Yeah, it's been a long time coming... but that's what this is! My pics here were drawn/colored in ShiPainterPro on the TeamArtail oekaki BBS practice board. They were just accumulated since March 2006, when I joined there, so they're pretty recent. ^^;
Here they are:
Kanal Echidna, a character of mine I'm using in an RP
Cream the Rabbit avatar thing
Sailor Wind and Kaze
I may add some more later, but for now feel free to comment on them, okay? ^-^
Nice. Those pics are really good. A nice set of masterpieces.
They are awesome! so kawaii!!
Thanks a lot! ^^
Here are some more pics here! They're some newer ones, too.
Note: CSR stands for Chibi Sonic Robo... that's what he's supposed to be, anyways. ^^;
Edit: More pics for all! Oh, and if you've got a request for a picture, post in the thread please! In any case, ONWARD!
Haku- newest character, don't mind the obvious lack of BGs in these things ^^;
Another pic of Haku, seen with Kanal ;p
Kanal- only 10 years older, drawn for an RP
And last for now, a couple of icons here and here
More later!
Edit (AGAIN): Finished SX's request pic.
Here it is. It could have turned out better in my opinion, though... - -;
Kaze your drawings are too cute. They're TOO CUTE. o@
PS: If it's not too much trouble, could I request one of those things for Chao SX? I've been collecting Chao SX art as of late. Pic. Take note of the chao ball color. And I 'd love to add one. 😀
EDIT: Oh and take note of the fact that SX's tails are slightly more fluffy than normal. And by slightly I mean like 40% more than a standard fox chao. >>
Okay... ^^;
Got it. I'll to have it up around tomorrow or so. If I don't get a chance then, then next Monday.
They are awesome! so kawaii!!
Anyway, yeah. Nice drawings. Better than I can do in oekaki, anyway (which isn't saying much).
Wow, Kaze, you are an amazing artist and those pics are so cute!!!!!^_^ Think you could draw a Chibi-Big?
Thanks, Rayzor, and webaz!
I haven't had the chance to draw new pics yet, so I'll get to it as soon as I can, okay? 😉
Edit- 6-26-06:
Here's the Big the Cat pic for you, Rayzor! It's not my best piece of mouse-drawn art, but I hope it'll do.
And the rest:
Next update... more fanart than originals, hopefully! ^_^;
That Big is quite cute, Kaze; nice job!!!
Ack! Too cute! I can't resist them!
@ SP aka ZoneZ: Thanks!
Back with some fanart this time, though there's only three of them for now.
Sonic- looking bored here
Tails- B&W pic here
Amy- random pic
Edit: More pictures, most of them doodles.
Tails- color pic
Kumo- this is Kaze's brother. Not much is known about him. He'll be introduced in an upcoming story of mine.
lol Chao Walker
lol Dark Chao Walker
Not for the faint of heart
Randomness here, here, and here.
And last for now, this. Request pic for someone at the oekaki board I go to.
Brought back from the depths of OBLIVION! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!
Click on the links below to view, comments and such appreciated. 🙂
Kuuya- New character
Nami- Now an Angel Chao!
Tails and Nami
Sonic and Amy
Kaze- with sunglasses, and a simple doodle
Not much this time around:
Anthro-style Pikku
Yes, it's exactly what it is. XD
Kumo doodle
Nothing special here, except Kumo just sitting there
Simpler Times: Chao sibs Kaze and Kumo (MFW)
I had this one in my head for a while. It's a part of Kaze's past and stuff. Back then, Kumo wasn't the evil Dark Chao coward portrayed in BRaEC. Just a green-eyed Neutral Chao.
And lastly:
Ryn and Kenneth
These two are characters I'm using in Rico's RP, No More Heroes. Possibly one of the best pics I've done using a computer mouse. XD
That antro Pikku is kind of cool. Kind of different but I don't really frequent oekaki boards. You have a pretty steady hand to those, mine would be all over the place. And yes the last one is very well done...are you just as good an artist with traditional tools?
Yeah. I really would've post some hand-drawn stuff as well, however my computer's stopped working recently; the main board's shot. I still have my trusty scanner, though without a comp it's useless.
Your stuff is just too cute xD I love your style.
Back with more pics! All I'm going to say is that I really enjoyed drawing these!
Click on the links to view.
A couple of my characters as humans
This one took TOO long to color. -_-;
Edit: Whoops, had to fix one of the links! XD
I really like the drawing of your characters humanized, they both looked real pretty, especially the blue haired one.
The link that's supposed to be a picture of Skye goes to the same place as the link above it (421.png).
Also o.o @ pink chao called Cake. zomg plagiarism!!!111
...despite the fact I haven't used Cake in years and I've probably never met the person who requested the picture. 😛