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MF RPG - All applic...
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MF RPG - All applicants re-read the first post.

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Posts: 530
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MANDATORY INFORMATION NEEDED FOR PLAYABLES AND BOSSES TO DISCOLSE: Scroll down to the red text. You'd do well to read the few paragraphs above it, too.

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The usual suspects in the chat were talking about nothing in particular (I think Wes was DRYING people LIKE A PRUNE or something) and after a few comments I made, the idea of a MoFo RPG came up.

This would be an RPG made in RPG Maker 2k3, which is a PC program that's technically illegal to download... but it was never sold outside Japan and Korea anyway, and there's a translation patch. Team members would have to find these things on their own if they wanted to join the project. =O

The games, however, are completely legal to play once created. Yay.

Anyway, if you'd like to be in the game, you can apply here.

Mods: We already have an idea for you guys. You don't have to apply unless you want a specific role.

Playable characters: If you want to be a playable character, then go ahead and apply. It'll be much easier to make you, though, if we actually know who the heck you are. Also, there's an issue with playable chracters concerning their graphics. If you can provide a sprite sheet of your character, then all the better. =D (Please, no recolored Shadow with a bazooka). If you want to apply for a playable character position, then you'll need to put down all the relevant info for them. (Name, stats, appearance, abilities, equipment, background. PLEASE go with something simple for weapons, and not the uber cool wraith sword that phases in and out of existance and sucks the enemy's soul out when it attacks)

Other characters: Anyone who's not a mod or a main character can usually get a random NPC role or supporting story character role.

As for the story, HSW came up with this:

Zigglina (7:53 pm): perhaps a group of hackers or something attacks the mf and somehow turns all the staffers evil. the main character/group of mains travel through each forum with themed scenery and obstacles and this would also offer the opportunity to have every staffer as a boss, filling out the boss requisite

- edit -

note that the above passage was my first proposition; the plot has been refined since then, but not finalized. detials in a future post/edit can be expected.

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Also, the Main Character is likely to be named Newbie, and be choosable from male or female. If you want to choose your species as well, then put it here, and we'll decide whether to include that feature or not.

Other ideas and suggestions are also appreciated!

Oh, and there's a strong possibility that we'll need spriters! Help appreciated. =D

- edit -

'Lo. HSW here. I have delved deep into the program, and it's a little bit easier to use than I anticipated. I'm officially backing this project, and it's time to set some things in stone.

The world used in the game is not the MFW. It is based more strictly on the forums themselves giving life to a fantasy world beneath the text; the essance of the comments posted on the forums and the chat is transfused into this world to bring about incarnations of our personalities.

Due to this, you don't have to use your "official" MFW character; the character out of your personal roster you enter should be the one that represents yourself the best or a tweaked/entirely new one. Also, due to the nature of this, everyone is relatively equal in strength{mods get a small boost and admins get a boost on top of that}. As such, "LMAO I AM GOD" characters can be entered as playables.

Character appearences: If your entry's species is humanoid andthro, or basiclaly anything bipedal and not tiny, you may want to take a look at this{you will need 7zip to unpack} and see if you like the look of any of them.

If you do, look at the filename, feed it to me, and state what colours/intricacies you want changed for it to fit you properly. This will make it that little bit easier for me. Infact, if you're confident in spriting/recolouring, you could do them yourself. Just make sure you leave the spacing between the frames as is; that's imperitive.

In the same vein, DDK has showed this to me. c&p the ID numbers for things - or preferably c&p -> save -> link the images so I can use them.

Required for playables: If you want to be playable, you need to state these things:

How high or low these stats should be:

- Vitality {HP; Hit Points}
- Magic {MP; Magic Points}
- Atk {Attack}
- Def {Defense}
- Spd {Speed}
- Int {Intelligence; Magical defense and offense}

In the program, there are vague presets for these stats: Below average, Average, Above average and Outstanding. You may stick to these if you want, or go a little more precise.

Describe poses for these animations in battle:

Unarmed attack
Battle victory
Receiving damage
Stationary; afflicted with a status condition
Defensive stance
Using item

edit 2: i decided to bother making individual poses for item usage and casting after all.

These aren't absolutely neccessary; if some aren't filled out, then the defaults will be used for them. Also note that each one is only 3 frames, so making it complicated isn't going to get you anywhere.

Next comes magic/skills along with weakness and resistance.

Out of these magics, give those which your character is skilled in, most prominent first:


Now, weapons:


And now, damage resistance. Give a value of either A, B, D or E if you think you should receive less or more damage from these elements and weapons. E grants total immunity, and A means double damage. B and D are the inbetweens, and the unmentioned C is the neutral standard so you don't have to put C everywhere. Don't put one for non-elemental.

Do the same for these conditions:

Death - instant death.
Blind - accuracy drops to 20%
Silence - disables magic
Berserk - accuracy is halved and will attack random enemies
Confused - attack random allies
Paralysis - No action allowed
Stun - same as paralysis, but only lasts for one turn

E grants immunity, A makes you very likely to be affected by it, B and D are the intermediates like before.

If you give yourself a bucketload of magical/weaponary proficiences and resistances, expect yourself to be downsized somewhat in the stats department, and the reverse will hold true if you have astronomical stats.

We are able to add new types of weapon; Deckman will be getting trays{which will share club damage} and there will probaby be guns that share bow damage.

You may propose a new weapon type, but it might not be implemented. It will depend upon how easily it could be made and how many custom weapons have already been proposed.


"Official" staff:

DDK: Events
HSW: Everything
Pach: Non-sprite art


Nothing and nobody, yet. While the music provided in the program is most certainly sufficient, the sprite work is likely to prove too much for me and neither me nor DDK are skilled at good level design at the moment. If we don't develop in that area then we'll have to call upon someone, and I doubt Pach will want to do every single piece of non-sprite artwork. We'll probably be requesting artists when more plot intricacies are finalized.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

aditional info

this is so not going to get anywhere. ^_^

out of all of us, ss has the most experience in music composing that i know of. if we end up not wanting to use sonicteam/vgmix/ocremix/etc-only music and aren't confident in your/our music making abilities with your prog, you might wanna snap him up.

that said, it may not be necessary unless you really think we need original material.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

....Dear god. You do know making a game topic without actual results or progress, even a little is completely useless? Sure, you need Spriters and such but I am big on this issue.

This little game will take a long time, you do realize. GOod games with good teams are done in 2-3 years sucession.

Posts: 530
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Topic starter

I have no qualms about using music from game sites or similar, but you do realize the MP3's would make the file HUGE? People on 56k would never be able to play it...

Midis would be preferable, but I suppose a few MP3's can be tossed in here and there.

And Mike, I understand your feelings, but how can I have any progress or results if I'm just starting the idea?

It wouldn't have to be the best game ever, just a fun little game with the mofo crew. It would probably take a few months at most, provided we don't have many problems with getting graphics for characters, objects, and places.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member any of you know how to code in RPG maker?

I've tried, and I've gotten nowhere but 1 small demo (15minutes of Gameplay) a good year ago, and I had so much help with coding.

This is not a hahaha matter. This is a matter of commitment in serious-reality.

: To add something to say and maybe help you. Crimson knows a bit of coding in RPGmaker, FYI.

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

Well depends. Music wise, I have a few editing programs I can download, though I'm not sure exactly what they do.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Remember that game that Nuchtos and I are supposed to be working on, eh?

My point exactly. 😛

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

topic being completely useless: no

game taking over "a few months" to complete unless it's planned on being incredibly short: yes

crim having experience: yes

nuch claiming to finish the game and swimsuit pic after college/uni: yes

Posts: 530
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Topic starter

I've had RPG Maker 2k3 for over a year now, I should know enough, though I haven't made any real projects before.. I've only just fooled around.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Count me in, of course!

Crimson could make a good playable character at some point,

Class, Dragoon. Final Fantasy style, obviously, not actual semi-calvary people.
Weapon: Prolly best seen here
Skills: Melee attacks a given, and Jump/spear like ability. Other skills should include strong defensive spells, like a reflect/absorb sorta thing, and some very basic offensive/healing spells. He should have some natural innate defense to energy based magic (fire, ice, electric etc), but pscionic attacks or such should be stronger against him. Chucking a lump of rock at him should hurt like chucking a lump of rock. (I know you can assign damage types =) )
Statswise: Hp should be mid-range. Mp should be low, Attack should be medium-high, Defense should be medium-high, Intelligence medium-low (it effects magic strength and resistance right?) and agility should be high.
Usually wears a black shirt and blue trousers, and a collar. No armour.
Usually hangs around the RP-Bar (more on that later) or Carnie Isle, interacting with him playable wise would prolly be from CI, but he could NPC in the RP-Bar

I'll cobble up some sprites for Crims if I find time.

Other stuff:

The Boxers, have been mentioned.
The RP-Bar:

Short for Radians Prower's Bar, it is a small, social bar in down town Sega City, often tended by either Crimson, Radical Ian "Radians" Prower, or misscellanious random barstaff. I even have a floorplan. The bar itself is on the sub ground floor, where some forummers (Yes, this HAS been used...once ^^;) can sit and drink, be it soft or hard drinks (Ian has a strict ID policy.....Crimson....less so.) Or even order some food. There's a small stage in the corner, and a games area in another. Upstairs has the toilets and the staff lounge.

Radians: Is a fat, short, chalky-green fox. He runs the RP-Bar, and is generally friendly, makes odd jokes, and has a strict ID policy after 9:30. Other than that, I don't think there is anything of interest.

Just some more locations should you need them. Also let me note right now, I fully expect this to go nowhere ^^

Oh, and;

Crim having RM experience: Yes
Crim having forgotten almost all of it since his obbsession with it ended: Yes
Crim being able to remember it if he but had his old files: Yes
Crim old files being anywhere near him, if anywhere at all: Not on your nelly.

Besides, I'm at uni, I'll try help with questions in chat if I can remember, but I aint delving head first into that grotty realm again.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

A MoFo videogame? That would be awesome! XD I look forward to watching this take shape.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

A year. I doubt thats enough. I've been using RPGmaker 2000-XP since 2000; off and on, off and on.

I'm sorry if I sound like an ass, DDK. But games are a relative issue for me.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I'm very skilled in The Games Factory, which is a very, very different program altogether. :F

Posts: 530
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o_o Actually, I went back to the program and double checked, and it said I've had it since July 07 2003.

My memory must be pretty bad... Three years, then.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

I'm VERY skilled in MIDI making. Count me in for making the music.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

My role is confirmed: I'm going to be a recurring anooyance bad guy, one-half of a duo.
I'd also like to be unlockable as a secret character at some point. These stats are for the unlockable party member Wonderbat, Boss stats would obviously be much better, since that's how RPGs work.

NOTE: Keep in mind that The character sprite for me will be a Snifit with a mettaur helmet.

Name: Wonderbat
Class: Gunner? Mage? Magegunner?

- Vitality: HORRIBLE.
- Magic+Attack: Insanely high. Like, GODLY high. Full damage from back row too.
- Def: Dies in about 1-2 hits from a strong enemy in the front row.
- Spd: Speed is good, though not great.
- Int: I'm guessing INT is MP? If so, then it's through the roof.

Describe poses for these animations in battle:

Stationary: Standard Snifit Pose, arms angled out from body at 45 degrees, possibly walking in place.
Unarmed attack: Fires a bullet from mouthpiece
Casting: Stands sideways, hold arm out from side toward enemy.
Battle victory: Hops up and down
KO'd: Face-down, Black Mage Style
Receiving damage: Staggers with a dazed expression
Stationary; afflicted with a status condition: Becomes rendered in shades of gray
Defensive stance: Bends over slightly, holds hands over mask in a stereotypical Shyguy/Snifit pose.
Using item: Tosses the item into the air


He can only use non-elemental magic to attack, but it packs a HUGE punch.
He's also got some unique spells, such as "Mettaur Guard", which causes a status effect that pretty much makes him invincible, but is lost whenever he uses a physical attack.

Fire: A
Ice: A
Thunder: E
Water: C
Earth: D
Wind: D
Holy: A
Dark: E

Weapon is locked as a unique gun-type weapon, "Snifit Bullet".

Condition resistances:

Death: E
Poison: E
Blind: E
Silence: E
Berserk: Immune to berserk spells cast by enemies, but Snifit Bullet has a small chance to cast berserk with 100% effectiveness on self.
Confused: E
Sleep: E
Paralysis: E
Stun: E

Posts: 530
Honorable Member
Topic starter

Yes, yes. You can be a boss if you like. =D

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I'd love a small, quiet role, maybe a sniper?

Sprites of SX are here and here.


EDIT: Spriters needed? Contact me, you have my Y!M. I do pretty good recolors and small edits.

EDIT x 2: Please, I don't think I need or deserve a playable character role. Just because the topic came up.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Hmm...I'd like to be a character: an NPC who joins in battle from time to time. Not a playable person.

Name: Ultra Sonic 007 (Nickname: Ultra)
Look: Sonic the Hedgehog with a tuxedo, shades, and his classic shoes.
Weapon: Laser blaster capable of firing Stun blasts, regular laser shots, and an Overdrive attack that shoots a huge beam, but melts the blaster's barrel.
Story Role: Is privately investigating the matter with the Staff's change of personalities with the help of his old contacts from the defunct-FPA (basically a private organization called the Forum Protection Agency that dealt in law enforcement). He occasionally shows up to help the main characters in battle when their paths intersect. However, later on, his alter-ego takes control - an assassin named Jonathon Redley, in which his green eyes turn red and he becomes even faster, stronger, and tougher to beat...and he has wicked skills with a lightsaber - and he's hired by the Staff to fight the main characters. Hence: BOSS BATTLE.

And here are some sprites.


- Vitality: Above Average
- Magic: Below Average (For special blaster attacks.)
- Atk: Above Average
- Def: Below Average
- Spd: Outstanding
- Int: Average

- Stationary: right side facing opponent; weapon held in right hand; left hand raised slightly higher than right hand.
- Unarmed attack: spin dash
- Battle victory: twirls blaster around finger and holsters it
- Receiving damage: recoiling
- Stationary; afflicted with a status condition: same as stationary but tired-looking
- Defensive stance: curls into a ball

Weapon skill:
- Gun (The laser blaster)

Magic resistance:
- Fire: D
- Ice: C
- Thunder: B
- Water: A
- Earth: D
- Wind: D
- Holy: C (As Redley: A)
- Dark: C (As Redley: F)

Weapon resistance:
- Sword: C
- Spear: C
- Club: D
- Bow: C

Condition resistance:
- Death (NPC: Non-applicable)
- Poison: C
- Blind: F
- Silence: D
- Berserk: C (Berserk status transforms him into Redley for the battle.)
- Confused: B
- Sleep: C
- Paralysis: B
- Stun: F

That's it.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

I'd like to be a party member.

Name: Jeffery Mewtamer
Species: Human
Appearence: Dressed all in black. Outfit consists of Jeans, solid t-shirt, jean Jacket, boots, and cape. Light colored skin and Spiky royal purple hair.
Weapon: Sword(Knight style, glows with a purple aura)
Starting Class: Swordsmen/Hacker
Promoted Class: Wizard/Programmer.
Backstory: A low level user of Cyber Magic(Aka hacking/programming). Joins the fight against the evil hackers to prove his merit and develope his skills.

That should be enough to work with.

Edit: Forgot stats:
Attack: Medium
Defense: Weak
Magic: Weak before promotion, Strong after.
Agility: Medium
Element: Dark, psychic, or cyber.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Well, if this project gets off the ground, you can use Gyser... Not as a main character (Gasp!), and not as a boss (Double gasp!).

I'm applying for the position of shop keeper. ^_^

Name: Gyser
Personality: Nice, but cocky.
Background: Was transformed into a Chao, after an accident in Sailor Hybrids Desert Hideout. He's trying to raise money to buy some new equipment in order to get back to normal.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Ooh! Ooh! *Waves* NPC! =3 I have a variety of sprites available, and I am also able to do some sprite work.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Forgot to mention, I'm also available for scripting, and just general brainstorming.

Posts: 50
Trusted Member

I know next to nothing about RPGs, but I still think this is an awesome idea. Count me in.

Name: Deckman

Role: Playable character

Age: 14

Appearance: Slightly long, black hair (it'll probably be much longer by the time this is finished), glasses, navy blue t-shirt, jeans.


- Vitality: Above average
- Magic: Below average
- Atk: Average
- Def: Outstanding
- Spd: Above average
- Int: Average

- Stationary: right side facing opponent; weapon held in right hand; left hand raised slightly higher than right hand. Kind of like this
- Unarmed attack: a kick, like this
- Casting: right arm extended forward, palm open; tray held in left hand
- Battle victory: fist raised triumphantly in the air
- KO'd: flat on the floor, face down
- Receiving damage: recoiling
- Stationary; afflicted with a status condition: same as stationary but tired-looking
- Defensive stance: tray held in front of body as a shield

Magic skills:
- Non-elemental
- Thunder
- Ice

Weapon skill:
- Club (tray, of course)

Magic resistance:
- Fire: A
- Ice: E
- Thunder: E
- Water
- Earth
- Wind: D
- Holy
- Dark: B

Weapon resistance:
- Sword: D
- Spear: B
- Club: D
- Bow: B

Condition resistance:
- Death
- Poison: B
- Blind: D
- Silence
- Berserk: D
- Confused: E
- Sleep
- Paralysis: B
- Stun: A

Map sprites:

I can't draw glasses, so I'd appreciate it if someone else drew them for me.

I might edit in some more stuff later.

Posts: 84
Estimable Member

As the topic line says. Well, HSW quoted me as being someone with some composition experience, and he's right to an extent. If you need someone for music composition, feel free to bother me.

Also, feel free to use SilverShadow in-game as well. I've got an in-development sprite sheet up at my site which can be used. Bear in mind though, I don't think SS would be wise usage for a party member, as he's way too stupendously powerful. Some sort of summon spirit/special attack thing maybe? And he can be used as an NPC as well, probably in some fantastically well-hidden part of the game or something. Maybe get in touch with me to sort something when you have some ideas. Glad to be of help!

~LightStrike (aka SilverShadow).

EDIT: At behest of a few people, here are SS's stats should he be made playable. As I mentioned above, due to these, I think making him very well hidden would be a good idea.

- Vitality {HP; Hit Points} Exceptional
- Magic {MP; Magic Points} Exceptional
- Atk {Attack} Exceptional
- Def {Defense} Exceptional
- Spd {Speed} Exceptional
- Int {Intelligence; Magical defense and offense} Exceptional

- Stationary: Any of his standing sprites in the sheet are good
- Unarmed attack: Some sort of punch or kick would be good
- Casting: Floating/glowing/both
- Battle victory: Folded arms, smirk
- KO'd: One of the lying down sprites if possible
- Receiving damage: One of the faces provided on-sheet would probably be appropriate
- Stationary; afflicted with a status condition: Erg... you might need to custom one for this
- Defensive stance: Standing with some sort of energy shield? I dunno...
- Using item: Holds his hand up or something

- Fire: Highly skilled
- Ice: Highly skilled
- Thunder: Highly skilled
- Water: Highly skilled
- Earth: Highly skiled
- Wind: Well skilled
- Holy: Highly skilled
- Dark: Well skilled
- Non-elemental: Exceptionally skilled

- Sword: Exceptional skill (Default weapon is green/blue energy blades. :p )
- Spear: Reasonable skill
- Club: Reasonable skill
- Bow: Highly skilled

Death - E
Poison - E
Blind - C
Silence - D
Berserk - C
Confused - D
Sleep - E
Paralysis - E
Stun - D

And there we have it. I'd say make him playable at own risk. :p He'd be much better used as some sort of NPC, or some sort of special summon attack, as I stated before.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

A great idea, and I've already given some contributions in-chat.

I'm good for brainstorming ideas, but not sure about anything else. D:

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

I was initially planning to mainly...I dunno, ignore this topic at first? Watch from the side lines? I've become pessimistic about any project of such calibur as of late, mainly 'cause I've had some of my own blow up in my face within a month of starting out. >> However, if this gets going to a reasonable degree, I may be willing to help out, depending on what's going on at the time. c.c For the record, I am most capable at writing, although whether that'll be any help I don't know. Hm.

And FWIW, I'll be willing to lend out my character for this game, although preferably as an NPC. I'll give out more information if this gets going (again oo), although I'll admit now I don't have any sprites for him. Yet. I'll be able to edit a set of Tails sprites if I must, but I can't guarantee I'd do it quickly. <3

EDIT: Oops plain text format.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

I'd submit my character, but I'm still working on his sprite sheet. XP

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

"Remember that game that Nuchtos and I are supposed to be working on, eh?"


I was actually thinking of revisiting that idea, but I don't know when I'll have time. Certainly at least not until the summer, since I've got coursework and exams to worry about in the mean time. If I take a gap year before going to uni I might be able to do it then, but the whole point of taking a gap year would be to gain some relevant industry experience, so I'd have like, a full-time job or something.

If I do do it, though, I've got a book on Game Programming (I think it's both the theory and the practice, but the code for the practice is all in C++ and uses the Windows API), so I'd probably not be using tGF, since I prefer working in raw code.

Getting back on topic, like I said in the chat, I would love it if you could include Jimmy the Brick: I'd rather he be used as an incidental or a bonus thing, but I'll leave the exact details of his role up to DDK/whoever. Just bear in mind that he can't speak, think or do anything under his own volition. In fact, he doesn't even really have a volition.

Posts: 403
Reputable Member

Mmm. Thanks to the new update for applicants, I have to redo all this and it may take a while. THIS POST IS NOW A PLACEHOLDER HAHAHAHA

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

So the sprite sheet at the link and the one you download. Are those what you want the characters based on? I mean... Do the custom sprite sheets for playable characters have to be based off those sprites?

I was gonna submit one of my icon there.


I'm not sure if he'd work though.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

o.o... @ Jeff and me having relatively similar attire, similar stats and poses, the exact same magic proficiencies, IN THE SAME ORDER, and similar status weaknessses/resistences

Looks like I'll be modifying m'self a bit. Thankfully your magic resistances are all over the place compared to mine so I don't have to do any tweaking in that aspect.

Jet: They don't have to be, but the custom characters need to end up about the same height/width as the characters in the pack and they also need the same abount of spacing between each frame, with 3 frames per line{each row of frames constitutes a different animation}, and in the right descending order, too{i think. not sure.}. The icon is too big, but if you tweaked the tail into a simpler, more confined position and made the image smaller in general, it might work. Sorry if this isn't that helpful; I'm not sure I fully understand your question ^^;

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I kinda figured you guys won't be able to handle all the sprite-editting work by yourselves, and so my offer to help on that part of the project is still open.

Also, note to those people who don't want to edit their own sprites: I'm also willing to work on those for those lazy people, and for those who just can't sprite.

Anyway, change of role for my character. An NPC which can join in battles from time to time, but remains in control by the computer, and not the player.

CHARACTER STATS: (I have a slight grasp of what needs to be done with this, since I've had experience with RPGM2K. But I'm a bit rusty)
- Vitality: Above Average
- Magic: Average
- Atk: Outstanding
- Def: Average
- Spd: Above Average
- Int: Below Average

Describe poses for these animations in battle: Will come with sprites.


Fire: A
Ice: B
Thunder: A
Water: D
Earth: D
Wind: D
Holy: E
Dark: C

Sword: A
Spear: D
Club: D
Bow: B

Sword: D
Spear: B
Club: D
Bow: B

Death: E
Poison: A
Blind: C
Silence: B
Berserk: A
Confused: A
Sleep: D
Paralysis: D
Stun: B

Other little things, like, his weapon, and battle poses, will be added in at a later date.

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

Hmm... I can try it I guess.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Lalala, I'll be a playable character.

Name: OTB

- Vitality: Average
- Magic: Below Average
- Atk: Above Average
- Def: Average
- Spd: Above Average
- Int: Below Average

Poses for animations in battle: (I'll probably edit in some sprites to show you what I mean)

Stationary: Standing hands to his side, weapon in right hand.
Unarmed attack: uppercut
Casting: closes eyes and raises right hand into the sky, with one finger pointing up.
Battle victory: smiling w/ thumbs up
KO'd: flat on the floor
Receiving damage: gets knocked back slightly
Stationary; afflicted with a status condition: left hand clenching head
Defensive stance: Holds up weapon in front of body.

Magic Skills


Weapons usable:

-Sword (Preferably rapiers)
-club (If you don't mind adding in the frying pan of justice, I could use that I suppose)

Magic resistance:

Fire: D
Ice: B
Thunder: A
Water: D
Earth: C
Wind: C
Holy: D
Dark: D
Non-elemental: C

Weapons resistance:

Sword: D
Spear: C
Club: B
Bow: C


Death: C
Poison: B
Blind: B
Silence: B
Berserk: E
Confused: D
Sleep: D
Paralysis: B
Stun: C

And there's a small sprite sheet to give you a general idea of my appearence, I'll work on some more sprites later. I'm also willing to help out with some non-sprite artwork, and I suppose I could help out with the script if needs be.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

You've got most of mine already, so heres t'other stuff. Also, if it's not MFW then RPBar dosn't really apply, unless you desire a random pub o.o

Stationary - Legs wide, side on to the enemy, spear held two handed diagonally?
Unarmed attack - Some kind of pounce-claw-swipe?
Casting - Holding spear veritca behind with one paw out?
Battle victory - Um, just standing?
KO'd - Splat! Face down
Receiving damage - Just a generic "ow" pose?
Stationary; afflicted with a status condition - Same as stationary, but with sorta slumpy shouldered look?
Defensive stance - Spear blocking with handle?

Most proficient in Non-elemental (defensive pref) magic, rest he's not great at, at all.

PROFFICIENCY: (presuming the usual Ehigh)
Sword: B
Spear: E
Club: C
Bow: A. Possibly even Alpha, like, proto alphabet.

Sword: D
Spear: C
Club: C
Bow: B

Death: C
Poison: D (Alchohol resistance FTW =P)
Blind: E
Silence: B
Berserk: A
Confused: A
Sleep: D
Paralysis: E
Stun: C

How about some kind of claw/fang/teeth based attack type?

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

If you could, use bombchus as a weapon or an item in it and I'll be happy. =)

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

/shrug I'll throw Rico into the ring. I'm sure you'll get enough characters but in the case you do want another one, specifically an annoying mascot with an actual backstory like a main character, I can provide one.

However, the mod, Rico. I know I've seen you in the RPs DDK but I'm not sure how closely you've worked with Rico.

- Vitality (Basing on STA eq stat) - Average
- Magic (Basing on Int eq stat) - Above Average
- Atk (Basing on Str eq stat)- Below Average
- Def (Basing on Def eq stat) - Below Average
- Spd (Basing on Agi eq stat) - Average
- Int (Basing on Wis eq stat) - Outstanding

The only existing Rico sprite is this

I'm no spriter so I'll let them decide animations.

Magic is what Rico does. He has that peeshooter but as described it is by no means his main ability, its mainly the default attack. Magic is where the bulk of the damage he does comes from. As a playable I see Rico as the "Boss Killer", where as he's pretty much just backgroud dps in a small fight, his main strengths are soaking up and dealing out Magic damage.

Magic wise.

Thunder, Wind are the biggies so spells like lightning storms, cyclones, etc. He is called the Sky Warden for a reason.

Beyond that he is able and pretty decent at fireballs, ice spikes, that elemental junk but its not his Forte

Holy... He does have some minor nature based regeneration techniques. But I don't its something you need in game.

Okay based on the weapons Rico's gun would share bow damage, right? So I'll base this around that.

Sword - C
Spear - A
Club - A
Bow - D

Okay, mental status effect resis in EQ are also based on Wisdom stat, one which Rico is wholely based around. I tried to hit the ones most likely related to a mental ailment and give them an E. Mainly just remember that magic isn't good to use against Rico. However beaning him on the head and poisoning him are quite effective.

Death - E
Poison - C
Blind - A
Silence - D
Berserk - B
Confused - D
Sleep - E
Paralysis - E
Stun - A

Ok, basic info. Rico as a playable is, as I mentioned, based as a Boss Killer. He has very powerful offensive magic (especially nature related), and VERY high magic resistance.

If this is an RPG game, then as an NPC you may need character info on Rico, if you get to the point you need that, let me know and I'll fire off basic info for him in that aspect.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Quick thought on playable characters here.

Perhaps the party could work on a sort of 'rotary' system, in which characters come and go with the story's events? I wouldn't be surprised if this was planned before hand, but I've not seen it mentioned anywhere previously, so.

That is of course presuming the software can allow for such a thing.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Tutu: Nice; you're officially the first person with 100% completed map sprites. XD

Crim: I don't see a problem with the bar. Just "import" it. 😛 Dunno where it would go, tho. CI? You decide. Nice work on the floor plan, btw; should save some design time, and XD @ alcahol resistance.

Rico: I didn't understand what you meant at first, but I think I get it now. I've given you the outstanding Int and also a D resistance to all magic. Is that the "magic tank" status you wanted?

THS: Come, yes. Go...I'd rather not. The thing that I like about this game is that because of the near-unlimited party capacity you can pick and choose a battle party from every MF member{moreso once you're near the end and the roster is nearing saturation, and it's also dependant on who applies for playable}.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

"EnergyEmerald" could be an accessory that raises Int, yes. Perhaps given to the party by yourself. ...Tho that would be weird. Receiving EE from EE... o.o

The music that comes with the program is satisfactory, but you could try making a battle or boss music track. You can never have enough of those...until you have 10+...

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Surely wierd is our forte(insert accent)?

Posts: 530
Honorable Member
Topic starter

You know what? I'll just throw DDK into the topic as a reference later.


Appearance: Heavily armored Dragoon. Wears plate that is dark blue, and a dragoon helmet like FF4 Kain's. Hair is black, not blonde. Not too original, I know, but that's who he's based on... Otherwise, completely different.

I know what I said about DDK having 1 HP, but I decided to forget it.

HP: Outstanding
MP: Outstanding
Attack: None whatsoever. Zero. Zilch.
Defense: Outstanding
Intelligence: Outstanding
Agility: 1. Yes, 1. No growth.

Weapon Resistance:

All B

Elemental Resistance:

All B

Status Resistance:

All D

Title: Damage Sponge/Heal Battery

Magic: Only healing/status curing.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Basically. He's all magic. Offensive and Defensive. Showy crap like surviving the bosses big end all attack and launching back a nice lightshow. Stuff thats really not practical in the flow of the game since you're fighting lots of weaker opponents and using a giant firestorm or tempest would run you outta magic in like 3 battles of the 5 or 6 hundred you run acrossed in the course of an RPG.

He's the one that he keep back for last ditch scenerio's that you're losing and need to just nuke whatever is killing you in one shot no matter if it takes all the character's mana to do it and he's really worthless until you find an inn. The character that you usually just use the crappy default attack or the single target weak lightning bolt spell to save it's mana for if you get into a pinch.

Off the top of my head Millenia from Grandia 2 comes to mind. Unless you're rich as @#%$ and carrying 99 full mana potions its not really practical to use her big boom boom spells in normal battles because they take 2/3rds of her magic points. So normal fights you just have her use some stupid little 7mp damage spell or maybe a middle of the lane one if you're feeling like you have an inn close-by.

That help any?

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Crystal clear. ^^

Posts: 104
Estimable Member

Alrighty, this looks pretty cool. Since it involves saving the world, I'm going to use Cosmic. I would like to be playable. Thanks!

Name: Cosmic Kid
Class: Uh... Superhero?
Appearance: A 12 year-old boy with bright blonde hair and blue eyes. He wears a dark blue jumpsuit with a black cape.
Ablilities: He has super strength, can fly, and shoots energy blasts from his hands.
Equipment: He has a white sword called the White Rose.
Backround: He was a normal boy who lived on the planet Evergreen until he got superpowers from getting injected with DNA altering fluid that gave him superpowers. His parents were shot because criminals found out who he was. He later killed them, but plauged with guilt, he fled to the MoFo to start anew.
Personality: Nice, but will get very serious when the time calls. Doesn't like to talk about his past. Good friends with SX.

Vitality: Average
Magic: Below average
Attack: Outstanding
Defense: Below average
speed: Average
Intelligence: Average


Standing: Weilding his sword one-handed, at his side.
Unarmed attack: one fist at his side, one in front.
Casting: Raises one palm to the sky, other holding his sword.
Battle victory: Raises a fist in the air, other at his side.
KO'd: Flat on his back.
Recieving damage: Clutches his gut, possibly getting knocked back.
Status condition: Hunched over, clutching his sword limply.
Defense: Blocks with his sword.

Element: Holy

Fire C
Ice B
Thunder B
Water D
Earth B
Wind D
Holy E
Dark A
Non-elemental C

(will finish later. Sorry!)

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Nowadays, I'm going by EthanEmerald, actually.

I'd be happy to make boss MIDIs. I just finished a MIDI called "secret mission." It's got a low-toned, James Bond feel to it.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Can I have Lokki in it as a playabable character please (as well as Jimmy - I know that means I'll have two, but I only want Jimmy to be just a cameo/bonus type thing anyway)? I'll edit back with the rest of the info ASAP, but here are the stats and appearance information. I've tried to make him as balanced as possible.

Basic stats:

Vitality - Above Average
Magic - Average
Atk - Below Average
Def - Average
Spd - Outstanding
Int - Above Average

Proficiencies: (most to least proficient)



Incompetencies: (most to least incompetent)



Sword - D
Bow - C
Spear - C
Club - B

Wind - E
Fire - D
Holy - D
Non-elemental - C
Thunder - C
Dark - C
Ice - B
Water - B
Earth - A

Death - E
Poison - D
Blind - C
Silence - C
Berserk - B
Confused - D
Sleep - B
Paralysis - C
Stun - A

Appearance: He's really generic-looking, so he shouldn't be too hard to sprite. I might actually do the sprites myself, depends whether I have time and whether I feel like it. Anyway, he's tall and skinny. He has steel-blue eyes and long, messy, dark, brown hair tied back into a pony-tail that goes all the way down his back. He wears a teal tunic and breeches, a brown belt and boots and a black trenchcoat.

Battle pose info:

Stationary - A loose, kinda fencing style pose
Unarmed attack - High kick
Casting - Use default
Battle victory - Crotch thrust! :D
KO'd - Use default
Receiving damage - Use default, but lose the bubbles
Status Condition - Use default, but lose the bubbles
Defensive stance - Use default

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Tergonaut I've been told would make a suitable character to be a tutorial demonstrator/trainer for the game, so that's what I'm volunteering him for. Sprites and pics can be found at , though a modified Mega Man X sprite will do (use TME's sprite sheet as a reference for that, or make your own). Many of the poses I suggested can be obtained from TME's sprite sheet, some will have to be edited/made up from that.

Stats are more for formality or for boss play; overall Terg is strong physically in almost all aspects, but weak against special attacks. Alakazam would pwn Tergonaut, to use a Pokemon Red/Blue reference. For tutorial purposes he can demonstrate just about everything, though perhaps another character should be used for magical stuffs.

Note that the special attack pose is different than the casting pose.

Vitality {HP; Hit Points} = Outstanding
Magic {MP; Magic Points} = Below Average (only enough for one or two special attacks)
Atk {Attack} = Above Average
Def {Defense} = Above Average
Spd {Speed} = Above Average
Int {Intelligence; Magical defense and offense} = Below average

Stationary - Standing with legs fairly spread out, arms bent and ready to go

Unarmed attack - throws a punch

Casting - basically tosses whatever item he's using up in the air (cannot cast spells)

Long-range attack or special attacks: uses arm, which transforms into an arm cannon, and shoots with it

Battle victory - turns around and crosses his arms

KO'd - knocked over onto his back

Receiving damage - arms outstretched, head slightly back, with an electric shock running through him (or just a spark effect around his body)

Stationary; afflicted with a status condition - holds his chest with one hand, looking like he's breathing hard

Defensive stance - holding arm up in front of himself, the forearm perpendicular to the ground, the arm reformed into a small shield

Using item - casting animation

Fire B
Ice B
Thunder A
Water B
Earth B
Wind B
Holy B
Dark B

Sword D
Spear D
Club D
Bow D

Death - instant death A
Poison E
Blind E
Silence A
Berserk A
Confused A
Sleep A
Paralysis A
Stun A

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

can i ask what chipsets your using? custom or RTP? if they're custom, can you post the images of the chipset and if it's RTP, what RTP are you using?

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