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Art Request II: Sha...
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Art Request II: Shae Mira Edition

1 Posts
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Posts: 1866
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Ok, I really liked the art of Ramza that everyone drew, so I thought I'd request some art for a new character of mine. Her name is Shae Mira, as I'm sure you gathered from the topic title. Here are the details on the character:

She was born into a wealthy family who often served the Volus royal family as kights. Her father was the leading general in the nation's armies. She was trained from the age of four in the arts of war. Her father was struck down in melee combat by Ariol's King/General when she was six. The Mad King: Grey Ariol took everything from her. Her father, her home, and her livelyhood. She vowed revenge on the man who ruined her life. Taking her father's spear, she trained herself even farther so that she may one day meat her goal. Her life was consumed be vengence. Because of this, she gained the attention of the Lord of the 2nd layer of Hell. He approched her, dressed in his grey robes and holding his signature mace. He offered to give her the power to take down a nation, and without hesitation, she took it.

Volus is a kingdom of beastmen, and as such, Shae is one of them, as was her father. However, her mother was a green dragon, though she doesn't know that. She never knew her mother. Ariol is a kingdom of Humans, and as such, Shae despises them.

As far as looks go, I based her armor off of Nephenee's from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. She also carries a large tower shield. All of this is green. Being a beastman (woman) she has traits of that race. This mainly applies to furry ears and such. nothing to much, as she isn't covered in fur. She wields a spear, just as her father did, and is very proficient with it. She gained a cloak that changes to match her surroundings from the Lord of the 2nd Layer of Hell.

If you need more information than this, feel free to ask for it. This was all that came to mind immediatly.
