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TRC is now officially up. I decided to move the comic somewhere that is made for comics to be posted so i won't have any link trouble.
The Randosity Chronicles, ROTG's replacement

So yeah. RotG was fun while it lasted  but it didn't go so well. I decided to start TRC instead so things can get up and going.
Thanks for all this constructive help suggestions that have helped me go far in the comic making business...
Thanks goes to Episonic, Swanson, the Eggpire, The Turtle Guy, Sonicsfan1991/Aka Mada, Tergonaut, and especially Silvershadow. Also thanks to everyone else who i missed. It's been fun here at the Mobius Forums and i'll still be lurking around, but RotG is officially gone. Thanks for the good run.


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Honestly, they're not really that funny... but go ahead and throw Epi into the guest stars thing. Why the heck not.

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So, before I start throwing out criticism is this your actual attempt at making a spirte comic or are you still experimenting? If it's the latter, than you are defiantly improving in the spriting area. If it's the former....well let's save that for another post.

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Me and a friend came up with this. We're experimenting, and just triyng to have fun, heck with it! So you can enjoy it, or try to help, take your pick. Give us some time, it may end up getting better.

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A rule of thumb, don't have a character show up and assume we know who they are, especially if it's an original character. Also, inside jokes are not funny to outsiders AKA the people reading the comic.

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Making a note of that. I think a filler comic might be made. In foresight, Green and Orange boy's name is Devourer, i put him in for a friend. Call him Devs.

EDIT: Tada, hooray! I UPDATED!

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i am Katira!!! FEAR ME!!!!

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Omg what the heck bbq! Giant smiley alert!

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Oh noes. And i thought I had problems -points to the comic in my last post-

By the way, Hooray! another update!

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*Cops bust in te room* Cops: PUT DOWN THE SUGAR OR ELSE!!!
ME: NEVAH!!! *jumps in the air and tackles them and teleports them to the middle of te Ocean*

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*victory song goes on*
Me: oh random dancing time!!! *dances epicly by doing a bunch of random moves*
(im the tan girl in the begining!! not realy!!)

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Augh, KOOPAS in the update... Almost as 'scary' as you. Anyway are you done with the random sugar or what

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yeah...i sorta lost control heh...heh.....(aw crap i screwed up agian!!)

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(here is Katiras optinal morphing song is she ever gets a human form: )
(oh and banji listen to it while ur talking)

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Could you please keep the unrelated posts to an absolute minimum, please? EL123, you'd do well to take a look over the forum rules. Welcome aboard, though. =)

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I'll remind her on another game that we play together Thanks for the notice.

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Okay, you're getting a bit better with telling people who these characters are and you made a couple okay jokes in these last few, but your main problem seems to be a complete lack of knowing what you're doing. Even with a random comics it helps to know what you want to do or where you want to go. Plan stuff out, you'd be surprised how funnier it can get. I also suggest coming up with a unique personality for each character so that we can relate to them a bit more.

http://www.zeldauniverse....sprite-comic-thread.html this thread helped me when I was attempting to make comics, give it a try and see if it doesn't help.

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I'll take a looka t it sometime, for now we're mainly just messing around, as stated earlier ^_^ Thanks for the info tho

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Well...this was interesting...I honestly couldn't finish the last couple because of how random, insane, and flat out unfunny they are. Everything goes way too fast, if you slow it down it would read MUCH easier. The link I post about comics earlier should help if you ever read it...also Vedgta is really not a good name for any character (even if it is a friend of your's username.) It's the name of one of the most popular characters on one of the most popular anime in the world, that just doesn't work. It's like naming one of your characters Shadow.

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Hey. He asked to be a PGS. His char is called Vedgta. It was up to him, i'm just putting him in.

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nice comics dude,as you asked, i made an account,so, yeah, and all those dissing the comics,so what? they are there for enjoyment, not to show off

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Heh... Thanks.

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Silver's comic makes a good point. You said yourself that you were looking for help LerakuTH. God knows I'm no expert when it comes to Sprite comic making, but I always took peoples criticisms and tried to improve.

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Actually, i am trying to change some things. I'm working my best and seeing what i can change to make things better. So. I'm sorry if it doesnt seem good yet, i'm just working on it.

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And i'll admit i was a bit rash in my first few criticisms. I need to think better.

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For the love of God man, don't double-post! ;p The Edit button works just fine for adding on to a thought when you were the last person that posted.

Oh and if you'd like any practical help or advice on anything (like, for example, making nifty-looking speech bubbles like the ones I have there, or writing a good script, or anything else like that) then please do by all means ask - there're a lot of creative minds around here, myself included, and any one of us'd be perfectly happy to help, I imagine. Heck, you can PM me if you want and chat to me on IM or something: you've obviously plenty of enthusiasm for making comics, so why not make sure it gets crafted into something respectable?

Incidentally, that comic I posted, up there? That was made entirely using Paint.NET, which is a great free alternative to Photoshop, and quite possibly more user-friendly =O It'd be well worth a look if Photoshop's a bit much - I know it can be for a lot of people. I didn't like using it either when I actually was trying my hand at the whole sprite comic malarkey years back.

...I'll stop rambling now.

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about time ya did stop,he's trying his best,you dont need to make him feel bad for any reaosn, as he never did anything to YOU,so dont talk down to my friend please.

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I'm not trying to talk down to him, though if that's how it looks then I apologise - I'm simply trying to offer practical help, seeing as I have plenty of practical knowledge that I'd be more than happy to help out with.

Let me re-iterate so there're no misunderstandings - it's clearly obvious Leraku has plenty of enthusiasm for comic-making, and he stated clearly in his second post that help would be welcome. I'm not trying to squash his enthusiasm, I'm wanting to help him improve what he's doing, seeing as he said help was welcome. =P

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No talking-down here. In this forum criticism is often encouraged. ;P

If this is practice, post some more of your comics right now, what does it matter? Let's seeee them.

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

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Slash, you may be my friend, but don't talk down Silv. He's a good guy, just trying to help me. And i use the edit button so often and if forgot to use it, it's kinda funny O_O

Edit(yay):  Bugger. Almost forgot to mention, i just put in some new emotions for Leraku. Also, he now has a motorcycle. His new emotions can be seen here:

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im not talking down to him, im talking directly towards him,and im simply defending you -.-,but really, even IF he is just trying to help, there's no need to downgrade you or make you feel useless.I dont see the point of that, if he is attempting to help,he is more than welcome to correct you, but being on the verge of nearly insulting you........

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... o_o uhm, he's actually fine. Not insulting me at all.

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In the harsh world of the internet, if this is what you think is insulting you should consider yourself lucky, Slash. No one is being insulting and (not to backseat mod or anyting) I would like it if we got back to the main reason Leraku is here in the first place, his comics, and not trying to make accusations. I understand you wanting to stick up for your freind, and I admire that, but I don't want this getting ugly. Besides I'm honestly enjoying wacthing Leraku as he tries to improve. These current comics are defintely superior over the first batch he put up.

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Agreed, Eggpire. -Looks back at Ell 'Lo Ell and TGTBATM and shudders- I didn't do so good back then.

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fine, fine, whatever, and hey leraku, awsome intro,(dont have a youtube account), good job, and good luck with #25/6, oh, and, are the rest of the comics gunna be on youtube? or still on here?

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Comic type will differ depending on how lazy i am. However, yes, all comics will still be linked to by here. If i feel like it's needed, i WILL make an animation.

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*slash points at leraku* anyone have any idea whats going on right now?*twilight steps forward*twilight: hello!,slash: what are you doing here? you arent even in the comics!,twilight:.....what comics....,slash: your not in them even if you beg....*charges up a nuke*twilight: i'll just leave now,slash:TOO LATE!*nukes and sends twilight  far of in the distance*slash:is anyone getting the meaning for my creator posting this up AT ALL!?

more humor, but more contained,a bit funnier, really, everyone wants humor in these comics, BUT, sometimes it goes through an entire comics, we only really need 2, mabye 3 frames for it,that was an example. and heres example 2.

slash: and here we are again...they arent paying me enough for this..,twilight: CMON ALREADY!,slash:....shut up.....twilight:well today, we are going to show, how to hum*slash smacks twilight in the mouth,slaps him with a cold fish,shoves a stick of dynamite down his throat*slash:, i belive we are done here.*pond explodes*(first, and, last appearence of twilight, you wontsee him in the comics,or have to worry about his low IQ ever being shown again(on request of leraku).

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Anyone up for getting him to hit the edit button, or deleting that post...

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done, he aint coming back, and dont worry, i just took a character from my many fan character creations for an example of slapstick humor,oh, and, uh, for those wondering, twilight just a main character of my own collection,i only use him(or another of my characters) for examples away from what i can really only call my own playground

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No no no, i mean EDIT IT TO BE SHORTER AND LESS CONFUSING.... just remove the stuff it'll confuse people... -_-

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good enough yet....

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I believe what Leraku is trying to politely tell you is to better format your post. Proper grammar would go a long way to greatly increasing the legibility of it, as would breaking up your writing into paragraphs. As it stands, it's just one long block of text which is confusing and annoying to read =(

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And it sort of doesnt make sense as some/one of the characters are in personal RP, which others don't even know about. So how would they know what the heck he looks like/who he is/what he is?

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T~T, twilight:hedgehog
fur color:black
fur highlights:white
pants:black and yellow
shoes:slash's shoes, just black and orange
he wont be appearing, i didnt clean up the post because theres no point, as it it there simply for two reasons, it is a joke, because of my current state of having tonsilitous i find ways to amuse myself,and also just for an example of slapstick humor, take no thought of it as sensible, because it is merely a bit of fun on my part

also, little more to clean up the post,i had NO plan to enrage anyone, neither did i want to cause trouble, i simply needed to have a little fun, if i overstepped i apoligise,also,as leraku said(and even he doesent really know who twilight is), he is a hedgehog, as said by the bio above,he is also slash's cousin,and he doesent really have a low IQ, they just mess around alot, and, dont expect me to use him for much else than amusement

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If it is amusement you want, you're looking for the Spam Protection Agency.  It'd be just the place to post such spontaneous, slapstick humor stuff that shouldn't be taken seriously.

Also, sweet mother of E.B. White's ghost, please look at the use of periods every once and a while.  There are only so many commas in the universe.

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You're lovely Leraku. You really are trying hard. Suppose it's hard to try and balance pleasing all your friends while coming out with something that everyone else can understand too.

I like your two most recent ones, they've got a flow to them that the previous ones didn't have.

That lunch server reminds me of my mum ;P

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I'm thinking about doing a new running gag... i really appreciate the comment ^^ And here's a hint on the new gag.


Instant lulz, if used correctly. -sits behind desk with fingers meshed-

Hm. Appears that #27 is already up. Whee!

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