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New made up game: Super Smash Bros All-Stars.

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Posts: 1321
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In ssbas you can be all the nintendo chacters (e.g. Mario, Pickachu)SEGA charaters (e.g. Sonic, Knuckles)and Playstation charaters (e.g. Spyro, Crash) you collect tropies and all that. 200 event match all star fighting game
Abivalbe:Playstation 2

Ex. Sonic=homing attack,spin dash etc
Knuckles=Super Punch, uppercut 360o, glide etc
What do you all think (by the way its just a joke so dont say any legal stuff. thx) give rating please out of 5.

Posts: 71
Estimable Member

That was always my dream.

I think you forgot Mega Man and Co., 'cause I love that character. As for what you mentioned earlier, this is what I had thought the Sega/Crash/Spyro/Megaman characters would be:

Nintendo: Everybody from Super Smash Bros Melee.

Sega: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Big, Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Espio, Charmy, Vector.

Crash/Spyro: Crash, Coco, Dr. Cortex, Tiny, Spyro, Hunter, Bianca, Sheila, Agent 9.

Megaman: Megaman, Bass, Protoman,
From MM#2: Metalman, Airman, Bubbleman.
From MM#3: Snakeman, Hardman, Geminiman.
From MM#4: Toadman, Pharaohman, Skullman.
From MM#5: Napalmman, Starman, Gyroman.

I agree with you, Shendu. With such a huge cast of fighters, I'm sure you'll have all 5 stars on that idea of yours.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

and now try and build a full catalogue of moves for each character without making them seem like carbon copies.

Looking at Street Fighter Alpha 3 and the Marvel Versus Capcom games; all I can say is: you can't.

Posts: 71
Estimable Member

I think Craig has a point, Shandu. Please try to think up some moves for all the characters I mentioned.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Funny thing is, this could never be a possibility. Rival companies (ie, Sony and Nintendo) would never collaborate on a project like this.

Posts: 1321
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it is just a joke anyway ill start making the catalog it will be ready 10/10/05 thx raccon for the reveiw p.s cube & play are rivals but sega,cube are not carbon copies? wats that?

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Good Idea.
Not possible, but you get an "A" for effort.
But a "D" for explanation.

Posts: 1321
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ITS just my idea and am making a catalog i know its never going to be real . everyones a critic

Posts: 3291
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but this forum is for real projects, or ones you're planning to do.

if you wanted a joking topic, them i'd suggest possibly the SPA as this forum is for discussing and improving stories, pictures and ideas, so we're critising in a freindly way as that is the point of this forum.

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Can anyone else see this guy being another KingBooPingo?

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Pretty cool idea. Would always be interesting to see Sonic in a brawl against Bowser. Maybe even re-live Sonic vs Mario: The Duel! :lol

WARNING: Link contains sprite-based graphic violence, gore

A catalogue of moves eh? Sounds interesting. Would be really great to see some. I might want to contribute but heck, it's your project not mine. ;)

Posts: 1321
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Here are some of the characters and if you want to give me ideas then say so.:thumbsup

by the way it would help if you played the game before. if you got any questions about what a move does then say so.

Characters moves part 1:

Sonic The Hedgehog:up + b= Sonic Tornado (Sonic makes a tornado that lifts him up in the air and damages other people near).
down + b= Spin bounce (sonic bounces like a ball and can be moved for 5 bounces hurts emenmy)
b= Spin dash (like in most Sonic games, sonic curls up into a ball and fires in a dirction.)

Tails Prower:up + b= Fly (fly upward for 5 sec).
down + b= Tail spin (tails turns his tails 360o)
b= Punching glove ( Fires punching glove 2 metres.)

Knuckles the Echinda:up + b= Skyward Meteor (knuckles flies upward in a meteor style jump).
down + b= dig (digs underground and punches up after pressing b or after 5 sec).
b= Knuckle punch (knuckles charges a punch and afterwards he makes a blow).

Shadow the Hedgehog:up + b= jet boot hover (lifts up in the air).
down + b= spin dash (same as sonics).
b=Chaos Control (he is invisible for 3 sec, only can be used every 20 sec).

part 1 completed.
part 2 soon. Ideas and rating expected.:thumbsup

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Sorry but this game NEEDS Jak, Daxter, Dark Jak and Light jak...

and you could pretty much port the in game controls from the three Jak games almost exactly. You could even have 2 Jaks, young Jak and old jak, the older jack has weaker attacks but can use a gun (say like Falco???)

Posts: 0
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Pretty good, but here's how I envisioned the movesets for Sonic Chars:

Sonic The Hedgehog:up + b=Homing Attack (Acts like Pikachu's quick attack)
down + b= Spin Dash(You know, Spin Dash. can charge up for more power like Yoshi or Jigglypuff)
b= Sonic Wind/Wave(Sonic fires wind bursts in whatever direction he's facing,longer you hold B the larger and faster the blasts are)
>+b= Sonic Speed(Dashes forward very quickly,spinkicks at the end of his range or when he reaches someone, then dashes back to where he started)

Miles 'Tails' Prower:
Up + B= Fly (flies for a limited amount of time, controllable, by rapidly tapping up you can fly faster but for less distance)
Down+ B= Tailspin (Spins around in a tornado and whips his tails around him, can be moved slightly to the left or right)
B= Bomb (throws a bomb in a low arc when standing, a high arc when jumping, and drops one straight down when using 'fly'.)
>+B= Tails Shot (Crouches low on the ground, hold to charge up power, then rockets forward with his tails behind him as propellers)

Knuckles the Echidna:
Up + B= Drill Uppercut (Shoots upward like a drill, can be used in any direction)
Down + B= dig (Digs under the ground (Dives first if in the air) and bursts upward, throwing rocks at anyone nearby, anyone hit by Knuckles either when this attack is used in the air or when Knuckles surfaces takes heavy damage)
B= Rock Cracker (A charge punch similar to DK's)
>+B= Glide Punch (Glides close to the ground and hits anyone in his way, can grab onto the edge of the stage in the air)

Shadow the Hedgehog:
Up + B= Chaos Control (Works like Mewtwo's or Sheik's teleport, causes slight damage to anyone touching him on either end of the attack)
Down + B= Spin Dash (Like Sonic's spindash)
B= Chaos Spear (Identical to Sonic Wind, but slower and does more damage)
>+B= Hyperdrive (Like Sonic Speed, but faster and more powerful with a much shorter range)

Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper:
Up + B= Jetpack (Boosts himself upward and damages anyone below)
Down+B= Landmine (Plants Landmines in the ground, when someone steps on them they will take damage)
B= Big Bang (Charges up and throws a giant cartoon bomb, the size is related to how long the charge is held, does low damage nonetheless)
>+B= Cork Gun (Works like a Super Scope item, can fire in rapid succession or charge up for a huge shot)

Amy Rose:
Up+ B= Hammer Jump (Jumps up with her hammer)
Down+ B= Hammer Tornado (Spins around with her hammer and shoots damaging hearts outwards)
B= Piko Toss (Throws her hammer in the direction she faces)
>+ B= Hammer Time (Dashes forward with her hammer flailing)

Cream the Rabbit & Cheese the Chao:
Exactly the same as tails, but replace bombs with Cheese)

Bean the Dynamite:
Same moves as Nack the Weasel, but faster and weaker.

Bark the Polar Bear:
Same moves as Knuckles the Echidna, but Slower and Stronger.)

Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik
(Notes: His throw shoots a little mechanical claw forwards to grab the opponent or ledge.)
Up+B= Egg Jet (Uses jets on shoes to fly straight upward, anyone he touches takes a random amount of damage and may be one-hit KO'd)
Down+B= Badnik (Crouches and places a randomly-selected Badnik on the ground, what it does is based on the type)
B= Egg Launch (Launches Forward like a rocket, anyone hit takes random damage)
>+B= Egg Cannon (Shoots Eggmissiles forward, have a random effect and damage on people hit)

Exactly the same as Eggman, but faster and weaker.

Team Chaotix:
Plays like the Ice Climbers, all three members on the battlefield at once, cannot use some moves if Charmy and Vector are KO'd.
Up+B= Team Jump (Vector grabs Espio's legs and throws him upward, then Espio grabs Charmy and throws him, and Charmy tosses a rope down and throws Vector and Espio back up like the Ice Climber's "Belay" move), if Charmy is KO'd, goes half the veritcal distance, if Vector is KO'd, move cannot be used at all and Espio gives a little hop)
Down+B= Stealth (Turns invisible for a short time with a smoke bomb that causes minimal damage, leaves a tiny distortion of the background while invisible)
B= Leaf tornado (Spins around and sucks Players and objects in and flings them about randomly, if the items hit anyone they cause damage)
>+B= Chaotix Dash (Like the Ice Climber's Squall hammer, only Espio shoots out running at high speed in the direction the Chaotix are travelling)

Metal Sonic= The same as Sonic, only with faster, more powerful special skills, weaker, slower attacks, and slower running speed.

Rouge the Bat:
Plays mostly like Knuckles, with a different Neutral B and is lighter, faster, weaker, and has different animations for all basic A attacks.
Up+B= Thunder Kick (Like Knuckles' Up+B)
Down+B= Dig (Same as Knuckles, projectiles have lower range and less damage but Rouge bounces higher and performs a weak grab on anyone caught)
B= Black Wave (Shoots black lightning bolts away from herself in a circle, only shoots straight down while in the air)
>+B Gliding Strike (Same as Knuckles' attack)

Posts: 1321
Noble Member
Topic starter

i like em:thumbsup . ha we could call the game super smash sonic: battle royal.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Eh, might wanna put a warning on that Newgrounds link, Emerald - not everyone might appreciate the maturity rating for that vid.

Heck I'll just edit in a brief warning for you, just wanted to let you know.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member


Looking at Street Fighter Alpha 3 and the Marvel Versus Capcom games; all I can say is: you can't.

Both of those games succeed in having as few carbon copies as possible and even those that are are usually different enough (ESPECIALLY in Marvel VS Capcom where characters are altered to be far more exagerated). The only problem is how different they can become, MvC2 feels very unbalanced at times (Serverbot VS Juggernaut).

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I hasten to disagree, even if the animations for various moves are different (though, in alot of cases, they're not) the move sets on some characters are just insanely akin to others. Fair play that the majority of the characters get a different mix, like Ken gets more punchy moves, Chun-Li gets more kick moves, Iron Man has ariel attacks, Cyclops is Ryu is Akuma is sortofDan.

Strider is Spider-Man with a blade. Mega Man and Roll are almost identical, and Mega Man is just a fusion of Cyclops and Strider.

As for Alpha 3, that game has only one move which cannot be done by just about any character with a different animation, and that's the Level 3 Alpha attack for Akuma/E.Ryu.

Using a jumping punch versus a jumping kick doesn't make it a different move. Fei Long's spinning Dragon Kick is the exact same as Ken's flaming Dragon Punch. All projectile attacks are the same, and any "move across the screen while windmilling" attack is the same, the only difference would be that Panty-Shot-Li does hers upside down so you can duck it.

Capcom fighters are imfamous for their lack of diversity.

The only innovation that MvC2 offered were summon attacks, which are the same for everyone, but with different speed or power. Zombie, Robot Dog, Rush, Servbot, Crow, Dog, Strider's robo-eagle thing. All the same, just different animation and effect.

Heck, you use the same dang buttons to activate them.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I think you're more pointing out similar characters, not carbon copies, Spiderman and Strider have similar attacks but there overall abilities are different, Spidey can swing at his enemies and has long ranged web balls as well as lacking the range of Stryder's sword. Similar characters will always be about, and moves will always appear similar, but the overall moveset plus the characters attributes are what make up the diversity. As you said, Fei Long's Flaming kick is a lot like Ken's Shinryuken uppercut but the characters in play are differently handled.

Also, Akuma is more like Ryu, not Dan, Dan is more like Sakura. 😛

Basically it's like this is nearly every fighting game, even Soul Calibur (which due to having weapons adds greater variation) has characters which use almost exactly the same styles as another (Misturugi and Yoshimitsu, Xhang Hua and Hwong, Asteroth and Rock), and Tekken Tag shows how many styles are doubled or even tripled throughout the series. I think Capcom deserves credit in doing a good job in creating variation among the 56 characters of MvC. And just just because two characters through the same kinda punch doesn't make 'em copies of one and other.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

and this is why I made the point that fighting games just can't do it, I was singling out Capcom because they insist on 70+ characters in a game, but every other fighter is guilty.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Well...I have been a bit pedantic today, still, about the idea this thread is about, I think a lot of the characters may not gel well, as much as I'd like to see Sonic take on Ratchet. I'm still hoping a decent idea for a Sonic and Mario game will one day be made, but until then I think crossovers should be more of a two company thing (Virtua Fighter vs Tekken might be nice).

I understand what you mean, Craig, all these characters would overkill the designers and animators.
