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Character design clinic part deux.

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Posts: 2232
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So sue me, I missed the old character design clinic.

For those how never saw it before, this is a place to bring any problems you may be having with a character, or their environments, world, whatever really, and the creative spuds that hang round carnie isle will try their best (or not, depending on who's around and their mood) to help out, suggest ideas, just generally brainstorm with you. It's helped me in the past, and I always enjoyed helping others in it, so, I rebuild!

Now, some rules;

-It's prolly best if you have at least a general idea of the problem. "I have a character, but don't know what their personality and history are, plsehelpthnksbye." Is a little like, getting others to work for you. Whereas if you know a general gist, then ideas can be flung like soft gooey idea balls. Mmmmmmm....ideas.

-Be patient. Carnie Isle isn't the most popular place in the Mofo, so don't expect an instant reply. In fact, expect to wait quite a while, it'll seem sooner that way ^^

-At least TRY to help someone else before posting your own problems, it's only polite. If you really feel you can't help, then there is no helping that I guess. Especially if there is no problems around ^^;;

That should cover it. The old one was stickied, but I'll let the mods decide weather or not they want this one around, as I made it pretty much on an 6 am whim.

Now, MY problem:

This is a very poor quality picture, I don't have a scanner, sorry.

Anyway, this is a character from a graphic novel I hope to actually carry on with when I have time. The story is about a demon hunter, charged with expelling trapped spirits from the mortal realm. Bog standard stuff.

Now, I have some of the spirits clear in my head, and this is one, the Plaugebearer. He spreads disease and corruption in his wake, yada yada cliche. What I can't, despite the fact he has sat in my sketchpad for about 3 months, decide upon, is a name. As an example, the first spirit encounted is Prometheus, the bringer of fire.

Suggestions anyone?

Also, suggestions for other spirits would be welcomed, though I do not know how many I can entertain.^^

Posts: 83
Trusted Member

Maybe you sholud get it scanned at a friends or where you work, save it on disk, and then put it on your P.C.

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

I think he wanted help with the name, not the scan. Perhaps you can name the creature after a disease, like Ebola or something.

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Call him Atropos.
If you think it fits, you already know what it means.

Posts: 4607
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Morbus. Latin for "disease". Not quite as myth-oriented as "Prometheus", but still sounds awesome.

Posts: 2232
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ChaosxShad: Heh, well, it would be a little mean for me to wander across to someone elses house at 4 or 5 in the morning, just to scan a pic about an inch by an inch ^^; I'm saving scanner abuse privilage for full drawings only.

Miss Puar: Nice idea, but Ebola dosn't have the ring needed. It's scour for nice sounding diseases, BUT...

Wonderbat and Shadow Hog: Both excellent suggestions, and roll of the toungue nicely. Atropos is nice, and a good name for one of the other spirits, I'll be saving that one for something more related to the name than mere pestilence. Morbus however, works very well. Tah Hoggy.:thumbsup

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Byoukan (Japanese for sickness; disease)
Akumei (Japanese for bad reputation or ill repute...and Plagebringer sounds worthy of ill repute)
Byouma (Japanese for 'demon of ill health)
Yamu (Japanese for 'to fall ill', or 'to be ill'...I'm just guessing that the Plaguebringer's ill as well. o.o)

And for good measure, how about Pandaemon (mixing pandemic and daemon)...or just plain ol' 'Scourge'?
