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Art Request: Ramza Edition

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I'd like to have all the artist on the MoFo make their own versions of my character. This is mainly in part to the fact that I like seeing other people's versons of the characters I design. So if any could draw my character and post it in this thread, I'd be greatful.

Here are some of the characters that have been designed by me and drawn by others:
By: Ksemanr

By: Kaze the Chao

By: Ksemanr when he was bored By: Ksemanr when he was bored

By: KH<Selphie>

By: Ramza the Fox by altering a picture of Sephiroth when I was bored.

By: Trudi Speed

By: Ramza the Fox because I can't draw short hair...

Posts: 841
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You need to give us ideas on how your character acts first. After all we can't draw him reading a book if he hates reading and so on.

all i can tell is he has a cookie fetish?!

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True. I hadn't thought of that. Well, whenever I'm writing something serious, Ramza tends to be determined, kind, a loner, and loves to eat. However, when I'm writing comedy, Ramza tends to be stupid by any sense, hungry all the time, and runs straight into things without giving them a second thought. As for clothing, Ramza tends to wear black and red, as those are my favorite colors... Style is usually a jacket and jeans, though he's worn other things.

Posts: 955
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Don't be afraid to spam us with information. ^^ An artist needs to know quite a bit more about a character than just an appearance. A senior portrait isn't just a pretty picture of yourself in your final year of high school; it's a reflection of all the years it took to get you to that moment - what you're wearing, why you wear it, why you keep your hair that way. What's really hiding behind that smile on your face?

Out of context, a picture is just a picture. But to become a piece of art, there needs to be something more to it. Why would an artist choose to draw Ramza in that specific moment? What's the point? That's what we're trying to get at.

If you'll excuse the veiled advertisement, this is an example of a bio of my character Cari, the Shadowed Spirit Sage. It's got more than just a description of what a character wears or looks like. There's quite a bit of history (incredibly condensed, too. And outdated. I need to update that. But anyway), in addition to personality traits, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. In addition to being able to put your character out there for other people to write or draw, it also gives you more insight into why your character does what they do, which will be beneficial for anything you choose to write (I haven't seen you draw, but if you do, that too).

tl;dr What Trudi said, pretty much. Post as much information as you can. We artists'll use what we need. I'm interested, but I need more info. Here's a link to my site.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 841
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I'll have a go after i've hit this deadline I've got for college (tommorrow). I can work with the info you've given already but if you've got more by the time I can do it then all the better 😀

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Ok, here goes. This information is spread out through several different stories, so I hope you can make sense of it.

When Shippo Attacks Ramza: A middle aged fox with a drug addiction and a love of ramen to the point where in the middle of a fight, he has often told his opponent to wait while he finishes eating. In the story of When Shippo Attacks, Ramza was one of three main characters, those being Ramza the Fox, Ksemanr the Echidna, and Gathoid the Echidna. This story was what is commonly refered to as a crack fic, though some people tell me it would have only counted as a comedy. Ramza also worked along side Miles "Tails" Prower and Axel from Kingdom Hearts in this story. As for personality, Ramza was more or less the only one with anything that resembled determination to rescue Tails, as in the story, he'd been kidnaped by Sonic.

Saroir Ramza: A teenage boy with a loner attitude about him who is training to become a merc. This story was never finished, and I still dread how horrible the story turned out to be. Let's just ignore this one and pretend it never happened.

Sonic Wars Ramza: This story is unfinished and Ramza has yet to make his full appearance, but in this story, he is the space pirate captain of the Crimson Wing. As I said, he has yet to make his full appearance, so that's all the information I can give.

Xaotects Ramza: Once again a space pirate, this story was never finish and has been discontinued. In this story, Ramza was a hyperactive teenage boy who had dreams of conquering the universe.

Foundation's Loss Ramza: As this is a new story that I've been comitioned to write, there isn't much information that I can give you, but I'll tell you what I can. In Foundation's Loss, Ramza is a Hunter, clad in Metroid styled power armor. Ramza is in fox form in this story. A Hunter's job is to prevent war from breaking out between the nations of space. He has his own gunship, that I have yet to design, and his own quarters aboard the Foundation colony. His weapons range from an arm mounted gun, missles, and a power sword. The power armor's color is an onix black.

The Troubled Blade Ramza: Ramza has yet to appear in this story, but in it, he will appear as a merc, fighting alongside two others named Nia Ayasegawa and Erekayu Nik. This story takes place in the time of knights and kings, and was based off of Fire Emblem.

Team Crackotix Ramza: This story is still under development. In it, Ramza is the lead guitarist of the band More Food for Dead Fish. He is not a main character and has the same appearance as the first picture in the original post. The other members of the band are Nia the Wyvern, Ksemanr the Echidna, Krystal the Cat, Gathoid the Echidna, and Raven the Hedgehog. They work under Bendit Records, which is run by Cory the Weasel. They live in Basilisk Appartments, which is an appartment complex filled with mansions that was built for Bendit's talent.

Deviation Ramza: In this story, Ramza is one of four survivors from the Charran Dominion. He takes the form of a fox. The other survivors were Ksemanr the Echidna, Gathoid the Echidna, and Kurana the Hedgehog. In this story, they had crashed into Mobius.

Those are all of the Ramzas that I can remember right off the top of my head. I hope that's enough.

Posts: 3756
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I might just give this a shot. =)

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When Shippo Attacks: The Lost Chapters Ramza: This was a sequel to the original When Shippo Attack due to it's popularity. In this, Ramza Kane Valentine is the president of the Xaotects, which is basically a mafia for retards. The co-main characters are Axel, Jessica the Bat, Orlandu Blossom, and Kirby. The vilains are Cory the Weasel, Father Khat, and Mario. In this side story of When Shippo Attacks, Ramza is split into three different characters: Ramza Kane Valentine; the leader of the Xaotects, Ramza the Fox; a Fox living in Smashville, and Old Ramza; a rediculously old version of Ramza who has gone senile.

Posts: 841
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haha your character sounds like so much fun, I'll definately give this a shot


Wasn't up for a full on drawing today, but I felt like doodling so I thought I'd use Ramza 😮

oddly enough that one turned out best.

I'll be having a go at a proper picture when the mood strikes me D: Unfortunately my attention span is awful which is why I tend to loose interest from the waist down of most my drawings.
I can't draw armour or guns for the life of me.

Also Sonic style in case you dissaprove of my current way of drawing anthro. Trying to move away from sonic style but hey i know some people prefer it.

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Personally, I like them all. These are all very good doodles. ^_^ Makes me wish I could still draw.

Posts: 955
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Hmm. Looking over those descriptions, it sounds like there are a couple human versions of Ramza. If this is true, I'm totally going for this. Nothing against furries or anything, but I vastly prefer drawing humans ^^;

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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Actually, Ramza appears most often as a Human, but lately he's been a fox more. originally, he was a teenage boy with messy brown hair. That was back when his name was Lance, and I was just starting in my writing career. After that, he became the general of a massive army of power armored superhumans in After Crisis, which was never finished. I've recycled that title a lot. He first gained the name Ramza in When Shippo Attacks, which is, coincidently, both my first completed work, and the first time he appeared as a fox.

Posts: 107
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Deviation Ramza: In this story, Ramza is one of four survivors from the Charran Dominion. He takes the form of a fox. The other survivors were Ksemanr the Echidna, Gathoid the Echidna, and Kurana the Hedgehog. In this story, they had crashed into Mobius.

Seems I'm still the only one who can spell Kharana's name correctly lol. Not even Gathoid can and he's the one who came up with it. Then again half the time Gathoid can't even spell his own name.

Edit: Bored + excuse to practice new art style more before actually putting it to use for anything =

Edit again: Just noticed, in your list of Ramzas, you forgot the Insert Spam Here Ramza. He's kinda one of the 5 main characters in that. Speaking of which you should draw Ramza's current human design for me so that when I eventually get aroudn to drawing images for the character profiles for the ISH website I know what he currently looks like because I'm not 100% sure.

You also forgot the Ramza from our working title Fire Emblem fic in which we decided to add Ksemanr and Ramza. Ramza be a branded in that one. Half raven.

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I did forget, didn't I... I'll put them up there in a bit. Your new art style looks a lot cleaner now, by the way. I guess combining flash and paint really worked out good for you.

Posts: 3756
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EDIT: Anyhow, here it is. It's just a sketch so ignore the agenda on which it is scribbled. =P

Posts: 1866
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This one looks good too. Though I'd like to know where you got this paper. O_o?

Posts: 3756
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It's a page of my school planner.

Posts: 1866
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You're still in school? You seemed older...

Posts: 3756
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I'm 18, yeah.


I missed my kilopost again. >={

lol It was like a hundred posts ago and I only recognize it now.

Posts: 2232
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My computer is broken so I can't colour things in properly =(

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*Wakes up at 6:00 in the morning. Has a bad taste in his mouth so he immediatly brews some tea. Looks at the clock, watching the time tic by, wondering why he got up that early. Checks the business page in the newspaper to see the state of the stock market. Eats a cookie and sit in front of Ksemanr's computer. Logs into the MoFo to check on this thread. Scrolls down. Notices Crim's drawings.* They look the same... *said in an uninterested tone. Freezes. Makes a cup of coffee and runs outside. Finds a random pedestrian. Drinks the coffee. Spits it in the guy's face.* THERE ARE TWO OF ME!!!?

Posts: 107
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Eats a cookie and sit in front of Ksemanr's computer. Logs into the MoFo to check on this thread. Scrolls down.

And you forgot to sign out on my computer. i get on and it's like "Welcome Ramza the Fox!" and I'm like "WTF? That's not me."

Posts: 2928
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First time that's happened Rammy?


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Yes... Unfortunately it does...

Wow... It's been ages since I've seen this thread. And not it has me thinking: "Hey, why not start it up again?" There are, indeed, still many characters that I need to have drawn and all that. *still has very little artistic skill* So if this catches your interest for any reason, say you're bored or want to draw something, here's a request:

Adahn Valentine: Adahn is Ramza's older brother from the Foundations setting. as for appearance, he is an anthropomorphic red fennec fox with spiked hair of a darker red. Early in his appearance in the setting, he had long hair and wore a blue denim jacket over a white tank top and jeans. After certain events in the setting his arms are ruined and replaced with cybernetics and he wears a pair of black jeans, metal boots, and a sort of cape around his waist. I can't remember what those things are called... After these events, there is also an alchemical circle carved into his back.

As for his personality and events: After losing his parents to a fire, he decided to raise his two younger siblings, Ramza and Jade. Ramza was an innocent child before the fire, and Jade's eyes were burnt out. Being the warm and doting older brother figure, he took very good care of the two of them, despite Jade's condition. As you may guess, he didn't like the fact that Ramza had decided to join the Foundation as a Hunter, putting his own life in danger. But he was quiet about it, calling Ramza by the nickname he had come up for him when he was still an innocent child: "Little Two-Tails". However, after events in Foundations, Adahn vanished from Jade's side, something he would never do. Much later, after Nero's defeat, Adahn was rediscovered. He was crazed and attacking people. He had been abducted by Cubia Worshipers who experimented on him trying to discover new types of the virus. Adahn was infect with the virus himself for this purpose. He gained the ability of renewal, allowing his body to reform elsewhere after his death. His ideas have changed drastically, thinking that he should rid the universe of life so that he can rid it of pain.

Well, there you go. If you'd like more information, I would be more than happy to provide. ^_^

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I guess I have to bump this for it to work. Apologies and all that.

By: Crimson Darkwolfe
