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Mike's ART Corner o...
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Mike's ART Corner of DEATH. (Not Really)

1 Posts
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Posts: 1334
Noble Member
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Yes. This will be my art thread, I guess. And now for the art. This first post will be updated from time to time with links to peices of art. I've been messing around with the Powerpuff Style of Animation/Drawing right now. But I still do traditional anime/anthro sketches.


A puff'd rendition fo a friends character.

I worked on this peice for a little of an hour, after looking at Seiryuga's concept "tutorials" in the scraps section of said person's DeviantART page. I do say they were useful. So in Flash I was workign on the art peice. And it came out well for my first compelted Puff art Ive done. And Ive only recently begun using the stlye- and this is like my 5th or 6th attempt at drawing in the style. Fully mouse drawn.

Another puff'd character of a friend of mine.

Another puff'd char of a friend.
