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hello i am new here and i need help, sonic fanfic idea....

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i need help with writing a sonic fanfic, i used to have a parnter but he gave up, so i need help, here are the beta chapters he did. please help me i need help :( :( :( :(

here is some basic info on the crossover,some pics of the armor to help you understand how it works: i have some clips on youtube about the show if you want to see it.

note: this won't be a full crossover, were just using ideas from the show and making the story ok.

these are just beta chapters, you can make changes if you want:

here is what we got the info from:

is sort of a crossover, with some ideas from this show, kamen rider agito:

here is a bunch of you tube clips:

this is sort of an AU(where angel island is mosty apart from the rest of mobuis)

i am going to send all of the notes me and my old parnter did,please read them and respond, if you want to make changes, talk to me about it ok?

here is part one:

Short, Pre-Fanfiction Summary: Its the action show Kamen Rider Agito in the Sonic the Hedgehog universe! Elias awakens as Shiori on Angel Island, who lost his past also gained some sort of new powers just as Robotnik and the Dark Legion form their own maniacal plans using a strange new energy. As conflictions arise on many fronts and evil seems to be prevailing, alliances will have to be formed in order to keep Mobius from being conquered. The fists will fly between friend and foe. If you read this then dont forget to review.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog or Kamen Rider Agito. They both belong to their respected owners.

The whole land seemed to be celebrating, all the cities around the bay lit up in festivities as Elias ignored them and stared down into his own reflection in the murky waters below. He sighed, brushing a few stray hair follicles from his face, and turned, leaning his elbows against the railing as he found the stars more interesting.
He knew everyone was merely happy that Robotnik had been defeated, but for some reason he was unable to expel the feeling that something dark was in the makings even in the tyrants absence. It was like the creator was missing but the machines were still running and the plans were still underway; darkness never seemed to die and remain dead. Thus, he didnt want to get his hopes up. But he didnt want to damper the happiness of the others either; their celebrations did serve to lift his spirits a bit, though the feeling never truly went away.
He could hear joyous laughter from within the yacht, his fathers usually domineering voice cackling unlike Elias had ever heard before. If only for his sake, Elias kept his concerns to himself. He wished that his sister and the freedom fighters had been able to join them this night for the party, but they had had some last-minute business to take care of in the military deactivation. Thus he was generally alone on board the deck, accompanied by a few busy servants who had been told they were too common to speak to him. He wished they would, if only to shatter the uneasy loneliness beginning to consume him.
He closed his eyes and allowed for the nightly breeze to sooth him, and then found strangely that it had died down, simply vanishing. The waters too had calmed without warning, and the hum of animals out in the surrounding forests had silenced as well. His fears had been confirmed, but he chose to ignore them. A few strange coincidences still didnt seem like enough to interrupt his parents happiness.
He leaned over the railing again, tossing bits of discarded rust into the water as he listened for the signs of life to return. He was startled, however, when a voice called to him from the doors leading into the ship.
Elias! Why are you sulking out here son? Come, some of my guests have been requesting your presence for quite some time, his father said, approaching with his strong stride as he always did. Elias merely sighed, laying back onto the railing in a lackadaisical pose.
God save me from potential wives. I can only hope he wont force me into an arranged marriage soon he thought wearily to himself as his father stood there, looking suddenly worried.
Son Im concerned, youve been acting like a stranger ever since Robotnik was defeated. Is there something plaguing you? his father asked, placing a firm hand on his shoulder that he brushed away instinctively and rebelliously.
Its nothing dad, Im just tired is all. In the calm that followed Robotniks wake I must have just grown wearily because of the lack of activity. Go back to your party; Ill be just fine out here, he said, turning back to the waters and watching their reflections. His father stood there for a moment, looking genuinely worried, and then he sighed and turned to leave, reentering the party with a smile suddenly plastered over his face again.
The air was growing warmer, almost at an unnatural rate, and he felt almost like jumping overboard to cool off, but as he turned he saw something approaching the boat, hovering high above them in the sky. It was almost like an artificial cloud, far darker than any he had seen, a shade of black that shamed the night around it. He looked at it curiously for a moment, and then realized with horror that something was definitely wrong.
Without warning it struck, a surge of lifeless light suddenly amassing within the cloud and then struck the ship, engulfing it in an unequivocal, blinding aurora that went unhindered for a moment. All around the bay the light went unseen, everyones eyes hidden as they celebrated, and within a moment the light transformed into a raging storm, mistaken as such a mortal disturbance by those that watched from the shores
Elias opened his eyes, seeing he had fallen somehow onto the floorboards of the ship as he slowly got to his feet, his head hurting terrible as he got back onto his feet. Staggering a bit, he looked ahead and watched in horror as something unfolded.
A strange mechanical monstrosity was there before him, hovering over the still form of one of the servants, draining from them a strange energy that glimmered with an unfamiliar force. More energy of the same kind poured from the open windows of the boat, streaming into a cartridge implanted onto the robots chest, its core it seemed.
Elias was confused and disoriented, but immediately knew he had to do something to halt whatever process this robot was carrying out. He suddenly screamed and rushed at the robot fiercely, slamming his fist into the hard metallic surface of the steel beast, and it was thrown against the railing of the boat, though its inhuman face could show no surprise. Eliass head was pounding with an unexplained pain, throbbing as he observed what he had just done, looking from the robot to his clench fist. It almost seemed to glow with the same energy he had seen the robot robbing from those people.
The robot pulled itself back onto its feet, a few live wires severed in the attack sputtering as it staggered one step forward.
You it spoke, its voice monotone and emotionless, have the bulk of the necessary energy
Suddenly it lunged, reaching out with its devious claws and grasping Eliass neck, lifting him off the ground into the air. Elias kicked and screamed instinctively, attempting to pull himself free without success.
Mustextractenergy the robot said, obeying its command as it raised its other appendage into the air, and suddenly Elias felt the pain return, stronger than ever as the strange energy suddenly filtered from him, pulled into the awful core of the machine.
Suddenly he felt something strange surge from himself, and watched as a strange armor began to appear over his flesh, red and black and materializing out of the darkness and fear. The robot paused for a moment, confused by its appearance as a helmet suddenly appeared over Eliass head, gleaming red eye shields suddenly appearing. He could feel a strange energy emitting from him and the strange, throbbing sensation in his head was becoming far more piercing as he felt he had the strength, finally, to resist even as it was being drained away.
Only a second later he brought his leg up and struck the base of its arm, and the entire thing suddenly sputtered and die as it was wrenched from its body, falling to the ground as Elias did as well. He landed onto his feet, looking back up as some bruises formed around his neck from where he had nearly been strangled. The robot stood there unmoving, until it bent down and picked up its severed limb, looking at it with its lifeless crimson eyes. Elias couldnt even take in what had happened to him suddenly before the robot acted against him once again.
Mustreturntomasterforrepairs the robot said, suddenly aiming the broken limb towards Elias and pressing a small button on the elbow joint. Another energy, darker than the one he had just seen, tore from the end of the appendage, and the storm overhead ended, fading into nothing as the clouds dispersed.
A sickening splash could be heard as something plummeted into the icy, darker waters below, and the party resumed as it had been before. The voices and laughter revived within the boat, a champagne bottle opened as cheers went all around and no one recollected or spoke of the blinding flash nor the raging storm that had once hovered overhead. No one remembered, and thus went unhindered by swift presence of it.
King Acorn departed only a moment later, looking in the direction where he had last seen Elias, but no trace of his son remained. He smiled, preparing to board the second ship to go and take care of some emergent affairs, thinking that Elias had gone inside finally to join the celebration, never hearing any traces of the plummet into the cold waters below.
Elias felt a thick darkness around him and realized he was floating, the dim lights of the ship overhead as he watched with an empty expression. He was being carried away by the current, towards the sea and away from his home as he was too weak to halt the efforts of nature.
He simply closed his ears, too tired and in pain to remain awake. His body still glimmered a bit from the energy, but died away as he drifted from the uncaring yacht and its passengers.

Mustreceiverepairs the robot repeated as it flew towards the ominous factory, huddled in a lush forest where no one could see or suspect it. In reality the entire woods surrounding it was a mere illusion, and as the robot entered it flickered for a moment, showing the true land beneath the simulation.
The land was barren, stripped of all life and left naked as the last remaining plants writhed and withered under the poison of the shed chemicals. A fire raged on one side of a factory, devouring the trees to make for expansion. To the Mobians, the fire and smoke appeared as nothing, but the fumes of them brought glory to Robotnik, who stood on an overlooking balcony outside his technological palace, awaiting the arrival of the approaching robot.
Did you successfully extract all the misguided energy from whomever it struck? Robotnik asked, suddenly pausing as he observed the many damages his creation had sustained, and awaited the machine to explain itself.
AttackedbyPrince EliasnoAgAgiAgito it sputtered, but Robotnik merely waved it off and smiled.
The son of King Max? I doubt he could have done anything of the sort to you, youve obviously suffered some malfunctioning in containing such strong energy. Come, we shall have you repaired and seize the energy you have collected, Robotnik said, indicating a room nearby and watching as his minion slowly made its way towards him, carrying its one arm in the other.
Robotnik could hardly believe that Prince Elias could do something of that caliber unarmed and merely passed it off, unknowing of who this second person the robot had spoken of what, though he made note to remember the name Agito. A mere miscalculation, it probably has lost its internal memory just as the others did because of the immense energy, Robotnik told himself, overlooking his empire once more with a satisfied grin.
Perhaps a slight miscalculation was made in the firing of that energy, but once I have harnessed its full power, all of Mobius will be brought to its knees before me

here is pt2:

Beatrice Badger walked along the shoreline, using the waterside to find her way back to her home each evening when he returned from school in the faraway Metropolis of Angel Island. Night was only beginning to settle in, the horizon becoming slightly darkened as she realized just how long she had lingered that day and how angry her parents would soon be. Tonight she was walking home with her friend Theodore, though neither of them could speak much to one another under the oppressive weight of their immeasurable homework tonight.
Venturing a bit further towards the water they were able to dab their small feet into the relaxing substance, Beatrice walking along and whistling cheerfully to herself as she could catch the scent of her mother cooking dinner nearby, and she was right about to quicken her pace to get home sooner when she saw something along the shoreline.
At first she was a far enough distance away he thought it could simply be a piece of driftwood that had washed up on shore, but as she approached she was startled to discover that it was the lithe form of someone extruding from the shadowy waters. She carefully approached, so horrified that her form went rigid and she could only gawk as she stood just a few feet before them. Theodore gasped upon seeing this as well, having attempted to keep up with Beatrice as he had hoped to get home quickly.
Whowho is that? Theodore asked quietly, cowering a bit behind his friend as all he could do was shake his head in confusion and arising terror.
It was no one he had ever seen before, a young man bearing resemblance to the chipmunk species he had seen elsewhere on the island. His expression was sad and revealed his suffering, and as Beatrice stood there contemplating what to do, she was startled when the figure suddenly moved, their hand twitching a little against the sands below.
Beatrice immediately began to scream, running towards home and knowing that whoever the young man was, he needed help immediately. The glimmering lights of her house came into view, but she never took his gaze away from the being, almost afraid he would be washed away in the time he was looking away from the frightening scene.
Theodore, you stay there with him and make sure nothing happens! Beatrice said, and the young Dingo shook his head nervously, turning to look at the helpless figure as no more movements surfaced and he seemed to have lapsed back into the forced slumber he had originally been in.
But as Theodore waited there impatiently, becoming more and more afraid with each moment that passed, he spotted something glimmering along the beach nearby and approached it, submerged in the shallow waters next to the figure and seeming to glow with an unnatural light. He carefully reached next to the young man and grasped it, wrenching it from the water and immediately dropping it with a startled yelp. It was exceedingly warm, even for having been in the cold waters for a while it seemed, and he gently took off his vest and wrapped it around the small device, finding it was still very hot to the touch and holding it loosely as he watched Beatrice and her parents approach swiftly.
He tucked the small apparatus into his pocket as he watched Beatrices parents gently lift the being from the water, wrapping a blanket around the strangers unmoving form.
I should have Constable Remington take a look at this he thought to himself as he watched the small family progress towards their home again, Beatrices father carrying the wounded boy carefully.
The teenage boy stirred in his arms, opening his eyes faintly and staring into the starry sky above, his eyes clouded with confusion as he looked from glimmering sky to the elderly badger carrying him up towards a welcoming home ahead.
Wherewhere am I? I cant recall anything, not even who I am he said weakly, feeling a gentle throbbing in his forehead as the world seemed to spin uncaringly around him.
The elderly badger stared down at him sadly, noticing the helplessness within the eyes of the boy as he took him inside the house to dry him off and heal any wounds he may have gotten. He smiled faintly, though it was sorrowful for the poor boy, who looked baffled by everything around him.
Dont worry, were going to take care of you.

Three months passed without event upon Angel Island, almost completely severed from the tremulous atmosphere of the rest of Mobius. The news of Prince Elias Acorns disappearance did happen to reach a few uncaring ears who simply muttered it was a terrible tragedy and went about their lives.
Julie-Su was walking home swiftly, so angered and unattached from what was happening all around her that several times she walked right in front of a moving vehicle upon the roads with little concern, even when she was nearly struck down.
She had just come from Knuckles apartment, and everything had fallen apart completely. She had simply come over to meet for a routine date and he had gone completely ballistic on her about how strenuous and tough his life was. She knew his life as a guardian was always hard on him and weighted on his nerves, but she wasnt willing to take the abuse in the wake of his anger. This had happened one too many times for her to simply forget. She had severed the relationship quietly, keeping her anger under control so she didnt ruthless leave him, and the last thing she had seen was him rooted the ground, as though unable to compute what she had just declared.
She was so angry she could barely concentrate on anything else at the moment, including the fact that she was walking the span of a crosswalk while the light overhead remained green. She was so engrossed in the last image of Knuckles she had frozen in her mind that she neither saw nor heard the hover-bike coming straight towards her until the screech of the brakes reached her ears.
She turned just in time to fall backwards out of the way, the only harm coming to her being the scrap that formed on her leg where the metal of the vehicle had just managed to hit against her, and she fell backwards onto the sidewalk as the rider brought their bike to a halt, their face hidden beneath a helmet as she began to curse under her breath.
Why dont you watch where youre going? You could have killed me! she shouted, attempting to gain her footing once more as the rider rushed to her side and helped her up even though she resisted rudely.
Im sorry, I was daydreaming and didnt see you, she heard a male voice come from behind the helmet, brushing herself off as he pulled the helmet off his face and looked at her with a concerned expression. He seemed to be of some sort of chipmunk race from what she could see, a rarity on Angel Island to say the least, and seemed to be around her age as well.
Hes kind of cute she was tempted to think, but she shook away these immediate thoughts. It didnt feel right scooping out other guys when she had only just left her boyfriend and it was still breaking her heart a bit.
Are you sure youre all right? the boy asked, and Julie-Su simply nodded and waved him off, planning on going back to her apartment and having a good cry so she could expel the feelings of regret and sadness beginning to surface from within her ailing heart. The boy seemed to detect these inner feelings but had the decency not to pry any further, instead putting his helmet back on and sitting back onto his bike, turning on the ignition once more and tearing down the street without another word to her, though he had still looked worried.
She was right about to carry out her meager plans for the afternoon when she noticed something perched down on the concrete and reached down to pick it up. It was a small delivery box, warm and smelling of some sort of cooking as she picked it up, and she realized that the boy must have lost it when he had left his bike to aid her.
Yn hu Chinese RestaurantI should probably bring it down and return it before he gets in trouble for losing it, she thought to herself, recalling vaguely where the small restaurant was positioned in the heart of the city. The Chaotix had recently made that their main hangout, telling her the food was great and the owner had decided to put in a few arcade games on account of their presence.
She started down the street swiftly, hoping to get there before the small package was noticed missing.

Shoichi walked into the restaurant with a weary expression, taking off his helmet and wiping the sweat off his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt. He spotted the Chaotix gathered around the Pac-Man arcade game that his father had bought and installed within the restaurant, Vector of course bragging about his unbeatable high score and proudly displaying it as the others congratulated him with looks of disinterest on their faces.
Hey Shoichi! Cmon over here and bust apart Vectors score again so we dont have to keep looking at that annoying grin of his, Espio said, and Shoichi smiled faintly as Vector growled at the comment made about him.
Youre just jealous because you cant beat the rockin gators high score, he bragged, and Shoichi sighed and was forced into the game as everyone watched. Vector continued to say he would never be able to beat his high score until he did ten minutes later.
That was pathetic Vector, Shoichi slaughtered your score in a tenth of time it took you to get it, Mighty laughed only a moment later as they enjoyed some dinner on the counters of the restaurant. Everyone laughed but Vector and Shoichi, who was attempting to quench it as to not hurt his friends feelings.
It was probably just dumb look was all, Shoichi said with a nervous grin as Vector grumbled with his mouth stuffed with noodles and rice.
Nah, you beat me fair and square. I just wish I hadnt wasted an hour and forty minutes playing it just to get steamrollered, he mumbled as he ate, and Shoichi gave the others a stern look to cease the mocking and give Vector some slack. After all, any of them would be pretty bummed if something like this happened to them.
Suddenly the doors into the stuffy little restaurant thrust open and in walked a familiar face, at least to the Chaotix team.
Great, just what I needed right now; the she-devil, Vector muttered, and the echidna seemed to immediately take notice that she had been insulted.
You still depressed that no female in their right mind would ever go out with you? she snapped back, and the other three members of the Chaotix let out a group groan and slumped back against the counter. Shoichi simply watched this attempting to repress a grin. This seemed almost usual for them from the reactions the others seemed to instinctively display the moment the argument begun.
But the fiery-tempered echidna didnt seem to want to muster the effort to fight. Instead she surprisingly turned to Shoichi, and he suddenly remembered where he had seen her before.
You were the person I almost hit with my hover-bike. Im still very sorry about that, he instantly said, hoping to keep that same venomous temper from being wielded against him, but she seemed to ease up once her attention and gaze had been pried from Vectors brooding expression. She held out a package in her hands tenderly towards him, and at first he was utterly baffled as he took it from her.
Forget about what happened earlier, it was a mistake and about ninety-percent my fault anyways. You must have dropped this when you stepped off to help me up; it was laying on the ground nearby and I just followed the address on it to here, the echidna explained, and Shoichi suddenly noticed the emblem of his familys restaurant perched atop the small sticker on the cardboard.
He laughed softly and placed the small box onto the counter behind him. Thank you very much for returning it, though my fathers already lectured me about keeping track of the deliveries that Im responsible for. My family takes running this restaurant very seriously, which means slipping up never bodes too well for me, he said with a humored grin as he leaned back onto the counter with a lackadaisical expression of contentment.
Oh so youre a delivery boy for this placewait. Did you just say your family owns this restaurant? she asked suddenly, baffled since she knew this place was owned by a Badger family that lived just down the street from her apartment complex, a rather elderly couple with a young daughter from what she had seen in the past years.
Yes, I know its a little surprising considering the different races we belong to. Im adopted you see, my parents found me washed up on the shore of Angel Island a few months ago and took me in. So basically Im their son now and I do whatever I can to help them, he spoke as though it was all fairly casual and usual, though she could sense the feeling of loss within him. She assumed by his lack of mentioning his past life meant that he couldnt remember it. She couldnt even think what she would do in a situation such as that.
Great job Julie-Su, you always gotta bring up the bad things in life dont you? Vector said, seeming to also sense Shoichis suppressed sadness as the young man looked up into the air with a nervous gaze, afraid they would begin an argument between them. He decided to intercede, stepping in between his rash comrade and the girl Julie-Su with a nervous smile upon his features now.
How rude of me to have spoken to you this whole time without even introducing myself. My names Shoichi, Shoichi Mujina. Its a pleasure to meet you MissJulie-Su isnt it? he said cheerfully, reaching out to shake her hand. She found herself blushing a bit with the innocent smile on his face and happily took his hand, shaking it vigorously in response.
The pleasures all mine, she said, laughing a bit girlishly at the end but catching herself before the Chaotix became wise to the fact that she was being wooed by the simple presence of this stranger. Sure he was cute, but then she had thought to same thing of Knuckles before she had come to find out he was a bitter and sometimes ruthless person, unrelenting in keeping himself distant and secretive.
Shoichi was attempting to release himself from her suddenly vicious grasp as painful memories surface, and she finally realized she was cutting off the circulation into his hand and let go with a feeble apology.
Sorry about that, Ive been having a kind of bad day is all, she muttered, though she knew her excuse sounded deluded after having been used so many times before. But Shoichi seemed genuinely concerned that she seemed under the weather, an understatement of her mood she hoped to continue projecting over herself.
Cmon Julie-Su, why dont you join us with lunch? Charmy suddenly suggested from where he had perched himself between Espio and Mighty, and Vector looked as though he was preparing to strangle the younger member when suddenly Espio slapped a firm hand over his mouth to halt him.
Thats a great idea Charmy, Im sure Julie-Su would love to join us, he said as Vector growled but slackened under his grip, knowing that the other members of the Chaotix had long since overruled him. He sighed and sat back, not resisting as Julie-Su took a seat beside him but not being supportive either.
Hey Shoichi, do you think you can pick up my tab again good buddy? Vector suddenly said as Shoichi began collecting up the dirtier plates and empty containers, turning back with a kind smile.
Ill pick it up for you again Vector, but you really should start remembering to bring your wallet with you when you got to a restaurant, Shoichi said, carrying off the refuse and appearing only a moment later with meals for himself and Julie-Su, who was suddenly feeling incredibly hungry after the tremulous afternoon she had suffered.
They were able to eat silently for a few moments before Vector suddenly pulled out a small radio from behind the countertop, switching it through the static but unable to pick up any coherent frequency.
Geez, you gotta get a jukebox in here or somethin before I die from music deprivation. By the way, did any of you hear about the news with Robotnik? Vector suddenly brought up, drawing the attentions of everyone but Shoichi, who continued to stare down into his meal with a frozen expression and a trembling hand grasping his chopsticks.
No, what happened? Theyre been keeping it really hush-hush lately so I havent heard much of anything, Espio said as they all leaned in to listen, and Vector cleared his throat as though he were some esteemed individual preparing to give a lecture.
I met Constable Remington out in the city today and he told me that Robotnik is using this strange new energy that no one is able to identify completely. These massive robots are being built that are fueled by it, and its said to give them great powers and immortality or something along those linesanyways, he said that ETS is on high alert because of their presence, and
Will you stop talking about that Vector? came a strangled and slightly annoyed voice suddenly, and everyone looked to Shoichi, who had been able to hear their conversation without having become a part of it.
His hands had been drawn up to his temples and were clenching them tightly, and his friends suddenly rushed over to his sides as his shivered slightly, sweat beads gathering on his forehead as his breathing became somewhat erratic.
Is it another migraine Shoichi? He gets serious headaches sometimes, he even had to hospitalized for it once because it caused him to go unconscious. We found him laying in the middle of a field gripping forehead like it was going to burst into two, Vector said, looking concerned as Shoichi clenched his hands and teeth and shook like he was indeed going to fall apart.
Just give me my space guys, itll subside eventually, he said, though feeling himself being pried from the stool by his friends until they plopped him down onto one of the couches on the other side of the restaurant.
Just wait it out Shoichi, itll go away, Mighty said encouraging as their friend sat there, attempting to concentrate past the pain even with their worries interrupting his focus.
Not again, not againwhy does this keep happening to me? Whats wrong?


Constable Remington hurried down the empty corridors of the ETS Headquarters, his headache pounding with a horrible migraine that had surfaced at a most inopportune time. He carried along with his a small briefcase, within it the essential item that chief of Research and Developer Sterling Rushland had demanded to see as soon as possible.
He could still remember a few months before when he had thought it was completely irrelevant, a piece of rubbish that a small dingo child had brought to him one day. To be fair to the boy, who looked so proud he had turned it in instead of keeping it for himself, he had given the boy a small reward for his troubles and sent him off once more. He had thought it was perhaps just a discarded shard of machinery from a ship or perhaps an aircraft that had washed up on shore, but further analysis from the team at ETS had revealed that it was formed of some sort of technology that couldnt be identified. Thus Research and development had moved in to do their part, and had deciphered the strange energy signals pulsing from the small device to the best of their abilities. It was these discoveries that were the reason Constable Remington was going to meet with Chief Rushland at this very moment.
He saw the door into the stuffy office was slightly ajar and walked in to see Rushland standing at the far window, waiting for him to arrive with the vital piece of the puzzle as he had called it. Clenched in a secure casing so no harm could come to it, Constable Remington couldnt help but question how anything so small could provide them with anything vital at all.
Tardiness is unacceptable Constable Remington. I would think that as chief of island security you would be the one to show more decency in arriving on time, Rushland said, and Remington sighed but swallowed his pride for the moment. He was only a literal half a minute late.
I am sorry that I have come late Chief Rushland, but there have a been a lot of occurrences on the island lately and it has been tremulous times for my department, Remington said, though he knew that Rushland would never see his legitimate excuse as valid. The older echidna circled around his desk, his eyes suddenly transfixed upon the briefcase that Remington was carrying. The sunglasses he always wore were slanted downwards slightly so he could look into his eyes directly.
Is that the device? Give it to me immediately, I must have it implanted into the prototype so we can begin the preliminary experimentations, Rushland said, seizing the package from Remingtons hand before he could even react. His wrist throbbed and he winced a bit as Rushland turned away and opened the case swiftly, taking out the small part and immediately approaching a small transport system on the opposite side of the room. He placed it upon the platform and it begun its procession down the laboratories below.
I still dont understand how that puny little piece of metal could be anything significant to our organization, Remington began, but Rushland silenced him with a dominant hand raised into the air.
That puny little piece of metal emits a strange but immensely powerful energy from it Remington, one that could be a revolutionary improvement upon the technologies of this establishment Remington. See for yourself; they are inserting the part into the prototype as we speak and shall be testing its abilities, Rushland said, and Remington did as he insinuated and stood alongside him, looking down upon the barren training field where the experimental machine stood, suddenly empowered by the chip processed into it.
Deputy Murphy is testing it right now because the space within the armor is limited for now, Rushland explained as Murphy took his first few steps in the machine, raising up the gun that was clenched in his hand and suddenly firing off into the distance. A tree suddenly seemed to erupt from the ground and shot into the air, becoming a solemn rainfall of ashes in a mere second.
Impressive, Remington could only say as Murphy suddenly raised a fist and slammed it into the earth as he was instructed by the ground level experimenters, the ground shattering and breaking beneath the force.
Rushland suddenly turned to him, an utterly serious expression on his face as Remington turned to face him, though still in awe of what the machine had managed to do.
I want you to operate the final constructed machine. Since this is the second model we have tested and the third shall be the final product, we have dubbed it the G3. Do you believe you will be able to handle it Remington? Unlike the previous models it will take a lot out of you, Rushland warned, sounding grave even as Remington smiled nervously and slightly.
Of course I will sir. It is my duty as head of security upon the Floating Island to do so, he said, and Rushland simply nodded and they both turned their attentions back to the sight of Murphy testing out the armor. The sapphire and silver of the armor flashed against the sunrays streaming down from above, and Remington actually felt somewhat excited to try out the powerful new gear.
In the excitement and breathing-taking display of the G2 unit, all of the researches and scientists on the base floor of the Research and Development Center didnt notice a solemn figure standing nearby though the grounds had seemingly been cut off from the rest of the island.
His grayish-silver fur blew softly in the wind as his eyes seemed transfixed upon the self-battle below as Deputy Murphy continued to test out the strength and abilities of the G2 unit with growing skill. Running his fingers through the brown hair atop his head he scuffed at them briefly before planting his foot back onto the ignition of his hover bike, looking down the winding dirt road ahead into the forest. As a teenager of the cat species upon the Floating Island, he must have looked rather out of place within these training grounds, though he smiled slightly as he prepared to depart.
They havent seen anything yet he murmured to himself, slamming onto the ignition and disappearing completely from sight.

part three: the last part my and my firend did

Sonic couldnt remember the last time he had seen a building of such vast proportions, perched upon the Angel Island landscape with an almost natural touch to it though it was composed mostly of metal. The front doors were constantly opening and swinging shut as employees rushed in and out, jumping into their vehicles hastily to get to the ETS Headquarters as fast as they could since the connection between the buildings hadnt been completed yet.
This looks like the sort of place that Sallyd be more comfortable in, he remarked primarily to himself as he pushed open the enormous glass door before him and stepped in, now in awe of the workings within the structure.
Echidnas and other creatures rushed across the floor, some in states of panic and others in a hurry to make their lunch dates on time. He found himself literally being pushed into the building as people filed in behind him, and he ended up in the center where a crystalline circle had been constructed with enormous S and A letters painted in gold over its clear surface in christening the bustling location. It seemed the Echidna government hadnt wasted a cent in making the place look like a virtual palace he observed. Works of art and various blossoming plants had been set all around the foyer to give it a homey touch it seemed, but he had but a moment to observe all of this before he heard a familiar voice calling to him.
Oh Sonic! Glad to see you made it here on time; I just got here as well, Constable Remington said as he approached, shoving his way through the mainstream of the masses and standing beside the hedgehog with a friendly smile on his face.
So this guy, Sterling Rushland, what exactly was it he wanted to discuss with us anyways? The letter I got from the Sovereign Administration was really vague, Sonic said, producing the said letter from the pocket of the army jacket he had borrowed from home. It was a brisk autumn day and his mother hadnt allowed him to leave without wearing something warm.
Those letters are always obscure; they dont want anyone finding out about what happens within the Sovereign Administration in its first days of operation. Its basically just an extension of ETS, but it handles all the research and development linked to our department and monitors our activities as well. Theres even talk of there being an organization within the Sovereign Administration that will be sending spies into the heart of the Dark Legion to see what theyre up to, Constable Remington explained, though he didnt wish to confess that everything he said was the extent of his own knowledge as well.
Considering the elections on Angel Island have been over with for quite some time youd think they wouldnt be up to anything right now, Sonic commented as they saw Rushland suddenly approaching down the massive, sprawling staircases that climbed to the second story at each end of the entrance hall.
Constable Remington scuffed silently at this remark with a still faint smile upon his face. There has never been a time where trouble wasnt brewing.
Ah, you must be Sonic of the Mobian Freedom Fighters. Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance; Ive admired your dedication to the fight against Robotnik for quite some time, Rushland said with a slight though serious grin upon his face as he shook Sonics hand a bit oppressively, then turning to Constable Remington with a stern expression.
And Constable Remington, glad to see you made it on timefor once, Rushland lectured him as always, and Constable Remington sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as Rushland turned and began to lead them into the core of the building, preparing to give them a swift but informed tour of the newborn foundation.
The Sovereign Administration is a revolutionary creation boys; it will serve to take some of the heavier weight off of the busy ETS system and work to provide all of Angel Island with the technology it needs to keep it safe. This first room here on our right is one of the handful of testing chambers; here you can see our newest invention, the G3 combat suit, Rushland said, and Sonic watched in uttermost fascination as the impressive armored guard within the room suddenly blasted a large, gaping hole into the wall before him with a single charge from his weaponry.
Wicked awesome; I dont this anything King Max has ever commissioned has ever been that powerful, Sonic said in temporary adoration before they were forced to move on, working their way through constant and continuous streams of white-cloaked scientists who ran from room to room to check the process of each of their creations.
This upcoming room is one of the many laboratories within the Sovereign Administration where the scientific pinnacles of our island can come together and form the newest projects of our organization. Even now they are making advancements in our weapons and guidance systems. Our tracking radars alone had increased their range capacities by tenfold in the last week, Rushland boasted, and once again Sonic was dumbstruck on how much was going on within the said rooms, deadly and glimmering guns stacked pristinely upon various racks within the rooms and waiting to be tested and recorded in their efficiency.
The tour lasted but a few more moments as Rushland showed them where his own office laid as well as the conference rooms where they would no doubt meet later on for updates on what developments had come into play. By the time they arrived back to Rushlands office at the back of the building, Sonic was completely speechless in all that he had seen in the seemingly lifeless structure.
The reason Ive called you here Sonic, as well as you Constable Remington, is because I wish to admit you both into this organization as valid and important members of our cause. Constable Remington is even now in the process of discovering the limits and flaws of the new and improved G3 system, but you will be an asset to that project in the future as well Sonic. Since you are both being included into our program, you will need to wear the standard jackets that our employees wear as well, Rushland said, turning to his desk and fishing out two identical blue jackets its surface.
Way past cool, Sonic said as he pulled the jacket on immediately, but Constable Remington didnt seem as thrilled as he looked at it with an expression of contempt.
You neednt worry about wearing your ETS suit any longer Constable Remington. Your jacket has been customized to include your ranking in both organizations, Sterling said, and indeed two bands representation each of the Echidna protection agencies upon it. He still grimaced slightly as he took off his old jacket and put on the new one, though he hid his distress from Rushland as to not gain any more dislike from his new supervisor.
I know that the both of you will become valued components of the Sovereign Administration. I will expect to see you back here in a week Sonic. We will be meeting in Conference Room Three to discuss the nearing unveiling of the G3 battle suit to the public and how we will discuss the benefits of it to the people. Constable Remington, I want you to come to Testing Chamber Two in exactly one hour to test G3 for possible flaw in its targeting range that Deputy Murphy suggested yesterday. Both of you are dismissed, Rushland concluded in his militant fashion, returning to his desk chair to file through some paperwork as the two of them departed.
You dont seem too happy about the regulatory uniforms, Sonic noted as Constable Remington wrenched the tunic off and replaced it with his previous one.
Lets just say blue isnt exactly my color, Constable Remington said with a disgruntled smile surfacing, See you in a week Sonic, if not sooner.
Same here, Sonic replied to his goodbye, exiting through the front doors as Constable Remington headed off towards the cafeteria to get some must-needed breakfast.
Sonic returned to his comforting home but an hour later after catching a late flight back and journeying back into Knothole village with a smirk of confidence on his face as he imagined his soon-to-be role in the Sovereign Administration.
Agent Sonic, he mused to himself as he strutted into his seeming unoccupied home, until he opened to door to find the lights in the living room on and Sally awaiting him with a look of repressed anger upon her face.
Where on earth have you been? I thought we were going to meet today to go to breakfast, she said, her last statement falling into a soft and somewhat saddened statement.
Oh darn it, Sally Im sorry; I forgot all about going out with you this morning. You see this letter from an organization that just started on Angel Island and had to go immediately. I guess I got so caught up in getting there on time that I forgot all about my promise, he said, feeling guilty about having neglected their engagement. He knew how depressed and fragile Sallys condition had been ever since Elias had disappeared a few months before. All of Mobius was still in shock from his vanishing, considering not a trace of him had been found. Robotnik hadnt revealed if he had had anything to do with the princes sudden disappearance, but Sonic suspected that ol blubberbutt had to have something to do with considering the countless presences of his robots all through that night.
What, a new organization? They invited you but didnt inform me of its commencement? Sally said, suddenly sounding offended as she stood from where she had been seated on the battered sofa and marched before him with a look of curiosity and aggravation on her face, And just what did they tell you while you were there?
It took Sonic about a half an hour to retell everything he had seen to her, the various inventions and marvelous creations that the Sovereign Administration was putting into the works, and by the end she looked just as fascinated by its activities as Sonic had been previously.
So the whole thing is under wraps for the meantime Rushland said, so you cant tell anyone else all right Sally? Sonic said as he removed the jacket and tucked it securing into his sock drawer, hoping that Tails didnt come upon it and question what it was. It was always hard to lie into those innocent and young eyes of his comrade.
Dont worry, if Ive learned anything over the years its that sometimes secrecy is the best thing for the common good. I just hope this doesnt put you in any more danger than youre already in with this new incarnation of Robotnikespecially after what happened to Elias Sally said, wiping away a faint tear only to have several other ones pour from her eyes before she could halt them, attempting to turn and hide her sudden emotion from Sonic as he felt himself grow saddened with her.
I promise Sally that we will find your brother. Im going to make ol Ro-butt-nik pay for kidnapping him, or whoever else did it. I promise, Sonic said, placing a comforting hand upon her shoulder and allowing her to cry into him, holding her in a slack embrace as the first clouds of a storm moved overhead and blockaded the first rays of sunshine over the village.


Washi had little patience for obstacles, considering that he drove his hover bike to limits by plowing it over whatever branches had fallen into the paths before him. The image of the combat G2 suit seemed burned into his retina, spiking up instinctive actions he knew all too well.
I dont feel like challenging that piece of rubbish today anyways. Not when theres other susceptible prey that deserves a good thrashing, Washi said with a sinister smirk to himself, suddenly spotting something ahead that caught his eyes and interest.
Just outside the testing fields beside the new Sovereign Administration building stood a robot, bearing the insignia of the notorious and boisterous Dr. Robotnik, surveying the final tests of the G2 unit and the beginning operations of the far more advanced G3 armor. Washi parked his bike silently beside a fallen tree, walking out from behind it and observing the still machine for a moment before grinning a bit more and bearing his experienced claws.
This will be little more than a momentary confliction before the ground is scattered with charred remnants of your regime Robotnik, the feral feline laughed to himself, suddenly catching the robots attention as he had hoped to.
Do not attempt to escape. I detect portions of the needed energy within your being. Come quietly and the extraction process within Robotniks headquarters on Mobius shall be less severe, the robot chimed systematically, but all Washi did was laugh at the robots programmed courtesy in reward of submission.
The only way Id end up in a dump like that is kicking and clawing you heap of rust and bolts. But enough talk; Gills will provide far more of a message to you than any words I can spit out, Washi suddenly declared, and the mechanized creation was unable to grasp in its solitary memory what happened next.
In a burst of shimmering light that charged from his body Washi seemed to be no more, his grin fading into a battle helmet that materialized over his face, and within a mere moment of quiet and unequivocal light there stood a new being.
His armor shone in shades of green and black, dark against the floral designs of the forest surrounding them, his helmet of the same hue but with two gleaming and horrific crimson eyes and two long, tipped horns extruded from the surface as well. Long, sharp teeth extruded were bore towards the robot, which took a single step back in retreat as Gills suddenly leapt forward to annihilate the machine.
It took mere moments before he had accomplished his desired task. Immediately Gills sunk his numerous fangs into the neck of the robot, biting into it with an unmatched animalistic ferocity before he tore out everything in a barbaric growl of victory. The robot thrashed and stumbled away, its artificial vision and functions in array as it ceased to function properly any longer. Gills immediately utilized this period of disorientation and delivered a well-aimed kick into the robots side, severing it into two halves as he let out an inhuman and bloodcurdling laugh.
With another kick downwards into the ground he severed the head from the body, following up with another downwards kick that shattered the head of the robot into several glossy fragments that shone against the grasses below. The ground was now caked in oil and other machine fluids that mimicked the qualities of shed blood, arousing more savage energy from within him as he hungered for more battle and destruction.
Is there no one that can challenge me in the slightest? Perhaps going to that makeshift battlefield and tearing that G2 asunder will satisfy by craving for a worthy assault. Gills craves a bloodshed after all Washi spoke quietly within the sanctity of his mind, now heading slowly down the path and towards the foreboding building.
Suddenly he saw something approached and halted in the middle of the path, watching as the hover bike before him came to screeching halt just in time to stop before him. He looked down upon the creature riding it, whose expression was a mixture of surprise and terror of his presence there.
He was of a chipmunk breed it seemed, his blue eyes staring up in an unblinking expression of what seemed to be accusation, but before this individual could hope to speak, Gills had silenced any efforts.
He clenched the wheel of the hover bike and swiftly threw it to the side. The boy was still upon it but jumped off while it was still in midair, watching as Gills approached slowly and menacingly.
Shoichi could barely believe what he was seeing; had he found someone with the same abilities as him? His forehead was exploding with the instinctive pain that came with each encounter of the strange energy, but this time it was more sufferable than ever. This being seemed to possess a portion of the energy unlike any he had fought previously, and suddenly he felt the like of Agito coming over him as he began to transform.
I dont know what the heck you are, but I can only assume you work alongside Robotnik with that sort of aggression towards whomever you come upon, Shoichi said to himself as he suddenly became engulfed in light and emerged as Agito.
But this form was different from any he had used previous. He now wore sapphire and golden armor that fitted him perfectly as always, but he could sense another element was pouring through it as a weapon materialized into his hand. He stared at it curiously as the mysterious warrior looked upon him.
It seems you too have embraced the power of the energy. Perhaps you will provide the challenge I seek, came a dark and sinister voice from within the stranger, and Agito turned and faced him as he spoke his last statement before the battle commenced. You must be Agito, the warrior that the people of this island admire so much. I am known only as Gills, though it is pointless to tell you when you will soon be lying cold upon the ground.
Suddenly the battle between them commenced, and Agito automatically found himself overwhelmed by the ferocity that Gills displayed. His first course of action was to drive his oil-stained teeth into his arm, tearing through part of the armor as Agito drove his knee into Gills midsection, driving him back but not for long.
Gills immediately delivered an unrivaled punch to Agitos face, sending him flying backwards but not so hard as to knock him completely off balance. He was still staring at the weapon as its technique suddenly became known to him, as though the suit itself were telling him of its purpose.
He couldnt understad the strange staff; Gills attacked him in the immediate aftermath of his previous attack and grasped him by the golden horns of his helmet, pulling his head towards the ground and bringing his knee up into Agitos throat as he let out a strangled cough and then wrenched himself away, spining weapon with his hands.
A whirlwind of mass proportions suddenly flew out from its end, enveloping Gills into its gusts and pulling him from the ground for a moment as Agito watched in amazement. Shoichi could still think to himself he found though in the armor, watching as Gills was tossed away like a tissue caught in the wind.
I dont remember ever being able to do this in the past he thought worriedly to himself, but his worries were only just beginning as Gills suddenly pulled himself from the debilitating effects of the tornado and went after him again.
This time his fangs found their target to be his throat, an instinctive place to bite for animals Shoichi remembered as he felt the teeth pierce through the external metal and tear into his flesh. He let out a strangled scream and fell backwards onto the ground, his last action being to emit another tornado from the weapon.
This time it managed to send Gills far enough away from him that he lost sight, the strange emerald being tossed around in the cyclonic winds and falling back into the woods as his armor suddenly vanished in a burst of departing light. He laid there, felling his blood soaking into the ground beneath him from his throat and arm, the shock of his mortal injuries sinking in as he heard approaching voices.
I think he went off this way. Shoichi!? Man, why does he always need to show off his awesome bike by riding so far ahead? came Vectors cocky voice.
Sounds more like youre just jealous Croc-boy, Julie-Su mocked him with a grin as they came into the clearing, looking upon the still aftermath of the battle that had only just taken place. Shoichis hover bike laid far off the path, half sunk into the earth with the force of something they didnt wish to know, but their eyes fell more upon the unmoving and quiet form of Shoichi, who was laying in the middle of the field, his clothes becoming stained with blood from two gashes on his body.
Oh my God, Shoichi! Julie-Su cried out, her and the rest of them speeding forward on their bikes and reaching his side but a moment later. She leapt from the seat of her bike and got to his side, picking him up from the ground and laying his head upon her lap as she observed the slashes made to his neck and arm. Her legs were soon drenched with blood as well, but she didnt even realize this as she began to bandage his wounds using the jacket she had brought along with her.
You guys go and get help! she shouted, but she turned back to see the four members of the Chaotix team staring at something horrifying emerging from the darkness of the forest around them.
The robot was enormous, standing at least four stories tall and shimmering in the sunlight from overhead, its two bulging red eyes staring down upon them with a monotone gaze and eventually falling upon Shoichi, who still hadnt come to though he was now speaking and moving in his forced slumber.
Deliver to me the energy or perish, it claimed, producing several large and foreboding guns from its metallic surface as they all cowered in fear of it.
Shoichis eyes opened only slightly, though showing the fear that filled them upon seeing the new adversary before them.
R-Run was all he could say before he once again passed out.

what do you think of this, i need a really cool writer who thinks outside of the box?

please respond ok

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

i read a little of it, so far its pretty good but my eyes are hurting from looking at the screen for so long, i'll finish up later. still it looks pretty good, i might be interested in helping, but i don't know about a full time partnership

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as you can see i based this off from from the links i posted on my frist post.

i am a huge fan of anime,live action and of course,sonic, so i really wanted to blend them into this story, and i couldn't work on this alone,so i be greatful for any help on this ok

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want to help write this,this are only draft ideas, and may not show up in the story


on the floating island,events are slowly shaping time

{a young chipmunk awkaen on a beach}

????: who am I?

(some new faces show up as well)

a hoverbike is riding along a path

person on bike: well i may not have a lot of time left on this world, but i will fullfill my proimse, to be the strongest, and to kill you robotink.

(new forces are gathing)
in a new buiding inside the main city on the island,someone is reading different files, he hold two of them, with the names of sonic the hedgehog and Constable Remington one each of the folder:

person: i want these two in the G-project

{and old evil with a new power}
robotink is looking at lots of robotic pods
Robotink:will these new machines, i will finaly rule mobius once and for all

{in the following battles, the line between friends and foes will burr,}

three armored warroirs fighting robotink machines, then at another scene two of them fighting each other

{the island's fate lies within three warroirs}

coming soon to Carnival Island!

Masked warroir agito: the angel island files

how is that, now i just need help with this story?
please anyone respond:nn;

Posts: 3
New Member

Well, as a fellow Kamen Rider fan, I say this is interesting.

I also plan a Sonic The Hedgehog/Kamen Rider crossover as well (well, more of an all-star Kamen Rider/Super Sentai/Ultraman crossover with Sonic). So, can't wait.

Posts: 889
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ok i'm ready to help just tell me what to do, also double posting isn't taken to kind of here so just edit next time

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oh did you check out the youtube clips abac child, they may help you see the different armor and such. Also check this page out

also it would be helpful if you have some ideas for the story and such. is that ok?

Posts: 889
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sorry i havent had much time to be on the internet but anyways
i like the young chipmunk idea i think we should start on that.
I think you should start it up a little and i'll review it and give you some ideas and maybe if you want me to i could wright a little for it, and if you like it you could re write it into your style(my style of writing will definately clash with yours) i just don't really like to type too much because i'm usually busy
i just think we could make something really cool with this idea, i'll come up with maybe a few characters and you could look at them and decide if we could use them.
i'll leave you as the boss in charge ok? and maybe after a while i could do a lot more when i have the time

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what 'young chimpmuck'

if you mean Shoichi, well then if you hadn't guess he is eilas, in this version, no one on angel island know about eilas but the brotherhood but they are having trouble

well did you look at the you tube clips of agito, to help you i have some ideas on this as well, which are make this story complety AU from the comics, is that ok with you

oh what your email i want to send you more stuff to help you a i little better

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my email is

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i am using AOL email,so sorry here is the email that was meant for you:

well did you check out the links on youtube and other agito links? Also would be opening to work with someone, he a huge kamen rider fan, but not so much as a sonic archice comic fan, i would send you his email and such if you want to talk to him?

also some quick notes:

this story happens when eilas is frist shown up,also this is an AU, where no one but the brotherhood ever meet eilas on angel island

here is a little you tube clip i hope you like it:

please respond ok

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

oh sorry i miss spelled it,but i corrected it.
i can't believe i did that.
I tried wathing the stuff on you tube but it said i needed some update and when i tried to update my computer wouldn't do it.
i'd like to meet him but i'm not really a fan of kamen riders, but i guesse so; just give him my email address or if he wanted to join here maybe, i just like chatting more here than emailing but if he doesn't want to he could just email me.

Posts: 3
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Abac Child, the upgrade is just Flash Player, and BTW one can manually install the update, even if the computer can't

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i hope the three of us could become good friends and able to make a cool story

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my computer will freeze up while trying to upgrade the flashplayer- stupid computer- but is it really important that i see it anyways?
lets just get to bussiness.
do you guys want to talk here or just email?
i'm cool either way

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i really want you and KR Sonic Landale to know each other before we can work futher, yeah i hope you would see the clips, if you have any problems, please email KR Sonic Landale ok, oh did the other links for you?

well i hope this would be the start of a cool fic writing team.

Posts: 889
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the links on your first post work, so at least thats good.
i'll email KR when i have some more time(most likely tomarrow).

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i hope you guys can talk to each other and figure out our next move, well please write back when either of you guys can ok?

Posts: 3
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Been no contact for awhile, what is going on I wonder...

Posts: 889
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I emailed you today. I was sick a while back and my email got backed up by a few pages. I didn't pick through my emails until today. And usually I don't come to the Carnival Island here, Usually I post everywhere else, and I've totally forgotten this whole thing. So anyway what do you want to do first?

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just want to know if you made contact with lengel?

please respond ok

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is anyone still here, also does anyone else like this story idea,pleas give us your input ok

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help me write this ok i need help alright

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Please use the edit button to bump, instead of posting three times in a row.

...yeah, that's all I got, sorry.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well, whenever I plan out a story I might want to write, I break it down to the bare bones of the story.

Have you:
1) Worked out a beginning, middle and end of the story in brief?
2) Decided how many chapters you want to write?
3) Given a brief description of what is going to happen in each of those chapters which expands upon the brief? (But by not much. A paragraph or 2.)
4) Decided on what characters you want to use and their personalities? (Example: Sonic The Comic's Sonic is quite different from Archie's Sonic.)
5) Have you decided on a finite ending or is there a possibility of a sequel/future work? (Not really important, but something to think about.)

It seems to me from skimming through this thread that you have tried to start with a full blown story, typing chapter after chapter and making it up as you go along. Some people can work like that, myself however like a direction in where to go before deciding "nah can't be buggered".

Posts: 509
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well, i would love to help! though im working on multiple fanfics too, i think you could use a hand!

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writing it,well I in a new post well pitch a new sonic action series and i hope someone like to try out that idea as well

well would anyone want to help me write this two stories?
