenever I saw WW in the cartoon versions of the Justice League or what not, the costume didn't seem so crazy or outlandish but when they try to do it live action, it looks so...ugh.
