Plot: Tlotoxl tries to poison Barbara and The Doctor drinks some cocoa and get's engaged.
Good: The Doctor getting engaged is quite interesting, if only for his reaction to it. It's funny that throughout the rest of it's original run Doctor Who would abstain from mentioning The Doctor having a fancy for anyone he met during his travels. Barbara actually admitting to Tlotoxl that she is not a real goddess and Ian telling Barbara that she isn't just trying ban human sacrifice, she's trying to change an entire culture, were both excellent moments made even better by the actors and actresses involved.
Bad: While Susan finally gets a part in the story I can't really say I'm intrigued, it's obviously a ploy by Tlotoxl but is still rather boring.
Overall: This one get's a 4.5 out of 5. Setting up for the ending and continuing the best Who serial yet. Next Episode: Eclipse (No, Rob Pattinson is not guest starring.)
Plot: The gang tries to make their escape as Tlotoxl makes his move for power.
Good: This episode lives up to it's title, it is dark. This is the first serial where our heroes don't actually win. Barbara has to accept that she can't save these people from doom, The Doctor has to deal with heartbreak by leaving Cameca, Susan looses some innocence and Ian KILLS a man just so the gang can escape. It's just a very down episode. Yet the episode doesn't wallow in it's sadness ending on a more upbeat note. This is also the first episode where everyone was at the top of their game, especially Hartnell and Jacqueline Hall (Barbara) who give outstanding performances, this is easily Hartnell at his best.
Bad: Outstanding all around, the only fault is very minor. This final episode moves a bit too quickly, not enough to affect the score but still a problem.
Overall: This episode get's a big ol' 5 out of 5. The best serial yet end on a high note. Next Episode: Aliens IN SPACE!
Plot: The gang land inside a spaceship where the people inside are being mind controlled.
Good: A nice creepy start to the episode get's things going, I especially enjoyed The Doctor this episode, Hartnell managed to do a great job despite some fumbled lines. I was also rather impressed by the man playing John, he did a very good job portraying a man who's mind has been broken down. The best part though being the creepiest ending to an episode since the 1st episode of The Daleks.
Bad: After the masterpiece that was The Aztecs I was expecting to be let down by anything to come after it but my main problem with this episode is that it's so boring. Very little held my interest throughout the episode, not to mention the somewhat lackluster acting of Maitland.
Overall: This episode gets a 3 out of 5. A rather lackluster start to a serial, hopefully it will improve. Next Episode: Sensoritis?
that's insanity
I imagine I'll have this one for a good while
Handbags, anyone?
Not anymore.
Continue with your thread Swanson, just cleaning out the spam.

Plot: As The Doctor (or more, his body double) travels to Paris, Ian, Barbara, and Susan are stuck in jail.
Good: The first episode to include location filming, it's a fun note and the shots are good. The Doctor being away from his companions is also rather interesting, getting to see The Doctor try to make it on his own is quite a treat. While the scenes involving The Doctor and a foreman who is working a group of tax dodgers are pointless Hartnell makes them worth it with his acting, the other Doctors will have something to live up to with Hartnell.
Bad: Susan and Barbara have a good plan going by trying to escape by making a hole in the wall, but they get scared because of rats trying to come through. Seriously! These two women have battled Cavemen, Daleks, and all sorts of other baddies but a couple of rats are too much?! Other than that I was a bit bothered by Susan's pessimism, it seemed unwarranted when they've been in far worse situations.
Overall: This episode gets a 4 out of 5. A nice continuation of the story. Next Episode: Doctor Disguised!
Plot: The Doctor gets some new duds as Barbara, Susan, and Ian all escape their prisons.
Good: The Doctor dressing up is both awesome and hilarious, even better is his bargaining with the man in the clothing store and the scenes in the jail, Hartnell at his best. In another point of interest The Doctor gives away the ring given to him by his "wife" in The Aztecs. A nice continuity nudge by the writers with some character development in there too.
Bad: Ian's (prerecorded) scenes were so dreadfully boring, how long can they draw out escaping from a jail cell? The answer, about 2 minutes. Is it just me or was Susan absolutely useless in this episode? Barbara makes a plan for escape from their CERTAIN DEATH and all Susan can do is complain about how tired she is. No wonder Carole Ann Ford wanted to leave.
Overall: This episode earns a 3.5 out of 5. A rather average installment. The next 2 episodes we return to telesnaps as those 2 episodes happen to be missing. Next Episode: Tyrant of Terror!
Plot: Barbara must find a physician for a sickly Susan, but who can you trust. Meanwhile, The Doctor meets with the Tyrant of France himself.
Good: I tell you, when William Hartnell is good, he's damn good, this episode is a perfect example as Hartnell gets a good chunk of screen time. My personal favorite being his meeting with Robespierre, who rambles like a lunatic about quickening the rate of executions. His and The Doctors strange and entertaining back and forth was the highlight of the episode. It was also great to see Ian and Barbara's reunion although it was over rather fast and we get a nice little swerve from the writers at the end.
Bad: While I understand his purpose, the jailer is becoming something of a nuisance, he was my only problem in an otherwise great episode.
Overall: This episode gets a 4.5 out of 5. Despite the jailer this episode was great for my return (again) post. Next Episode: Necessary Bargains
Plot: The Doctor hatches a plan to rescue Barbara and Susan while Ian comes face to face with a traitor.
Good: Hartnell is once again excellent this episode, I especially love scenes where he tries to outsmart those around him and there just happened to be a lot of that this episode. The scene between Ian and Leon about the mysterious James Stirling had me glued to the screen, I'm not a huge fan of Ian (frankly the man is a screen hog) but he was great this episode. Another interesting scene occurs when when Barbara (who escapes before The Doctor and Susan) returns to Jules' house to learn that Leon was a traitor and was killed for such. Her argument between Ian and Jules about whether or not Leon "deserved it" and how there really isn't a "right side" in this affair was quite interesting and really explains the time well.
Bad: Once again the jailer is an annoying and somewhat pointless part of the episode, albeit less pointless than the last couple episodes. Am I the only one who finds it odd that Susan has suddenly gotten over her illness from last episode? I wouldn't mind it so much if she actually did something this episode.
Overall: This episode earns a 4 out of 5. A great climax to what is shaping up to be a good serial. Next Episode: Prisoners...again
Plot: The Doctor seems to have brought an officer of the law to Ian and the gang, has he sold out his friends? Also, what's up with Susan?
Good: While I telegraphed the twist of Lemaitre being James Stirling at the end of last episode the twist is still nice to see and makes quite a bit of sense when explained. What was a bit surprising was the appearance of Napoleon Bonaparte around the middle of the episode, it was great to see the future leader of France plan the currents downfall. Speaking of Robespierre, the scene of his capture was quite captivating, seeing him completely lose it when they came for him was fantastic, great work! Once again The Doctor had some fun this episode as he tricked The Jailer into letting him release Susan, probably the only time I've enjoyed seeing The Jailer. Speaking of The Doctor let's not forget his terrific line at the end as we close out season 1. "Our destiny is in the stars, so let's go and search for it."
Bad: Boy, Susan was useless this episode, in fact she's been useless this entire serial. It's a shame to see such a great character being wasted. There is mountains of story potential in her and none of the writers use it.
Overall: This episode gets a 4.5 out of 5. A great end to the first season of Doctor Who. Next Episode: Season 2!
Plot: After a mishap on the TARDIS the crew find themselves on a planet filled with giant dead insects, but there seems to be more than meets the eye here.
Good: Like many first episodes this episode is mostly set up, because of that I took the time to notice more small things that I liked than usual. First off, I found it very interesting that The Doctor actually apologized this episode for acting like a jerk, some growth for the character. I enjoyed the reveal that this isn't a planet of giants, the crew has just shrunk because of a malfunction in the TARDIS. Naturally, there are some of fun design choices by the set crew and while some of it is certainly cheesy most of it looks surprisingly well done. Also kudos to our villain for this serial, Forester, he does a great job of introducing himself and really comes off a menacing.
Bad: While I've become use to slow build-up in the first half of a serial, I was expecting a faster pace for a 3 episode serial and this episode was rather slow. Also, was I the only one who thought it was a bit dumb of Forester to up and kill the man he was speaking with and just leave his body out in the open, he's asking to get caught.
Overall: This episode gets a 4 out of 5. A nice way to kick off the 2nd season. Next Episode: The Journey Get's Dangerous
Plot: The Doctor and friends are trapped in a big world and they just happen to be tiny. Also there's something about chemicals and clear undertones about the harmful use of pesticides.
Good: We meet Forester's unwilling assistant, Smithers, this episode and thankfully he doesn't remind me of the assistant of one Charles Montgomery Burns. Instead, Smithers provides Forester with a means to show just how devious he is. Smithers means well, he just happens to have a evil partner and the interaction between the two is what really makes this episode for me. Other than that we get some great set designs and a surprisingly well done "giant" fly.
Bad: A rather slow pace this episode...again. Seriously, the pacing of this serial was so slow that the BBC told them to cut it down to 3 episodes not 4! It's pretty sad when you have an episode where the guest characters are more interesting than your main characters, even The Doctor is uninteresting this episode!
Overall: This episode gets a 3 out of 5. A slightly disappointing 2nd half here's hoping we end on a better note! Next Episode: Honey I Shrunk the TARDIS
Plot: The miniature gang tries to get back to the TARDIS but insecticide and a poisoned Barbara are halting their progress.
Good: This serial has been blessed with some truly great sets, it does a great job of making the gang actually seem 1 inch. Forester was menacing (sadly only in acting and not in his actual schemes) and it works well to sort of make him seem less bumbling.
Bad: Boy was this disappointing...Forester's plans were just...stupid, I don't even see what his thought process was. The entire ending with the bomb, set by our tiny TARDIS crew, exploding in Foerster's face and the whole thing with the seed inside the TARDIS just didn't work for me. Plus there was an old couple that had something to do with the plot...I think. And as if it need to be said the pacing was just as bad as the last two episodes and it feels like this could have all been done in 2 reasonably paced episodes.
Overall: This episode gets a 2 out of 5. A very disappointing end to this serial, let's hope the return of The Daleks makes up for it. Next Episode: End of the World!
Swanson, as you go through these episodes, do you find the tone comparable to the resurrected series, or do the old and new series seem like they've gone in separate directions?
The look on the Doctors face...This looks suspiciously like the worlds first recorded 'Smugface'. XD
Rapidfire: I haven't watched much of the new series but from what I can tell the tone is different from the new series. The series can be a dramatic as the new one but it rarely deals with The Doctor's feeling, at least not as obviously as the new series. I'd say watch some of the old series for yourself to see, if you want to watch one from what I've been reviewing I recommend The Aztecs otherwise I'd say Spearhead From Space or The Talons of Weng-Chiang as a good start that I haven't gotten to yet in reviews.
Mobius: Yeah I enjoyed that pic, Hartnell actually makes that face a lot when he discovers something, almost a "I'm proud of myself" type thing.
Plot: The Doctor lands in what appears to be London but is this really Ian and Barbara's home?
Good: This is by far the most expensive serial the Who Crew (as I call them, although I highly doubt that's an original phrase) has made to date and it pay off. Every shot in this episode seems new and different, it seems to escape from that dreary "studio" feel that previous episodes have had and it looks great in the process. I also really enjoyed the mystery element behind this episode (a bit of a callback to The Daleks) sure I knew that The Daleks were behind everything but that doesn't make the reveal of a Dalek coming out of the river any less awesome. I also enjoyed what we saw of the Robomen, The Daleks having their own personal mind slaves makes them even more formidable. On the acting side, everybody really brought their A-game this episode, especially Hartnell and Russell (Ian) who are always fun together and seem to be enjoying the fresh air during the outdoor scenes this episode. Also of special mention is Dortmun, a rebellion leader in a wheelchair. I'm intrigued and hope to see more of him as it can go 2 ways right now. He can be a total badass and really defy expectation or he can be comic relief and be all sad about being in a wheelchair, I'm hoping for the former.
Bad: Surprisingly, there was nothing bad this episode, it was a real treat.
Overall: This episode gets a 5 out of 5. A terrific return for The Daleks and a wonderful start to what looks to be a great serial. Next Episode: Daleks, Daleks, and more Daleks!
Plot: The Daleks have taken over London and The Doctor and pals must stop them!
Good: As expected this episode contains a huge infodump on how exactly The Daleks were able to take over, not just London, but the entire planet. However the infodump is actually entertaining and shows how clever The Daleks are, a perfect nemesis for The Doctor. Speaking of The Doctor, him and Ian are even more entertaining this episode as they play off each other and try to escape The Daleks. Even the filler seems to work better this episode, especially a scene in which The Daleks are loading prisoners into a ship and they brutally murder one who attempts escape. All around The Daleks are looking even more dastardly and evil in this serial, and I'm loving it!
Bad: We're introduced to Jenny this episode who was originally designed to be Susan's replacement and thank God she wasn't, she's completely one dimensional and kind of a jerk. Also, the ambush scene at the end would have been much more entertaining if it the action was a bit more clear. I had to replay the scene just to understand that they were attacking.
Overall: This episode earns a 4 out of 5. A good continuation to what is slowly becoming a terrific serial! Next Episode: Reckoning Day
Plot: The Doctor and Ian are trapped on a Dalek ship and Barbara and Susan try to help rebels take The Daleks down, what could possibly go wrong?
Good: This episode kept the despair and tension going with numerous scenes that showcase the evil of The Daleks. There are numerous scene in the beginning of The Daleks killing rebels but the most chilling scene is the death of a man who had just helped Susan and David (one of the few surviving rebels) as he was about to make his getaway, it amps up the feeling that there might be no escape from these despicable machines. The scene of Barbara, Jenny, and Dortmun running away from The Daleks was equally chilling and showcased how much The Daleks really have invaded London. Of course it wasn't all gloom and doom. Susan and David have a great scene where Susan reveals her wish to feel like she belongs somewhere, it's great to see Susan finally getting some development it's just a shame that we had to wait for her last story to get it. There's also a heartwarming scene where The Doctor seems to not like David because of the attention Susan is showing him but changes his mind when David shows him respect, it's a great scene made even better by Hartnell's presence.
Bad: While the scene with Barbara, Dortmun, and Jenny fleeing from the invading Daleks is chilling it goes waaaaay too long and becomes sort of ridiculous after the 3 minute mark.
Overall: This episode earns a 4.5 out of 5. This serial reaches the half way mark and keeps itself interesting, can't wait to see what comes next! Next Episode: Tomorrow's End
Plot: The gang is all separated as they try to find each other and survive The Daleks.
Good: Barbara wins the honor of having the most badass moment on the show to date when she drives a truck INTO A GROUP OF DALEKS! Such an awesome moment and the first of many awesome Dalek destructions to come in the years. Barbara also has a great conversation with Jenny about Dortmun sacrificing his life for their escape and whether or not it was necessary. Another interesting moment is when Ian encounters a man who instead of wanting to help them take down The Daleks is more interested in money and riches, a great show that some people never change, no matter the situation.
Bad: The episode was a little bit slow in pace, wasting a lot of the time on filler. Speaking of filler we get the Slyther this episode, which is pretty much just an excuse for a monster character to chase Ian around and provide a cliffhanger.
Overall: This episode gets a 4 out of 5. A good episode despite it some filler. Next Episode: The Ally Awakens
Plot: Ian's stuck in a mine, Barbara's stuck in the streets of London, and The Doctor and Susan are stuck in the sewers. How will our group get out of this one?
Good: Barbara and Jenny encounter two women hiding out in a house and in a great scene the women rat them out to The Daleks in exchange for food. In another chilling scene Larry (the man with Ian) finds his brother, Phil only to find out he's been turned into a Roboman. In a twisted turn of events both men end up killing each other, with Phil's last words being a mumbled "Larry," quite a heartbreaking scene. In a happier moment in this episode, we see Susan and David grow a little closer. It's great that the show seems to be taking the time to develop these supporting characters this serial, it's something the show almost never does.
Bad: The only thing that brings this serial down is the pointlessness of the opening, where Ian fends off the Slyther, the encounter isn't even exciting.
Overall: This episode gets a 4.5 out of 5. A great episode, let's hope this one can end on a high note. Next Episode: The Point of Flash
Plot: The Doctor and friends reunite to try and stop The Daleks from blowing up the planet!
Good: Talk about the right way to end a serial! This is without a doubt the greatest ending to an episode in the past 50 episodes of the series. With The Daleks destroyed and the Earth free, The Doctor and friends prepare to leave. It's in this last five or so minutes of the show that we get one of the most heartfelt and brilliant scenes I have ever witnessed on the small screen. The Doctor realizes that Susan is growing up and that she belongs on the Earth with David and so locks her out of the TARDIS and delivers what is Hartnell's greatest (and possibly even The Doctor's) greatest speech ever. The scene is acted out to perfection by all 3 of the actors, to the point where you feel just as much heartbreak as The Doctor. It says something about a show (one in the 60s no less) when they can make you care about a character enough that there farewell breaks your heart. So farewell Susan (and Carole Ann Ford) you were a joy to have around, it's just a shame you weren't better utilized.
Bad: The bad seems almost pointless now but The Daleks were once again wiped out way too easily, and was I the only one who found the scene of the mine workers and Robomen revolting to be weird and almost disjointed from the story?
Overall: This episode gets a 5 out of 5. The bad can't falter what ends up being one of the greatest Doctor Who scenes ever.
Plot: The crew lands on the planet Dido (not to be confused with the popular British pop singer) and encounter a "powerful" enemy! Also there's a new companion.
Good: It's good to see that the show doesn't immediately forget about Susan, instead we get to see how her absence affects the crew, especially The Doctor. The cast does a great job of making Susan's absence noticeable (although that may not be intentional.) The villain of this piece, Koquillion, is actually a very cool looking monster and provides a perfect air of mystery for this serial. I actually rather enjoy that they took a good chunk of time to tell us about Vicki, let's hope she's a bit more developed than Susan.
Bad: Okay so Vicki is suppose to be Susan's replacement, I get that, but could we at least try to make her seem like a different character. Maybe she'll become one over time but right now she just seems like Susan 2.0.
Overall: This episode earns a 4.5 out of 5. A brilliant set-up for this short serial, hard to think that it ends next episode.
Plot: The Doctor and Ian must find their way out of a cave while Barbara and Vicki are in the grasp of Koquillion.
Good: With Susan gone it seems The Doctor doesn't have to hold back anymore. In previous serials, Ian was the man of action while The Doctor was relegated to "worrying grandfather," with his granddaughter gone The Doctor's badass self comes to the forefront in this episode. He not only discovers that Bennett, the human survivor who Vicki tends to, is Koquillion but he briefly battles with the man. Good to see The Doctor expanding his role, the show is Doctor Who after all. We also get to see the gentle side of The Doctor come out in his interactions with Vicki, his offer for her to join them on the TARDIS is heartwarming and the first of many similar scenes to come. The reveal of Bennett being Koquillion may have been obvious but the explanation behind it was quite inspired, kudos to the actor playing him.
Bad: A specific part of this episode's story just didn't work for me, Barbara killing the Sand Beast, who turned out to be Vicki's "pet." Not only did it seem like filler but it just felt weird, not to mention that Ian essentially tells Vicki to stop being a baby after she cries over the beast's death (her only real friend when you think about it.) No wonder she shows some dislike towards them. Also the Didodians showing up at random was annoying, why did they not find this guy earlier, he had been on this planet killing their people for months? It's all a bit too frustrating.
Overall: This episode earns a 3 out of 5. How disappointing that this serial has been really nothing more than a introduction to Vicki, at least it was short and Koquillion's costume was cool.
Plot: After The Doctor's terrible parking leads to the TARDIS falling off a cliff the group decides to rest in Rome for a little bit. As usual, this doesn't turn out exactly as planned.
Good: I was a bit leery about a serial where comedy is the main focus, Doctor Who has never struck me as a comedy show, at least not story wise. The comedy bit had some problems (that I'll get to later) but a rather enjoyable part was Ian and Barbara spending some quality, if not a bit out of character, time together. I mean let's face it ladies and gents, those two totally did the nasty in the pasty, or maybe it's just Hollywood's teaching that any male and female with a sliver of chemistry will boink if left alone together long enough. Aside from that there was a surprising lack of good, Hartnell was great as always and shows his versatility by being just as great in a comedy as a drama.
Bad: Aside from the rather boring set up that is the primary aspect of this serial, the cast doesn't really seem how to react to doing comedy and it shows, not to mention the character all seem to be acting differently. The Doctor is totally unconcerned with a man's death, Ian and Barbara are shacking up, and Vicki is being whiny. Okay so the last one might not be too far from the character but it's a noticable flaw in this story. The biggest problem with this episode however is it's lack of comedy. Sure there's a couple funny bits here or there but this really wasn't all that funny, which is a real shame.
Overall: This episode earns a 2.5 out of 5. A bad start to the first comedy serial in Doctor Who, let's hope it amps up the funny soon.
Plot: After The Doctor's terrible parking leads to the TARDIS falling off a cliff the group decides to rest in Rome for a little bit. As usual, this doesn't turn out exactly as planned.
That's one of the things I miss in the new series. Occasionally the Doctor makes mistakes with the TARDIS (e.g. not Sheffield, but the Highlands), but most of the time he does things like parking between two objects, not being able to open the doors and then merely dematerialising & rematerialising in a slightly different location. No, darn it, by now he should be on the other side of the galaxy
Plot: Ian and Barbara have been captured as slaves while The Doctor impersonates a famous lyre player who also happens to be on a hit list.
Good: This episode amps up the funny which is a welcome change of pace for the show. The funniest part of this episode had to be The Doctor and Barbara coming so close to running into one another in Rome and missing each other every time, neither is aware of the other being there. I also enjoyed how The Doctor handles dealing with the assassin, beating the man up so bad that he looks like a fool. It was great to see The Doctor fight someone and school them (he also has a hilarious line about the "art of fisticuffs") it also adds to the comedy of the episode. Despite it's historical inaccuracy I loved the portrayal of Emperor Nero as a middle aged slob who is far from the lyre master he is said to be. I also enjoyed The Doctor convincing him he was lyre master by simply playing the same notes he was playing, funny stuff.
Bad: Ian and Barbara's stories seem to be in direct contrast to the comedic nature of The Doctor's story. It provides a bit of a disjointed story and I'm not too fond of it. Speaking of Ian, he has the misfortune of being given the least intriguing story, something that seems to happen to him a lot (Marinus, Reign of Terror, and the Dalek Invasion to name a few.)
Overall: This episode earns a 4 out of 5. A good change of pace and one that's actually funny!
Plot: Barbara becomes a servant for the Emperor's wife while The Doctor stumbles upon a plot to kill him. Meanwhile Ian is being forced to fight in the arena.
Good: This episode succeeded in being the funniest yet, thanks to the antics of Emperor Nero. Nero spent one portion of this episode chasing Barbara around the palace (as The Doctor continued to be unaware of her presence) and spending the other half in a pair of delightful scenes with The Doctor. Hartnell is as great a comedy actor as he is a dramatic one. There is a particularly fun scene where The Doctor is forced to play the lyre (he is suppose to be a master of the instrument, he isn't) at a banquet in the palace. He avoids the situation by telling the crowd that he will be playing a melody so subtle that only those with perceptive hearing will hear his song. Everyone in the crowd, not wanting to be "the person who didn't hear it" act as though he had played a song, a brilliant scene made better by Hartnell.
Bad: The scenes involving Vicki and the court poisoner are dull and boring, looks like Vicki is already being relegated to Susan quality stories, hope that changes. While The Doctor's lyre scene was brilliant and hilarious, it was made less so when immediately after it ends he explains to Vicki why the joke is funny. For those who don't know, telling someone why a joke is funny isn't funny.
Overall: This episode gets a 4 out of 5. A good continuation of what is becoming a pretty good serial.
Plot: The Doctor and crew all attempt to escape Rome individually and Nero become inspired to burn Rome to the ground.
Good: The Doctor being the inspiration to Nero burning down Rome was a fun twist and hilariously played by both Hartnell and Derek Francis (Nero). Another brilliant moment of comedy was Ian and Barbara arriving back at the villa that the crew had been staying in and The Doctor showing up believing they had never left. Also, Barbara and Ian share some more alone time, this time a bit more funny and a lot more chauvinistic.
Bad: Ian's initial escape at the arena was poorly written and acted, it just looked dumb all around and took me out of the show briefly. Vicki was once again useless this episode, almost nothing would have changed if you took her out of the story. Let's hope she becomes a bit more useful.
Overall: This episode earns a 4 out of 5. A good finish to what was a surprisingly fun serial with some actual funny moments.
Plot: The TARDIS is mysteriously drawn to the surface of a planet and The Doctor goes to investigate. What follows is a series of weird events that lead to...something.
Good: How the Zarbi speak (a series of beeps and boops) is interesting and it's a good job of making a truly alien race. Barbara and Vicki's conversation (the first half at least) was fun and interesting, we actually get to learn more about Vicki! It's good to see some interaction between the characters. One thing that I have to say about this serial is that it's ambitious, especially in set design. The set of the planet is the first one that actually looks like a massive barren planet and it makes the creepy, weird feeling of the serial even creepier.
Bad: This episode was dreadfully boring, it feels like something is happening and then by the end I realized that not a whole lot actually happened. Not only that but I wasn't even sure what had just transpired. This episode is bizarre, so strange in fact that I honestly can't explain what happened in this episode without using the Doctor Who Wiki. On another note, Hartnell seemed very off this episode. Maybe he was still in The Romans mindset or maybe he was having an off day but something just seemed very off about his acting this episode.
Overall: This episode earns a 3 out of 5. I'm still not sure what's up with this serial but I'm interested, even if it isn't the most intriguing story.
Plot: The Doctor has lost his TARDIS and Vicki is inside it! Also, what's going on with Barbara?
Good: If there's one thing I can say about this serial it's that the costumes are fantastic, they might be the most impressive things featured on the show yet (even if the Zarbi have two leg sticking out of what would be there stomach.) It's also good to see Hartnell back to being he's naturally terrific self, even if he's not given a whole lot to work with. The scenes with Barbara and the Menoptra (The moth/butterfly people) is particularly interesting in that they, and the Zarbi as well, are so unlike us, truly the most alien aliens on Who yet. The Zarbi ripping off the wings of one of the Menoptra was intense, looks like we got ourselves some new ruthless aliens. I wonder if they would have made a return appearance if their costumes hadn't provided the crew with so much trouble?
Bad: Once again the episode is a bit confusing, not as much as last episode as I have a slight idea of what's going on but there are still some rather confusing parts. While the Menoptra look cool, their speaking patterns are annoying, it's hard for me to decipher some of the things they say and it makes some of the scenes longer than they need to be.
Overall: This episode gets a 4 out of 5. A slightly less confusing, but equally strange episode of Who.
Plot: The Doctor and Vicki are forced to help the Animus while Ian goes searching for Barbara.
Good: The Animus, despite not being shown, is actually a suitably creepy villain. The Doctor being forced to work for the bad guy is something new and I'm interested to see what they do with it. The conversations between the Doctor and the Animus are terrific as well, good to see Hartnell back to form after his performance in the first episode.
Bad: This episode was another snooze fest, mainly because it spends a good bit of it's 25 minutes showing Ian (and his Menoptra friend, Vrestin) running away from the Zarbi, not necessarily the most interesting thing to watch. There were a couple more scenes of utter confusion and even a part where it looks like they cut an important scene out in between (although it might be my copy.)
Overall: This episode earns a 3 out of 5. A average installment to what is the weirdest Doctor Who story I've ever seen.
Plot: The Doctor and Vicki try to outwit the Animus while Ian encounters yet another new species.
Good: The Doctor and Animus' back and forth was really the saving grace of this episode, the Animus is one of the few things this serial gets right. Another thing it get's right is the costumes, and this installment we're introduced to the Optera (pictured above) who are another great design by the costume department (who're really put to work this serial.)
Bad: The main problem with this serial isn't that it was TOO ambitious but that the aliens are a bit too ridiculous in their speech patterns. When a huge part of the episode is conversations between two different aliens, both with annoying speech patterns, you start to understand why people aren't too favorable on this serial. Doctor Who has proven before that aliens can be interesting without weird speech patterns so why do it now? This episode also follows the tradition of being partially confusing, I honestly wonder if there's something hidden in these episodes that can only be found under the influence of LSD.
Overall: This episode earns a 2 out of 5. Another frustratingly dull installment in a serial that's almost nothing but frustratingly dull moments.
Plot: The Doctor and Vicki plan to destroy the Animus while Barbara and Ian do the exact same thing.
Good: The Doctor and Vicki finally get out of the Animus' control and start doing stuff...kind of. The best part of this episode is that soon after the Doctor reunites with Barbara, he's able to rally the Menoptra together, something Barbara has been unable to do this entire serial, he's just that good. There is a chilling scene where one of the Optera sacrifices herself to prevent and acid flow from killing them all, it's one of the few good parts of this episode.
Bad: There's a whole lot of bad this episode but most of it is stuff I've talked about in previous episodes. Too much stupid alien conversation, not a lot actually happens, (although there is quite a bit of talk about stuff happening) and it's becoming increasingly harder for me to stay interested in this serial. Worse of all, right when the Doctor and Vicki were about to do stuff they're incapacitated by episode's end.
Overall: This episode earns a 1.5 out of 5. Just one more episode to more. Maybe they'll actually DO something!
Plot: The Doctor and Vicki are captured by the Animus, can Barbara, Ian, and the Menoptra save them?
Good: The Animus' apperance (shown above) is terrific and he is probably the best creation in this serial, a very menacing villain. Barbara and Ian claim the spotlight this episode and for once it is actually interesting. The eventual destruction of the Animus is also quite interesting, if not exactly what I was expecting.
Bad: The episode continues the tradition of making what could be likable aliens unlikable by having them talk way too much. By the end of the episode I was begging for the Menoptra to shut up and close the damn serial already! The Doctor is almost absent this episode and has very few lines, if there's one thing that could of helped this serial for me it was the presence of Hartnell.
Overall: This episode earns a 2 out of 5. A very disappointing end to what has been the most frustrating and painful serial to watch yet.
Plot: The Doctor and the gang get involved in the Crusades when Barbara is captured.
Good: After 6 episodes of bugs and bad acting it was a breath of fresh air to get to some "traditional" Doctor Who. Everybody is on their game this episode and it's so refreshing to have good acting all throughout the episode. Especially interesting is the episode's lack of a true "good guy" and "bad guy." Both sides of the Crusade are shown and both seem to be between. There's also some great scenes this episode, particularly a scene where the Doctor steals clothes from a merchant, it's acted out perfectly by both the merchant and Hartnell. Another great scene is when the Sultan is taken in by Barbara's stories of their travels in the TARDIS, it's a clever way of keeping Barbara from being killed and also shows the Sultan as less of a bad guy.
Bad: Surprisingly, there is nothing bad this episode, it's a true return to form for Doctor Who!
Overall: This episode earns a 5 out of 5. A great return for Doctor Who, can't wait to see what's next.
Plot: The Doctor, Vicki, and Ian try to convince King Richard to go save Barbara who is trapped in Egypt with Saladin.
Good: The Doctor has two great scenes this episode, one where he convinces Richard to send help for Barbara so that it might embarrass Saladin when he realizes it's not the king. There's also another great scene where the Doctor is accused by a merchant and the Chamberlain that he stole clothes from them (which he did) and he is able to outwit them in hilarious fashion. Another great thing about this serial so far is the acting, everybody (even Vicki) is giving a great performance and it helps with lost episodes like this one. Another great moment that I wish we could see on film is the knighting of Ian by King Richard, it gives a nice atmosphere to the proceedings and is a certainly a high point for Ian. The Doctor later muses that maybe he would like to be knighted too, maybe in another life old chum.
Bad: There's some odd nonsense about Vicki pretending to be a boy, it's quite odd given how unconvincing the look is and how she doesn't even try to talk like one. There's a very long and tedious scene towards the end involving Barbara attempting to escape and I feel it would've work just as well if it was shortened.
Overall: This episode gets a 4 out of 5. A great continuation of what is shaping up to be a great serial.
Plot: Ian must rescue Barbara from torture and certain death while the Doctor deals tries to get back to the TARDIS.
Good: The Doctor has a great scene with King Richard about whether or not he is doing the right thing, prompting the Doctor to leave as he does not want to interfere in history, a very different view from earlier serials. I also like his conversation with Vicki after about how they can do nothing but let him go through his sad fate. The Doctor and Ian cleverly outwit the knights guarding the area where the TARDIS is hidden in a fun scene that ends their adventures in the Crusades.
Bad: Aside from the somewhat slow pace a lot of the earlier plot of this serial is dropped in favor of getting the group back to the TARDIS as soon as possible and sadly all that's left are probably the dullest parts of the entire serial. Ian's capture by a bandit and rescue of Barbara take up most of the episode completely leaving out any of the actual history stuff. It's more than a bit disappointing.
Overall: This episode gets a 3 out of 5. An average ending to what was a good serial.
Plot: The Doctor and the gang have landed in a museum (in space no less) but something is odd, they appear to be invisible.
Good: The entire concept of the different dimensions in time and how you can get "knocked off the track" is a very interesting idea and one that I look forward to seeing pursued more in this serial. As shown above there is a fascinating scene where The Doctor and crew find themselves on display at the museum, it sets up a great dynamic for the rest of this serial, can they escape their fate? Another great part of this episode are some of the effects used such as the invisible TARDIS that the Doctor walks right through. There's also a cool little scene where Vicki drops a glass of water only for it to piece itself back together in her hand. There's also a cool little scene with a Dalek in the museum that foreshadows their return next serial.
Bad: While the concept itself is interesting the one thing that bothered me about this episode is Vicki's sudden knowledge of time and space. I know we're suppose to learn new things about the characters as we go along but this just seemed odd and a poor excuse to give Vicki lines.
Overall: This episode earns a 4.5 out of 5. A good start to a very interesting serial.
Plot: The Doctor and crew try to find their way out of the Space Museum before they become part of the displays there.
Good: There's a reason the picture above is usually shown when discussing this serial and it's because it's a hilarious little scene, who doesn't love the idea of the Doctor essentially laughing at the corpse of his greatest enemy. I enjoy the idea of two different groups trying to get the gang, one wants to put them on display while the others want to help them.
Bad: All the cool little mentions of time tracks and the interesting premise is taken out of focus this episode for a more straightforward approach. It's a bit sad that such a good idea is taken off the map in favor of a much more simple one. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this but the actors playing the Moroks and Xerons seem to be giving very wooden performances, more so the Moroks. Not to mention how the Moroks are apparently exposition machines who like to add in random words, whose meaning are never explained.
Overall: This episode earns a 3 out of 5. A disappointingly average episode to what could have been a very though provoking serial.
Because I could not resist...and that expression inspired me!
Plot: Ian searches for the Doctor while Barbara and Vicki encounter the Xerons.
Good: Ian goes into full on badass mode in this episode, taking out a good number of Moroks and even taking their leader, Lobos, as a hostage. Meanwhile, Vicki actually does something by helping the Xerons break into the armory and get weapons for their planned rebellion, I'm glad that she's slowly becoming more than Susan 2.0. Also, I'm giving a shout out to Barbara's frazzled hair when she escapes the Moroks by hiding in a dark room only to find it locked. The best part being when her hair returns to normal a scene later.
Bad: I'm still not enjoying the direction this serial has taken. I just don't like the idea of replacing a very good idea with a dull and boring one in the middle of a serial. I also find the reveal of the Xerons being slaves to the Moroks even more disheartening as it makes the story even more dull than before. Would it have been too much to have two different alien races trying to capture the Doctor and pals for different means? It would have made the serial much more interesting, of course, so would all of the "time track" stuff.
Overall: This episode gets a 3.5 out of 5. A slight improvement on the last episode but still rather dull.