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His Majesty's Secret Service- Archie Comics Universe

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What you may read- assuming this endorsement of mine is good enough to intrigue you- is going to be considered a slightly AU version of the Archie Sonic universe- starting from right after Endgame and ending...well, wherever. To be perfectly honest, I don't see myself going beyond the Tossed in Space arc. I call this a 'Fanwanking Retcon'. You can call it 'Peeing on what Archie Comics has done with the material' if you wish.

A few major notes that need to be understood;

1. The setting itself is primarily in the Archie Comics universe- as in, the backdrop. You'll probably find a vague underline of influence coming from the SatAM series, but no more than that- considering I haven't seen the show in over a decade and currently cannot afford the DVD collection.

2. The primary focus does not go to Sonic or any of the SEGA cast... nor does it primarily focus on the SatAM cast either. They do have extensive roles, as well as their own character arcs, but the primary focus from my standpoint is going to be on those who will come to represent the Secret Service- Geoffrey, Hershey, etc. Essentially, they are the starring roles in this series.

3. Events as described in the comics will not be a straight re-telling. Certain events will be 'adjusted' to fit certain protocols that I will have deemed necessary to make in order to continue the storyline. Others- if I find them to be impossible to feasibly work with- will simply fail to exist. Totally new events will also be created, either to fill in time or replace the events that had to be removed.

4. Characters and settings fall under the same distinction as the 'events'. Nearly all will undergo some form of adjustment- my own unique, yet close to original material, viewpoint. Some might have to be scrapped. And you'll definitely find a lot of new ones. Hopefully I do them proper justice.

5. Unlike the comic, the tone of the series is somewhat darker. I've listed this as a rating of 'M'- 'Mature'- just in case. I seriously doubt that the series will deserve a lower rating than this. You'll get violence, you'll get death, you'll get suffering- it won't be excessive and downright emo, but it will be realistic.

As of right now, there are currently twelve chapters of the first story arc, called "Starting Points". If you can deal with the first eight chapters, the ninth and beyond are going to treat you much better as a reader. For instance, here's an exerpt from Chapter 9:

"You think you stopped him, Miss Whittaker?" Geoffrey asked in a not-so-gentle tone.

"By ordering him to stop," she replied, matching his edge. "I told you, he obeys orders."

Ares tried to keep focus by following the conversation in front of him, but could only dart his eyes back and forth between the participants as his brain functions continued to be hampered by the pressure that seemed to be right inside his brain. He tried to figure out why his actions had such consequences when they weren't ordered by others, but he kept slamming into a mental wall. His look was one of slight alarm- about the most that his face would allow to express- but it was absolutely ignored by the two in front of him and he didn't even take notice of Fleming in the corner of his vision either.

"Do you think unconditionally?" Geoff prompted. "Suppose he remembers who he is mid-mission and then his original orders contradict with ours?"

"There's a way we can prove that," she suggested. "In the first place, give him your blaster."

"Excuse me!?" Perhaps he heard wrong. No, he definitely had to have not been listening correctly. "Did you just tell me to arm him??"

"It's the only way you're going to know for sure, sir." She spat out.

Geoffrey thought very hard about this- as hard as his nightshade tinted viewpoint would allow. What was suggested that he do was nothing short of irresponsible and highly dangerous, especially with the kind of 'ceiling' the test subject appeared to have. All it would take was a moment of clarity and recovery of memory for this to go absolutely bad. Thoughts of seeking counsel from Fleming were dashed- he'd have to get past Hershey and her sudden imposition of fortitude first. She was challenging his viewpoint with her own, and if he read this carefully, she was trying to assert there was no way this skinner could get beyond their control, even with revived memory. He unslung the blaster from the back of his vest, hesitated for just a moment, and then held it out for Ares. "Take this blaster," he commanded with frigid disposition.

A hand reached out for the blaster and then stopped. Ares focused all of his mind upon it- somehow the sight of something he could clearly define as a 'suitable' weapon soothed him both inside and outside, a comfort zone that had been deprived of him. Had his mental faculties not maintained their sharpness, it could've been classified as a natural high for the overlander. Whatever alien-like resistance there was inside of him, it was soon suppressed and his hand wrapped around the barrel of the weapon. The rest was like clockwork- the interior of his mind underwent several satisfying little 'clicks' as his hands somehow recalled how they were taught to handle a weapon of these dimensions- right hand grasping the battery stock and positioned by the trigger button, left hand nestled underneath the barrel. His eyes were glancing upward to the point where they could have gone until he was looking right at his brain- a downright depraved appearance showing someone who thought they were in the presence of the deity they believed in. Then his mind must have jostled back into reality as he went back into unrecognized yet strangely familiar actions- inspecting the exterior and interior of the weapon for defects or dust contamination. He checked the battery after properly removing it- live ammunition, five shots- and then put it back into place. It was in proper working condition and he instinctively lifted it up to his chest, barrel upwards- 'At the Ready' pose for a traditional rifleman. Something felt utterly euphoric about what he just did, and perhaps it was the order or the fact he could remember the process like he had learned it very well in his unknown past, but his brain did not hurt from his actions this time.

"Ares," Hershey spoke with finality. The edge was gone- later on, Geoffrey would kick himself for not noticing it sooner.

"Sir?" Ares replied, his eyesight focusing on her in full.

"Kill me," she commanded. He took aim.

Does that intrigue you?
-Primary site I update to.
-Might as well be my 'home page'. You'll find my works there too.

If you have any questions, send them there or here- i'll pick it up regardless.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

So you're advertising your fanfic? 'k. At first I thought you were looking for like a team of artists to do fan work or a comic. But guess not.

I might get into it. I dunno.

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

I suppose creating fanart for a piece of fanfiction isn't a bad idea either. Someday I might do that...
I'm already familiar with your fanfic in deviantART, Zycho32. Despite not being able to read the 'Mature rated' pages (I swear, my computer stops me from showing 'M' fanfics for some reason), it's very good. Plus, SHE'S in it. :)

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It's no biggy SteC (and I do remember who you are- got you on DevWatch after all). If you are unable to see the Mature segments on DA, then there are two options;

1. I simply point you to the story on

2. I simply e-mail you the chapters you cannot access, assuming you can read .rtf files.

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

There're no problems reading all the chapters from, so that's all I only need. Thanks for pointing me there!

Posts: 16
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Chapter 13 is now ready for your viewing pleasure!

Posts: 1984
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I'm fresh out of good fanfiction to read. And the one good story I do have left takes months to update. So I might just start reading this. Although I was never much aquainted with Geoffery and Hershey.

Posts: 16
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Chapter 14 is finally on display!

...and I need to ask some advice. Should I be including some kind of summary about the chapter that's supposed to get your attention?

Posts: 46
Eminent Member

I'm already anxious for the next chapter!! 0.0

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A tap on her shoulder made her pivot sharply to her left, where she soon found Ares advancing towards the set of doors in that direction. His pace was slow, his steps silent, his posture coiled and ready to spring at the slightest provocation. It disturbed her lightly to realize he was apparently sensing something that she had failed to grasp, despite the fact she apparently held all the advantages to the skinner in terms of senses.

She recognized the gesture he made towards her with his hand; 'come hither', he was basically saying. It took virtually no time for the young feline to get the point as she carefully drew out her Buffalo and began to close the distance on him just as quietly as he moved. "What've you got, Ares?" she quietly whispered once she got close enough to him.

She watched him point a finger towards the smaller service door that was next to the main entrance; all three entrances came with similar service entryways. That's one thing this Underground seemed to have in spades; contingencies. "Movement and sounds beyond this door," Ares murmured in an equally quiet tone. He added "unknown units," as almost an afterthought while strangely keeping Hershey behind him with his arm. She figured he probably didn't know why he was doing it.

Bixby's reaction had been excellent; he propelled himself from his position with a force and speed he never before possessed. It was a perfect display of a rookie coming into his own and showcasing potential... if he hadn't horrendously mistimed his burst. He slammed into Foster and Heinlen at the same time, in turn pushing them forward. Steakley was off-balance almost immediately after being bumped hard from behind, tripping over his own feet and barely able to shove the door open as he fell flat on his stomach. The prone form of Steakley, combined with the suddenly blazing light, ruined any chance that the hawk or dane might have had to salvage their own balance as they fell upon the boar. Bixby finally met the end of his burst as the three bodies destroyed any chance of maintaining his momentum and he soon became the 'peak' of their little mobian-made mountain.

He tried to see through the blinding light and regard who it was that now had the volunteers at their mercy.

Geoffrey finally turned to him. "You know what I need you to do Fleming, so do it. I should definitely be back by the time you're ready to abandon the complex."

"And if you're not?"

St. John understood the implications of the question. "Destroy the complex anyway. I'll find another way out... somehow."

Next came the hardest question. "What should I tell the others, sir?"

The skunk's look hardened considerably. "Absolutely nothing. This shouldn't involve them."

"All Units in Sector Alpha, prepare for intruders. Sector Beta, report."


"Advance into the suburbs, and destroy all of it!"

