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Facets of the Soul
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Facets of the Soul

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Facets of the Soul
A Mobius Forum World Fiction
Written by Tergonaut
Produced by TergoCorp. Industries

Guest-starring Ultra Sonic/Redley!

Timeline: This story takes place in Fall of 2006, Mobius Forum World relative

So, Miss Stahlmansche, just what is the secret behind your success, hmm?

Georgia Stahlmansche smiled at the black tuxedo-suited hedgehog as she sipped from her martini glass. I dont pretend to any great secret, Mr. Garlton. My company is successful because I give people what they want.

Mr. Garlton laughed politely as he held his own glass, standing with Stahlmansche over by the upper-floor window that overlooked Sega City. The early evening was overcast, the dark clouds colored blue by the night sky as rain poured onto the city streets below. Quite a thing to say, Miss Stahlmansche, especially considering what some of your fans want. But really, there has to be a strategy youve been using that works for you the best.

Stahlmasche shifted in a calculatedly-casual manner, the sleeveless red gown she wore following the shape of her curves as she put herself slightly closer to the hedgehog businessman. You make it sound as if you dont watch my commercials, Mr. Garlton. Simply put, I show the people that I use my own companys products.

And you look good while doing it, commented the hedgehog with a rakish grin.

That didnt sound like a professional compliment, responded Stahlmansche casually as she batted her eyelashes. Good, hes letting down his guard. Ill have his company in the palm of my hand by the end of this evening.

Thats because it wasnt. Would you care to-

A plume of fire sprang up from another part of the city, and even at this safe distance Stahlmansche heard the bang from the explosion as it lit the city in a baleful orange glow through the dreary weather. Mr. Garlton gasped properly at the sight.

It looks like it came from the Industrial District, said Stahlmansche with a veiled look of surprise as she looked at the spot. Probably an accident of some sort.

Hopefully that and not those NPC Liberati fools, snorted Mr. Garlton. Theyre just hurting the interests of their own people, you know.

But theyre inadvertently helping my interests by providing a more obvious villain to blame, thought Stahlmansche privately as she adjusted her round white earring with two fingers, hearing a distinct click inside of her head as the disguised communication device synchronized with her thought patterns. Espadrille, status report, she ordered, the cybernetic implant communicating her thoughts on a private channel.

The security got a little trigger-happy and blew up one of the other crates here in the warehouse. We took them out, and I am currently running cover while Odeon loads Hillmar with the cargo. The female voice vibrated inside of Stahlmansches bones so she and she alone could hear Espadrille.

Excellent, said Stahlmansche in her thoughts even as she continued her small talk with Mr. Garlton, holding the two conversations simultaneously. You dont have much time before the authorities arrive. Make sure to get those parts back using any means necessary.


Stahlmansche turned off the communications link. The new Armada generals I have designed are remarkable. This field test should prove whether they are worth reproducing on a larger scale. Its only a matter of time before I can consolidate my forces and make this city mine in every aspect.

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And so it begins.

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Inside the cement-floored warehouse, the automatic sprinkler system pattered down on the flames arising from their place atop some of the large wooden crates. The smooth flow of water carried off the burnt residue from the explosion into the rusted drains set in minor depressions in the floor. But a red color seeped into the drains as well, a crimson that dripped from the tips of sharp metal claws. These sharp-edged talons, two sets of five, sheathed themselves silently in blue metal fingers as the human-sized feminine robot who owned them allowed the sprinklers to wash away the rest of the blood from her ultramarine shell.

She twirled on the in-line wheels built into her rear-facing rounded feet, her helmet-like head sleek and featureless except for the black visor that wrapped in a straight line around the front half of her head. Yet there was purpose in her movements as she faced the two other robots that accompanied her, and she spoke in the noiseless communication of machines through the wireless connection that united her with her sister units. Odeon, loading status.

One of the other robots stood tall and menacing, nearly twelve feet high. Though there were hints of feminine elements in this design, the ugly gray camouflage colors and the sheer bulk of the robot were more reminiscent of the standard Armada unit design, but on a much larger scale. She had the elongated Armada head with the wraparound black visor, massive chestplate and three long flexible fingers on each arm that ended in sharp points. The primary difference was size, particularly the huge rectangular shoulders and the additional two curved armor plates placed approximately where a human of that size would have breasts. This robots huge arms and hands lifted steel-bound crates with ease from their place on the warehouse floor and onto the hovering platform hitched to the third robot. Loading status at sixty-eight percent, she uttered in a deep, nearly guttural female voice that echoed across the invisible lines of communication.

The third of the trio cackled audibly from her spot hovering above the water-covered cement floor. She was the most divergent in her construction, for instead of legs it had a car-sized hover pod with six smaller thruster pods placed along the perimeter in ball joint sockets. Her upper half was similar to her gray sister, but her entire shell sported violently neon green colors. Jutting from her left forearm was a massive cannon, and from her right, a set of multiple barrels. Mounted on bent struts attached to the shoulder plates were two box rocket launchers with four openings on each one. So when do we BLOW the rest of this place, Espadrille? she asked in a screech of a voice.

Espadrille turned hotly on her wheeled heels to face the hovering robot. Retain your stealth functions, Hillmar! We are on recovery duty, not demolition.

Hillmar shifted restlessly atop her hover pod. We have already attracted attention because of that idiot guard discharging his weapon and causing that explosion! We might as well burn the rest of this place to the ground and cover the evidence that we were ever here!

Hillmar, your logic circuit is diverging from mission requirements. Correct yourself immediately.

Stop right there!

All three robots simultaneously swivelled their heads to point right at the source of the intruding voice. The figure stood half-shrouded in the darkness of the warehouse, but even in the cheap lighting of the warehouse the orange and blue colors of the armor gleamed. He looked like a robot too, with black V-shaped visor and metal components, but he moved like a human as he aimed his right arm, shaped like a cannon.

Power down and surrender, spoke the figure again, masculine but filtered through the powered armors helmet and reprocessed to make it unidentifiable. Resist and you will be destroyed.

Espadrille sent a message through the communication line to Stahlmansche as she uploaded her combat subroutines. Miss Stahlmansche, we are engaging the Tergonaut!

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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I hate robots, thought Tergonaut as he dove to one side, avoiding the flurry of bullets the bright green robot fired at him with her chattering auto-cannon. The only good thing about robots is that I dont care if I blow them to smithereens.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He landed on his left hand and propped himself up onto it, swinging his legs around to kick at the feminine blue robot while he simultaneously fired a blue-white burst of plasma that shattered the auto-cannon arm. He felt a surge of smug pride at this smoothly-executed move, but it shifted quickly to confusion as his feet passed through the chest of his target. What the-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Damage indicators flashed translucent red warnings inside his visor as something struck his side and several regular thin lines formed a glowing slash pattern across the omni-suits humming impact screens. Did you think that it would be so easy? There is more to Espadrille than meets the eye, said a very female voice next to Tergonauts ear.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp They can talk?! thought Tergonaut in surprise as he reeled away from the slashing blows and fired another shot that went wild. He now saw two copies of the blue robot on the floor of the warehouse, with a third crouched like a panther on top of a stack of crates. These are heavily-modified Armada units!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp You will have to aim better than that, Tergonaut! cackled the neon green robot as she fired a pointed missile from her right shoulder rack, which Tergonaut dodged with a jet-assisted tumble. Hillmar is my name. Dont forget it when youre scrapped!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And they have names?! This is getting better and better. Tergonaut recovered from his shock and stomped onto the slippery ground with both feet as his boots reconfigured themselves for maximum traction. But so what, theyre still robots. And Ill still blow them up just like any regular Armada unit.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The third robot dropped the crate load it had in its massive gray arms, the wood and metal crunching against the floor as it turned to face Tergonaut. Its left shoulder split apart and the upper section flipped backward to reveal a series of missile tubes. Tergonaut barely had time to register this as he was shot at by the one identifying itself as Hillmar, and he only barely blocked the slashing attacks of the blue robot who seemed to be everywhere at the same time. He heard a rocket launch, and he whirled around and fired a burst of charged particles that caught the missile in mid-air, detonating it and sending fragments bouncing against the walls and crates.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp This is way too intense! I could handle one of them, but its taking all Ive got just to avoid being made into mincemeat! Tergonaut jetted backwards as the blue robot spun around him with all three copies of herself, his gun arm flashing with power shots that went through her illusions and exploded uselessly in mid-air. Then the multiple images stopped as a storm of missiles from both of the other robots flew at him.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonauts thoughts flashed faster than lightning as he willed the omni-suit to transform both arms into pulse scattershot guns, with an array of barrels pointed hedgehog-like from his arms as he fires sprays of blue-white energy. Most of the missiles stopped into their tracks and blew up, but one of the projectiles somehow got through the barrage and struck him full in the chest. He was knocked backward as his impact screens flared and his internal readouts warned that his energy levels were low.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Is that all youve got, Tergonaut? taunted Espadrille as her illusions closed in on him from all sides, their blades flashing. Looks like you finally met your match.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And I was looking forward to some REAL fun tonight! snarled Hillmar from her position as she rotated her upper body to aim her left cannon at Tergonaut. Thanks for blowing my night for me, TergoNUT!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cant end like this, thought Tergonaut as he struggled to his feet, feeling the bruises that had gotten through the protection of the omni-suits defensive systems. Ive still got some surprises up my sleeve! he exclaimed as he transferred the majority of his energy to his mobility systems, and he fired up his ion propulsion jets and flew forward with both arms outstretched.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp You must be suicidal to try a move like that against me, snickered the feminine blue robot as she and her clones skated along the ground. Hillmar cackled as she aimed her cannon, the weapon primed to fire-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And the cackle turned into a scream as a crimson beam shot out from the darkness and pierced the cannon just as it fired, blowing it to bits. Two more shots sliced through the box launchers on her shoulders, and Hillmar writhed in agony as her torso caught fire from the combined explosions of her weapons.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp No time to figure out what that was, just act! Tergonaut suddenly shot upward into the air while firing at the floor with his scattershot guns, forcing Espadrille to back off and change her tactics long enough for him to land on one of the higher crates to recover his energy.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Espadrille suddenly struck out with her claws as her two accompanying holograms vanished, and sparks flew as she strained both sets of talons against the silvery cybernetic blade arm of the blue hedgehog who stood his ground, as if he had always been standing right where she had aimed. So is this one of your tricks, Tergonaut? she demanded as her servos whirred furiously against the hardened metal prosthetic limb.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp That blue hedgehog...wait, isnt that...Ultra?!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The hedgehog did not say a word as he yanked back his arm and clashed against Espadrille, swinging and using the blade in place of his fist like a shield against the thousand claws that faced him. While Tergonaut had been only just able to keep from being sliced into ribbons, this new combatant was setting a new pace for the blue robot. They were evenly matched in their struggle as they zipped around the floor. Tergonaut zoomed in for a closer look and saw that the hedgehogs eyes were not the green that he recognized, but a deep red.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Just like when he helped out Stahlmansche during the Segan dig in Cosmic Canyon, thought Tergonaut as his energy meter rose up to more comfortable levels. But hes fighting against her now, so what gives? Just what has happened to him since I left the MFW for two years?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A screech from Hillmar reminded him of the others presence, and he whipped his head in her direction as she charged in a kamikaze attack toward Espadrille and Ultra. His arms reconfigured into enlarged gripping hands as he dove down from the top of the crate pile and only just caught the edge of the hover pod, his suits thrust against her momentum.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Die, Suckernaut! seethed Hillmar as she strained her upper body at him, her chest plates dropping open to reveal the machine guns hidden inside.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut planted his feet against the ground and heaved upward, grunting as he exerted the full force of the omni-suit through his arms and into her structure. The machine guns spattered their ammunition against the ceiling as Hillmar was suddenly tipped back, and with a mighty shove Tergonaut sent her crashing into the wall. The massive hover pod, with no traction to slow it down, plowed into the solid wall and crushed her upper body like a tin can under a sledgehammer.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Odeon, Hillmar is down! shouted Espadrille as she hopped up onto a nearby crate. Take the last of the target components and escape!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp How inefficient, stated Ultra in a low, dark voice devoid of true emotion as he aimed his arm at her. The blade shifted back into a fist with a full set of fingers. With a burst of sound from internal pistons, his fist fired away from the end of his limb, a thick metallic cord trailing after it. You really shouldnt declare your intentions so openly.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And you shouldnt leave yourself open to attack! countered Espadrille as she lithely flipped above the fist and landed on the cable, speeding along its length toward him.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But she raised an arm that was torn off at the elbow as Ultras other hand fired his black blaster pistol. Follow your own advice.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Espadrille fell off the cable and dashed away, her holographic images splitting apart from her as she danced and spun with them until it was impossible to tell which one was the real one. Ultras trigger finger went so fast that it hardly seemed to move, and the laser bolts shot through the copies again and again in rapid succession.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut came at Odeon from behind as the gigantic Armada unit fired a missile at the wall and broke it open, sending rubble to the ground. But she spun her upper torso with surprising speed and rained down a hail of mini-rockets from openings in her arms. Tergonaut hit the ground with both feet before launching himself through the air and curling into a ball. Flipping forward with jet-assisted speed, the omni-suits blue-white fields formed the nanites up with several energy-lined prongs that tore through the missiles and the resultant explosions with enough rotational force to leave a vortex of sheer wind force around him to prevent any harm.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Theyre gone, said the voice that was Ultras but not Ultras.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut landed, the fins and spikes retracting back into the smooth round shapes of the omni-suit as he looked around. Several crates were on fire from all of the loose firepower unleashed during the fight, and the dancing flames gave him enough light to see that what had been said was true; Espadrille and Odeon were gone.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp That only leaves you and me, said Tergonaut as he whirled around to face Ultra. I appreciate the help, but youve been acting much differently from the Ultra that I knew years ago. How can I trust you?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp For a few moments, he stood there tensely as Ultra stared back at him, looking hardly ruffled from the fight in his black leather jacket. Then the hedgehog turned and raised his hand in a follow me gesture. Meet me at the number five dock at the shipping plant on the south side of Sega City, and well talk.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And he was suddenly gone in a blur, leaving behind only a sonic boom.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonauts enhanced senses detected the sound of incoming sirens, and he flew up into the darkened night sky.

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You are a good writer.

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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It took only five minutes for Tergonaut to reach the docks, but his mind raced through each second as he considered everything he ever knew about Ultra Sonic 007. I met him back during some of my earliest adventures in the Mobius Forum World, thought Tergonaut. He was young like me, idealistic, ever in pursuit of the goal of justice. That sometimes got him into trouble, though, as he got involved in some of the most dangerous cases this city has ever seen. He was there when Terrornaut first appeared, and he was also one of the major players in Group Mission: Revival. He even started his own law enforcement group, the Forum Protection Agency.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The orange-armored hero swerved low around a lone building that stood out among the shorter warehouses in this section of town, the raindrops spattering against his armor as he flew through the downpour. His visor, constructed of millions of nanites working in concert, simply swept away any water that landed on it, keeping his vision flawlessly clear. But he destroyed the FPA, or at least disbanded the group and then demolished their headquarters. And thinking back, during GMR, he did have some problems with being possessed by some dark force similar to that Nightshade character we hunted down into that alternate dimension. Then again, he did apparently leave the MoFo for a while like I did, so its possible that something else might have happened in the meantime to him. Vector told me about that story after I talked to him about the Segan dig where he helped Stahlmansche out, but I wasnt sure whether to believe it or not.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Maybe this is where I find out.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut reached the dock area at the feet of the huge shipping plant that laid dormant for the night. He swerved out away from the shore and sped across the dark water in a smooth arc as he scanned the docks, his targeting systems sweeping the doors and alleyways of the warehouses around the factory. No sign of obvious traps or trouble. And if he wanted to, he could have started shooting at me by now. Hes always been a crack shot with that blaster, but I think hes better now. Good thing I am too.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He brought a close to the arc as he landed onto the wooden docks in front of the plant, the bright blue glow from his boots ion jets dying as he cut the thrust and landed firmly. The wood creaked under his feet, and he could hear the lapping of water against the shore and the constant rapid impact of rain hitting pavement and sea alike. Even inside the comfort-maintained environment of the omni-suit, Tergonaut shuddered a little as he read the slightly low temperature readout on his Heads-Up Display. The warehouse district had lighting placed around each building, giving enough of a glow to be seen by ships coming in to the land, but there were more than enough shadows for an unscrupulous character or two to hide in.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Im here, Tergonaut announced.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp About time! I was getting bored.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut turned his head slightly to see Ultra standing right next to him as if he had been there the entire time. His brilliant green eyes and handy smirk told Tergonaut instantly that this was the Ultra that he remembered, though there did seem to be less youthful enthusiasm and more marks of experience etched in that blue hedgehog face. Ultras quills were slicked down by the downpour, but he didnt seem to mind standing in the rain as he looked back up at Tergonaut.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So why did you want to see me? asked Tergonaut, who crossed his arms across his chest. I didnt even hear him come up that time. Looks like if he had wanted to, he could have just popped some shots into my back before I knew he was there.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp First, to thank you for your help back there at the warehouse. I was hired by the owner to keep those components safe, and while I could have handled it on my own, you being there gave those robots a good distraction.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp That explains why you were there, then. Tergonaut examined Ultras stance and determined that his blaster was inside of his jacket. But you realize those were Stahlmansches robots, right?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Ultra shrugged. So? Whats that to you?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut thought carefully how to phrase his next statement. I was there as Justin Hobbes when he sided with Stahlmansche, so I cant talk like I was there in person. Vector told me you were working for Stahlmansche during a recent Segan dig at Cosmic Canyon, so I wondered why you turned around and fought against those robots just now?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There was something to Ultras expression that seemed to hint that he knew a little more than Tergonaut was letting on to, but Tergonaut ignored it. Even if he does somehow guess that Justin and I are the same person, hed have to get proof of it for it to hold any water.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Because I had a different employer just now, answered Ultra after a few moments of silence. What happened back then was when I was being paid by Stahlmansche, by contract. When that contract expired, so did any loyalty I had to her.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So now youre a mercenary? Tergonaut repressed his disgust as much as he could, but he felt that a little still slipped through even with the omni-suits voice scrambler. You just work for whoever pays you the most?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Its a pretty lucrative business, answered Ultra with a shrug. Though Im personally letting Redley do it to keep him from breaking out when he isnt wanted.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Redley, repeated Tergonaut. Vector told me about the story where you left for your original world and confronted the mercenary Redley, who you originally were before you were brought here and lost your memory. But if thats true, then Redley should have died when you defeated Ultra Shadow, because you managed to get Redley out of your body and into Ultra Shadows.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Thats what we all thought at the time. Ultra turned, digging his hands deep into the pockets of his black leather jacket as he turned to look out at the rain and waves. But a little after that, Redley came back. Maybe he never got really transferred out because this is really his body to begin with. Weve...always been closer than Id ever thought before. Thats sort of the other reason I wanted to talk with you.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What is? Tergonaut didnt understand what Ultra meant.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Maybe I should explain a little first. When Redley re-emerged in me, at first I tried to repress him and keep him from ever being actively in control of my body. But the more I fought, the more it seemed to give Redley strength to fight back. So we made an agreement, and now he takes over to handle mercenary assignments that we take to keep my skills sharp. The money is less important than succeeding at whatever it is Im given to do. And it keeps Redley from going completely out of control with my body.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Ultra tilted his head back, closing his eyes as the rain fell on his face. Thats how you and I are alike, Tergonaut. We both have to put on a different personality, almost an entirely different soul, to take on the roles we play.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But that isnt true, interrupted Tergonaut as he uncrossed his arms and turned to face Ultra. Sure, when I put on the suit, my mindset changes a little, but that happens to everyone when they get into uniform for their jobs. Thats one of the reasons that police officers, soldiers and business people all have specific modes of dress that remind them of who they are and that they need to act differently than if they were in regular clothes.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Ultra shrugged, his cybernetic arm gleaming in the light from the nearby shipping plant. Yes, theres basic psychology that does that for everyone. We all change slightly depending on the situation, including where we are and what context were in. But...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He opened his eyes and turned to look at Tergonaut; they were red again, and there was no emotion in his face like there had been before. Ultra remembers the way you acted both in and out of the omni-suit back during your first venture to this world. And from those memories, I know that when you put that suit on, you dont just become yourself with powered armor. You become Tergonaut.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp That stunned Tergonaut for a moment as he saw the transformation. His voice and eyes, changed without skipping a beat! Now thats downright creepy. He crossed his arms again, with a bit of relief that the omni-suit was incapable of revealing his own expression. I dont see what that has to do with anything.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Maybe it isnt important. But knowing yourself is critical if youre to operate at your full potential. Thats why I am the best at what I do, because I know exactly what Im capable of. And Ultra knows that too. If you do have a vendetta against Stahlmansche, let me tell you; she is fully in control of herself, her public face as well as her true face. If you do not have that same control, she will defeat you. That is why I present this to you at this time.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut thought about that. Come to think of it, I dont really think of myself as Matt or as Justin when I have the OMNI-01 activated. I think of myself as Tergonaut. Part of it is training, and part of it is the fact that Tergonaut is really the combination of the omni-suits pilot and TINNER working in tandem, which probably explains why I feel like I change inside as well as outside when I turn on the suit.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Thats awful considerate of you, considering youre supposed to be completely emotionless and shouldnt care less about someone who you might have to fight someday, said Tergonaut as he uncrossed his arms and rested his knuckles on his armor-plated hips.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Ultra is the one who respects you for what you have done for this city, both in the past and now. You have him to thank. But my purpose is to give you a warning: if ever we should fight on opposite sides, I will not hold back and I will kill you like anyone else in my way.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Redley left that ominous warning hanging in the air for a few moments, and then in the next moment his eyes returned to green and his small smile reasserted itself. He had to get in a word as well. Hes true to his word, but if either of us can help it, Id rather not confront you. And if you ever need some help...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Switched again, as fast as he can run. I wonder how different they are from each other, after all...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut nodded as he raised one hand to catch the card that Ultra flicked to him. At the speeds that you go at, youre never that far away, said Tergonaut as he examined the card momentarily. Ill remember this.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As will I. Until next time, Terg.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut looked back up, but the blue blur was already fading out of sight as the armored Moderator found himself standing alone in the rain. Im never really going to get used to that, am I? he asked himself as he stood there for a few moments longer.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Then he turned around and mentally activated the suits propulsion systems, crouching down to leap up into the air and sustain his direction into the sky with the blue-white thrust from his boot jets. Theres truth to what he said. Even though others have worn this armor for a while, it is my legacy to own as to what kind of person I will be while in these colors. And while I have to forget myself to do this, I must also use my past experiences to guide me in doing what is right. I just hope there will be enough time left for me to finish the job I started before I suffer the consequences of wearing this suit...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut flew off into the city, losing himself in the lights of the night life.

* * *

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Your new robot generals have given a poor showing tonight, Stahlmansche.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Stahlmansche sat back in her office chair, using a stylus to tap away at the PDA-like device in her other hand. Her pale green eyes glanced up at the disapproving form of Terrornaut, who stood by the nearby wall with arms crossed in full red and green armor. Really? I disagree. They did very admirably considering who their opponents were, and even Tergonaut could not fight all three of them at once. If Redley had not been there, then Tergonaut would be no more.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp One of Tergonauts advantages in this war is that he has friends with powers, and he can work effectively with each and every one of them, stated Terrornaut, a slight distaste betrayed by her voice though not by the unblinking spider eyes. And now that he knows about the Armada generals, you have lost the advantage of surprising him with those units. One of the robots nearly bungled the entire operation by going berserk.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut is only one man; he will be defeated with time and with the proper trap. Stahlmansche set the PDA down onto the desk and locked her fingers together in front of her. As for Hillmar, it seems that her AI was overwhelmed by the number of drive and weapon systems that make her able to fight in nearly any environment; while it is true she performed poorly this time and would not be suited for command status, I am confident that she would make an excellent assault kamikaze unit when I encounter a situation with no need for subtlety.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Stahlmansche then pushed her chair away from the desk and stood up with her hands behind her back as she looked out onto the city below. Besides, the operation was a complete success. The components for my latest project were successfully recovered from the target site while my Armada generals kept Tergonaut and Redley occupied at the false target location. They both played right into my hands and thought they were really hindering my goals.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Well done on that part. But you cannot fool Tergonaut forever, and a capable mercenary like Redley may yet be hired to assassinate you; and in that case, not even your robots will be able to protect you for long.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Stahlmansche shook her head, a smug smile across her face. As long as I manipulate things so that he is hired to fight among my competitors, I have no threat from him. He only does what he is paid to do, which makes him predictable and easily distracted. And Tergonaut may catch on, but only after it is too late to stop me. She turned to look back at Terrornaut. The way you talk about him, it sounds like youre his number one fan.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It is out of respect. He defeated me in equal combat; and I am not one to be defeated lightly. And while you escaped from his grasp once, the circumstances favored you because Tergonauts armor malfunctioned. While you are yet his equal, neither of you will rest until the other is defeated.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Stahlmansche turned back to the window. That will change when I finish this project. Whats left to do is to figure out how to empty Overkill out of the transmigrator so we can use it for the next phase. After that is accomplished, Ill be more than ready to accomplish my goals and secure this world so I can plan for my invasion of Earth.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Terrornauts voice faded away as she left. Demons are far too dangerous to be manipulated, Stahlmansche. Dont forget that when you think of either Overkill or Redley.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Stahlmansche kept silent; she knew that Terrornaut was already out of hearing anyway, and she also knew that she was meant to succeed in her goals. The Mobius Forum World would soon be in the palm of her hand!

And thats the end...of this story.
Stay tuned for the rest of Beasts Within and for the upcoming Tergoflick, Grave of the Griefbringer!
