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New Hoaxes!

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I have put some new hoaxes so give credit here.

A battle versus all metal sonics.

All final and extra bosses fight Sonic and Tails.

What are Mario and Luigi doing there?

Why is Cream attacking her own mother?

Knuckles hates Tails for what he did.

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Hey! I can use MSPaint too!

Posts: 4607
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Please learn the meaning of "hoaxes"... these aren't ones, simply put. At best, they're mini sprite comics.

No, no, a hoax is something that at least VAGUELY looks like it could've been in the game, like this:

See, THAT looks like an in-game screen, although it's obviously not one (since when do you meet Sigma in Sonic Advance?). Yours are sprites tossed around all over the place, with dialogue that obviously would never happen in-game, at resolutions that are wholly unrealistic... simply put, if you were actually trying to fool somebody with those, you'd not get very far. Practice, really.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

To put it bluntly, they're crap. It looks like you just stole a few random sprites and slapped them onto a background using MS Paint. Try to make your "hoaxes" look a little more realistic, and put some more detail in your sprite placement. Polish up your cropping skills, too.

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You think I have enough money to make the hoaxes realistic? I did not used ramdom sprites. I'm using the sprites that are the ones people should really use. I'm talking about the Sonic Advance sprites. Not the Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Knuckles sprites.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

Money has nothing to do with it; even if you only have MS Paint it's possible to make your hoaxes look better than that. The game you took the sprites from doesn't have anything to do with it either. It's mainly the sprites themselves and the placement of them that counts. See, your sprites look poorly edited and just randomly placed. Just practice some more and you'll do well.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

While Deckman's right in what he said, I must ask...


I'm using the sprites that are the ones people should really use. I'm talking about the Sonic Advance sprites. Not the Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Knuckles sprites.

What the heck's wrong with the Genesis sprites? Frankly they can work better in some situations than the Advance ones do - namely, when put up against backgrounds taken from the Genesis games, which you used, and when paired with other sprites used from the Genesis games, which you used...

That's another thing: consistency. Don't mix different styles; it tends to look horrible and reduces the quality of a hoax (or even a sprite comic) significantly. If you like the Advance sprites so much, mix them with other Advance sprites, NOT with Genesis sprites. And vice versa.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I prefer the 16 bit, full sized Genesis sprites, they just look better. Knuckles lack of neck looks ridiculous when he's running in Sonic Advance, Cream's about the only character who looks good in the Advance series and that's because she got her first appearance for it.

I was impressed at first by the Metal Overlord sprite, but I assume you didn't make that.

But, still dudes, no need to be so elite and superior. For a first try at image/sprite manipulation it may not be cut and paste job, but it's alot better than some I've seen. Encourage the poor kid, rather than shooting him down.

I think, if you worked hard on it, and tried to add some creativity, besides cutting and pasting from sheets (and before you think it: RECOLOURING IS NOT CREATIVITY!) and you might just get somewhere. It's a long road to the top (if you wanna rock) but you've got to start somewhere.

Posts: 763
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Just for the record, what WOULD you call creativity, Craig?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Creating something.

Recolouring is just painting over something which is already there ;)

Posts: 462
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In the future, make sure you're BGs cover the whole scrren. Having white edges makes it feel more like a edit than a hoax, so use a tool to crop. Also, unless you made every sprite yourself you should list the website or person who captured them. It's the polite thing to do.
With practice, you can your hoaxes to resemble actual screens more and more.

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You fail at hoaxing.
Enough said.

Posts: 513
Honorable Member

They are okay for what they are(There better then I could do), I will agree that being consistent if using existing sprites is a must.

P.S. Do a google search for Ultimate Paint. Its leaps and bounds above MS Paint comes in a freeware version.

Posts: 146
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Should a hoax look more realistic like this.

Posts: 4607
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Yes. Still have a few errors, so here's some constructive (note that, constructive) criticism:

  • If possible, try and use the original HUD. It adds a lot to the quality of the hoax.
  • Work on your mixing of sprite types. So, if one has an outline, try having them ALL having an outline, or vice versa. In the most recent one, only Mega Man X there is the odd one.
  • Crop the images to remove white space.
  • Other than that, getting better.

    Posts: 110
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    Hoax OMG

    o.o **Flees**

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    try and use the original HUD. It adds a lot to quality of the hoax.

    I couldn't find anything. I couldn't find the original HUD.


    Work on your mixing of sprite types.

    I didn't mix any of those sprites. I used KingBooPingo's ultimate form. He let me use it. That Yoshi is one of his partners known as Yoshi-Boo.


    only Mega Man X there is the odd one.

    That is not MegaMan X there. That is another of KBP's teamates named Blue Shadow.

    Posts: 178
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    What SH means by mixing sprites is that you have various different styles on the same page. Mixing is only used as a creative description for crappy dance tunes and hard core drinks.

    And If you ask around I'm sure someone will find one for you. (HUD) I think it's possible to get it from leaf forest zone, but I don't know the url, or even if that's the name.

    Also, this is an improvement, but work on consistency, and getting the text lined up accuratly ^^

    Posts: 146
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    Well why not someone give me the original HUD.

    Posts: 4607
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    You get a game screen and crop it out yourself. It's actually pretty easy, I've done it several times. It's easier, too, when you consider that the Genesis HUD (which you're trying to emulate) consists of, like, 2 colors, which usually stand out from the background.

    Posts: 146
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    I got those sprites from the spriters resources.
    P.S. Never give them credit.

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    And that has nothing to do with what I said. Plus never giving credit equates to theft, and I don't condone that.

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    Plus never giving credit equates to theft

    It is not a theft because they are the company that made them.

    Posts: 4607
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    It IS theft because somebody had to go through the hard work of ripping those sprites from the game. Not crediting them in the slightest is just flat-out LAME.

    But then, you DID credit your source (The Spriter's Resource), so I don't know why we're talking about this - especially since it still has nothing to do with what I'd said.

    Posts: 37
    Eminent Member

    Umm, may I ask, why is it you guys get in such a huff about "stealing sprites from people" when ALL the sprites are stolen from SEGA??? :eek :

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    Shadow hog you are lost. When I was in the spriters resources I was looking for Donky Kong sprites. And The guy who showed them was toberry2k. Tonberry2k is a great spriter unlike the greedy spriters. Tonberry2k always says when he makes sprites "free use" He always tells people to use DK sprites for free.

    Posts: 4885
    Illustrious Member

    Again, credit has nothing to do with Shad's critisism.

    Also, it's just plain polite, just because there isn't a sign saying "Please wash your hands before leaving the toilet" doesn't mean that you shouldn't.

    The point is more around the fact that he's using several different systems graphics in one "hoax"

    I'll go one better and piece it apart:

    1. Zone Title cards do not appear midway through the stage

    2. You didn't even attempt to "hoax" the scores/rings and instead used Comic Sans

    3. GBA + PS1 + Genesis/Mega Drive do not a good hoax make.

    4. Just admit it, you're not hoaxing at all, just change the title or description to mini-sprite comics or something.

    Posts: 4607
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    Pretty much what Craig said. Free use or not, it's still polite.

    And I've been using sprites arguably longer than you have been, so I'm hardly "lost".

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    I never credit sprites unless they're customs.
    Sure, it's nice that there's people who are willing to go to the trouble of ripping the sprites from the game, but if the sprites aren't THEIRS, they shouldn't have the gall to ask me to credit them for their use.
    If you're going to rip sprites, do it because you like to help people. Not because you want to see your name on someone's sprite comic.

    I'm not talking about asking nicely for a small bit of credit if you're using them on a public comic, but the 'NO STEELING OR ELSE I FIND AND KILL U' warnings really irk me.

    That is all.

    Posts: 59
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    Read this. You don't have to rip your own sprites for the characters, and you can get backgrounds here, but do the rest.

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    I never give credit sprites unless they're customs.

    That's the same thing I do Wonderbat.

    Posts: 3756
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    Arg. Ignore.

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    Those guys really did do well on the backgrounds. But I can't understand what they say and what language are they speaking.

    Posts: 4607
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    You'd think ".fr" would be an indication?

    French, BTW.

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    Tomberry2k is a great spriter unlike greedy spriters.

    That's true he always says free use. There was these Mario and Lugi Superstar saga styled Mario RPG sprites for custom. They were free use!

    Posts: 383
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    First, on the Subject of the "hoax".

    Actually, THAT can be considered a hoax. Not a great one, but yes, it can be. He did include the rings, score and timer, even if they arn't the right font. No, title cards don't appear in the middle of levels, but how do you know that it's not just going away, and leading into a cutscene? (it hasn't ever happened in a game YET, but he might be thinking differently. o.o Not to mention, having the title card in the middle could also classify it as a "thechnical Hoax", as are some of the Hoaxes on SHQ.) It could use some work, but MUCH better then your previous attempts.

    Also, on the subject of spriting:

    If you use sprites, and the sheet asks for credit, you give it. If it doesn't, it's polite to, but you don't have to. If you ripped it yourself, Credit Sega, otherwise, You don't have to. Unless you hand made a sheet of a Sega Char, then you have to.

    Also, KBP and SET, they arn't "greedy spriters" They simply don't want someone to steal their work and say it's theirs just because they didn't put a notice on there.

    I think I covered everything...
