Given that most of us have some form of common sense I would assume that we are in some sort of middle ground between the two.
Hukos wrote:
jinsoku wrote:
Working at GameStop for eight years,
Jin, I think we found our problem.
Working retail consistently for that long would inspire anger issues in even the sanest person. Even Gamestop. ESPECIALLY Gamestop.
Do we need to send Special Forces in to save you, Jin? Someone to help you happy-walk away from that cesspool of hatred and up-selling?
It's ok, he's learned to repress it. I'm so that has no lasting consequences.
We'll hold you to that when we hear of the Great Gamestop Massacre 2015, Toby! :crazy:
I can't fathom a friend or family member just bring an animal to my house without some forewarning. Perhaps if you explained a little bit of your lifestyle with us? Like you live with a roommate or something and they invited em?
If you honestly don't know your friends or family enough to know they COULD bring in their dog or whatever, then its pmuch your fault.
CastorTroy wrote:
Hukos wrote:
jinsoku wrote:
Working at GameStop for eight years,
Jin, I think we found our problem.
Working retail consistently for that long would inspire anger issues in even the sanest person. Even Gamestop. ESPECIALLY Gamestop.
Do we need to send Special Forces in to save you, Jin? Someone to help you happy-walk away from that cesspool of hatred and up-selling?
Hukos, no, that's not the problem. I actually love doing what I do, even if it is retail. I'm in a position of knowledge and power and I'm constantly number one within my group. I'm the not-asshole-boss. I'm Michael Scott, except I'm smart AND I'm good at what I do. Seriously, a good majority of Sonic customers - at ANY store I've worked at, and I've gone to my fair share - are above and beyond a bunch of socially inept, introverted dorks, the rest are kids which, well, kids play anything.
It's not to say your every day Call of Duty and Madden fans aren't the same in the extreme opposite spectrum of it all, but the Sonic ones REALLY stand out. So no, it's not the problem, and no, I don't need savings from it, Troy. 😛
sonicsfan1991 wrote:
jinsoku wrote:
come across a many a Sonic fan: the young ones don't know snot, and the
"hardcore", zohmagawds, what? I hope they all die in a fire.
isnt that just us? the mofoers?
Yes. In a fire.
jinsoku wrote:
I'm the not-asshole-boss.
Then you are not Bruce. I remember Bruce. Crazy old guy who ran the Gamestop I go to. All the employees feared working during his shifts. One actually begged me to just pre-order The Windwaker so he wouldn't get in trouble. Wonder whatever happened to that guy...
...Wait, what? Oh, yes. Ponies are good. You must love them and etc.
ooooooh shi--
I live in Milwaukee, Jin. And yes, it's THAT guy.
LMAO BRUCE KELLY!!! HOLY SHNITZLE that man. I love that man. He still runs a Milwaukee store, couldn't tell you which one as I've never been to it (and it's way too far of a ducking drive, anyway). He loves his job and he's softened up over the years on how he rules. He's been with the company for somewhere in the teen years. Ohhh man... he lives in his own little world though, but he means oh-so-well every time he opens his mouth. I can't say a single bad thing about this guy. XD
We just found a link in the MoFo! That's a first for me.
Ha! Glad to hear he's still doing this and loves it. The guy scared the crap out of me back when I was a preteen, though.
jinsoku wrote:
We just found a link in the MoFo! That's a first for me.
The thread title is now entirely appropriate.
jinsoku wrote:
CastorTroy wrote:
Hukos wrote:
Jin, I think we found our problem.
Working retail consistently for that long would inspire anger issues in even the sanest person. Even Gamestop. ESPECIALLY Gamestop.
Do we need to send Special Forces in to save you, Jin? Someone to help you happy-walk away from that cesspool of hatred and up-selling?
Hukos, no, that's not the problem. I actually love doing what I do, even if it is retail. I'm in a position of knowledge and power and I'm constantly number one within my group. I'm the not-asshole-boss. I'm Michael Scott, except I'm smart AND I'm good at what I do. Seriously, a good majority of Sonic customers - at ANY store I've worked at, and I've gone to my fair share - are above and beyond a bunch of socially inept, introverted dorks, the rest are kids which, well, kids play anything.
It's not to say your every day Call of Duty and Madden fans aren't the same in the extreme opposite spectrum of it all, but the Sonic ones REALLY stand out. So no, it's not the problem, and no, I don't need savings from it, Troy. 😛
I believe I've said it before but I'll repeat myself. Fans of anything in general are pretty goddamned awful. If you look hard enough, there are people that will make you ashamed of anything you like. Anything.
You know what, let me rephrase that. People in general are pretty damn awful.
One time my neighbor showed up to as a question at our doorstep and her huge dog just ran in. I.E. she can't control her dog. Another time my Aunt brought her dog in like she should just do it. Idk. She said she forgot we had a cat. My living situation at the time was normal.
Y'know, you can be a fan of something and not be a royal pain in the butt...jus' saying.
hmmm that's odd, i didnt know people would bring their pets with them when visiting people. that's just dumb how would they know if that house is pet broken or not? or if that person is allergic or hates animals.
also what mike said is a good point.
Well, we are also talking about a fanbase for one of the most biggest franchises EVER (not just games, I mean EVAH), henceforth one of the biggest fanbases EVAH. I'm not a math whiz, but a bigger group of people is, in all probability, gonna have more douches you're going to run into. Now keep in mind Sonic is aimed at kids whose age is in the single digits and therefore don't know anything about life.
Of course, there are various degrees of 'bad' to be had in a person. I absolutely HATE the Call Of Duty fanbase because they seem to be composed entirely of cheap camping pussies. I played Counter-Strike for years, and COD for like 3 months, and I've already seen more lamers in the latter BY FAR. What's more, unlike CS, people don't even seem to get mad when other people do this s___. In fact, I don't even play COD unless my friends are online.
(Am enjoying this thread hijack.) But I guess what I really meant (and didn't say) was that at least you can see those Sonic fans coming. "WHAT SEGA NEEDS TO PUT IN THEIR NEXT GAME" is an instant red flag. But here on the internets, you can click a topic named "President Obama repeals Patriot Act" and then halfway through a sentence...
OH F___ ALL!
For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.
They need more mobius characters in sonic games.
Mobius generally isn't strictly canon in Sega's Sonic games...:P
But here on the internets, you can click a topic named "President Obama repeals Patriot Act" and then halfway through a sentence...
OH F___ ALL!
ponies always related
mobius springheart wrote:
Y'know, you can be a fan of something and not be a royal pain in the butt...jus' saying.
I don't believe this is physically possible without evidence to the contrary.
Try the majority of the people here?
Swanson wrote:
Try the majority of the people here?
Hukos wrote:
I don't believe this is physically possible without evidence to the contrary.
You do realise that the same can be said of your own statement...the louder fans aren't always the proven majority, regardless of how you slice it.
Say what you want, but that's how it is. Those who are most vocal =/= each and every single representative of a single fanbase, ever.
mobius springheart wrote:
You do realise that the same can be said of your own statement...the louder fans aren't always the proven majority, regardless of how you slice it.
Say what you want, but that's how it is. Those who are most vocal =/= each and every single representative of a single fanbase, ever.
Yes I'm aware of that but 1.) You're taking me seriously :crazy: and 2.) This is fairly standard behavior outside of the internet.
😛 Just making a point, regardless!
Hukos wrote:
This is fairly standard behavior outside of the internet.
And inside it.
For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.
stickghost wrote:
Hukos wrote:
This is fairly standard behavior outside of the internet.
And inside it.
That's what she said?
I have the wrong sort of friends in that case. Not one has ever brought a dog round to my house. I'm missing out 🙁
No wait, I tell a lie, my housemate at uni had her family come visit and they brought their little dog around. That was ten years ago now.
I'd like to place an order for a German Shepherd or two and if anyone's got a Caucasian Mountain Dog or Tibetan Mastiff, by all means, come on over. I'll settle for a Newfoundland, St Bernard or a Leonberger.
jinsoku wrote:
stickghost wrote:
Hukos wrote:
This is fairly standard behavior outside of the internet.
And inside it.
That's what she said?
She says a lot of things.