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Midi and Music General

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Do you compose? I dabble in it. Took a long forced break from it due to switching to Mac for many years. But now that I have a Windows laptop I am getting back into it.

To play catchup, here is my midi page on my site that I haven't updated in years. It is old and quite frankly the Sonic midi section needs to be cleaned up and some taken out. I mean the Carnival Night GF mix is just Sonic & Knuckles Collection with a new backing track and different instruments. In other words very unprofessional, and I was young then.

Now with that out of the way, Retro gave me the ethic okay to do what I wanted for the music in my hack all along, be like Sonic Rush and sample hit music of the yesteryear.

So far I have been in anguish over what should be my regular miniboss music for my hack. Recently I went from a Jailhouse Rock/Panic Puppet combination now to settling on Sing a Song of Sixpence.


So...I decided to make this thread because I don't really see anything much involving music. Sure there is a lone thread here or there, but nothing much.  I want to change that. I want to hear what you guys do.

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I'm more into making arrangements of Sonic tracks. Usually I'll put it all together from scratch in FLStudio, although sometimes to save time I will nab a MIDI from VGMusic of what I'm wanting to arrange/remix so that I have the basic melody and stuff in place, and then I'll mess about with it.

I do also have a USB2MIDI cable attached to my PC and a keyboard handy, but I tend to not use that too much for my compositions as my skill with the keyboard isn't fantastic. Though I imagine it would help me out sometimes if I made more use of it.

Anyway, if anyone fancies hearing some of what I've done, I'll happily post it

EDIT: Typos lol

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I don't see anyone stopping you Silver.

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So I have been working on music for an RPG I am involved in. An Italic RPG if you will. I compose them via the name and the description given. Kio who is making the game wants them also as garageband enhanced oggs, so I am working on that as well.

Here are the midis:

Veggie Road
I made an mp3/ogg remix of this, however I am thinking of redoing it.

Instant Place part 1
Instant Place part 2
Instant Place part 3
These three are part of a set. The music gets stronger the deeper you go.

Panic Shores

Listen to both the original midi and the video below.

The strings might need to be changed, it doesn't catch the subtle notes of the original, instead meshing things together.

Posts: 1008
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Well OK then.

This one I made as a submission to the Sonic 2 HD project, although I've not checked on it in ages so i dunno how that's going.

Chemical Plant HD.

This one I made for fun, a jazzy arrangement of the Labyrinth Zone music from Sonic 1 on the Master System.

Labyrinth Jazz (8-bit).

And something I'm working on, a rock arrangement of the boss theme from Sonic Chaos / Sonic & Tails.

Sonic Chaos Boss.

Posts: 2438
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Say, do you guys know of a program that creates and mixes music, but is free, yet also is easy enough to work with for a beginner?  I know the possibility is extremely low since usually to get one of those criteria you usually have to sacrifice some of the other features, but I figured I'd ask.

Failing that, what do you guys use for your programs?

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I use Anvil Studio for making midis. It is free, although you can buy add ons. To simulate the add on features, I use Winjammer Professional which despite the name I downloaded it for free.

 For mp3 remixes I use Garageband. 

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

You could try REAPER. It's basically free and quite expandable. Or if you feel hardcore you could try Jeskola Buzz, but that will probably not be too appealing as it's not easy to get to grips with.

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Might as well post this one here.

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