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Dark's art topic ^_...
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Dark's art topic ^_^

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Hello everyone! I don't remember since I havent been on here for awhile but I don't think I've ever posted an art topic here before...Anyways! This will be my art thread/topic for posting my arts up here and you can comment/critique/shoot me/marry me/enjoy my artwork here 8D!

I hope everyone likes my artwork! Big warning though- As far as critiques go I dont mind them meaning, I dont mind if you have something useful to say. But saying "it sucks and I just dont like it. Your an idiot" yeah DON'T DO THAT.
For one thing it makes you a very immature viewer and for a second thing I'm a college art student and it doesent help me understand any what you think I'm doing wrong.

Now that all thats finished onto some artwork <3!

A pic of Locke from the old Archie Knuckles comics I did, took about 10-12 hours <3.

My human version of Knuckles 8D! Rushed I now >_<;....But I still like it <3....

And older pic I did for a friend of Rob'O the hedge. Again from the Archie comics ^^;

And old-er wallpaper pic I did of my fursona Dark Shadow. The Lyrics and character and in this one is held by my copyrights.

And all artwork belongs to me. Be weary nare you steal me booty. Steal me booty and ye walk the plank into a deathless pit of oblivion where the Willy Wonka song goes on forever and ever and your forced to eat brussel sprouts while Michael Jackson tells you how much he loves you while doing the robot. In other words- You steal you die!!!! K? K ^_^.

And thats all for now ^_^ I'll post more as more comes <3...

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

Locke in his "geek chic" labcoat, yay! I like the shading on the top pics alot but the bottom (wallpaper one) seems a little pale for my tastes. Human Knux makes me think of Street Figter (I mean that in a nice way as I love that series). Nicely done. :claps:

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

You rock. =O

Good art. Seriousily.

Posts: 3291
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just so you know, noone would really give you a 'you suck!!' crit. partly because we all want to help others to improve, and also because it'd be pushing our rules. ^^

i like your pictures, the only thing i have a niggle about is the positioning of their noses. they seem a bit squished up against their faces.

Posts: 286
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I thought that about the noses too. But I can't do better so...:o

Great artwork man! The human Knuckles is really interesting. I've seen human to beast form but in reverse?
I especially like the wallpaper one with the lyrics. The character needs a bit of work on shading but other than that, brilliant!
Can I stop walking the plank now?:p

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Thank you all very much for the comments and critiques! I really appreciate it!

Yes the nose thing is something I've been working on for awhile now...It probably sounds crazy but it's one of those things that I can see what I'm doing wrong but at the same time I can't. It's difficult to point out what it is when I'm sketching it out...Because it seems right to me when I'm drawing out the sketches and things that it be flat like that ((probably because I draw anime sometimes too and the noses are usually centered...)) so I'm having a difficult time convincing my mind otherwise XD...Does that make sense?

Anyways, I'm going to try and work on some new stuff this week so hopefully this weekend I'll have some new artwork to show everyone ^_^!

Posts: 159
Estimable Member

As a former student of art myself, I must say "wow." I really love the shading. I think the first pick (Locke) was my favorite.

The wallpaper looks awesome, but it doesn't appeal to me quite so much as the other two.

What did you do this with? It looks to me like it was done on the computer, with maybe photoshop or something. Did you draw it out and scan it and edit, or all-computer, or no-computer (in which case, "Holy cow, you rock!") or what?

Knowing that I could do know better, and keeping in mind that my lack of patience brought about an early end to my 'career' in art, may I make a nasal suggestion? What if you round out the nose a bit at the center (like a little bulge) and pool the shine into a sort of ball, offset a bit from the center? It might not look so flat that way, not that it's in any way bad.

Did I explain that well enough?

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You did and I'll try that out and see what it looks like thanks!

Yes I use mixed media, I hand draw all the lineart but teh real magic happens in Photoshop which is where I do all my coloring as well as inking and of course the shading, lighting and so forth. I actually took a class on Photoshop so I could learn more about the tools and things...The best part about the class is now I have all the keyboard shortcuts memorized so I never have to take my left hand off the keyboard and my right hand off the mouse XD;...

Sometimes though I make completely computer-drawn and colored ((and all the other stuff...)) pictures too, it's just I prefer being able to actually sketch out a drawing with pencil and hold it in my hand before I start in with the digital media ^_^.

I have to say that the guys and gals who make Photoshop possible are definately #1 in my book. As well as Mr. Steve McLaughlin, my Photoshop teacher from last semester. I still have alot to learn but I've came a long ways from where I started a year ago with the things I've learnt about Photoshop.

The wallpaper was actually a pretty rushed job...Not meaning I dident spend time on it, because I did spend alot of time on it. It was just rushed compared to the time I spend now and the details I pay more attention to...But like I said I did it a bit back ((Like June I think..?)) and of course you learn new things every day lol ^_^. I'll probably go back and recolor and edit it later. I was a bit more focused on writing the Lyrics at the time when I was doing it ^^;...

But thank you all again for your wonderful comments and advice, it's helping alot and I appreciate it very much ^_^!
Again I hope to have a few pieces up by this weekend...Not my best since I've been pressed for time lately but...A few pieces. Then hopefully during Thanksgiving break ((in 6 weeks I think?)) I'll get a chance to actually sit down and work hard on a piece ^_^

Posts: 276
Reputable Member

I really like it. I'm a huge Sonic drawer myself, so that really tickles my fancy. I really like the shading style. I'll remain a fan too. Though I'm not used to the positions of the noses. I always draw them lower ad stuff, but then again, I suck.

In response to your first post, I don't think anyone will be dumb and criticize it that way. As Wonderbat likes to call it, CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM! It's a good thing.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

*nods* being aware that there's something off in your art is the first step towards improving it. (once knew someone who compleately forgot to draw an arm in a picture, and had no idea what they'd gotten wrong. :p )
just keep practising and use exisiting pictures of echidna characters as referance, sega-style echidnas have a bit of a 'snout' and so their noses are more of a distance from their eyes.

i know the problem myself, as i have my own style of drawing fuzzies. ^^; just keep at it!
