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New Comic Site I Made

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Posts: 509
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Check out the sprite comics on my site, (Scince i don't know how to do links) is the site "URL".

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Wow. I'm stunned. Lowered compression for blur, no backgrounds, no coherancy and some words without speech bubbles...

Little tip for the future, Socks. Firstly make your backgrounds first, judging by the white spaces in the letters without bubbles I'm guessing you did that last. Speech bubbles are a must, I can't read what's being said in the lines without.

Try google searching for sprite backgrounds. You'll find some easy.

Also, try not to save as JPEG, it'll do bad things. PNG usually works best.

Posts: 509
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I only want Sonic Sprite Backrounds and google will put up anything that has even just 1 of those words. And what I do is Copy and paste a sprite sheet on to paint, i use a tool to choose which sprite and bring them out, and pretty much leave them to the side and i draw the backround. Then i move the sprites to where i made the gray thingy at the bottom of the comic. And the blur, is because of the format it saves in. It informed me about this but that is just a minor problem that continues to happen. But thanks for checking out my site!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

If you type "sonic sprite backgrounds" or "sonic backgrounds" etc, it'll give those words as a combination. Using the quotation marks means that the words will be strung together and results will only come if they are in direct sequence.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

If you go to this website I'm linking here, it will let you download Irfanview, a program that can help you take an image that you made in MS Paint and transform it into a .PNG file like Craig suggested. What you would do after installing the program is to make a new comic in MS Paint, save it as a bitmap (.BMP) file, and then open the same file with Irfanview, and select "Save As" from the "File" section of the command bar. Then select .PNG (Portable Network Graphics) as the filetype to save as, and voila! A smaller pic than a .BMP but with the same quality and without the annoying blurring.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Too many bright colors...well the background color isn't's just boring. I also don't care for the fact that I have to side scroll...I don't think you need that little tidbit off to the side. You might as well bring it back to the center. Lose the sparkly header and go with a general one...

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Paint on Windows XP can make PNG's too.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Copying LWS's URL here and making it a link, seeing as though I'm too lazy to put that into my address bar.

Posts: 509
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Well i used backrounds for the 4th issue, that im posting to the site right now.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

Just a question: How long exactly did it take you to make these?

Your comic page itself could use some work... Even if the comics stay one panel, if you're going to have them all on one page, you should at least have some space separating them. I initially thought you just had one comic.

Also, checking your spelling always helps, you know.

Posts: 509
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Sorry, I will seperate them. But about the spelling... You can check thousands of other sprite comics and they pretty much all have bad grammar/spelling. And i am new to making sprite comics. Plus there isnt a spell check on MS Paint I know of.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

There isn't. It's actually up to you to pretty much make sure you don't make any errors. Sometimes your eyes won't catch everything, but the important thing is to try your best to find them.

I'm pretty sure all the sprite comics you've found had bad grammar/spelling, but I've read sprite comics that were pretty darn awesome. They're out there, you know.

I'm also pretty sure if you could find them, there are tutorials out there that can show you how to make an awesome comic using MS Paint.

I'm no sprite comic artist--I don't have the patience for it, truthfully--but I really hope this helps you in the long run.

Posts: 5
Active Member

Can you make a Sonic comic website for kids?:thumbsup

Posts: 509
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This... Is for children of all ages... well, at least 4 tand up! Heh, Heh!

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

Then I would recomend a name change. Sonadow is short for a Sonic/Shadow slash pairing and not all folks are cool with that. I'm not saying the two are mutually exclusive but slash is seldom seen in all-ages comics.
Also if you are looking for sprites Sonic Spriter's Network is the site that first helped me (the tutorials are nice and there is some ready made sprites from Genesis/Advance/etc. Shyguy Kingdom is another good bet as you can search by series or system and find many sprites, Sonic included.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

You seem to have taken people's advice about compression and speech bubbles to heart. This is good. One of the most jarring things that remains is the ugly blue boxes around your sprites. I assume you copy your sprites from a sprite sheet that uses that blue colour as the background colour, in which case it's easy to fix this.

1). Select the eyedropper tool.
2). Right click anywhere on the background of the sprite sheet. This selects the colour you clicked on as the background colour.
3). Change to the rectangular select tool.
4). Just below the toolbar, you'll see a panel with two options: both feature a picture of some shapes with part of the image selected. In one the selection has a white background, in the other the selection is see-through. Select the one with the see-through selection (should be the bottom one).
5). Copy & paste like normal. Paint will copy just the sprites but leave the blue box behind.

Another important matter is that of scale. You seem to be stretching your backgrounds and sprites, but you're stretching them by different amounts, which causes a clash of sizes and so your comic doesn't look as good as it could. I'd recommend not stretching or resizing your sprites and backgrounds at all, just leave them as is. This is the easiest way to keep the sizes consistent. If you must resize, make sure to resize all your sprites by the same amount as each other and also by the same amount in each dimension, so that the square pixels remain square. It's also preferrable to only resize by whole numbers (e.g. making the sprites 2, 3, etc. times bigger along each side), but that can be hard to do in Paint. Like I say, though, for best results its best not to resize at all.

Posts: 509
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Remember, I'm 8 years old. Sometimes computer stuff is very complex for me.

Posts: 2438
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Which is why Nuchtos did a step-by-step process for you. Remember, we're here to help you out in pursuing your creative dreams. If you want to do something but don't know how, ask; you'd be surprised how many able people we have around here who know how to do it.

Posts: 509
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Well im out of the sprit comic-ing business and back to what I love, fanfic-ing. Or Authoring. Or Writing. Whatever anyone wants to call it.

And, uhh, isn't an 8 year old a kid? If i'm a kid, it would be easiest to make stories about kids, and thats what I ussually do. So thid HAS to be a kids site.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Oi, you. I've told you before about editing posts for no reason, especially not when you edit to add nothing at all. You said you've given up on the site, which means there's no need for this thread any more, so you should just leave it be and give other topics a chance to be seen.

One more needless bump and I'm giving you an official warning.

Posts: 509
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What are you talking about? I didnt edit this one with blank edits, I didnt even edit this thing at all! Um, if your talking about the post where i said "Im 8 years old, sometimes computer stuff is hard for me!" I edited it because originally complex was mistakenly spelled "Compex".
