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New Fanart - Update: Sonic! (check first post)

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Posts: 1396
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Since it's been a while since I've posted any pics here, I thought I'd share my latest piece with you all.

SSBB Mario

Hope you like it, I should be doing some other game stuff sooner or later.

Update Oct 8th: Just finished a new pic, this time it's The Joker!

The Permanent Smile

Enjoy! :)

Update Oct 15th: Another pic for my fan art collection, and it's Sonic's turn!

SSBB Sonic

Not my best picture by any means, but it's nice to draw him again, especially now he's looking better than ever in Brawl!

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i especially like the flame effect in the fireball he's holding (throwing?) .. ^^

Posts: 981
Noble Member

"Shooting" may best describe it, Chibi.
I really like the paint job. Well done. Mario himself looks great too.

Posts: 1396
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Thanks! I have a few problems with Mario pic in retrospect, eyes and proportions seem odd, though I'm happy with the fireball!

I'll keep my pics in this thread, so please keep commenting if you like, all criticism is welcomed! :)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Mr. J looks helluva creepy o.o;;;

Well drawn.

Posts: 509
Honorable Member

Wow Robo! These are great pics! I could take LESSONS from you!

SO, mister, em, Robobotnik. What kind of advice would you give a younger artist? Well that wraps up this interview. Bye mr. Robobotnik!

Posts: 1396
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And as for advise, well all I can recommend is practice, look at the artists that you feel you have the most connection to in terms of style and feeling of their images, and always keep a picture you feel isn't good rather than rub it out or throw away, every mistake is a lesson afterall.

Hope that helps. :)

Posts: 509
Honorable Member

Thanks for the advice Robo!
