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My Original Art and My Fan Art

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Not a problem.

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Hi folks. Just a quick word here. I'm going to be working on Ultra and Rash Raccoons pics on Saturday. Then I'll need to get back to working on the comic for Ethan. A bit behind I'm afraid and he's near impossible for me to get a hold of! X(

Anyway... Here's a pic from a week ago I think. It's Jet and Amanda as kids. Jet's 8. It's an idea for the comic I'm working on for Jet. I'll post what I have so far if folks care to see, but otherwise. Yeah. The pic is part of the story.

Oh yeah! Read the description too. ^^
Enjoy folks. ^^

EDIT= Okay. I'm coloring Rash's request and planning out Ultra's. I'm also going to get to work on a few very old ones that need to be done. If you have a request. You can ask me, but I won't be getting around to new ones for a while. Just so folks know. ^^

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Ridiculously cute as always Jet. XD

Left you a reply on devart, lemme know.


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It made me go "Awwww".

Posts: 13
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Holy... Man, Jet, you have some seriously awesome work there! Just browsed through your Dev gallery. It's all so preeeetty!

*rolls in envy*

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HTML Comments are not allowed

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*blinks* Ezboard blew up your post.

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Nah, she was just informing about EZslug's HTML policy. :D


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I don't think I like it. oo

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Oh shoot. It killed the link here, but not in the other thread? =/ Oh well. Basically I have to finish Rash's drawing and then do your's Ultra. Sorry it's taking so long. I didn't plan on getting so busy. >.<

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Fine by me.

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Gee! I'm waaay behind! Sorry folks I've been busy with college work. ^^

Rash, you'll have yours within the next few days or less.
Ultra, your's coming along too. Sorry you've been waiting so long. ^^

I'll get both done pretty quick though. ^^ Sorry again you two.

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No apologies needed.

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Man! I really need to update more. Rash! I have good news and bad news. I finished Keiko. But..... When I went to save, I clicked on something and lost my work! I'll get it done for you by Sunday. I am sooo sorry Rash! I did not intend to take so long! I'll try to finish it by Sunday okay? I have a bout half the shading done. I'm guessing I have about 2 hours worth of work left.

Ultra. I'm almost done with the sketch and will also begin coloring yours soon.

Well. I'll keep you all posted so. I better get back to coloring now. =P

Posts: 4336
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Goody goody gumdrops. :D

Posts: 25
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Hey, that's some great artwork you got! You've got a nice style going too... Kinda like a mix of Sega and your own distinctive twist. Can't wait to see more. :D

Posts: 3468
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Jet K is the God of Art, TCM, silly.

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I agree! ^^

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You're just saying that 'cuz she's a girl, SX ;)

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She's the Goddess of art, actually!

Posts: 3468
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No. At first, when I requested the first one, I thought she was a guy, for one. o.o

Why is it you stalk like my every ppost with some poorly-thought-out insult wannabe?

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Why do you assume that I was insulting you, especially given my jaunty winking smiley attached to the end of said "insult"?

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Come on, guys. This isn't really nececaary! ^^

So, how's it going, Sunset?

Posts: 781
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I came here to post something about certain fanfic or sprite comic ideas after not having been here for more than a year but I decided not to make a post but I decided to respond to some things here anyway since it's been so long.

Anyway, yeah I like your style, especially with the Super Sonic pic. I think what got Jet's gender confused was the sorta purplish hair colour and purple eyes, etc...

Not bad on the DeviantArt one with the description. Detailed drawing, imaginative story... some things in it that don't make perfect sense, but hey they don't need to...

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Well. It is still in the works. That story isn't going to make a lot of sense right now. It'll improve though. Thank you.

Still working on the comic EE. It's taking longer than I hoped but it's coming alone. I will need the revised script again though. It got deleted somehow. =/

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Mines taking awhile to get in gear as well. I'm working on making that first chapter better, once I get it how I want it things will move a bit faster. Introducing the setting is hard as heck.

Jet, Chapter 2 is coming fast. The only thing I'm needing before I finish the setting chapter is his background. I need spoilers, why he's special, if he had parents, test tube baby, if he was what purpose was behind it. That kinda thing.

Probably wanna toss it via PM too.


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I didn't really mean so much in the "things needed to be added to it" sense more so a few things in it...

People weren't helping him solely because of fleas?
But wouldn't they not want to help him if he was crying since other people would see him as cowardly?

They threw Jet onto the street... why wouldn't they just send Jet to another lab so that way they wouldn't completely lose something they created?

Yeah I guess it sounds like I'm nitpicking. It's not really BECAUSE I'm jealous of your drawing really I just wanted to point out things others didn't. Anyway, maybe it's best it was that way for the story's sake...

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Hmmm... Gee. I guess I never really thought about that. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll have to see about reworking that. Thinking about it now, it really does sound rather stupid about being sent out in the street instead of another lab.

About the folks he met. They didn't know he was alone. The reactions were typically just telling thier children to not play with him because he was dirty. After a while he just never came out of the alley he stayed in.

Abot the tossing him out thing... He really wasn't supposed to have been made to begin with. Genetic engineering and such practices are illegal on humans and furries in my story.

I better edit that segment because other labs wouldn't want Jet in them. It would be far too risky for them. The lab that made him was always rather radical in their practices. They assumed that if they were able to achive what they set out to do the goverment would be more interested in how they made Jet instead of destroying the lab. They didn't want anyone knowing before Jet reached a certain age though. That's why they operated in secret.

They tossed him out because they were planning to get him back immediately after. I have a few ideas of what happened here though. Basically he decided he didn't want to go with them and ran off getting lost. I'll have more detail on that when I do more editting on it. Thanks for pointing those out though. I didn't realize those issues til you told me about them.

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Wow, thanks for the explanation, I see you put a lot more thought into your storyline than I had originally thought you did.

Well I still think they probably could have sent him to another lab that was let's say also doing illegal things and/or would also accept Jet, because I'm sure they'd find somewhere else to put Jet rather than lose their property, but your story is well explained and definitely good enough.

As for the other issue, well whether or not they knew Jet was alone, what I meant to say was that the alternate reason I mentioned made more sense to me as a reason for them not taking Jet in. (Avoiding fleas for two months? I'm sure the surviving two months without food would have something to do with their genetic engineering process but for them to wait for months? Wouldn't it having taken months have indicated that the other characters thought he didn't deserve to be taken in because he was crying or something?) Then again I guess since it's not my story I'm not really the one to say.

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Well. Here's Keiko Rash. I hope you like it.


And to answer your comment Matt. I do have a reason why Jet was in the street. He was never found by the scientists. He tossed out because they were going to collect him immediatly after the raid. He got lost though. They never found him.

To answer your second question... The scientists really didn't want to risk a different lab deciding to steal Jet when he was placed in their facility. They would have found him, but something happened and he was never found by them again. I don't want to give away too much here though. =P

Posts: 409
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Sunset... That is stunningly awesome. O.O

Did you get the copy of the script, by the way?

Posts: 4336
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Nice pic Jet. Especially the hair. It just looks so...puffy.

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You haven't seen many cartoons have ya Ultra. XD

Well this looks a good place for this then.

Since we're discussing Jet's origins lemme add to fire. What I've got so far and the holes I've filled is that, for an as yet unknown reason, Jet was created via the old test tube baby method. Again for an unknown reason he was rejected by the lab and throw out with the garbage. I assumed his memory was wiped, he was probably throw to the streets because of some scientist with the twinge of morality and guilt that would manifest because of killing him.

He was on the streets for X amount of time until the badger family took him him. After he was past the "cute little kid" stage they got tried of his angsty butt and kicked him out. Sometime during that growing up stage before his seregate parents kicked him out he met Amanda and Tech and became friends with them. I think this is as far as she's gotten with her storyline.

The unknowns are what I'm kinda wanting. Eventually I do want to deal with why Jet was created, why he was a failure, etc. Remember this story is 90% your's, Jet. If you've seen my stuff, then I can say Rico is filling the Kenji role. If not, he's kind of a mentor figure, for the new generation, the Third Age.


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You haven't seen many cartoons have ya Ultra. XD

Actually, I watch Cartoon Network more than any other channel. And what's wrong with puffy hair?

Posts: 2928
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That was me misreading a post. Of cours since the smartass comment wasn't the bulk of of the post. eh.


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Oh, you were just too busy playing with your Wii. :D

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Wow Rico. That's cool actually. That's not quite what I meant though. I can see I need to clear up some issues with my story. My fault and I apologize for the screw up. I think I'll just give you a PM. I have done some editting and such, but feel free to change what you want to. I share to get ideas.

I guess what I'm getting at is I'll give you his story so far and you can change what you want. ^^ Sorry again Rico. I didn't mean to mess up my explaination. I'm not much of a writer though. ^^;

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hehe, you say sorry too much. I think chapt 1 is close to final draft and I never to revision till the end so I'll piddle with details I want and details some of my writer friends see I should add while you work up some more like what you envision.

Also, guys and gals? The other thread? That last post. Read it, it's only 3 pages, if you see something that needs more explanation or something I should spend more time with storywise. Let me know in there. First chapters are always trouble due to trying to figure out what needs to be explained right away and what detail it needs.

I'm still looking for better terms. There no real way to change "Anthropomorphic animal race" As thats what a sentient man-beast would be. But if anyone has a better term for common people to call them let me know. I think "Furry" would carry the worst connotation and thats what I'm going for. You're going to see that once I start having some human characters there will be real "furries" in this story in places. As in humans that wanna escape reality through the facade of an animal form. And Kydane HATE them.


Posts: 71
Estimable Member

I would like to thank you, Jet, for completing the request that was ignored more than once. My deepest thanks to you, Jet. Nice shading, nice background, I will cherish this picture for now and forever.

I'm also looking forward to the day when someone begins to write fan-comics. My new and prized fan-character, Keiko the Fox, would be more than willing to be in one.

Thanks again, Jet. You have been a really big help.

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.... I would show you guys my new sprite comic. E-Z Board doesn't like me though and won't let me link to it. lol

Anyway. You are very welcome Rash! I'm glad you like the pic of Keiko. ^^

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CheezyBread ate your post. Oo

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Maybe my posts TASTE like cheeseybread. 00?

Anyway, here's another go with those links. ^^;
Here's the previous.

Here's the new one.

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Heheh! Jet's in trouble! ^^

Good job with them!

Posts: 25
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Jet K is the God of Art, TCM, silly.

Haha, sorry, didn't know I was dealing with cosmic deities and all that. :lol Well, good art nonetheless, and the new stuff looks nice too.

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Thank you very much TCM. I like it when folks enjoy my work.
Ultra's should be done soon and comic 5 is in the works as well as EE's comic.

Also I am a bit short on ideas for my sprite comic of Jet and Sonic. I need ideas for some jokes or annoying things about various 2-D levels for Jet and Sonic to poke fun at or mess up entirely. An example could be a joke about the barrels in Sonic 3's Carnival Night zone. If you have any ideas you don't mind sharing feel free to PM me or whatever. I am open to anything. ^^;

So yeah. Thanks in advance to anyone who has an idea they share. ^^

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Also I am a bit short on ideas for my sprite comic of Jet and Sonic.



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Oh Rico! How dirty!

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My peers are bad influences on me.


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I suggest you find different peers then. =3

Posts: 2232
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Rico's lucky.

My pears are bad influnces on me =(

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