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Nash has some art!
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Nash has some art!

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I finally found a host site to post my art and link it here...Imageshack

This is my first time doing art in this I made my fan character...and I realise that it looks a little crudely drawn, but that is because all I have is MS Paint and this is my stepbrother's computer and he'll be pissed off if I add new art software to the computer because he likes playing on his pathetic little everquest too friggin much.

But here's my first art in this style...please no flames

Nash The Blade

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Step 1) Install Project Dogwaffle to a folder not in program files so your brother doesn't know it's there.

Step 2) Get better at drawing, maybe get a scanner if you can draw IRL.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

It's alright, but I'll agree with Wonder; maybe you should try and draw it by hand or something? The lines are just wobbly and stuff, coz, well, it's MS paint, that's all. But apart from that, it's okay. ^^

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

It's all right. The concept is creative anyway. Try using the magnifier tool in MS Paint to get a better view of your project. (I like to use the thumbnail tool also, so I can see the drawing actual-size at the same moment). The key to using MS Paint is patience. I'd start with a smaller pic, because it's easier to go pixel-by-pixel if the image is small. Once you're comfortable making little images (no more than 100 x 100 for beginners I'd say) you can move on to larger stuff. Keep at it.
P.S. If you prefer drawing by hand than a scanner is a good buy. If money's a problem try working odd jobs and such or shop around for bargains. Above all, practice and don't get discoraged.
