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MoForumer Fanart Thead!

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What's the tombstone for?

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Aren't you an angel? I thought they were dead. :0

Here is my old drawing of chaosxshadow:

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Shadow says: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress 😉

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Everyone's favorite pasty white man, Michael "Hiro" Boston:

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He looks like the resident badass or something.

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resident stoner, more like

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resident burly biker mountain man

with a rugged beard on drugs

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Put up your picture of Cycle. *twirls around*

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Heres a couple of previews of My current project (part 1 of 2 =D)

*Rubs paws evilly*

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Lookin' cool, Crim.

Say, that reminds me - there was one or two really old comics from years ago that people drew of the MoFo, like with the MFW setting. I can't remember who drew them, it was an old-timer for sure though.

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That's quite funny, because I was thinking of drawing a sort of randomness comic set in the MFW. I just didn't know what I could really do with it.

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Hmmmm, that gives me an idea. *Goes to poast this idea*

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Mobius Forum World. T'is the theoretical plane of exsitence upon which this corner of the interweb dwells.

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Ok, I didn't know you were a poet. (Joke)

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This technically counts as MF fanart, and I love this pic too much to not show it everywhere I can.

deviantart link if pic doesn't show up

Stressed Bayfield and Amberleigh, from various RPs between Craig and myself. I need to draw more, this was so much fun 8D

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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Em, what makes that MF fan art?

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The fact that it depicts me or, at least, one of my alternate accounts who has existed in the MFworld for a good 6 years now.

PS: Beautiful picture, love <3

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*whistle of appreciation* Wow. Now that's art.

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lol @ nothing's going to be able to one-up Sage's amazing picture

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*fwees at the artwork* it's lovely, sage! ^^

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I have to admit it's a good picture, but whats MF about it?

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You already asked that question and had it answered.

For the second time, the character in the picture, Stressed Bayfield, is a MFW character who has existed since 2002.

Back in the old days people made alternate accounts based on fads such as evil accounts, sailor scout accounts and bizarro ones.

Stressed is my "evil" account.

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Proof for justice.

Click the profile, baby. March 2002. OH! What now?

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First off, OHGODTHEOLDNESS @ your old Stressed avatar. I'd update it, but I doubt it would be used much.

Second, as has already been stated twice (three times if you include my description where I specifically stated Stressed Bayfield to show it was indeed a Mofo'er, 'cause let's face it. How many other Bayfields are there at the MoFo, or in the world for that matter?), this is most definitely MF Fanart because it depicts a person of the MoFo World. I think the confusion came because this is actually a character, not an avatar of one's self, but it's fanart nonetheless because I didn't create the character, another MoFo'er did.

Third, thank you for the nice comments! **hugs to all**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2232
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Obviously, this masterpiece has set a new bar!

We must all work hard to suprass it's utter awesomness *grabs pens, pencils and pixels* It's going to be tough, but hey, if we don't beat her, who will she have to aim to beat! *Raises art equipment* CHARRRGE!

Posts: 2438
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And you can start by making a full 3-D Tergonaut VS. an Armada unit wallpaper! =D

*has things chucked at him*

Posts: 1201
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i meant to post this days ago

before you ask, srocks, this is a picture of ths. most of us know him as wes.

Posts: 4885
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That is beautiful Deck. I give you a hugeass thumbs up.

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merci beaucoup

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I've in the past drawn a few pics of some of the forumers before.

A long time ago anyways. I think I sent them to their respective owners through email but if I can find them again, I may be able to show them off.

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Say hello to Evil Socks... BE PREPARED

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LWSrocks, your post has nothing to do with the rest of this topic. Please write something worthwhile.

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OK Sir! Or, umm, maam if thats better.

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I've got a couple more sketches of Craig's RP characters:

That's Amberleigh, same as in the picture I did before.

Amberleigh, Stressed, and the addition of Lee Cypher, the other dude who travels around with them. I'm not enlightened to the absolute specifics, but I'm pretty sure Amberleigh HATES Lee, yet he tries to get along with her and fails. Stressed's always in the middle. Tricia + characters that are fun to draw + attempt at humor = cute?

(EDIT2: i___i work this time)

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2116
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Craig has a character called Amberleigh? Spelt in the exact same slightly poncy way that I spell it for my LARP character...?

I had no idea... 🙂

Posts: 2232
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Just further evidence that everyone is really an alt of Queen Sam Sam ;P

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*Blushes and hides* my defence, it's a character I'd nevr intended or believed would be referenced outside of my IM RPs >>;;

...and it's like the third character with a name I blatantly stole >>;;

*dies of shame*

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I offer you this.



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*hands silver a toiletbrush and some bleach* go and start scrubbin', young man! :p

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Thanks, Bryan. 🙂

Sneakily fixes name spelling >> ~SS
*does a sneeky dance* >> ~CB

Posts: 1201
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does this count as fanart? i am quite a fan of myself, you know.

Posts: 1367
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Oh, count me in. I'll draw people. Eventually.

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deck you look 20 years older

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i've posted these elsewhere, but not in the same place.


toby underwood

a possibly stressed bayfield. :p

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tits make everything better

i like how the realistically rendered birds contrast with the cartoonish style of the characters they're sitting on. it makes them stand out more, i think.

Posts: 300
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I have to admit, you have improved a lot SS at your art, it is nicely done.

*paws up*

Posts: 955
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Deck, what program do you use for your art? It looks really stunning. Your strong shadows make it seem almost like vector art. It looks awesome!

Also, I'm pretty sure I commented before, but those tits are so cute, Becca 😀 The Toby one is priceless.

I was bored last night after coming home from work, and after an RP where our characters went ice-skating, I decided to draw Craig's character, Kay, as her "superhero" persona, Snowangel. (I know I've been spamming this on every one of my pages, but I don't care 8D)


~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1058
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That's a pretty picture, Sage! Also it takes on a kind of 3Dish quality. I could reach out and punch that little girl.

"wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991

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Deck, what program do you use for your art? It looks really stunning. Your strong shadows make it seem almost like vector art. It looks awesome!

thank you! i use corel painter, madam. i like it because it does a very good job at making it easier to emulate traditional media, and because i never became very good at photoshop.

i think the SPARKLIES! combined with the highlights in your picture do give it a wonderful 3Dish quality, as acrio called it. also, the shadow and the ice look very subtle and realistic.

i'd like to know why there's a sparkle in her hair, though.

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