Hello there. Yes, I am now doing requests in the shape of Art. I will do human or anthro- and will take up to 3 requests at a time. I will try my best at the results - Pics will either be B&W, or Full Color. Please state in Request with specs. I use Macromedia Flash 8 or pChat. It depends. Probally Flash. Well as Ive said this, line 'em up.
A previous work is here: http://www.deviantart.com/view/27921878/
Comments on the peice are also welcome.
I assume you're familiar with Rico's attire. Royal blue shirt, tan cargo pants, tan/black/white sneakers, and my brownish orange trenchcoat?
This will be the first, and maybe last, picture of "Fleetway" Rico. You can choose whatever battle pose you wanna practice on but his tool of choice is a silver metal etched staff.
Other than that you know the orange fur, green eyes, yadda yadda. Lemme know if there's anything else you need. Like a ref pic, I have several.
One refrence pic would help, besides that I'll take the request.
well its not colored. but the facial expression is one the best of any picture.
I'll give two for certain reasons
More cartoonish style, original picture of Rico from... 99?
If nothing else I'll get a pic of the actual RL coat its based off of for ya, I'm wearing it right now.
Alright, finished.
There, it's decent enough I suppose. I liked how it came out. Does anyone else out there want a request now?
Well since no one has requested anything yet I'll post some art up. This was a request from my friend on DA and AIM.
A request, and it took me a day and a half of work. I did some breaks and worked on other things. I even added a Backround so my picture wouldn't look so plain and generic. And you know how I hate generic-ism. It takes place in the Great Forest, and I still haven't figured out what species Carmen exactly is. I hope I got the color scheme right. I used several refrences by Requestee and even tutorials and refrence pics from google itself to give me a good idea. The picture started as a "Enh. Stick Figure" or Stick Figure of shapes. (Cylinders, Squares, Triangles, thick lines). I used the tablet for the character in Flash 8 Professional. Backround was done completely (ink and color) by Mouse. I used the pencil tool (size 1.3-ish) for the stick then used the paint tool (1-3 small) to make it look inked. I like how it came out. I used about ten layers.
Character is Copyrighted to Respected Creator, as is Art to Artist. Meh.
Shows me when I apply me self.
FULL VIEW: dis be Carmen.
You seem to be rapidly forming your own art style. Granted you have the same problem with anatomy as I do, but you've got a good style going which is a hell of a lot more than I had.
Practice, practice, practice, and soon I'll be sending money on commissions from ya instead of pizza. XD
Granted, practice will take you anywhere. And I'm not gonna stop drawing anytime soon. Daily, maybe even.
But I don't think I'd ever sell my art either. I'm too giving for that. XD
Im the guy who gets 2 dollars in change and says "keep the change" all the time.
That's a pretty interesting style but it is good that you are embracing your own style. Makes you look more professional...
I'd be willing to have a request done by you Mike, but just wondering first, what types of scenery or background do you consider is your strength, or what you might want to draw next in order to improve and advance your art?
Btw I'm loving such a kickass style. :3
Heh, I think I do forest's well enough, but I'll try cities, and other areas to the best of my ability as well, Pach.
And thanks, Im liking it too.
Forest, hmm?
Too cool. In that case, would you mind being able to draw Alex within a forest? Whatever pose or something is up to you.
A quick ref for you can be found here. The colouring is admittedly shoddy as it was a rush job in order to show what the colours look like you so feel like doing it in colour. Whether this colour scheme will remain or not for the picture I aim to complete, Im not sure, but its alright for now.
Btw, is this picture I did of your character Max close to how you envision him?
Max is perfect in that, man. I didn't envison him as that but I will now. =D
Notice: Anyone who has a DA might notice the progress of requests I do work on are in my recent DA journal at mike1204.deviantart.com
EDIT: Alex is done.
A request, and it took me a half day of work. Added a Forest Backround, with a night sky. Wootness. It takes place in the Great Forest, obviousily. Pach's Alex is a rabbit of course, and the older brother of Cream. Created by Pachamac. I used one refrence by Requestee and one from google. Started out as a Enhanced Stick (Cylinders, Squares, Triangles, thick lines) like Carmen did. I used the tablet for the character in Flash 8 Professional. Backround was done completely (ink and color) by Mouse. I used the pencil tool (size 1.3-ish) for the stick then used the paint tool (1-3 small) to make it look inked. I like how it came out. I used about thirteen layers.
Character is Copyrighted to Respected Creator, as is Art to Artist. Meh.
I think it came out well.
FULL VIEW: Alex the Rabbit, yo'
Mike, that is simply all kinds of awesomeness. Your style is absolutely fantastic and it suits the character very well. The colouring and shading is simply remarkable, and the background is done in a way that enhances the entire product. It's simply... amazing.
Thanks very much and I really appreciate the pic!
can you draw me a pic of kirby that i might use in a sig?
kirby doing something intresting, the rest ill leave up to you
Heh, I'll try.
Tails being kissed on the lips at three separte times by Sally, then by Bunnie, then by his dream girl Fiona, with a look of happeniss on his face at the end.
In a drawing? oO:;
Im not doing animations.
Yes in a drawing, just like the pevious 3 I asked for.
Sorry about the confusion there Mike. My Bad.
Yeah, I get that but I don't understand how you would get what you want in one picture. Im not doing comic strips either. So, Im still confused.
They're all kissing at the same time is what i think he means, Mike.
Tails being kissed on the lips at three separte times by Sally, then by Bunnie, then by his dream girl Fiona
Says seperate times, Pach.
Do it one at a tiem. Mike. Sorry about that again.
Yeah, I read that after I posted, but could not be assed to edit. D:
Yeah, my most recent work. Taking a break from some request atm. I still like how Alex came out. On the Maps topic- I think it kicks ass. =D Gotta edit the DA description though.