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Naut for Bayfield - a MoFiction

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Naut for Bayfield
A MoFiction

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Night descended upon Sega City, the lights of the urban environment activating automatically as the sun dipped down below the horizon. Nighttime in the city was an opening for many to a new playground of activity and excitement. To the criminal element, it was a time where they could be more open, clinging to the shadows to hide their dark designs. But as much as Sega City was truly a place for people to be active twenty four hours a day, most forumers found themselves in a regular schedule where they would come home to relax after a long day of work or play.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Camden Bayfield walked along the sidewalk toward her apartment complex, but her urgent stride indicated a need for speed. One hand adjusted the front of the jacket she wore over her blue and white uniform, a modification she had made on her Sailor Scout uniform so as to be more practical for her work. She looked anxiously behind her, as if expecting to see someone standing there, yet she was surprisingly alone on this night. This did not ease the feeling of paranoia that she felt as she continued toward the building.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I hate this, she thought as she reached the apartment building and walked through the front door. This opened immediately to a stairwell that led up and up into the building, and she began ascending the stairs, her steps no less hurried than when she was on the street. I enjoy my job as an agent of SONIC, and it feels like my life has purpose now where it didnt before. But...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She stopped again, and she leaned out over the railing edge of the stairwell, brushing back her short ginger hair away from her face to look first up, and then down, and then up again. There was nothing unusual about what she saw, the well-lit stairs hiding no secrets. And yet her expression remained tense as she continued up the stairs.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But there are nights when I feel like Im being watched, thought Camden as she came up to her door and dug around in her pocket. It isnt so bad when Vass is able to come home with me, but lately hes been on so many night missions. It feels like its been happening for so long...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She pulled out her keys, unlocked the door, and entered into the darkened apartment. She locked the door behind her, and leaned back against it, closing her eyes as her mind tried to reason out this feeling of eyes watching her. It seems like it started after the Inferno incident...I think the first time was when we were fighting against the army that Pyroclad and Evil WB had sent to attack the city. There were those soldiers who were behind me...but they didnt get the chance to shoot. When I turned around, they were-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She involuntarily shuddered at the grisly memory of their bodies, and at other memories that she wished she didnt have from that terrible, terrible turning point in her life. Things that she regretted doing. But she also knew that if she hadnt done those things, it could have been her life that ended, or the life of the man she knew at the time as Scorpion Knight.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Yet...the feeling I have of being watched, theres something about it that seems so familiar. Maybe thats why it sets me on edge. Because it feels like theres something about it that I should remember...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Her eyes still closed, Camden pushed herself from the door and unbuttoned her jacket, allowing herself the guilty pleasure of casually tossing it onto a nearby chair before opening her eyes and stepping through the darkened dwelling. She knew the layout of the apartment exactly, the result of training in case an emergency happened and she had to get around the apartment in the dark. The thought of Vass being so serious and practical about training her like that brought a momentary smile to her face, but that smile fell away, the memory of how they first met and what it had led to was filled with as much heartache as it was happiness.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She walked into the bedroom, where a sliding glass door leading to a small balcony allowed the illumination from the moon and the night lights to dimly outline the room. There was of course the bed itself, a walk-in closet nearby, and a dresser set against the far wall with a mirror framed on top of it. Her feet, clad in blue knee-high boots, slipped softly over the carpeted floor to the dresser.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I really shouldnt, Camden thought, her fingers hovering out in front of her in a moment of indecision. I...I have a new life now. I have to stop living in the past...but it always helps me feel better...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The moment passed, and she gripped the handle of the top dresser drawer and pulled it open. Digging underneath the clothes laying inside, she found what she was looking for and drew it out. It was a piece of paper, dog-eared and off-white from age. She numbly sat down onto the bed, her attention centered on that paper. She had already read it so many times that she did not need to turn on the light to understand the writing, dark and clear as the day she had first set eyes onto it.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp C-Camden Bayfield, she read aloud shakily, I have finished collecting everything that I need. I am about to conquer Sega City. Please stay outside of the city tomorrow until it is over.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tears filled her eyes as she continued, her voice wavering but pressing on. And despite how hard it was to say, a certain warmth filled her heart as she did so. Nevertheless, as she came closer to the ending of the short letter, she found herself unable to finish it. As confident as I am, I may yet fail. I may never see you again. That would be my only true regret should I die. Be strong. Know that I...that I...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp That I love you. Bayfield.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Camden sprang to her feet, her combat reflexes kicking in at the sound of the voice that came from the darkened corner of the room next to the window. Quickly wiping her tears, she tried to make out the shadowy figure who stood there. But it took her mind a little longer to process the voice that she had just heard, and her heart suddenly skipped a beat inside of her as she stared, unable to turn away.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The figure reached out, and flicked on the light switch, the overhead light in the center of the rooms ceiling illuminating the room entirely. The figure pulled back the hand quickly beneath the tattered and dirty gray cloak around them, but Camden saw a familiar pattern of red and green, and the cloak did not reach down all the way to cover the smooth carapace armor on the figures legs. She drew in her breath sharply, though her body relaxed suddenly as if the light switch had been connected to her muscles. I-it cant be...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Youve kept my letter to you, said the figure again, the deep voice emanating from the hooded head. Even after you have not seen me for more than three years. Even though there was no evidence left that I was yet alive.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp B-but I saw...I saw the reports after it happened... stammered Camden, the reality in front of her not fully coming into focus. Tergonaut...he shot you with that huge beam, you disappeared, you were-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Killed? Do I look dead to you?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The figure reached up and undid the simple clasp that held the cloak together, allowing it to fall away. The humanoid figure stood in smooth pale green carapace, a complex system of sharp-edged crimson shell components forming boots, gauntlets, chest plate and shoulder guards. The helmet of the armor was sleek and red, two black spidery eyes the size of compact discs framing a set of six smaller black dots between them. Starting from about the forehead, a triangular jagged piece of bone formed a gently-backswept spike that terminated in a sharp point.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There were some minor differences that Camden could see in the armor, but there was no mistaking the person who stood in front of her.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Terrornaut...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The helmet nodded, and the armored person stepped closer to her. It is I, acknowledged that deep voice that vibrated ever so subtly, and Camden felt it tug on her heartstrings. I have waited so long for this moment, to let you see me once again.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She stared up at those unblinking black eyes as they came closer to her, the feelings inside of her mixing ever so quickly. Fear, longing, anxiety, disbelief, all of these came freely and flowed inside of her. Hes here...hes actually alive! Hes been alive all of this time...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Suddenly, this last realization brought on an anger that swept away all of her other feelings, and she held up a hand in front of her, just short of Terrornauts armored chest. Her eyes, though damp, were filled with untempered rage. You were alive this entire time, and you never came to see me until now?! she seethed, blinking away her tears so that she focused her undimmed glare.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Terrornaut stopped advancing just in front of that outstretched hand, and waited silently. Camden could not tell the reason he kept silent, and that only made her anger seem all the more justified against him. You left me alone for three years, she said, her hand trembling in anger as the fingers curled into a fist. You left me clinging to a memory and feeling guilty all this time, and then you come to show your face to me now? How dare you!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She pulled back her fist and punched Terrornauts green stomach, where the armor was thinner. Though it hurt her hand and her heart, she did this again and again, punching with the same force that she used against terrorists and thugs. Terrornauts body bent slightly under each punch, but there was no sound from his mouth, and he did not try to step out of the way or stop her.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp How dare you! How dare you show up now when Ive finally got my life together, when I feel like Ive gotten past you! How dare you be alive now when Ive finally accepted that you were dead!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Why isnt he stopping me?! she thought as she delivered another powerful blow to Terrornauts midsection. I know this hurts him, I know hes stronger than me. He cant be...he cant be...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He did not resist her, did not show weakness but did not get away. Tears welled up in her eyes all over again and she weakly punched him one last time before she fell forward, her arms leaned against his chest as buried her face against him. How dare you, she said quietly, and she felt his arms slowly reach up and around her, gently enclosing about her.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Because Ive come to tell you why it has taken me three years to come back to the woman I love, he said, his voice rumbling in his chest.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She sobbed against him, her feelings jumbled up inside of her. She could not bring herself to hate him, even after all of the pain that losing him had brought for so long. She just wished that things hadnt turned out as they did, that she could have gone back and changed her life so she could have been ready for this moment...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp After Tergonaut...defeated me, said Terrornaut, I fled underneath Sega City, deep in the sewers and ground where no one could find me. Though still alive, I was wounded terribly and needed time to heal. I also knew that I was not powerful enough to accomplish my objective. Despite all of my preparations, I could not beat Tergonaut. So I forced the bio-suit to form a crystal cocoon, and for two years I waited inside of it. Two years of deliberately putting myself under incredible heat and pressure, two years of induced mutation to strengthen myself so that I could emerge a new being.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Camden listened, her sobs quieting as his voice soothed a part of her heart she thought had died that day so long ago. He continued. I knew that Tergonaut would return from his world, and I waited for him to arrive. One day I detected an interdimensional portal, and I awakened from my cocoon and went to investigate. I expected to find Tergonaut, but instead I found someone else...the woman named Stahlmansche.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Stahlmansche. That name was familiar to Camden, and seemed so disconnected to everything else. That was a name she had seen in newspaper articles, in special files at the SHQ Tower, on television commercials. Georgia Stahlmansche, the red-headed executive who had started an entire company practically overnight, a month before GM: Inferno.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She was from Tergonauts world, and she had escaped his wrath to come here. With my help, she became one of the top corporate leaders in Sega City. She, and Tergonaut, are both parts of a new plan that I am bringing to fruition. But ever since Ive awakened, ever since the Inferno incident, Ive been watching you...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So it was you, she said, bringing her face up to look at him. You were the one who killed those soldiers. You were the one whos been watching me this entire time.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Yes...I admit, Bayfield, that I was afraid to talk to you, to let you see me after what the mutation I went through had done to me. Perhaps the only time I have ever felt fear in my life. It has taken this long to finally find the courage to show myself to you...and to tell you what else there is left for me to do.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Camden wiped her tear-stained face as Terrornaut released her and took a step back from her. But Terror, I...I dont care whats happened to you. Even if you changed into something else, you...youre still special to me. That wont ever change.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Then are you prepared to see what Ive become underneath the bio-suit?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There was something foreboding in the way that Terrornaut said this that made Camden pause, but she nodded. Im not afraid.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As you will, said Terrornaut. Camden remembered how she had seen him take off the armor before, how it seemed to shrink and crawl away underneath his skin and clothes. And now it was happening all over again, like the first time she had seen him without the armor, without the mask. The organic armor pulled itself into Terrornauts body...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And Camden gasped.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There, standing before her in a skintight black bodysuit, was a woman. She was a tall and buxom woman, her frame built with muscles yet retaining feminine curves. Her face, hands and neck were uncovered, revealing skin that was deeply tanned to a golden brown. The hair on her head was slightly frizzy, long and blonde, tied up into a conservative ponytail.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But despite those differences, despite this incredible change, Camden looked into this womans eyes. They were the exact same turquoise color that they had always been, the eyes of the man she loved.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Wow...shes hot, she found herself thinking, stunned beyond belief.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp During the mutation process, I had forgotten to consider the effects of the Sailorness Virus on my system, explained the woman, her voice deep but feminine and smooth without the bio-suit to muffle or distort it. It combined traits of my Sailor form, Sailor Crusader, with my own body. I am stronger as a result, but as you can see, it had...unexpected side effects.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But...but its not permanent, is it? asked Camden. And either way, youre still Terrornaut, right?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The woman nodded, something deep and meaningful held in those eyes. You have become stronger yourself. But for now, changing back is not an option.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Its part of something youre trying to do now, said Camden, her mind putting together the pieces of the puzzle. That plan you mentioned...youre pitting Stahlmansche and Tergonaut against each other, arent you?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp They were already sworn enemies long before I put my hand into things, said Terrornaut. But it only serves my purposes well, for now.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Are you trying to take over again?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Would you try to stop me if I was?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Camden faltered, but stepped forward. You know I wouldnt. But after your plan is finished, what about us?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Terrornaut crossed her arms in front of her casually. What about Scorpion Knight?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Camdens heart felt like it had just been jabbed with a red-hot poker. He...I...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I do not blame you, said Terrornaut immediately, turning to Camden and putting her hands onto her shoulders. You thought I was dead, and he is quite persuasive. But you understand that it complicates things. And I wont ask you to leave him for me. There is time to think; my plans arent going to be finished for a while yet.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Camden felt her mind whirling around all of the implications of this. She had just met the man she loved who she thought once dead, who was now alive and a woman. Under different circumstances, this situation could be laughable, the subject of some crazy cartoon or sitcom. But this was happening now, this was reality. Terror, I...its so much. I have to take the time to think.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Then do so, said Terrornaut simply as she removed her hands from the Sailor Scouts shoulders and opened the sliding glass door that led outside. The brisk air prickled Camdens skin with goosebumps as it swept in through the open door. I shall leave now.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Wait!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Terrornaut stopped as Camden threw her arms around her neck. Promise me...promise me that even if your plan doesnt work out, that youll come back for me. That you wont... Camden thought carefully how to word how she felt. You wont die again. Promise me that, if nothing else.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Terrornauts arms were around her, supporting her, because she realized it, and Camdens heartbeat quickened as Terrornaut leaned close to her, looking directly into her eyes. I promise, Camden Bayfield, she said, and then kissed her.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Camden did not care that she was kissing a woman; she only saw the man that she knew loved her, and would keep his promise.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It was sweet, if brief, but then Camden felt herself being disengaged from Terrornauts embrace, and she watched dazedly as Terrornaut gave one last smile before the bio-suits carapace slipped into place around her body. She stepped out onto the balcony, and gigantic dragonfly wings extended from her back.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And with a buzz of wings, she was gone.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Camden closed the balcony door, and she walked back over to the nearly-forgotten note that seemed to have started this entire complicated affair. Sitting next to it was a single, perfect crystalline flower, the bloom iridescent in the light. She knew where it had come from, and it completed the reality of what had just happened.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There was still so much more to think about and realize, but Camden knew there was still time. She chose to relish the new memory she had made as she hugged the letter to her chest, a fresh new strength springing up inside of her.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She turned out the light.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Is she a part of your plans, too?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp No. Unlike you, I was attracted to her for reasons that...I still do not understand. And I do not mind. She will not affect anything.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Good. Ill be coming back to Sega City soon. I hear theres a wedding going to happen at the end of the week.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut and Gingersnap?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Judging from what youve told me, Stahlmansche is planning on making her next move. We have to watch carefully. This may be the opportunity for me to come back.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Indeed. But for tonight, I wish to be alone. Good night, Cookarai.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Good night, Terrornaut.

Characters featured:
Camden Bayfield copyrighted to Craig Bayfield
Terrornaut copyrighted to Tergonaut
Vass, Scorpion Knight copyrighted to Mobius TetherBlood
Cookirini, Gingersnap copyrighted to Cookirini

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

Wow! That's some good writting there. =3 I kinda figured the girl was Craigs character. Neat story. Is there going to be more?

Posts: 2438
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This is actually a part of an entire series of correlated stories following my characters, Tergonaut and Terrornaut. They are set in the Mobius Forum World (you can find more info on that here). While there are a lot of events and background that are mentioned in this story that have never been previously mentioned, my website has all of the current stories and events that have happened (minus a few that I haven't updated it with yet). is the webpage with the stories and background information for Tergonaut, Stahlmansche and Terrornaut.

But one of my other goals with this series is to expand not only on my own characters, but upon the Mobius Forum World itself. I really think there is an untapped potential there for adventures of all kinds to happen. But there's still lots of plotstuffs for Tergonaut to go through before he reaches the current final destination I have for him.

Do not worry, more where this came from. ;)

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

Oh! Cool! I'll have to check it out. :3

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

As always, excellent work, Terg! =D

w00t Stahl! X3

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Return of Terrornaut! Woo!

And he's now a hot she!

Excellent writing dude, and may it continue for many more.

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Terrornaut has always been hot - just switched genders now. XP I purposefully made him physically and mentally stronger than Tergonaut in many ways, mostly to frustrate Tergonaut.

Of course, addressing the issue of a lack of background (which I know is a problem since I've done a lot of the background material for a lot of this only in the AIM chat), I'm thinking of actually writing stories to cover major past events besides the two I current have on my site, which cover the last major battle between Terrornaut and Tergonaut. Also, some major plot points, like when Terrornaut first appeared or the first time the Sterling Shogun and Electra Pink showed up, were only brought up in RPs. I have covered these events in my more lecture-y "retro-conned" pieces, but more as notes in history than actual events. Other things include the development of the Tergobot (which was meant to be a more humorous story where Tergonaut would have to track down the malfunctioning Tergobot, who would go around and try to "arrest" people for various "offenses" that it misconstrued them doing), and the origin of Overkill - the demonic abomination that took over Tergonaut's body and went on a rampage. These are all things that would be interesting to expand upon and develop, and would help people understand why Tergonaut and Terrornaut are where they are at today.

My main difficulty has been finding the time to sit down and write them, and the inspiration and ideas to expand the stories so that they were worth writing. And having a more vocal fanbase would be nice. XP What do you all think, are the lecture-y things enough or what more of the past would you all like to see?

I haven't forgotten the story I've been working on with Stahlmansche financing a major dig, and the wedding of Justin and "Cookirini." I've been talking with individuals about their parts involved in the story that I've been constructing so far; I'm mostly sticking to those people who have volunteered their characters or who have used their characters in the MFW universe before, but I'm also open to suggestions and ideas for new Tergostories if people want to see their character team up with Tergonaut - possibly even Terrornaut, now that the grand secret is out.

Also, what was everyone's reaction to what happened to Terrornaut? I've been planning him transforming into a girl ever since around Christmas 2003, as an extra surprise for those familiar with Terrornaut from before. I was remaking a lot of my characters as females at the time (Stahlmansche's first name was originally George, not Georgia), working from the humorous angle that it would be funny to make most if not all of the villains that Tergonaut went up against female.

Posts: 3468
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Good boy, Terg.

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Posts: 774
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so's the wedding gonna be a mofic or an rp?

Posts: 2438
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Current plan: the wedding will be a fic. Obviously any plot points and things that other people want to do should either be done in separate stories beforehand, or in other RPs, as appropriate. Or you can contact me and talk to me about integrating things into this story, as necessary.
