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Accepting drawing commissions (and requests - see inside!)

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Posts: 43
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Good afternoon, sports fans! It's that time of year again where Tricia is accepting high-quality, low-cost pictures with amazing results! The difference this time around? I'm actually starting up my own art studio to practice commissions for ACEN next year. Business has been slow advertising on my DeviantArt account alone, and so I bring my services to you folks here, a place where I know you all have your own fan-characters, RP characters, or what have you. And wouldn't it be lovely to see those characters come to life?

Fear not, my friend. That's where I come in. I offer a variety of services at affordable prices so you can see that delightful creation of yours in more than just text.

"But wait!" I hear you cry. "I don't have money, and you said you do REQUESTS. WTF IS THAT ABOUT?"

Ah yes, I know what it's like to have little money. There's a reason they call us starving artists, of course. As I said before, I offer a variety of different types of pictures for every kind of budget, but I also understand that money can be even too tight for custom art. So here's my policy on commissions vs. requests:
~ Commission: Your picture is high-priority and you are guaranteed to get a picture.
~ Requests: You are welcome to post a description of a picture you'd like to see, but they are low-priority (i.e. commissions and real life come first) and I may not get to them. Also see below in "What to expect" for more details.

Even more valuable than money is the power of networking. If you can't afford a commission, you can still help me out by passing the word on to anyone you know who you think would like a commission 🙂

Now that that's out of the way - COPYPASTA TIME!

.~* STATUS *~.
Traditional Commissions are OPEN.
Digital Commissions are OPEN.



Pen sketch + bust = $5
Pen sketch + waist up = $8
Pen sketch + full body = $10
- Example of pen sketches -

B/W Lineart + bust = $8
B/W Lineart + waist = $10
B/W Lineart + full body = $15
- Example of lineart -

Prismacolor marker + bust = $15
Prismacolor marker + waist = $20
*Prismacolor marker + full body = $25*
- Example of color markers -
- Example of greyscale markers -

(Please specify color versus greyscale for Prismacolor markers)

Digital sketch + bust = $5
Digital sketch + waist = $8
Digital sketch + full body = $10
- (unfinished) Example of digital sketch -

Digital lineart + bust = $10
Digital lineart + waist = $15
Digital lineart + full body = $20

Digital painting + waist = $40
Digital painting + full body = $50
- Example of digital painting -

All of the above prices are for one character, minimal/no background.
Feel free to ask if you're looking for something more detailed.

For multiple characters, add 1/2 price per character for up to 4
characters. For example, if you're getting digital lineart, full body
($20), add $10 per extra character.

Feel free to email me any
questions you have, including regarding prices. The economy's rough on
all of us, I know. I'm willing to negotiate a bit.


.~* HOW TO PAY *~.

~ I accept and prefer Paypal (shadowednavi [at] hotmail [dot] com).
~ If you need to send by check, please email me for my address.
~ If you need to send cash,
again, email me for my address. This is NOT RECOMMENDED and YOU DO SO
AT YOUR OWN RISK. I am not responsible if it gets lost in the mail. You
are, of course, welcome to give it to me in person too

DO NOT PAY until I have emailed you telling you I've finished your picture, please and thank you! ^^



I will upload your drawing onto DeviantART, unless you specifically tell me otherwise.

firmly believe that if you've gone through this much trouble for custom
artwork, you should have the original in-hand. Therefore, all prices
include a high-resolution JPEG emailed to you, as well as packaging and
shipping and will be sent via USPS once I have received payment. All
traditional drawings are done on 9"x12" Bristol board (unless otherwise

A free print of your picture is
available on request, and as I said above, all prices include packaging
and shipping via USPS. You will also receive a high-resolution JPEG
emailed to you once I have received payment.

Fulfilled requests will be on a 600x600px canvas, quick sketch style in Photoshop with soft pastel colors and uploaded to my scrapbook in DeviantArt.
- Example of a quick sketch -

Due to the nature of commissions, I DO NOT issue refunds.
When you commission a person, you pay for the time and work they put
into your piece. If for some reason you're unhappy, I will be more than
happy to make the changes you need - for a price. As I said, editing is
time and work! Minor changes range from $3-5, where redrawing the
picture could cost as much as the original! But my goal is to make a
piece we're both happy with, so feel free to email me if you have an issue. ^^


[x] DeviantArt - solidss (PM)
[x] Samanfur (details pending)

Thank you so much for looking!


Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Coo, some impressive work there I might make a request, if that's alright with you perchance?

Quick question - are you only doing Humans, or are you accepting other races such as Mobian characters etc? (Just checking as all the examples you posted were Human/Elf people.)

Posts: 43
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Topic starter

I will draw anything. Plain and simple. I stick to human/elf/etc. characters because that's what I'm good at, and while I'm willing to draw Sonic-style characters, I can't guarantee they'll be drawn at the same level as humans since I don't draw them on a regular basis.

Also - and I will amend this in my post - all requests will be on a 600x600px canvas, quick sketch-style in Photoshop with a bit of pastel color.

But let me know what you think! ^_^


Posts: 520
Honorable Member

I've had her do a commission for me and would have her do it again!

I do have another idea for a commission but will have to wait as the bills will be needing attention, ugh.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

w00t, in that case I will put my name forward if that's okay^^ I understand what you said about requests being lower priority and possibly not being made at all, that's fine. However if you were able to do a pic for me I'd be extremely greatful

I wonder, might I perhaps request a picture of one of my Sonicverse characters in three different poses on the same page? The reason I ask this is because the character I'm thinking of suffers from multiple personallity disorder, and often switches between three different personallities without warning - if possible, I would love an image of all three of her personallities together in one pic, to highlight the differences between them. If this is not possible, however, then I understand, and would be very greatful for a pic simply of the character herself (in her main personallity). I'll leave that choice up to you.


The character I'm thinking of is Ianthe Irrin, a Mobian red squirrel. Aged in her early twenties, she stands a few inches taller than, height, and is quite attractivley proportioned with a lean, agile frame and an elegant, graceful air.

Her fur is a medium tone reddish brown in color, with a patch of lighter yellow-brown around her eyes, muzzle, and running down her chest and stomach. Her hair is also brown, a shade darker than her base fur color and with a slightly less reddish, more woody tone to it. It is absolutely ruler straight, and falls down her back all the way to the base of her tail, tied back with a brown fabric hairband behind her pointed ears. As a squirrel, her tail is recognisably big and bushy, standing up proud behind her as high as the top of her head. The most remarkable feature about her, however, are her eyes - two glittering pools of brilliant emerald green, almost disproportionately large for her features and rimmed with a set of long, thick lashes that complement and enhance their intensity several times over.

After the fashion of many Sonic characters, she does not wear much clothing. Her outfit consists simply of a broad cape, made of the same material (and the same color) as her hairband, attached around her neck with a small golden buckle, and a pair of tough, brown leather hunting boots which reach up to her knees. In addition to these clothes, she is rarely seen without her small leather backpack (usually carried by only one shoulder strap) and her thin, grey metal fighting staff, almost as long as she is tall.

Ianthe's three main personallities vary wildly from each other, and their attitudes and traits can be seen in their mannerisms and expressions, even the way that they stand. In fact, her appearance even changes slightly depending on which personallity is in control.

Ianthe Irrin is her birth personallity, and she is a bold, intelligent and resourceful young woman who is completely down to earth. She is aware of her condition and has cultivated incredible mental discepline in an attempt to keep control of her other egos, which means that she shows precisely no emotion whatsoever - she never laughs or smiles, nor cries, remaining buisnesslike and purposeful regardless of the situation. Despite not showing her emotions, however, she does feel them, and has a deep empathetic streak for people around her. She has a slight hint of a suave, almost sultry quality to her movements and manner, but this is not an intentional act which she portrays, rather just a natural, unconcious facet of her personallity.

Ianthe is a bit of a perfectionist in her appearance, making sure to keep herself immaculate at all times. Her hair, for example, is always kept perfectly in check beneath her hairband, with not a single strand going astray. She is very graceful in all her movements, and is actually very acrobatic, mastering a form of self defence similar to the capoeira martial art style. Her lack of visible emotion means that her face is almost always deadpan, eyes half closed in an almost apathetic air, with no hint of what is going on in her mind whatsoever. And the tip of her tail (an area which changes for the other personallities - see below) is a smooth curve of bushy fur, without any remarkable features.

Fiona Blackwater, Ianthe's second personallity, is a young girl perhaps ten years old. Like most young children she is innocent and somewhat scatterbrained, with a large streak of curiosity and a very healthy screaming voice for use in even the tamest of scary situations. When confronted with danger or somebody she does not know, she collapses in on herself and becomes extremely shy and panicky, either curling up into a ball and covering her head or running away blindly and without direction. When not feeling threatened, however, she is an exceptionally friendly, sunny individual with a carefree spirit and a beaming, childish smile.

Aside from her expression of emotion (where Ianthe expresses none), there are a few other visible features that mark out Fiona from Ianthe. First of all, her eyes are always open as wide as they can possibly go, either in terror or (more often) childish joy and wonder. She insists on tying her long hair into pigtails just above her shoulders, and the fur on the top of her tail splits into two curved lobes from the center, like the top half of a loveheart.

The third personallity, Solstice Equinox, is a dark, twisted figure. She has her own agenda, and will stop at nothing to acchive it. Unlike Ianthe she will show emotion quite often, however when she does it is usually anger, disgust, hate, or perhaps even a certain sedistic pleasure at something which appeals to her dark sense of humour. She views everybody she encounters as tools to exploit to her own ends, and has even more acrobatic skill and quicker reactions than her 'sister'. She is also a master of stealth, able to move around any area without a sound and with nobody seeing her. Ianthe's slight sultry aspect is magnefied many times over in Solstice's movements and attitude, and unlike Ianthe who is seemingly unaware of the element, the dark personallity clearly does this on purpose.

Solstice's main differences from the other two are as follows: The color of her eyes fades from the usual brilliant, gleaming emerald green to a much paler, colder, grey-green hue. Also her face is usually set in a cold frown, giving her gaze a freezing, penetrating aura like hard diamond. Her hair becomes much more ragged and out of place, some strands often falling down over her face and obscuring one of her eyes from view. And the tip of her tail comes to an end in a sharp point of fur, rather than the smooth floof of her counterparts.

I do have a couple of rough pictures of Ianthe that you can use for reference, however it should be noted that these have all been drawn by myself, who cannot draw in the slightest. Please feel free to improve upon my pitiful atempts and make them better

Ianthe ~ Pheer my hideous attemps at proportions

Solstice Equinox, Ianthe's dark personallity. Note the important distinctive features of her wild hair and her tail that tapers to a point.

An earlier pic of her with her staff, when I was still nailing her design down. Important note: in this pic and the following two she has a line under her eye, running from her nose to her cheek - this is an old design point which I have since removed (see pics above). I mention it to ensure it isn't accidentally replicated.

And finally, a couple of pics from a comic page I was once experimenting with  - these are extremely bad quality due to an insufficiently sharpened pencil and some smudges.


So yeah, I know it may be asking a lot for a request, so if you can't do a pic showing her three different personallities together then I understand. However if you feel you would be able to, then I would be very greatful indeed! Whatever the case, thank you very much for considering me, and any small scribblings you decide to do at all will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance^^

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

hmm...I'm not making a request right now...and I apollogize if my comment is slightly off topic...but...I was just wondering if you had any pointers on setting up pricing lists. I'm trying to figure out what I'd charge for commissions if I were to start taking them...somehow it keeps eluding me. I've been looking at others' pricing lists to get ideas, problem is that I'm so slow at my art...that whatever I start is a major undertaking and takes for EVER. So...I'd like to be able to charge more than most people typically do, but...I'm afraid that my prices would daunt them and they'd look elsewhere.
