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Posts: 1334
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Just sign me up as a Smart-ass inkeeper. Mike, if you want to use a custom sprite isn't nothing a sprite editing cannot do. Hes a black hedgehog with blue eyes and a brown jacket. And a smart-ass. Nuff said.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member

I love working in RPG Maker, (I have/had/borrow RPG Maker 1&2 for Playstation console) Is it the same on the PC or is this a different program?

I would love to be like a boss...then there's my castle which is being held up by a cloud in the skies...think Raphael the Raven's Castle from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (great idea for a dungeon, no?)

Sprite renditions:

If you need sprites for a battle you can use my current work in progress:

The sprites are edited from the game Tetris Attack... so the attack, hit, and defeated animations are already provided for you.

Maybe after I get defeated in the boss battle I would return as a magic item store shopkeeper. ^__^

I would love to help with midis, since I'm a bit of a sequencer myself...but right now I'm in a position where I can't be any help in that area ;__; (My Windows 98 Quickscore program is useless now since my computer's speakers don't work and the Mac sequencing program I downloaded won't let me save unless I give them $20 for the full version) but I have already made alot of original midis which I made to be somewhat intended to be included inside a video game. You can check them out at:
They are located at the bottom of the page so be sure to scroll down. Twenty-three original midis in all. You don't half to use any of them, just backup if you are short a few background songs.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Okay, more info about Lokki.

Personality: HSW should know him pretty well. Not perverted like I play him semi-ICly in the chat, but still womanising. Also chivalrous, particularly towards women. Intelligent, arrogant, speaks in big fancy and often old-fashioned words. Interests include history, literature and music. Virtually irrepressibly happy and friendly. Looks out mainly for himself but is still loyal to his friends. Cocky, but aware of his own limits and will not hesitate to run away if needs be. Yeah.

Background: Lokki is like, a bard and stuff and likes to go adventuring. Also he is cursed to never age or die of metabolic processes (y'know, hunger or thirst). I haven't really thought much about his backstory. He travels through time and space and different dimensions alot, though, so just make up whatever.

Skills: Y'know, barding. He can sing and play the lute. Has some magical powers, but not as strong as a full-on mage. Most of his magic is like air or sound based, but he does like fire magic as well. He's fairly handy with a sword, particularly light swords like rapiers and sabres and stuff and his fighting style relies more on agility and dexterity than brute strength. Also he's a pretty good shot with a bow. Mostly this is all covered in his stats, but I just thought I'd flesh it out and stuff.

As for why he's helping the many party, he's probably just doing it for a laugh or something. Also some of his motivation will come from defending his pseudo-homeland in the MFW, but mainly just for the sake of adventuring like. He'll probably make a book out of it. Or, like, an epic poem. Everybody loves epic poems.

Hope this helps, sorry it's a bit vague, but I'm just tossing some ideas down quickly. This is just the basic framework for Lokki, he changes so often I'm not sure what he's like anymore, so I need to take this framework and like rework it into something solid.

To summarise, just write a cocky, womanising, happy-go-lucky bard and you shouldn't go far wrong in writing Lokki. Oh and he likes metheglin, which is like a type of spiced mead.

Hope this helps and thanks in advanced if you use Lokki in the MFRPG.

As for Jimmy, he's easy. He's just a brick. He doesn't like talk or think or do anything. Just a plain ol' inanimate brick.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Mark: Both. I haven't made any of the customs yet, and we may end up using bits from each RTP sheet.

GT: Using your castle as a dungeon is a great idea and is very likely to be used. However, as unfortunate as it is, rm2k3 doesn't do animated enemies, so I'll only need more than one sprite if you want to be playable after/rather than shopkeeper.

Edit: Aaand I have no idea about RM version similarities. Dee colon.

Posts: 2915
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Dude...I just thought of a great place for my character...I get killed in the tutoral!

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Terg misses a blaster shot and vaporizes your head?

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

I am SO IN. Oh, and Since Terg's the Tutorial Guy, I vote he becomes an unlockable.

Anyway,I'm gonna be Silver. Grey Hedgehog, Green eyes. Depending on Certian Conditions, He may Turn into Either Shadow Or Light Silver, changing his Stats. And attacks. And pretty much everything else. I'll explain his personality at the end, because it'll be needed.

Weapon: Twin Swords. Perferably, He can only use his firswords, and no other weapons. If not, then It's okay. With Light Silver They Are Twin Lightseords, and with Shadows Silver they Turn into a Single Crusher Blade.

How high or low these stats should be: (LS Stands for Light Silver, SS Stands for Shadow Silver)

- Vitality: C (LS: D SS:B)
- Magic: B (LS: A SS: C)
- Atk: B (LS: C SS: A)
- Def: B (LS: A SS: C)
- Spd: A (LS: A SS: E)
- Int: B (LS: A SS: D)

Describe poses for these animations in battle:

Stationary: Facing Enemy, Swords at Side, Standing Straight. (LS: Same SS: Shaking Slightly, Standing Sideways to enemy, Looking Down, Sword in Right Hand Pointing away from enemy.)
Unarmed attack: (Unarmed will be a Status Condition for him, Because Without His Swords, he Cannot Use Any Magic OR Become Shadow Or Light Silver) Punches Enemy, Followed by a Kick.
Casting: Points Both Swords at Enemy.
Battle victory: Nods. (Returns to Normal Silver is SS or LS)
KO'd: Falls Facefirst To the Ground (Changes to Normal Silver if SS or LS)
Receiving damage: Pushed Back by force of BLow
Stationary; afflicted with a status condition: "!" Flashes above head.
Defensive stance: Holds Swords in an "X" position in front of him.
Using item: Raises Sword to point Up.

Out of these magics, give those which your character is skilled in, most prominent first:




(I left out the rest because they CANNOT use any other forms of Magic.)

Now, weapons:

Sword (Twin)
(Same for LS, and for SS, It's only Crusherblade.)
(As before, CANNOT use any weapons beside his Fireswords/ TwinSwords)

Do the same for these conditions:

Death: D
Poison: B
Blind: B
Silence: D
Berserk (Turns him into SS, and lasts longer): B
Confused: D
Sleep: A
Paralysis: A
Stun: E
Disarmed: There's a 1/10 chance that He'll be Disarmed from a Meele Attack from an Enemy With a Stronger Attack than him.
Transform to LS: When an Ally is KO'd, there is a 1/4 chance that he'll Transform into LS.


Fire: Resistant (LS: Normal SS: Normal)
Ice: Resistant (LS Normal SS: Normal)
Thunder: Normal (LS: Resistant SS: Extra Damage)
Water: Resistant (LS: Normal SS: Normal)
Earth: Extra Damage (LS: Extra Damage SS: Resistant)
Wind: Extra Damage (LS: Normal SS: Normal)
Holy: Normal (LS: Resistant SS: Devastating)
Dark: Normal (LS: Devastating SS: Resistant)
Non-elemental: Normal (LS: Normal SS: Normal)

I'm sorry it's so complicated. >>;; If it's Too much (Which is to be Expected) then leave out the Light Silver/ Shadow Silver Part.

Anyway, in term's of Silver's Personality, Think Ruroni Kenshin. If you need clarification, I'll post it.

GAWD that was alot of Typing. xx

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Having fire swords only is fine, but implementing disarm & LS/SS will be difficult{perhaps} at best and at worst absolutely impossible for the program. I'm still completely unschooled in what it's capable of; I'll throw DDK at this thread today and we'll see if he's able to do it via scripting or something.

I know you're a decent spriter and that you've already got a few sprites of Silver lying around. How many of your battle sprites can I expect you to do? Any of Sonic's from the Advance games will be a fitting size. If you don't want to do any battle sprites at all, then drop a few of yours on me anyway so I know exactly what I'm doing.

Edit: Do you want all attribute resistances{elements, weapons} to be neutral or did you forget them?

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Oops. >>

Oh, and as I said before, the LS/SS thing can be taken out if it's too hard.

And I lost my sprites... I think I have a backup somewhere. I'll post them once I find them.

*edits in Resistances to his last post*

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

You have a few in SX's thread.

I've talked with DDK. He simply said it might be possible, but with his laptop out for the count and my current scripting ineptitude we won't find out for sure for a while. I suppose I'll "repot back" as soon as we know.

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Ah, I found the sprite shhets for Siv and Light Siv. I never Finished Shadow Siv... >>;

I'm afraid that they won't work too well for this purpose, but at least you'll have something to work with. >>;

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Actually, Advance-styled sprites are the right size for battle sprites, I think.
Althugh if you want him holding the swords while he's not attacking, they'll have to be a LOT smaller.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Normally, IC, Tergonaut would never kill anyone.

But for this game I think we can make an exception @ popping Hiro's char's head off XP

Could be showing the dangers of accidentally targeting your own teammates? Like, "Do NOT do THIS" kind of demonstration? Assuming you can target yourself/teammates with attacks/special attacks of course.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member


GT: Using your castle as a dungeon is a great idea and is very likely to be used. However, as unfortunate as it is, rm2k3 doesn't do animated enemies, so I'll only need more than one sprite if you want to be playable after/rather than shopkeeper.

There is the before battle after battle talk...right? Couldn't you use animation on the basic map?

Do you have a screenshot of what the map & battle system looks like? Right now the only thing I can compare to in my mind for it is the RPG Maker 1 for Playstation.

And is there a copy of what you are using for Mac? (probally not but eh)

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

There is the before battle after battle talk...right? Couldn't you use animation on the basic map?

I could, but diagonal facing would look wonky. Face on is best. We'll see.

map battle

And is there a copy of what you are using for Mac?

Probably not. A quick search would confirm it.

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

o.o; @ battle Scene. OMFG is that an actual scene from a battle?! oo

If so <3<3

anyway... Yeah, I'm going to do my own sprites for this. I need work. It's three sprites per animation, right?

*gets to work on the sprites*

PS By "my own" I mean re-editing from scratch. >>;

It may be awhile.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Yes and yes

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Coolio. Is the final boss Tails Doll? :O

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

I've got a question. Do I need to give you a sprite sheet and stats of my character? (I haven't made either of those.)

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Ultra: No, but TD is in it. While I'm talking to you, I want to inform you of something; you're going to have below average MP, not none, so you can have one or two strong blaster attacks and the overdrive attack.

The overdrive will be set to consume 100% of MP, so it simulates the barrel melting. Restoring Ultra's MP could be seen as recharging the blaster and restoring the barrel through magic. K?

Ethan: Unless you want to be playable now, no.

Edit: Sprites would be nice, yes. A description at least.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Gotcha. (goes to edit)

EDIT: WOOPS. Had the letter values mixed up. oo;

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

I've been glancing, considering and changing my mind for a while now...


Any chance I could get a Swifthom/Swiftbomb boss combo, if i dig up and revamp some old sprites and present them to you?

I dont really want a playable character, But I'd love to be a boss. A boss, or two bosses that occur in just one encounter...

EDIT: Actually, re read original post...
You mentioned staffers could be bosses... I'm a Staffer, I work on the HQ, PICK ME, PICK ME *dances around like a little child.*

Anyway, how BIG exactly is the limit of the sprites if i could be a boss?

Posts: 2417
Famed Member


I could, but diagonal facing would look wonky. Face on is best. We'll see.

map battle

^__^ ^__^ ^__^ @ Map
You should include that in the game somehow as a hidden message :p

Ah, I see. The battles are like first Final Fantasys. Not like the RPGmaker 1 battles. Ok ok that clears some up.

As for my sprite being in a map, I might have to do some custom work. *shame that all the magikoopas in super mario RPG were only diagonal*

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Staff meant mods & admins, but sure. The limits for boss sprites are very leanient compared to the playables' animations, but note that bosses can't be animated. I've nabbed the biggest enemy pic that comes with the program and put it in a battle.

Ol' "Satan" there is basically the size limit. If it's gonna be Swift & Bomb, they'd both need to be about half that size max unless you want one serverelly overlapping the other.

Note that while those battle scenes look quite good, when I use the test battle function to get those screens the image is magnified about 3x. For some reason when I paste after finishing the battle it comes up like that...just wanted to ensure that was known because otherwise the screens are technically misleading.

DDK doesn't know if we can make it play fullscreen without the resolution reduction{windowed mode soaks up more resources} but I'm hoping it's possible because I'm incapable of tolerating small resolutions. If anyone knows what I'm talking about and knows how or a page that has the information, GIMME GIMME GIMME plz.

- edit -

GT: lol, i could find a place for it.

Ultra: I'm having pissy problems with your blaster. Basically, to get around them, I'm going to have a default blaster attack that consumes no MP, a blast that inflicts stun status and consumes a moderate amount of MP, and overdrive which consumes a high amount of MP{but not all}. Is that OK? Oh, and do you want a "medium power" blast that consumes moderate MP added in? I'm thinking a middle ground between default and overdrive.

edit 2: oh, and i'm pretty sure you have more sprites. can't find them though. would you upload the whole sheet in non-jpg form? thanks

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Okay, I have a sprite for each of them...
Their actually quite small but im MORE than happy with the detail... AND THEIR IN CLOAKS :spin
Swiftbomb = red cloak, Swifthom = Green cloak :spin

Just wondering, do you want any stats with them when I get around to uploading them, or an idea...

Feel free to ignore this, but it's my mad perfect idea ramblings:
As an optional boss - Swifthom and Swiftbomb have managed to procure an instant death machine...

Basically, there are 3 bosses in one. Swifthom, Swiftbomb and the Instant Death Machine...
The two Swift's are quite fast, have a lot of HP and deal small but moderate attacks.
But in the middle, VERY slow so it doesnt get many goes, the Instant Death Machine which, occasionaly but not very often KO's one of the characters. Not pernamently KO's, they can be brought back, but automatic one move kill. If death can be immune then so it dishes out on HELLL of a lot of damage, but it doesnt do it very often, in fact hardly at all.

The idea is Swift and Bomb are guarding the machine, and letting IT kill off the party bit by bit. The trio have to either destory the machine then Swift and Bomb will be harmless on their own, or destroy Swift and Bomb and then concentrate on getting rid of the machine quickly.

Of course, if the idea is A: unworkable, b: unfeasable or C: You can't stand it... Feel free to ignore everyhting I say.

Actually please, don't ignore me :cuckoo

I realise this is still a long way from anything, never mind completion so I'll get back to you later and stop pestering your work... :^^;

Seeya. :spin

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Man, I've missed 2 posts in this thread today. First GT during my last one and now you during my edit to it.

It sounds good, and I know it will be easy to implement. So long as you gimme an idea what the machine looks like{or make the image of it yourself} and give me specific stuff about Swift & Bomb{attacks, magic resistances, maybe more specific stats...} it's all go.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

i have the sprites for Swift, Bomb and, for some reason I don't know why an MoFo mafia Mobster (those were ages ago... huh... Back when we first got a chat.. I feel old :^^; )

Anyway, I'll make you a machine to go with them and specific stats for Swift and Bomb (and machine) pronto.

I'll use the same system the playable characters are using then.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

The sprites are perfect. <3

I'll use the same system the playable characters are using then.

Yes, please. Oh, and there's no rush. The game won't be done for a long time, tho it might{5% possibility here >_>} be done by Christmas if I somehow manage to avoid getting a job throughout the whole year, haul ass on finalizing the story and DDK gets his laptop going soon.

The machine image could be about as big as Satan if you want to be; I'll place it underneath Swift & Bomb{layer wise, that is}.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Sure, go ahead.

Posts: 211
Estimable Member

Yippie yay, Bass joined the party. (no, dont worry, capcom wont sue)

To get things started, the sprites that will be used (some changes may occur)

Great. now lets talk about his skills.

Hp - Intellegence is in the sprites sheet.

No magic, but does have Dark powers.. I guess you could call them.

Buster Gun

Fire D
Water D
Earth B
Dark E
Holy A
Wind B
Ice B
Thunder B
Non - Elemental

Sword B
Spear B
Club B
Bow B

Death - Instant Death B
Poison B
Blind B
Silence E
Berserk A
Confused B
Sleep B
Paralysis B
Stun A

Little bit of info:
I really dont care how I come to be in the game, someone could find me in a hole for all I care, even though I would prefer to be 'changed' from bad to good and noted as a useful party member, if thats possible. if not, there's always the hole.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Just typing this down here incase anyone wants to bite him for using .jpg - its fine. We've had a lengthy discussion about this over IM before his post, and I have the sprites in bitmap form.

I really dont care how I come to be in the game, someone could find me in a hole for all I care, even though I would prefer to be 'changed' from bad to good and noted as a useful party member, if thats possible. if not, there's always the hole.

LOL @ hole. Hmm...I think I'll be able to incorperate both ideas. Hmmm yesss. *rubs hands together*

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I am disturbed at HSW's use of the word 'hole'.

Posts: 409
Reputable Member

Maybe I should be covering my butt in this RPG, then. O.o

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

can i request to be a weapons merchant? =o
here's the charset i would like too...

it's mark-a-licious

Posts: 2417
Famed Member


There is the before battle after battle talk...right? Couldn't you use animation on the basic map?

I could, but diagonal facing would look wonky. Face on is best. We'll see.


As for my sprite being in a map, I might have to do some custom work. *shame that all the magikoopas in super mario RPG were only diagonal*

Whew, its been a while since this thread was updated...anyway after an evening of hetic computer work, I finally got it finished. Behold! GT the Magikoopa's sprite sheet 2.0!

I have faced on sprites now ^__^

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Hey, that sounds very cool! I'd like to show up in the game too, whether as an NPC or as a playable char, though I guess I should make a sprite sheet first.. thus far I have only one single sprite of my char:

The problem is that my char is so different from all the other Sonic ones.. it's difficult to sprite! x_x

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Every good RPG needs a defense attornery, right?


At any rate, my char is a status inducing whore, which should be a bit more original compared to tanks and speed killers.

Sprites to come in due time.

Objection!: Character points his finger at the enemy, the enemy takes average damage.
Investigate: Character gets a magnifying glass out, enemy's attack drops.
Evidence: Character produces evidence, the enemies' defense decreases.
Testimony: Character speaks alot, enemies get bored and sent to sleep.
Contradiction: Character talks a lot, confusing the enemy. MP consumption: 2
Thinker: Character throws a small statue in the shape of the Thinker at the enemy, slightly above average damage. MP consumption: 2
Cross Examination: Character makes an 'X' shape in front of them, the enemy is hit twice. MP consumption: 2
Innocence: Character waves about. The party is cured of status ailments. MP consumption: 3
Hold it!: Character slams hands on a sudden appearing desk, the enemies are paralysed for one turn. MP consumption: 4
Examine: Character gets a maginifying glass out, party's accuracy increases. MP consumption: 2
Take that!: Character points towards enemy, double extended damage is dealt. MP consumption: 5
Verdict: A verdict is presented; if guilty, the enemy take double damage. If Not Guilty, the enemy is healed and Character takes small damage. MP consumption: 5
Objection!2: Character points his finger at the enemy, the enemy takes greater damage. MP consumption: 3
Spikey hair: Character's hair becomes more spikey at the back, raising defence of the party. MP consumption: 2
Hold it!2: Character slams hands on a sudden appearing desk, the enemies are paralysed for three turns. MP consumption: 6
Take that!2: Character points towards enemy, triple extended damage is dealt. MP consumption: 8
Gyakuten Saiban!: Character points his finger towards enemy, high damage is dealt. MP consumption: 15

- Vitality {HP; Hit Points} Average
- Magic {MP; Magic Points} Average
- Atk {Attack} Low
- Def {Defense} Average
- Spd {Speed} Average
- Int {Intelligence; Magical defense and offense} Low

Stationary- Character sways from side to side, hands in his pockets.
Unarmed attack- Lifts arm and points, no finger outstretched.
Casting- Puts hands on a suddenly appearing desk.
Battle victory- One hand in pocket, the other pointing in the air.
KO'd- Crouching, face in shadows with one of those anime line fingers above head.
Receiving damage- Moves backwards, hand in front of him, eyes wide and mouth agape.
Stationary; afflicted with a status condition- Shoulders slumped, sweating madly.
Defensive stance- Crouching, with outstretched finger pointing towards ground.
Using item- Finger pointing diagonally upwards.


Spear (Finger pointing :D )
Club (Thinker)

Damage resistance
Fire A
Ice B
Thunder A
Water C
Earth D
Wind D
Holy E
Dark B
Non-elemental E

Now, weapons:

Sword B
Spear D
Club D
Bow B

Death - instant death. B
Poison B
Blind - accuracy drops to 20% B
Silence - disables magic D
Berserk - accuracy is halved and will attack random enemies E
Confused - attack random allies C
Sleep B
Paralysis - No action allowed B
Stun - same as paralysis, but only lasts for one turn APersonal stats

Posts: 1355
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Posts: 9
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I demand an NPC who complains about his nuclear arms and not being able to hug his children. 😮

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