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Need some ideas for a biblical alphabet. -updated.

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Edit: read latest post.

well, the title says it all, to be honest. :p
for my university project this year, i'm going to illustrate an alphabet book for children and i've chosen the bible as my theme.

but what objects and people and places from the bible to use, i can't quite fully decide yet.

so, any suggestions?

So far,

A - Angel
B - Bible / Bethlehem
C - Cross / Christ
D - David / Daniel
E - Elijah / Easter
F - Faith / Forgive
G - God / Gospel
H - Heaven / Hell
I - Isacc / Israel
J - Jesus / Jerusalem
K - Kingdom (of heaven)
L - Light (of the world) / Lazarus
M - Mary (jesus' mum)
N - Nativity / Noah
O - Obediah
P - Prayer
Q - Questions / Quiet
R - Revelations
S - Song of Songs / Saints
T - Testaments
U - Unquenchable
V - Vashti (?) / Vengeance
W - World (having been created)
X - Xerxes
Y - Yahweh
Z - Zephaniah / Zedekiah

i found a bible alphabet already online, but it's not that great with 'c = clouds' and 'i = ice'.
but it had a little rhyme as well, which i thought was nice.

"M is for mary, Jesus' flesh and blood
N is for Noah, saved from the flood."

(thanks to my dyslexia, i'm allowed to ask for help like this. huzzah, huzzah)

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C for Crucifix maybe?

first thing I could think of. Not that it's particularly great for a children's book, but still.

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i sort of need more then just one idea, i need an entire alphabet. ^^;

but yes, C - Cross would be good. (cross instead of crucifix)

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How could you not think of Christ?

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because it seems logical to have J - Jesus. if i put in christ, he'll be mentioned twice. ^^;

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He's pretty important, so it wouldn't hurt to mention him twice.

Though Cain came to mind for me for C, or if you wanna stay away from the negative people in the Bible (not the best role models after all), maybe Cherubim?

P could be for Paul, who used to be Saul. E could be Elijah and Elisha. M could be Matthew, Mark, or Malachi. S could be Satan, although again there are alternatives like Simon Peter (Peter could be another P as well). B could be Bible, but also Bethlehem. Zedekiah could fit as a Z - that's one of the prophets after all. I could be for Isaiah! J could be Judas or Jerusalem. L could be Lucifer, but Lazarus who was raised from the dead would be better.

Hope this helps somewhat; I could probably go on and try to do more in-depth research into good words for this.

i found a bible alphabet already online, but it's not that great with 'c = clouds' and 'i = ice'.
but it had a little rhyme as well, which i thought was nice.

Hee hee, that rhymed. ^^

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M is for mary, Jesus' flash and blood

Jesus flashed people?

Posts: 2016
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Can we get a list so we know what's already been done?

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V is obviously for Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter

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list in first post updated, still need a few more places, objects or names. ^^;

sorry to be asking for so much help, but i've no access to a bible right now to look it up myself. ^x;

Posts: 2016
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I = Isaac/Isiaah? I'm pretty sure that's meant to be a positive name somewhere in the bible. I'm not too sure about, Isiaah, though, I think I might have that spelt wrong, or gotten things mixed up.

O = Our Father? Like how a prayer starts.

And I guess maybe for the harder ones you're gonna have to get those silly biblical alphabets off the 'net.

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i might go for silly, it's not like anyone will be properly looking at my work. :p

thanks for the help so far, i think i have enough to go on for now. ^^ (but if you want to add some more, please do!)

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Alrighty, a change to the idea!

i'm going to keep it a bible-based alphabet, but make it more christmas themed.

i don't need a ton of ideas this time, but about 10 would be nice.

so far i have,

A - Angel
B - Bethlehem
C - Christ
D - ..donkey?
E - ?
F - ?

Posts: 432
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UH, I did'nt read all the posts but in the first post you seem to be missing "Y" so may I suggest "Yahweh"?

I, uh... wikipedia will explain it better.


Yahweh is a proposed English reading of , the name of the God of Israel, as preserved in the original consonantal Hebrew Bible tex

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thanks for the suggestion, but if you read my last post, you'll see that i've changed my idea. ^^;

Posts: 1984
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I - Immanuel

F- Father

S- Star

W- Wise men

J- Jesus

M- Myrrh EDIT: (Or Perhaps "Mary" heh. Can't forget her)

Another F - frankincense

T- Tax (lol not very christmasy but i was thinking about the whole 'paying taxes to Ceasar part)

Posts: 2234
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Yeah, frankincense, gold and mmyrh would be great adittions.

I = Inn?
S = Stable?
As for X, good luck. :crazy

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like i said, i only need about 10 ideas.. the more you can think of, the better. ^.^; as long as i have at least 6, i should be okay.

thanks for the ideas so far!

Posts: 841
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"Manger", where Jesus lay 😮

"Inkeeper"? The nice one who lent Mary and Joseph his stable though.

Or you could go with some good old fashioned Monty Python with "Brian" NO HIS NAME'S BRIAN YOU HAVE THE WRONG STABLE. But I'll still have the gold and... francinsense... =(
Your lecturers might not appretiate that though.

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pah to my tutors, this is my final year and i can negociate to do almost what i want as long as it's within the bounds of 'illustration'. if i wanted to do a comic featuring the photographic life of a killer tomato, that'd be fine. :p

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S is for smiting.

V is for vengeful old testament god.

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H- Holy Spirit

D- Drummer Boy

B- Birth

My parents haven't been to church for more than a year, so my bible skills are a little rough. o.o Even if it's Christmas related.

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..drummer boy? which version of the bible have you got? ^^;;

sorry by christmas i mean = nativity. jesus getting born and all that.

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The Drummer Boy story was pretty much all I could come up with. XD Despite the factuality of it, you did say that you wanted pretty much anything from the "Christmas birth" and such, and so I came up with Drummer Boy.

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I'd probably put J as Joseph, but then there's no Jesus D=

Unless, we remove Bethlehem, and put in Baby Jesus instead o.o But then no more Bethlehem. Oh well, at least we still have Mary.

Wait, no, Mrryh, or whatever is it.

Virgin Mary?

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J can still be Joseph, as Jesus can go as C for Christ. ^^

S can be shepherds, stable or star. hmhm.

Posts: 2016
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But, but, S is obviously for Santa!

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What about X? You have Xerxes, but I'm pretty sure that's unrelated to your current alphabet. I mean, seriously, was Xerxes even related to Christmas...? 'Cuz if he was...


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you're cruel SH, to give me silly ideas when i'm stuck using a mac with no photoshop for the weekend. :p *wants to edit that picture right now!*

and santa? obviously after the shepherds, wise men and the little drummer boy paid their respects to the baby jesus, santa popped up and gave him some chocolate to go with his other presents. oo

Posts: 2116
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A is also for Abraham.

F is also for frankincense.

G is for Gabriel (as in the archangel).

J is also for either Joseph (Jesus' stepfather or the one in the coat).

M is also for Mary Magdalene, Moses or mhyrr.

B is for burning bushes.

P is for Palm Sunday.

Z is for Zealotes (as in Simon) or Zacharias (the tax collector).

R is for Rebecca or Ruth.
