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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Sonic characters. I have made the characters older than their game counterparts, and Tails is a woman!

Part#1: Epilogue

*For a long time, space travel had been unheard of. However, in the year 2023, space travel was as common as walking.*

Computer: Life support unit failing. Switching to auxilery.

*The was mainly in part to the intervention of three strangers on a little blue planet.*

Computer: Engines offline. Making emergency landing preperations.

*That planet was Mobius, the home of a band of heroes led by the great hero, Sonic the Hedgehog.*

Computer: Nearby planet located. Unable to make safe landing. Using remaining power to redirect toward planet.

*This is the story of how these two groups met and saved the universe.*

Computer: Llllanding successfullllll. Now bbbbbbeginning auto-repair sequence.

(Station Square)

*Tails had been working really hard on her new invention. It would be a revelation among healing devices. She called it, The Medicinal Scanner. It was made to scan the victim for injuries and cure them with a pinpoint lazer. Tails was just putting the finishing touches on it when Sonic burst through the door of her workshop.*

Sonic: Hey, Tails, ol' buddy, ol' pal! There was this really bright light out in the jungle near here. It would rock if we found something cool there!

Tails: Do you have to talk like that...? It's embarrassing...

Sonic: But it sounds so cool!

Tails: No... it doesn't...

Sonic: Does too!

Tails: What are you? Two years old?

Sonic: Am not...

*At that momment, Knuckles walked through the door. He had an annoyed and desperate air about him.*

Sonic: Hey, Knuckles! How's it hangin'!?

Knuckles: ...

Sonic: What's the matter?

Knuckles: Someone stole the Master Emerald... They... defeated me in combat... I lost...

*Knuckles fell to his knees and began to silently weep.*

Sonic: Hey, man... It's all right... We'll help you get it back. I know! Let's go check out that light from the jungle!

Knuckles: You mean... Mystic Ruins?

Sonic: Yeah!

Tail: Well... I guess I'll go with you guys.

*Our heroes got on the train to Mystic Ruins. The trip was uneventful, save for tedious reutine checks on the passengers. When they arrived, they noticed a crowd gathered around the entrance to the jungle. Gun soldiers were keeping everyone out.

(Mystic Ruins)

Sonic: Hey, what's going on here? Some kinda party?

Tails: Just looks like a bunch of concerned citizens and GUN soldiers.

Knuckles: How are we going to get past them?

Voice: Why don't you just plow right through them big stuff?

Knuckles: *sigh* Not you again...

*From out of the shadows, stepped Rouge the Bat.*

Rouge: Oh, don't be so happy to see me...

Knuckles: *angry* I'm not!!!

Rouge: Why are you so rude!?

Voice#2: You're a bit rude yourself...

*From out of the shadows, stepped Shadow the Hedgehog*

Rouge: Oh! You're so mean!!!

*Suddenly, Rouge caught sight of Tails.*

Rouge: Oh! Hey, Foxboy!

*Tails looked down and blushed.*

Tails: ... I'm a girl...

Rouge: Oooops! My bad! Tee hee hee!

Sonic: So, Rouge, do you know a way to get into Mystic Ruins?

Rouge: That's an easy one boys. Just use the front gate!

Tails: But those GUN soldiers wont let anyone through...

Rouge: Just follow me boys!

Shadow: Instead of embarrassing yourself, why don't we just sneak in...?

Rouge: No one asked you!!!

*Rouge walked up to the GUN soldiers. Immediatly, they stiffened.*

Rouge: Wont you big boys let little ol' me and my escort through?

*The two soldiers looked a little confused.*

Soldier#1: Sure?

*Shadow crossed his arms and shook his head, dissapprovingly. The guards openned the gate and allowed only our heroes to pass.*

(Mystic Ruins)

Computer: Life support unit at 25% capacity. Ennnnnngine beyond repair. Stasis pods at 100% capacity. Beginninggggggg repairs on internal/auxilery systemsssssss.

*A ship had crashed into what appeared to be a makeshift house. It had been conducting auto-repairs all night. This was the cause of the light, but only one person knew that.*

Big: Froggy?

*Suddenly, our heroes entered the area with the downed ship.*

Sonic: Holy cow!

Rouge: Well look at that... What do you think it is?

Tails: I don't know... I'm gonna go check it out.

Sonic: No, Tails, wait!

*Tails flew up to the strange object. He eventually came across what looked like a hatch.*

Tails: I think I found a way in!

Shadow and Rouge: Be careful Foxboy!

Tails: I'm a girl!!!

Computer: Now scannnnnning DdddddNnnnnAaaaaa...

*Suddenly, a red light flipped on and bathed Tails. This made Tails flinch and scream.*

Sonic: Tails!!!

*Sonic ran toward Tails and the giant object. He had almost reached Tails when they both suddenly dissappeared.*

Computer: D.D.D.DNAaaaaa vvvvvvv *static*

Knuckles: What the hell just happened!?

Rouge: I don't know!

*Everyone looked at the strange object nervously.*

Rouge: I just hope they're alright...

[to be continued]

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

For the record, I don't think script-format goes over very well, as far as fan-fiction goes.

[nitpicking]And Sonic takes place on Earth[/nitpicking]

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

also, keep your short stories to one thread. it stops the forum from getting cluttered up. ^^

Posts: 1866
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I was going to... And script format is what I'm best at, so that's what I used... Also... Sonic doesn't take place on Earth. If you pay CLOSE attention in Sonic Adventure 2, you'll notice that it's not earth. Also, in Shadow the Hedgehog, the map shown of the world in one of the cinimatics is different from ours.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

No. They say it's Earth. Explicitly. Several times. There are map differences but that doesn't automatically make it Mobius, it makes it a heavily-stylized Earth. Happens all the time in anime.

Posts: 1866
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Part#2: Emergency

*Sonic and Tails had found themselves inside of what appeared to be some kind of ship. They had been teleported in, inside of an elevator shaft, where the elevator had crashed to the bottom. They had fallen a long way.*

Sonic: Tails!? Where are you!?

Tails: Over... here...

Sonic: Are you ok- oh-no...

*Sonic found Tails proped against the elevator wall with a piece of debries piercing her side. Tails had lost a good deal of blood, meaning that the wound was on a major arterie.*

Tails: *caughing* How... does it look?

Sonic: ... Pretty bad...

Tails: Not a sensitive bone in your body... heh heh... *caughing*

Sonic: Come on! We need to get you to a hospitol! There's gotta be some-

Tails: Leave me!

Sonic: Wha!? No! I'm not leaving you behind!

Tails: I'll just be sl- *caughing*

Sonic: I'm not leaving my best friend here to die!

Tails: ... Fine...

*With some effort, and a lot of pain, Tails managed to pull herself off of the debries.*

Sonic: Can you walk?

Tails: I... I think so...

Computer: Injured ppppppersonel dettttttected on level B-4. Sending medical drones.

Sonic: Well... I guess we're lucky to have landed in a nonhostile environment! This place is kinda cool, like me!

Tails: ... I don't think we should wait for that medical drone...

Sonic: Why not?

Tails: Something doesn't feel right...

*And with that said, Sonic and Tails walked down the corridor. They had used Tails' shirt to try and staunch the bleeding.*

Sonic: This place sure is bigger than it looks on the outside.

Tails: ... Yeah... *caughing*

Sonic: Come on... You gotta make it...

Tails: It's... so cold in here...

*Soon they came acroos a room with a group of tanks with people in them. A sign above the door said "Criogenic Chamber". They walked in to find all but three of the tanks smashed, the people inside dead. Sonic proped Tails against one of the unbroken tanks. Tails' wound had stopped bleeding for the time being, but Sonic knew that wouldn't last. Tails would need serious medical attention. While they sat there, Sonic looked around.*

Sonic: I wonder what happened here... This is terrible...

Tails: It was probably the crash...

Sonic: You're probably right...

Sonic walked to one of the unbroken tanks. Inside was a tall man with long black hair, and what appeared to be black fox ears and a black fox tail.*

Sonic: What are these people!? They're both human and Animal! This one's a fox!

Tails: A fox?

Sonic: Yeah... And the other two look like echidna! That'll make Knuckles and Tikal happy.

*Sonic leaned on something to rest a little. As soon as he did, the object he was leaning on fell over.*

Sonic: Oooops!!!

Computer: Stasis pods endangered. Rrrrrrrrrevivvvving personel.

Sonic: Uh-oh...

*Suddenly, the tanks began emptying. Soon, the glass rose up and the three survivors of the crash stepped, clumsily, off of their platforms.*

Fox: Wha!? What happened here!!!?

Echidna #1: 'Tis simple... everyone is dead...

Echidna #2:...

*The three groggy men then all looked down in unison.*

Fox and Echidna #2: Gah!!! We're naked!!!

Echidna #1: Now you notice...

*Echidna #1 then caught sight of Sonic and Tails.*

Echidna #1: Who are you...? There shouldn't be anything but Charrans on this transport vessle...

*The fox was now wearing a black pair of pants that he got from a storage ben close by.*

Fox: What are you two doing here? And ho- huh?

*The fox then noticed Tails' wound.*

Fox: Hey! You're hurt! Hurry, we gotta get you to the med bay!

*The first echidna was also now wearing a pair of black pants.*

Echidna #1: Why should we help them? I believe them to be the ones who did this to the ship...

Fox: Gathoid! We don't have time for you to be heartless! I'm taking them to the med bay!

*The fox then bent down next to Tails as if to pick her up.*

Sonic: Stop! Don't touch her! How can I trust someone like you!?

*The fox just looked at Sonic with a pleading look.*

Fox: You cant'...

*The fox then picked up Tails and ran off with Sonic following close behind.*

Gathoid: Ramza, you fool...

Echidna #2: I see you two still don't get along...

*The second echidna was now wearing a pair of green pants and a black jacket.*

Gathoid: 'Tis none of your business Ksemanr... You'd do best to remember that...

Ksemanr: Fine, but you really should calm down...

Gathoid: How can I be calm!? First we lose our planet, then we crash, with only the three of us surviving! 'Tis a horrible chain of events...

Ksemanr: You hardly knew anyone anyway...

Gatoid: Silence fool!!!

Ksemanr: Anyway, I'm sure this isn't hurting us as much as it is Ramza...

Gathoid: I do not need you to tell me that...

[to be continued]

Posts: 1866
Noble Member
Topic starter

Well, it's Mobius in the fanfic. Besides, even though it's Sonic based doesn't neccissarily mean it has to be 100% accurate.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member


I was going to... And script format is what I'm best at, so that's what I used...

The reason people do not like reading script format is that it tosses any sort of descriptive writing out the window. If the writer cannot help the readers visualize the setting and actions in their heads, the story becomes bland and depends almost entirely on dialogue (which, in your case, is not particularly engrossing). When used outside the realm of plays and screenplays, it is often seen as a lazy and unimaginative method of writing.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member


Besides, even though it's Sonic based doesn't neccissarily mean it has to be 100% accurate.

That'd be a given if you say Tails is a girl in this.

Posts: 1866
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Topic starter

... I guess you're right... I never really thought of it that way... Oh well, to late now. I'll try harder in the next installments.
